964 resultados para UAV, controllo, sicurezza


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To investigate the use of centre of gravity location on reducing cyclic pitch control for helicopter UAV's (unmanned air vehicles) and MAV's (micro air vehicles). Low cyclic pitch is a necessity to implement the swashplateless rotor concept using trailing edge flaps or active twist using current generation low authority piezoceramic actuators. Design/methodology/approach – An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor with elastic blades is used to perform parametric and sensitivity studies of the effects of longitudinal and lateral center of gravity (cg) movements on the main rotor cyclic pitch. An optimization approach is then used to find cg locations which reduce the cyclic pitch at a given forward speed. Findings – It is found that the longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch can be driven to zero at a given forward speed by shifting the cg forward and to the port side, respectively. There also exist pairs of numbers for the longitudinal and lateral cg locations which drive both the cyclic pitch components to zero at a given forward speed. Based on these results, a compromise optimal cg location is obtained such that the cyclic pitch is bounded within ±5° for a BO105 helicopter rotor. Originality/value – The reduction in the cyclic pitch due to helicopter cg location is found to significantly reduce the maximum magnitudes of the control angles in flight, facilitating the swashplateless rotor concept. In addition, the existence of cg locations which drive the cyclic pitches to zero allows for the use of active cg movement as a way to replace the cyclic pitch control for helicopter MAV's.


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A multiple UAV search and attack mission in a battlefield involves allocating UAVs to different target tasks efficiently. This task allocation becomes difficult when there is no communication among the UAVs and the UAVs sensors have limited range to detect the targets and neighbouring UAVs, and assess target status. In this paper, we propose a team theoretic approach to efficiently allocate UAVs to the targets with the constraint that UAVs do not communicate among themselves and have limited sensor range. We study the performance of team theoretic approach for task allocation on a battle field scenario. The performance obtained through team theory is compared with two other methods, namely, limited sensor range but with communication among all the UAVs, and greedy strategy with limited sensor range and no communication. It is found that the team theoretic strategy performs the best even though it assumes limited sensor range and no communication.


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Grouping and coordination tactics for ground attack missions by a heterogeneous mix of reconnaissance, enemy suppression, and attack unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is presented. Dubins' paths are used to determine the optimal number of attack UAVs and their positional and heading freedoms, as functions of weapon seeker range and field of view. A generic battlefield scenario with layered defense is created and the tactics are evaluated on a Group Flyer simulation platform for both nominal and off-nominal conditions.


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In this paper, the approach for assigning cooperative communication of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to perform multiple tasks on multiple targets is posed as a combinatorial optimization problem. The multiple task such as classification, attack and verification of target using UAV is employed using nature inspired techniques such as Artificial Immune System (AIS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Virtual Bee Algorithm (VBA). The nature inspired techniques have an advantage over classical combinatorial optimization methods like prohibitive computational complexity to solve this NP-hard problem. Using the algorithms we find the best sequence in which to attack and destroy the targets while minimizing the total distance traveled or the maximum distance traveled by an UAV. The performance analysis of the UAV to classify, attack and verify the target is evaluated using AIS, PSO and VBA.


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Lo scopo del presente lavoro è delineare un nuovo modello inerente l'organizzazione, i processi e gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo a supporto della governance degli enti locali sulle loro aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici, con particolare attenzione per la variabile strumentale. E' stata adottata una metodologia mista, deduttivo-induttiva. Nella fase deduttiva è stata analizzata la normativa italiana nonché la dottrina economico aziendale nazionale ed internazionale in tema di gestione dei servizi pubblici locali: in tal modo è stato estrapolato un modello normativo-dottrinale inerente l'organizzazione, i processi e gli strumenti di programmazione e controllo a supporto della governance degli enti locali sulle loro aziende di gestione dei servizi pubblici. Nella fase induttiva è stata realizzata un'indagine empirica che ha coinvolto i comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, in modo tale da testare il livello di utilizzo del modello normativo-dottrinale precedentemente estrapolato Nella fase di feedback sono stati delineati i punti di forza e di debolezza del succitato modello emergenti dalla ricerca. Si è così cercato di proporre un nuovo modello, con particolare attenzione per la variabile strumentale, in grado di porre rimedio ai punti di debolezza e di potenziare i punti di forza del modello normativo-dottrinale.


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Il tema dei servizi pubblici locali è sicuramente centrale nell'attuale contesto socio-economico nazionale ed internazionale, in quanto essi hanno un impatto determinante sulle condizioni di vita dei cittadini e sulla competitività dei sistemi economici. In ragione di ciò, negli ultimi anni in Italia numerose riforme si sono susseguite, con lo scopo di individuare l'assetto più efficace ed efficiente per tale settore. Le suddette riforme hanno così ridisegnato il ruolo degli Enti Locali, che saranno sempre meno gestori diretti e sempre più direttori di una multiforme orchestra composta dalle aziende esterne chiamate a fornire in prima persona le prestazioni agli utenti finali. Il presente lavoro si propone di individuare, anche attraverso una ricerca sui Comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, strumenti di programmazione e controllo in ottica di gruppo che consentano agli Enti Locali di svolgere questo nuovo delicato ruolo. Tali strumenti verranno disegnati sulla base delle necessità informative delle amministrazioni indagate e nel rispetto delle più recenti riforme in tema di programmazione, rilevazione, gestione, controllo, valutazione e comunicazione delle performance pubbliche.


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Especialidade de Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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With the recent advances in technology and miniaturization of devices such as GPS or IMU, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles became a feasible platform for a Remote Sensing applications. The use of UAVs compared to the conventional aerial platforms provides a set of advantages such as higher spatial resolution of the derived products. UAV - based imagery obtained by a user grade cameras introduces a set of problems which have to be solved, e. g. rotational or angular differences or unknown or insufficiently precise IO and EO camera parameters. In this work, UAV - based imagery of RGB and CIR type was processed using two different workflows based on PhotoScan and VisualSfM software solutions resulting in the DSM and orthophoto products. Feature detection and matching parameters influence on the result quality as well as a processing time was examined and the optimal parameter setup was presented. Products of the both workflows were compared in terms of a quality and a spatial accuracy. Both workflows were compared by presenting the processing times and quality of the results. Finally, the obtained products were used in order to demonstrate vegetation classification. Contribution of the IHS transformations was examined with respect to the classification accuracy.


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L’activité rythmique des muscles masticateurs (ARMM) pendant le sommeil se retrouve chez environ 60% de la population générale adulte. L'étiologie de ce mouvement n'est pas encore complètement élucidée. Il est cependant démontré que l’augmentation de la fréquence des ARMM peut avoir des conséquences négatives sur le système masticatoire. Dans ce cas, l'ARMM est considérée en tant que manifestation d'un trouble moteur du sommeil connue sous le nom de bruxisme. Selon la Classification Internationale des Troubles du Sommeil, le bruxisme est décrit comme le serrement et grincement des dents pendant le sommeil. La survenue des épisodes d’ARMM est associée à une augmentation du tonus du système nerveux sympathique, du rythme cardiaque, de la pression artérielle et elle est souvent en association avec une amplitude respiratoire accrue. Tous ces événements peuvent être décrits dans le contexte d’un micro-éveil du sommeil. Cette thèse comprend quatre articles de recherche visant à étudier i) l'étiologie de l’ARMM pendant le sommeil en relation aux micro-éveils, et à évaluer ii) les aspects cliniques du bruxisme du sommeil, du point de vue diagnostique et thérapeutique. Pour approfondir l'étiologie de l’ARMM et son association avec la fluctuation des micro-éveils, nous avons analysé le patron cyclique alternant (ou cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) en anglais), qui est une méthode d’analyse qui permet d’évaluer l'instabilité du sommeil et de décrire la puissance des micro-éveils. Le CAP a été étudié chez des sujets bruxeurs et des sujets contrôles qui ont participé à deux protocoles expérimentaux, dans lesquels la structure et la stabilité du sommeil ont été modifiées par l'administration d'un médicament (la clonidine), ou avec l'application de stimulations sensorielles (de type vibratoire/auditif) pendant le sommeil. Dans ces deux conditions expérimentales caractérisées par une instabilité accrue du sommeil, nous étions en mesure de démontrer que les micro-éveils ne sont pas la cause ou le déclencheur de l’ARMM, mais ils représentent plutôt la «fenêtre permissive» qui facilite l'apparition de ces mouvements rythmiques au cours du sommeil. Pour évaluer la pertinence clinique du bruxisme, la prévalence et les facteurs de risque, nous avons effectué une étude épidémiologique dans une population pédiatrique (7-17 ans) qui était vue en consultation en orthodontie. Nous avons constaté que le bruxisme est un trouble du sommeil très fréquent chez les enfants (avec une prévalence de 15%), et il est un facteur de risque pour l'usure des dents (risque relatif rapproché, RRR 8,8), la fatigue des muscles masticateurs (RRR 10,5), les maux de tête fréquents (RRR 4,3), la respiration bruyante pendant le sommeil (RRR 3,1), et divers symptômes liés au sommeil, tels que la somnolence diurne (RRR 7,4). Ces résultats nous ont amenés à développer une étude expérimentale pour évaluer l'efficacité d'un appareil d'avancement mandibulaire (AAM) chez un groupe d'adolescents qui présentaient à la fois du bruxisme, du ronflement et des maux de tête fréquents. L'hypothèse est que dans la pathogenèse de ces comorbidités, il y a un mécanisme commun, probablement lié à la respiration pendant le sommeil, et que l'utilisation d'un AAM peut donc agir sur plusieurs aspects liés. À court terme, le traitement avec un AAM semble diminuer l'ARMM (jusqu'à 60% de diminution), et améliorer le ronflement et les maux de tête chez les adolescents. Cependant, le mécanisme d'action exact des AAM demeure incertain; leur efficacité peut être liée à l'amélioration de la respiration pendant le sommeil, mais aussi à l'influence que ces appareils pourraient avoir sur le système masticatoire. Les interactions entre le bruxisme du sommeil, la respiration et les maux de tête, ainsi que l'efficacité et la sécurité à long terme des AAM chez les adolescents, nécessitent des études plus approfondies.