1000 resultados para UDK:875
This paper provides an explicit cofibrant resolution of the operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. Thus it defines the notion of homotopy Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras with the required homotopy properties. To define this resolution we extend the theory of Koszul duality to operads and properads that are defined by quadratic and linear relations. The operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras is shown to be Koszul in this sense. This allows us to prove a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for such an operad and to give an explicit small quasi-free resolution for it. This particular resolution enables us to describe the deformation theory and homotopy theory of BV-algebras and of homotopy BV-algebras. We show that any topological conformal field theory carries a homotopy BV-algebra structure which lifts the BV-algebra structure on homology. The same result is proved for the singular chain complex of the double loop space of a topological space endowed with an action of the circle. We also prove the cyclic Deligne conjecture with this cofibrant resolution of the operad BV. We develop the general obstruction theory for algebras over the Koszul resolution of a properad and apply it to extend a conjecture of Lian-Zuckerman, showing that certain vertex algebras have an explicit homotopy BV-algebra structure.
En aquest treball s’ha dissenyat i fabricat una antena monopol en estructura planar capaç de treballar correctament a les freqüències WLAN de 2,45-2,5 GHz (802.11b/g) i 4,9-5,875 GHz (802.11a/h/j). Per arribar a aquest objectiu primer s’ha presentat el model de línia de transmissió acabada en circuit obert per simular el comportament d’una antena. S’han comparat i verificat els resultats amb el model d’antena de fil. Seguidament, s’ha estudiat el comportament que introdueix el fet de carregar l’antena amb un ressonador LC. Finalment, s’ha passat del model d’antena de fil a una estructura planar. Aquesta geometria ha permès la realització del trap LC de forma distribuïda a través d’un ressonador CLL. El principi de disseny de l’antena està basat en la introducció d’aquest ressonador CLL amb freqüència de ressonància situada entre les dos bandes de treball i que junt amb l’ajust dels diversos paràmetres que defineixen l’antena han permès obtenir més 1 GHz d’ample de banda a la freqüència de 5 GHz.
Tumescent anesthesia is a local anesthesia produced by the infiltration of a large volume of very dilute anesthetic solution into the subcutaneous tissue. Many surgical procedures (liposuction, facelift, varicose vein surgery, etc.), which were previously performed under general or locoregional anesthesia, can now be achieved with local tumescent anesthesia. This type of anesthesia has many advantages: reduction of both anesthetic risks and surgical complications (bleeding, hematoma), prolonged anesthesia reducing the need for postoperative analgesia, and costs reduction because all these surgical procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis.
Justine est une adolescente qui présente un fonctionnement limite et dont les symptômes principaux sont des vomissements provoqués et répétés. Elle expulse les aliments comme elle évacue la pensée. Elle investit les actes en se débarrassant de la tension interne. L'effraction de la sexualité renforce l'impossibilité d'investir une position passive comme si elle réactivait le temps originaire de la séduction. L'auteur décrit la difficulté à trouver sa place dans l'espace de la psychothérapie, alors qu'il y a échec de la mise en scène psychique chez la patiente. Condamnée à l'expulsion dans un premier temps, et cherchant à contrer son vécu de passivité, elle évoque l'épreuve périlleuse que représente l'approche mélancolique vers la reconnaissance de l'altérité de l'objet, dans les traces internes qu'il lui a laissées.
Vintage capital growth models have been at the heart of growth theory in the 60s. This research line collapsed in the late 60s with the so-called embodiment controversy and the technical sophisitication of the vintage models. This paper analyzes the astonishing revival of this literature in the 90s. In particular, it outlines three methodological breakthroughs explaining this resurgence: a growth accounting revolution, taking advantage of the availability of new time series, an optimal control revolution allowing to safely study vintage capital optimal growth models, and a vintage human capital revolution, along with the rise of economic demography, accounting for the vintage structure of human capital similarly to physical capital age structuring. The related literature is surveyed.
Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan infection widely spread in Latin America, from Mexico in the north to Argentina and Chile in the south. The second most important way of acquiring the infection is by blood transfusion. Even if most countries of Latin America have law/decree/norms, that make mandatory the screening of blood donors for infectious diseases, including T. cruzi (El Salvador and Nicaragua do not have laws on the subject), there is usually no enforcement or it is very lax. Analysis of published serologic surveys of T. cruzi antibodies in blood donors done in 1993, indicating the number of donors and screening coverage for T. cruzi in ten countries of Central and South America indicated that the probability of receiving a potentially infected transfusion unit in each country varied from 1,096 per 10,000 transfusions in Bolivia, the highest, to 13.02 or 13.86 per 10,000 transfusions in Honduras and Venezuela respectively, where screening coverage was 100%. On the other hand the probability of transmitting a T. cruzi infected unit was 219/10,000 in Bolivia, 24/10,000 in Colombia, 17/10,000 in El Salvador, and around 2-12/10,000 for the seven other countries. Infectivity risks defined as the likelihood of being infected when receiving an infected transfusion unit were assumed to be 20% for T. cruzi. Based on this, estimates of the absolute number of infections induced by transfusion indicated that they were 832, 236, and 875 in Bolivia, Chile and Colombia respectively. In all the other countries varied from seven in Honduras to 85 in El Salvador. Since 1993, the situation has improved. At that time only Honduras and Venezuela screened 100% of donors, while seven countries, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela, did the same in 1996. In Central America, without information from Guatemala, the screening of donors for T. cruzi prevented the transfusion of 1,481 infected units and the potential infection of 300 individuals in 1996. In the same year, in seven countries of South America, the screening prevented the transfusion of 36,017 infected units and 7, 201 potential cases of transfusional infection.
Aquest treball final de carrera es basa en l'anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una solució per comunicar un empleat i la seva empresa per tal de gestionar informació i dades de l'empleat com poden ser: la nòmina, el full d'hores, el full de despeses i la consulta i sol·licitud de vacances.
La thrombocytopénie immune primaire (ITP) est une affection auto-immune acquise avec diminution de la survie des plaquettes et perturbation de la production plaquettaire. Il n'existe aucun test clinique simple permettant de prouver la nature auto-immune de l'affection. Pour cette raison, il s'agit presque toujours d'un diagnostic par exclusion d'autres causes. Bien que les plaquettes soient souvent inférieures à 10 x 109/l lors de la présentation initiale, la tendance hémorragique est étonnamment modérée chez la majorité des patients. Le traitement initial fait toujours appel aux corticostéroïdes, combinés à des immunoglobulines intraveineuses et à des transfusions de plaquettes dans les formes compliquées avec hémorragies significatives. Chez l'enfant, la maladie est souvent induite par des infections virales et son évolution est bénigne et spontanément régressive dans la majorité des cas. Chez l'adulte, la maladie est plus souvent persistante ou chroniquement récidivante, et le taux de plaquettes se situe souvent à un taux suffisant pour prévenir des hémorragies spontanées. Seule une faible proportion de patients souffre d'une thrombocytopénie sévère prolongée accompagnée de saignements réguliers avec risque d'hémorragies potentiellement fatales. C'est probablement ce groupe de patients restreint qui tirera surtout profit des nouvelles options thérapeutiques telles que les agonistes du récepteur de la thrombopoïétine. A la lumière de ces nouvelles possibilités, un groupe d'hématologues suisses s'est réuni pour élaborer des directives concernant la prise en charge de l'ITP conformément aux besoins et aux habitudes de notre pays.
Disseny i posada en marxa d’una indústria productora i envasadora de cafè torrat. La indústria s’ubicarà al polígon industrial del terme municipal de Celrà a la comarca del Gironès, en una propietat del promotor, dotada amb bones comunicacions de carretera, ferrocarril i avió, i a més es troba situada a prop de nuclis urbans importants com Girona i Barcelona. Per tant per la seva localització i les bones infrastructures existents hi haurà un bon accés per la recepció de les matèries primeres i per la distribució dels productes acabats.La indústria es dissenya per a garantir una capacitat productiva de 850 tones l’any de producte acabat, essent les necessitat anuals de cafè verd i cafè torrefacte de 961.404 kg i 48.875 kg respectivament. Es produirà cafè natural, cafè mescla (natural més torrefacte) i cafè descafeïnat, mòlt o en gra. El 90% d’aquesta producció es destinarà a l’hostaleria, on el paper de les multinacionals no és tant representatiu, fet que provoca que el mercat sigui més estable i atractiu per introduir els productes que elaborarà la indústria. El 10% restant es destinarà a les llars, bàsicament per donar a conèixer la marca de cafès de la indústria projectada
The area of the urgencies and emergencies, assisted from all levels and care settings raises, if possible, patterns of work and ways that collaboration between professionals and teamwork make nurse prescription, often pharmacological, a legislative needs in response to increased scientific evidence and through internationally accepted performance algorithms. Enabling the nurse to act according to these concepts and beyond any "doubt and suspicion" of illegality. Taking a consensus necessary training and development and according to professional specialization and differentiation in this area and as arguments to remove any doubt still remains the subject without enclosing any sense and in many sectors.
Gairebé 182 milions d'ciutadans de la Unió Europea (= 37,5% de la població total) viuen en aproximadament 130 regions frontereres i transfrontereres. Aquestes regions contribueixen significativament al procés d'integració europea. Aquesta importància es documenta pel paquet dels Fons Estructurals 2007-2013, que ha estat presentat per la Comissió Europea i que va ser aprovat recentment pel Parlament Europeu. Considerant que la UE ha gastat uns 4875 € milions per a la cooperació transfronterera, transnacional i interregional en el marc de la iniciativa Interreg per al període 2000-2006, la cooperació territorial europea es convertirà en un dels tres objectius dels fons estructurals i rebrà € 7750000000 (5,57 milions d'euros per a la cooperació transfronterera només) per al període 2007-2013 (Comissió Europea, 2006a, 2006b). A part d'això, un nou conjunt de normes per a l'establiment d'una "agrupació europea de cooperació territorial" (AECT) ha estat adoptat i que facilitarà la cooperació transboundray, transnacional i interregional a la UE. Aquest treball s'ocuparà de les estructures de la institucionalització, la presa de decisions i l'execució i les polítiques de la "Gran Regió" / "Großregion" (d'ara endavant: GR o Gran Regió).
There is limited information on the role of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) in the resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii to β-lactams. This study presents an analysis of the allelic variations of PBP genes in A. baumannii isolates. Twenty-six A. baumannii clinical isolates (susceptible or resistant to carbapenems) from three teaching hospitals in Spain were included. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile, clonal pattern, and genomic species identification were also evaluated. Based on the six complete genomes of A. baumannii, the PBP genes were identified, and primers were designed for each gene. The nucleotide sequences of the genes identified that encode PBPs and the corresponding amino acid sequences were compared with those of ATCC 17978. Seven PBP genes and one monofunctional transglycosylase (MGT) gene were identified in the six genomes, encoding (i) four high-molecular-mass proteins (two of class A, PBP1a [ponA] and PBP1b [mrcB], and two of class B, PBP2 [pbpA or mrdA] and PBP3 [ftsI]), (ii) three low-molecular-mass proteins (two of type 5, PBP5/6 [dacC] and PBP6b [dacD], and one of type 7 (PBP7/8 [pbpG]), and (iii) a monofunctional enzyme (MtgA [mtgA]). Hot spot mutation regions were observed, although most of the allelic changes found translated into silent mutations. The amino acid consensus sequences corresponding to the PBP genes in the genomes and the clinical isolates were highly conserved. The changes found in amino acid sequences were associated with concrete clonal patterns but were not directly related to susceptibility or resistance to β-lactams. An insertion sequence disrupting the gene encoding PBP6b was identified in an endemic carbapenem-resistant clone in one of the participant hospitals.
Toll-like receptor ligands are potentially useful adjuvants for the development of clinical T cell vaccination. Here we investigated the novel Toll-like receptor2 ligand P40, the outer membrane protein A derived from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Seventeen human leukocyte antigen-A*0201 positive stage III/IV melanoma patients were vaccinated with P40 and Melan-A/Mart-1 peptide subcutaneously in monthly intervals. Adverse reactions were mild-to-moderate. Fourteen patients received at least 8 vaccinations and were thus evaluable for clinical tumor and immune responses. Seven patients experienced progressive disease, whereas 2 patients had stable disease throughout the trial period, 1 of them with regression of multiple skin metastases. The remaining 5 patients had no measurable disease. Melan-A/Mart-1 specific CD8 T cells were analyzed ex vivo, with positive results in 6 of 14 evaluable patients. Increased percentages of T cells were found in three patients, memory/effector T cell differentiation in 4 patients, and a positive interferon-gamma Elispot assay in 1 patient. Antibody responses to P40 were observed in all patients. We conclude that vaccination with peptide and P40 was feasible and induced ex vivo detectable tumor antigen specific T cell responses in 6 of 14 patients with advanced melanoma.
Monthly Statistical Movement Summary for Entire Iowa Department of Corrections