83 resultados para UNIX
Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.
I sistemi di versionamento moderni quali "git" o "svn" sono ad oggi basati su svariati algoritmi di analisi delle differenze (detti algoritmi di diffing) tra documenti (detti versioni). Uno degli algoritmi impiegati con maggior successo a tal proposito è il celebre "diff" di Unix. Tale programma è in grado di rilevare le modifiche necessarie da apportare ad un documento al fine di ottenerne un altro in termini di aggiunta o rimozione di linee di testo. L'insieme di tali modifiche prende nome di "delta". La crescente richiesta e applicazione dei documenti semi-strutturati (ed in particolar modo dei documenti XML) da parte della comunità informatica soprattutto in ambito web ha motivato la ricerca di algoritmi di diffing più raffinati che operino al meglio su tale tipologia di documenti. Svariate soluzioni di successo sono state discusse; algoritmi ad alte prestazioni capaci di individuare differenze più sottili della mera aggiunta o rimozione di testo quali il movimento di interi nodi, il loro riordinamento finanche il loro incapsulamento e così via. Tuttavia tali algoritmi mancano di versatilità. L'incapsulamento di un nodo potrebbe essere considerata una differenza troppo (o troppo poco) generale o granulare in taluni contesti. Nella realtà quotidiana ogni settore, pubblico o commerciale, interessato a rilevare differenze tra documenti ha interesse nell'individuarne sempre e soltanto un sottoinsieme molto specifico. Si pensi al parlamento italiano interessato all'analisi comparativa di documenti legislativi piuttosto che ad un ospedale interessato alla diagnostica relativa alla storia clinica di un paziente. Il presente elaborato di tesi dimostra come sia possibile sviluppare un algoritmo in grado di rilevare le differenze tra due documenti semi-strutturati (in termini del più breve numero di modifiche necessarie per trasformare l'uno nell'altro) che sia parametrizzato relativamente alle funzioni di trasformazione operanti su tali documenti. Vengono discusse le definizioni essenziali ed i principali risultati alla base della teoria delle differenze e viene dimostrato come assunzioni più blande inducano la non calcolabilità dell'algoritmo di diffing in questione.
The aim of my thesis is to parallelize the Weighting Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM), which is a popular algorithm used to calculate the Free Energy of a molucular system in Molecular Dynamics simulations. WHAM works in post processing in cooperation with another algorithm called Umbrella Sampling. Umbrella Sampling has the purpose to add a biasing in the potential energy of the system in order to force the system to sample a specific region in the configurational space. Several N independent simulations are performed in order to sample all the region of interest. Subsequently, the WHAM algorithm is used to estimate the original system energy starting from the N atomic trajectories. The parallelization of WHAM has been performed through CUDA, a language that allows to work in GPUs of NVIDIA graphic cards, which have a parallel achitecture. The parallel implementation may sensibly speed up the WHAM execution compared to previous serial CPU imlementations. However, the WHAM CPU code presents some temporal criticalities to very high numbers of interactions. The algorithm has been written in C++ and executed in UNIX systems provided with NVIDIA graphic cards. The results were satisfying obtaining an increase of performances when the model was executed on graphics cards with compute capability greater. Nonetheless, the GPUs used to test the algorithm is quite old and not designated for scientific calculations. It is likely that a further performance increase will be obtained if the algorithm would be executed in clusters of GPU at high level of computational efficiency. The thesis is organized in the following way: I will first describe the mathematical formulation of Umbrella Sampling and WHAM algorithm with their apllications in the study of ionic channels and in Molecular Docking (Chapter 1); then, I will present the CUDA architectures used to implement the model (Chapter 2); and finally, the results obtained on model systems will be presented (Chapter 3).
Il documento illustra il lavoro di analisi dei requisiti, progettazione, implementazione e valutazione di un sistema per l’autenticazione degli utenti delle workstation della sede di Scienze del Dipartimento di Informatica — Scienza ed Ingegneria (DISI) che si integri al sistema di autenticazione d’Ateneo. Il sistema descritto è entrato in produzione il 24 settembre 2014 ed è tuttora operante. Il lavoro percorre le modalità di gestione degli account utente in uso presso il DISI e le nuove modalità di organizzazione del DSA d’Ateneo discutendo le motivazioni per cui le soluzioni standard non possono essere adottate nel caso esposto. Analizzato il processo di login dei sistemi Unix e le librerie coinvolte verrà esposto il nuovo progetto, le particolarità dello sviluppo delle nuove librerie PAM e di Name Service Switch e la loro modalità di funzionamento e configurazione all’interno del cluster Unix. In conclusione vengono presentate una serie di valutazioni che mostrano i vantaggi e il rispetto dei requisiti della nuova implementazione.
This paper describes the open source framework MARVIN for rapid application development in the field of biomedical and clinical research. MARVIN applications consist of modules that can be plugged together in order to provide the functionality required for a specific experimental scenario. Application modules work on a common patient database that is used to store and organize medical data as well as derived data. MARVIN provides a flexible input/output system with support for many file formats including DICOM, various 2D image formats and surface mesh data. Furthermore, it implements an advanced visualization system and interfaces to a wide range of 3D tracking hardware. Since it uses only highly portable libraries, MARVIN applications run on Unix/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
File system security is fundamental to the security of UNIX and Linux systems since in these systems almost everything is in the form of a file. To protect the system files and other sensitive user files from unauthorized accesses, certain security schemes are chosen and used by different organizations in their computer systems. A file system security model provides a formal description of a protection system. Each security model is associated with specified security policies which focus on one or more of the security principles: confidentiality, integrity and availability. The security policy is not only about “who” can access an object, but also about “how” a subject can access an object. To enforce the security policies, each access request is checked against the specified policies to decide whether it is allowed or rejected. The current protection schemes in UNIX/Linux systems focus on the access control. Besides the basic access control scheme of the system itself, which includes permission bits, setuid and seteuid mechanism and the root, there are other protection models, such as Capabilities, Domain Type Enforcement (DTE) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), supported and used in certain organizations. These models protect the confidentiality of the data directly. The integrity of the data is protected indirectly by only allowing trusted users to operate on the objects. The access control decisions of these models depend on either the identity of the user or the attributes of the process the user can execute, and the attributes of the objects. Adoption of these sophisticated models has been slow; this is likely due to the enormous complexity of specifying controls over a large file system and the need for system administrators to learn a new paradigm for file protection. We propose a new security model: file system firewall. It is an adoption of the familiar network firewall protection model, used to control the data that flows between networked computers, toward file system protection. This model can support decisions of access control based on any system generated attributes about the access requests, e.g., time of day. The access control decisions are not on one entity, such as the account in traditional discretionary access control or the domain name in DTE. In file system firewall, the access decisions are made upon situations on multiple entities. A situation is programmable with predicates on the attributes of subject, object and the system. File system firewall specifies the appropriate actions on these situations. We implemented the prototype of file system firewall on SUSE Linux. Preliminary results of performance tests on the prototype indicate that the runtime overhead is acceptable. We compared file system firewall with TE in SELinux to show that firewall model can accommodate many other access control models. Finally, we show the ease of use of firewall model. When firewall system is restricted to specified part of the system, all the other resources are not affected. This enables a relatively smooth adoption. This fact and that it is a familiar model to system administrators will facilitate adoption and correct use. The user study we conducted on traditional UNIX access control, SELinux and file system firewall confirmed that. The beginner users found it easier to use and faster to learn then traditional UNIX access control scheme and SELinux.
We describe lpdoc, a tool which generates documentation manuals automatically from one or more logic program source files, written in Ciao, ISO-Prolog, and other (C)LP languages. It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a rich description of the module interface. However, it can also be used quite successfully to document full applications. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc is that it helps maintaining a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and also identifying precisely to what versión of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text assertions (declarations with types, modes, etc. ...) for the predicates in the program, and machine-readable comments. One of the main novelties of lpdoc is that these assertions and comments are written using the Ciao system asseriion language, which is also the language of communication between the compiler and the user and between the components of the compiler. This allows a significant synergy among specification, debugging, documentation, optimization, etc. A simple compatibility library allows conventional (C)LP systems to ignore these assertions and comments and treat normally programs documented in this way. The documentation can be generated interactively from emacs or from the command line, in many formats including texinfo, dvi, ps, pdf, info, ascii, html/css, Unix nroff/man, Windows help, etc., and can include bibliographic citations and images, lpdoc can also genérate "man" pages (Unix man page format), nicely formatted plain ASCII "readme" files, installation scripts useful when the manuals are included in software distributions, brief descriptions in html/css or info formats suitable for inclusión in on-line Índices of manuals, and even complete WWW and info sites containing on-line catalogs of documents and software distributions. The lpdoc manual, all other Ciao system manuals, and parts of this paper are generated by lpdoc.
We describe lpdoc, a tool which generates documentation manuals automatically from one or more logic program source files, written in ISO-Prolog, Ciao, and other (C)LP languages. It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a rich description of the module interface. However, it can also be used quite successfully to document full applications. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc is that it helps maintaining a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and also identifying precisely to what version of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text assertions (declarations with types, modes, etc.) for the predicates in the program, and machine-readable comments. One of the main novelties of lpdoc is that these assertions and comments are written using the Ciao system assertion language, which is also the language of communication between the compiler and the user and between the components of the compiler. This allows a significant synergy among specification, documentation, optimization, etc. A simple compatibility library allows conventional (C)LP systems to ignore these assertions and comments and treat normally programs documented in this way. The documentation can be generated in many formats including texinfo, dvi, ps, pdf, info, html/css, Unix nroff/man, Windows help, etc., and can include bibliographic citations and images. lpdoc can also generate “man” pages (Unix man page format), nicely formatted plain ascii “readme” files, installation scripts useful when the manuals are included in software distributions, brief descriptions in html/css or info formats suitable for inclusion in on-line indices of manuals, and even complete WWW and info sites containing on-line catalogs of documents and software distributions. The lpdoc manual, all other Ciao system manuals, and parts of this paper are generated by lpdoc.
We describe lpdoc, a tool which generates documentation manuals automatically from one or more logic program source files, written in ISO-Prolog, Ciao, and other (C)LP languages. It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a rich description of the module interface. However, it can also be used quite successfully to document full applications. The documentation can be generated in many formats including t e x i n f o, dvi, ps, pdf, inf o, html/css, Unix nrof f/man, Windows help, etc., and can include bibliographic citations and images, lpdoc can also genérate "man" pages (Unix man page format), nicely formatted plain ascii "readme" files, installation scripts useful when the manuals are included in software distributions, brief descriptions in html/css or inf o formats suitable for inclusión in on-line Índices of manuals, and even complete WWW and inf o sites containing on-line catalogs of documents and software distributions. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc is that it helps maintaining a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and also identifying precisely to what versión of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text assertions (declarations with types, modes, etc. ...) for the predicates in the program, and machine-readable comments. These assertions and comments are written using the Ciao system assertion language. A simple compatibility library allows conventional (C)LP systems to ignore these assertions and comments and treat normally programs documented in this way. The lpdoc manual, all other Ciao system manuals, and most of this paper, are generated by lpdoc.
Lpdoc is an automatic program documentation generator for (C)LP systems. Lpdoc generates a reference manual automatically from one or more source files for a logic program (including ISO-Prolog, Ciao, many CLP systems, ...). It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a description of the module interface. However, lpdoc can also be used quite successfully to document full applications and to generate nicely formatted plain ascii "readme" files. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc to document programs is that it is much easier to maintain a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and to identify precisely to what version of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text: • assertions (types, modes, etc. ...) for the predicates in the program, and • machine-readable comments (in the "literate programming" style). The assertions and comments included in the source file need to be written using the Ciao system assertion language. A simple compatibility library is available to make traditional (constraint) logic programming systems ignore these assertions and comments allowing normal treatment of programs documented in this way. The documentation is currently generated in HTML or texinf o format. From the texinf o output, printed and on-line manuals in several formats (dvi, ps, info, etc.) can be easily generated automatically, using publicly available tools, lpdoc can also generate 'man' pages (Unix man page format) as well as brief descriptions in html or emacs info formats suitable for inclusion in an on-line index of applications. In particular, lpdoc can create and maintain fully automatically WWW and info sites containing on-line versions of the documents it produces. The lpdoc manual (and the Ciao system manuals) are generated by lpdoc. Lpdoc is distributed under the GNU general public license. Note: lpdoc is fully supported on Linux, Mac OS X, and other Un*x-like systems. Due to the use of several Un*x-related utilities, some documentation back-ends may require Cygwin under Win32. This documentation corresponds to version 3.0 (2011/7/7, 16:33:15 CEST).
El software es, cada vez más, una parte muy importante de cualquier circuito electrónico moderno, por ejemplo, un circuito realizado con algún tipo de microprocesador debe incorporar un programa de control por pequeño que sea. Al utilizarse programas informáticos en los circuitos electrónicos modernos, es muy aconsejable, por no decir imprescindible, realizar una serie de pruebas de calidad del diseño realizado. Estas pruebas son cada vez más complicadas de realizar debido al gran tamaño del software empleado en los sistemas actuales, por este motivo, es necesario estructurar una serie de pruebas con el fin de realizar un sistema de calidad, y en algunos casos, un sistema que no presente ningún peligro para el ser humano o el medio ambiente. Esta propuesta consta de la explicación de las técnicas de diseño de pruebas que existen actualmente (por lo menos las más básicas ya que es un tema muy extenso) para realizar el control de calidad del software que puede contener un sistema embebido. Además, muchos circuitos electrónicos, debido a su control o exigencia hardware, es imprescindible que sean manipulados por algún programa que requiera más que un simple microprocesador, me refiero a que se deban controlar por medio de un pequeño programa manipulado por un sistema operativo, ya sea Linux, AIX, Unix, Windows, etc., en este caso el control de calidad se debería llevar a cabo con otras técnicas de diseño. También se puede dar el caso que el circuito electrónico a controlar se deba hacer por medio de una página web. El objetivo es realizar un estudio de las actuales técnicas de diseño de pruebas que están orientadas al desarrollo de sistemas embebidos. ABSTRACT. Software is increasingly a very important part of any modern electronic circuit, for example, a circuit made with some type of microprocessor must incorporate a control program no matter the small it is. When computer programs are used in modern electronic circuits, it is quite advisable if not indispensable to perform a series of quality tests of the design. These tests are becoming more and more difficult to be performed due to the large size of the software used in current systems, which is why it is necessary to structure a series of tests in order to perform a quality system, and in some cases, a system with no danger to humans or to the environment. This proposal consists of an explanation of the techniques used in the tests (at least the most basic ones since it is a very large topic) for quality control of software which may contain an embedded system. In addition, a lot of electronic circuits, due to its control or required hardware, it is essential to be manipulated by a program that requires more than a simple microprocessor, I mean that they must be controlled by means of a small program handled by an operating system, being Linux, AIX, Unix, Windows, etc., in this case the quality control should be carried out with other design techniques. The objective is to study the current test design techniques that are geared to the development of embedded systems. It can also occur that the electronic circuit should be controlled by means of a web page.
La tesis propone el concepto y diseño de una arquitectura cognitiva para representación de conocimiento profesional especializado en clases de dominios relacionados con el mundo físico. Constituye una extensión de los trabajos de B.Chandrasekaran, potenciando el concepto de arquitectura basada en tareas genéricas propuesta por dicho autor. En base a la arquitectura propuesta, se ha desarrollado un entorno como herramienta de construcción de sistemas expertos de segunda generación, así como un lenguaje para programación cognitiva (DECON)- Dicho entorno, programado en lenguaje C sobre UNIX, ha sido utilizado para el desarrollo de un sistema para predicción de avenidas en la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Jucar, en el marco del proyecto SAIH. Primeramente, la tesis plantea el problema de la modelización del comportamiento de los sistemas físicos, reflejando las limitaciones de las formas clásicas de representación del conocimiento para abordar dicho problema, así como los principales enfoques más recientes basados en el concepto de arquitectura cognitiva y en las técnicas de simulación cualitativa. Se realiza después una síntesis de la arquitectura propuesta, a nivel del conocimiento, para detallar posteriormente su desarrollo a nivel simbólico y de implementación, así como el método general para la construcción de modelos sobre la arquitectura. Se muestra también un resumen de los principales aspectos del desarrollo de software. Finalmente, en forma de anejos, se presenta un caso de estudio, el sistema SIRAH (Sistema Inteligente de Razonamiento Hidrológico), junto con la gramática formal del lenguaje de soporte para la definición de modelos.---ABSTRACT---The thesis proposes the concept and design of a cognitive architecture for professional knowledge representation, specialized in domain classes related to the physical world. It is an extensión of the Chandrasekaran's work, improving the concept of Generic Task based architecture introduced by this author. Based on the proposed architecture, an environment has been developed, as a case of second generation building expert systems tool, as well as a language for cognitive programming (DECON). The environment, programmed in C lenguage on UNIX operating system, has been used to develop a system for flood prediction in the Jucar watershed, inside of the SAIH project. Firstly, the behavior modeling problem of physical systems is discussed, showing the limitations of the classical representations to tackle it, beside the most recent approaches based on cognitive architecture concepts and qualitative simulation technique. An overview of the architecture at the knowledge level is then made, being followed by its symbolic and implementation level description, as well as a general guideline for building models on top of the architecture. The main aspects of software development are also introduced. Finaly, as annexes, a case of study -the SIRAH system (Sistema Inteligente de RAzonamiento Hidrológico)- is introduced, along with the formal grammar of the support language for model definition.
Este proyecto fin de carrera tiene como finalidad el diseño y la implementación de un sistema de monitorización y gestión dinámica de redes de sensores y actuadores inalámbricos (Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks – WSAN) en base a la información de configuración almacenada en una base de datos sobre la cual un motor de detección vigila posibles cambios. Este motor informará de los cambios a la herramienta de gestión y monitorización de la WSAN para que sean llevados a cabo en la red desplegada. Este trabajo se enmarca en otro más amplio cuya finalidad es la demostración de la posibilidad de reconfigurar dinámicamente una WSAN utilizando los mecanismos propios de las Líneas de Productos Software Dinámicos (DSPL, por sus siglas en inglés). Se ha diseñado e implementado el software que proporciona los métodos necesarios para la comunicación y actuación sobre la red de sensores y actuadores inalámbricos, además de permitir el control de cada uno de los dispositivos pertenecientes a dicha red y que los dispositivos se incorporen a dicha red de manera autónoma. El desarrollo y pruebas de este proyecto fin de carrera se ha realizado utilizando una máquina virtual sobre la que se ha configurado convenientemente una plataforma que incluye un emulador de red de sensores y actuadores de tecnología SunSpot (Solarium) y todas las herramientas de desarrollo y ejecución necesarias (entre ellas, SunSpot SDK 6.0 y NetBeans). Esta máquina virtual ejecuta un sistema operativo Unix (Ubuntu Server 12.4) y facilita el rápido despliegue de las herramientas implementadas así como la integración de las mismas en desarrollos más amplios. En esta memoria se describe todo el proceso de diseño e implementación del software desarrollado, las conclusiones obtenidas de su ejecución y una guía de usuario para su despliegue y manejo. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is the design and implementation of a system to monitor and dynamically manage a wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN) in consistence with the configuration information stored in a database whose changes are monitored by a so-called monitoring engine. This engine informs the management and monitoring tool about the changes, in order for these to be carried out on the deployed network. This project is a part of a broader one aimed at demonstrating the ability to dynamically reconfigure a WSAN using the mechanisms of the Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL). A software has been designed and implemented which provides the methods to communicate with and actuate on the WSAN. It also allows to control each of the devices, as well as their autonomous incorporation to the network. Development and testing of this project was done using a virtual machine that has a conveniently configured platform which includes a SunSpot technology WSAN emulator (Solarium) as well as all the necessary development and implementation tools (including SunSpot 6.0 SDK and NetBeans). This virtual machine runs a Unix (Ubuntu Server 12.4) operating system and makes it easy to rapidly deploy the implemented tools and to integrate them into broader developments. This document explains the whole process of designing and implementing the software, the conclusions of execution and a user's manual.
Sabor, Software de Análisis de BOcinas y Reflectores, es una herramienta didáctica la cual es utilizada en los laboratorios de la escuela para realizar prácticas de la asignatura Antenas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética, esta herramienta da a los alumnos una visión gráfica de lo que se enseña en clase de teoría de lo que son los campos en las aperturas de los reflectores. El proyector pretende sustituir al primer Sabor , ya que se queda obsoleto debido al sistema operativo, ya que funciona solo para Windows XP y con ordenadores de 32 bits, y también realizar mejoras y corregir errores de la versión anterior. El proyecto se ha desarrollado en Matlab que es un software matemático con grandes ventajas en cuanto a cálculo, desarrollo gráfico, y a la creación de nuevos algoritmos en su propio lenguaje y además está disponible para las plataformas Unix, Windows, Mac OSX y GNU/Linux. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido implementar, al igual que las versiones anteriores, cinco tipos de reflectores, como son: Parabólico, Offset, Cassegrain y los dos Dobles Offset, Cassegrain y Gregorian, y han sido analizados con un alimentador ideal ,cos-q, y por último los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con las versiones anteriores de Sabor, como son Sabor 3.0 y el primer Sabor. El proyecto consta de partes muy bien diferencias como son : La interpretación correctas de las formulas que se han utilizado para la realización de este proyecto ,dichas formulas han sido las dadas por el proyecto fin de carrera titulado Sabor3.0 de Francisco Egea Castejón. GUIDE, the graphical user interface development environment, con el que se creó: GUI, graphical user interface, que es la parte de Matlab dedicada a crear interfaces de usuario , herramienta utilizada para crear nuestras distintas ventanas dedicadas para la obtención de datos para analizar los distintos reflectores y para mostrar por pantalla los distintos resultados. Programación Orientada a Objetos de Matlab y sus distintas propiedades como son la herencia lo cual es muy útil para ocupar menos memoria ya que con un único método podemos realizar distintos cálculos con los distintos reflectores, objetos, solo cambiando las propiedades de cada objeto Y por último ha sido la realización de validación de los resultados con la ayuda de las versiones anteriores de Sabor, que están detallados en el capítulo 5 y la unión con bocinas del proyecto fin de carrera Análisis de Bocinas en Matlab de Javier Montero. Por otra parte tenemos las mejoras realizadas a las antiguas versiones como son: realización de registros que el usuario puede guardar y cargar con las distintas variables, también se ha realizado un fichero .txt en el que consta la amplitud del campo con su respectiva theta para que el usuario pueda visualizarlo en cualquier plataforma gráfica de datos como por ejemplo exel. ABSTRACT. Sabor, Software de Análisis de BOcinas y Reflectores, is a teaching tool, which is used to do laboratory practice in the subject of Antennas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética, this tool gives students a graphic view of the knowledge that are given in theory class in regard to aperture field of reflectors. This project intend to replace the first Sabor, because it is outdated, due to the operating system, because Sabor works only with Widows XP and computer with 32 bits, and to make improves and correct errors that were detected in the last version of Sabor too. This project has been carried out in Matlab, which is a mathematical software with high-level language for numerical computation, visualization and application development, and furthermore it is available to different platforms such as Unix, Windows ,Mac OSX and GNU/Linux This project has focused on implementing, the same as last versions, five kind of reflectors, such as : Parabolic, Offset, Cassegrain and two offset dual reflector Cassegrain y Gregorian ,and these were analysed with a cos-q ideal feed, and finally the results were checked with the versions of Sabor, as well as Sabor 3.0 and the first Sabor. This project consist of four parts: The correct interpretation of the formulas , which were used to do this project, from the final project Sabor3.0 by Francisco Egea Castejón. GUIDE, the graphical user interface development environment, tool that was used to create : GUI, graphical user interface, part of Matlab dedicated to create user interface. Object Oriented Programming of Matlab and different properties like inheritance, that is very useful for saving memory space because with only one method we can analyse different kind of reflectors, object, only change the properties of the object. At finally, the results were contrasted with the results from the previous versions and the link reflectors with horns from the final project Análisis de Bocinas en Matlab by Javier Montero. On the other hand, we have the improvements such as: registers and .txt file. The registers are used by user to save and load different variables and .txt file is useful because it allows to the user plotting in different platforms for example exel.
In a certain automobile factory, batch-painting of the body types in colours is controlled by an allocation system. This tries to balance production with orders, whilst making optimally-sized batches of colours. Sequences of cars entering painting cannot be optimised for easy selection of colour and batch size. `Over-production' is not allowed, in order to reduce buffer stocks of unsold vehicles. Paint quality is degraded by random effects. This thesis describes a toolkit which supports IKBS in an object-centred formalism. The intended domain of use for the toolkit is flexible manufacturing. A sizeable application program was developed, using the toolkit, to test the validity of the IKBS approach in solving the real manufacturing problem above, for which an existing conventional program was already being used. A detailed statistical analysis of the operating circumstances of the program was made to evaluate the likely need for the more flexible type of program for which the toolkit was intended. The IKBS program captures the many disparate and conflicting constraints in the scheduling knowledge and emulates the behaviour of the program installed in the factory. In the factory system, many possible, newly-discovered, heuristics would be awkward to represent and it would be impossible to make many new extensions. The representation scheme is capable of admitting changes to the knowledge, relying on the inherent encapsulating properties of object-centres programming to protect and isolate data. The object-centred scheme is supported by an enhancement of the `C' programming language and runs under BSD 4.2 UNIX. The structuring technique, using objects, provides a mechanism for separating control of expression of rule-based knowledge from the knowledge itself and allowing explicit `contexts', within which appropriate expression of knowledge can be done. Facilities are provided for acquisition of knowledge in a consistent manner.