975 resultados para Universal soil loss equation (USLE)


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La cuenca del “Etang Pouillet” (Departamento del Sudeste, Haití), presenta unas tasas de erosión muy elevadas debido a la deforestación y a la práctica de la agricultura sin técnicas de conservación de suelos, lo que constituye un grave problema desde el punto de vista medioambiental y social, ya que la pérdida de productividad del suelo pone en peligro la seguridad alimentaria de los habitantes de la cuenca, mayoritariamente agricultores. Para la evaluación de las tasas de pérdidas de suelo se ha utilizado la metodología propuesta por la Ecuación Universal de Pérdidas de Suelo, U.S.L.E. (Universal Soil Loss Equation). Dicha evaluación estima pérdidas de suelo calificadas de altas (50 – 200 t ha/año) o muy altas (> 200 t ha/año) en casi el 90% de la superficie de la cuenca. Debido a las altas tasas de pérdidas de suelo, se propone una intervención integral de la cuenca. En dicha intervención se combinarán actuaciones técnicas de conservación de suelos para frenar la degradación del mismo y se incidirá en el trabajo con las comunidades para mitigar el impacto que realizan sobre el medio y asegurar una mayor durabilidad de las actuaciones correctoras.


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Rainfall erosivities as defined by the R factor from the universal soil loss equation were determined for all events during a two-year period at the station La Cuenca in western Amazonia. Three methods based on a power relationship between rainfall amount and erosivity were then applied to estimate event and daily rainfall erosivities from the respective rainfall amounts. A test of the resulting regression equations against an independent data set proved all three methods equally adequate in predicting rainfall erosivity from daily rainfall amount. We recommend the Richardson model for testing in the Amazon Basin, and its use with the coefficient from La Cuenca in western Amazonia.


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This study was developed in objecting to investigate the use and occupation of land in 1999, 2005, 2011 e 2015 and estimate soil degradation by laminar erosion and the relation with water quality in 2015 in the catchment basin of the Barro Preto river, Coronel Vivida – PR. For multitemporal analysis of use and occupation of land in the basin used in the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 images and Geographic Information System. The laminar erosion was estimated by the Universal Soil Loss Equation through the systematization of calculations of the factors that compose the equation in SPRING/INPE. The water quality of the studied river section was evaluated according to the Water Quality Idex and the Resolution CONAMA n. 357/2005. The multitemporal analysis of the use and occupation of land has demonstrated that basin is predominantly agricultural in all years studied, as well as the permanent preservation area presents it not regularized during the period in accordance with the Brazilian Forest Code in force. In relation the quantification of laminar soil erosion in the study period, the rainfall and runoff factor was estimated considering the rainfall data from 1986 to 2014 and resulted in a value of 11.573,47 MJ/ha.mm/a. The Dystrophic Red Latosol, Dystrophic Red Nitisol, Fluvisol and Leptosol soil erodibility factor were 0,0138, 0,0137, 0,0207, 0,0196 t.ha.h/ha.MJ.mm/a, respectively. The topographical factor has demonstrated that the catchment basin has the rough terrain because the moderate and moderate strong classes are dominant in the study area. The cover and management and support practice factors were estimated according to the multitemporal analysis of the use and occupation of land in the basin and the values ranged from 0,0006 to 0,0688. The soil losses by laminar erosion were simulated with agriculture areas with corn and soybeans in no-till. The soil losses with maize crop in no-till in 1999, 2005, 2011 and 2015 were 9.782,75, 10.592,71, 9.636,61 e 11.058,26 t/year, respectively, and soybeans crops in no-till were 15.140,01, 16.645,20, 14.662,14 e 17.049,85 t/year, respectively. In relation with water quality of the section studied river, the average of Water Quality Index during the season were 55,47, 53,09 and 49,72, for the first, second and third sample point, respectively. Indication a decrease in water quality since the source to the last sample point. It is concluded that the use and occupation of land in the catchment basin interferes in the water quality, as well as in soil degradation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Water erosion is one of the main processes responsible for soil degradation, resulting in loss of parcels of land suitable for agriculture, to the loss of agricultural inputs and the resulting drift of pesticides and excess sediment to rivers, causing phenomena such as the siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Such a scenario makes it necessary to perform work of a technical and scientific to provide subsidies to land-use planning, in order to protect natural resources biotic and abiotic. To develop this work is necessary to find a unit of analysis capable of integrating the different elements of the landscape, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Therefore we adopt for this work the watershed as main unit studies. From this question, this project will focus on the assessment of surface water erosion through MEUPS (Equation Modified Universal Soil Loss) predictive model. With the aid of maps, remote sensing products, and the use of geotechnology, this study aims to evaluate for the for Natural Erosion Potential the basin of the Jacutinga river, located in Rio Claro - SP


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Runoff, soil loss, and nutrient loss were assessed on a Red Ferrosol in tropical Australia over 3 years. The experiment was conducted using bounded, 100-m(2) field plots cropped to peanuts, maize, or grass. A bare plot, without cover or crop, was also instigated as an extreme treatment. Results showed the importance of cover in reducing runoff, soil loss, and nutrient loss from these soils. Runoff ranged from 13% of incident rainfall for the conventional cultivation to 29% under bare conditions during the highest rainfall year, and was well correlated with event rainfall and rainfall energy. Soil loss ranged from 30 t/ha. year under bare conditions to <6 t/ha. year under cropping. Nutrient losses of 35 kg N and 35 kg P/ha. year under bare conditions and 17 kg N and 11 kg P/ha. year under cropping were measured. Soil carbon analyses showed a relationship with treatment runoff, suggesting that soil properties influenced the rainfall runoff response. The cropping systems model PERFECT was calibrated using runoff, soil loss, and soil water data. Runoff and soil loss showed good agreement with observed data in the calibration, and soil water and yield had reasonable agreement. Longterm runs using historical weather data showed the episodic nature of runoff and soil loss events in this region and emphasise the need to manage land using protective measures such as conservation cropping practices. Farmers involved in related, action-learning activities wished to incorporate conservation cropping findings into their systems but also needed clear production benefits to hasten practice change.


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Accurate rainfall data are the key input parameter for modelling river discharge and soil loss. Remote areas of Ethiopia often lack adequate precipitation data and where these data are available, there might be substantial temporal or spatial gaps. To counter this challenge, the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) readily provides weather data for any geographic location on earth between 1979 and 2014. This study assesses the applicability of CFSR weather data to three watersheds in the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia. To this end, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was set up to simulate discharge and soil loss, using CFSR and conventional weather data, in three small-scale watersheds ranging from 112 to 477 ha. Calibrated simulation results were compared to observed river discharge and observed soil loss over a period of 32 years. The conventional weather data resulted in very good discharge outputs for all three watersheds, while the CFSR weather data resulted in unsatisfactory discharge outputs for all of the three gauging stations. Soil loss simulation with conventional weather inputs yielded satisfactory outputs for two of three watersheds, while the CFSR weather input resulted in three unsatisfactory results. Overall, the simulations with the conventional data resulted in far better results for discharge and soil loss than simulations with CFSR data. The simulations with CFSR data were unable to adequately represent the specific regional climate for the three watersheds, performing even worse in climatic areas with two rainy seasons. Hence, CFSR data should not be used lightly in remote areas with no conventional weather data where no prior analysis is possible.


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Cover title.


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Based upon a report by the Illinois State Water Survey.


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A study was carried out on a previously eroded Oxic Paleustalf in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria to determine the extent of soil degradation under mound tillage with some herbaceous legumes and residue management methods. A series of factorial experiments was carried out on 12 existing runoff plots. The study commenced in 1996 after a 5-year natural fallow. Mound tillage was introduced in 1997 till 1999. The legumes - Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Pueraria phaseoloides - were intercropped with maize in 1996 and 1998 while yam was planted alone in 1997 and 1999. This paper covers 1997-1999. At the end of each year, residues were either burned or mulched on respective plots. Soil loss, runoff, variations in mound height, bulk density, soil water retention and sorptivity were measured. Cumulative runoff was similar among interactions of legume and residue management in 1997 (57-151 mm) and 1999 (206-397 mm). However, in 1998, cumulative runoff of 95 mm observed for Mucuna-burned residue was significantly greater than the 46 mm observed for cowpea-burned residue and the 39-51 mm observed for mulched residues of cowpea, Mucuna and Pueraria. Cumulative soil loss of 7.6 Mg ha(-1) observed for Mucuna-burned residue in 1997 was significantly greater than those for Pueraria-mulched (0.9 Mg ha(-1)) and Mucuna-mulched (1.4 Mg ha(-1)) residues whereas in 1999 it was similar to soil loss from cowpea treatments and Pueraria-burned residue (2.3-5.3 Mg ha(-1)). There were no significant differences in soil loss in 1998 (1-3.2 Mg ha(-1)) whereas Mucuna-burned residue had a greater soil loss (28.6 Mg ha(-1)) than mulched cowpea (6.9 Mg ha(-1)) and Pueraria (5.4 Ms ha(-1)). Mound heights (23 cm average) decreased non-linearly with cumulative rainfall. A cumulative rainfall of 500 mm removed 0.3-2.3 cm of soil from mounds in 1997, 3.5-6.9 cm in 1998 and 2.3-4.6 cm in 1999, indicating that (detached but less transported) soil from mounds was far higher than observed soil loss in each year. Soil water retention was improved at potentials ranging from -1 to -1500 kPa by Mucuna-mulched residue compared to the various burned-residue treatments. Also, mound sorptivity at -1 cm water head (14.3 cm h(-1/2)) was higher than furrow sorptivity (8.5 cm h(-1/2)), indicating differences in hydraulic characteristics between mound and furrow. Pueraria-mulched residues for mounds had the highest sorptivity of 17.24 cm h(-1/2), whereas the least value of 6.96 cm h(-1/2) was observed in furrow of Mucuna-burned residue. Pueraria phas eoloides was considered the best option for soil conservation on the previously eroded soil, cultivated with mound tillage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.