898 resultados para Type-1 IFN


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Objective: Studies carried Out to assess the effects of antiretroviral drugs (ARV) in HIV-1 infected pregnant women have demonstrated carbohydrate intolerance. Some reports also refer to the effect of disturbances in the expression of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system on pancreas beta-cell function in humans and IGF-2/ApaI polymorphisms have been associated with obesity and features of the metabolic syndromes. in the present study, we tested the association between IGF-2/ApaI genotype and hyperglycemia in HIV-1 infected pregnant women receiving ARV. Design: We studied IGF-2/ApaI polymorphism in 87 healthy pregnant women, 43 HIV-1 infected pregnant women taking ARV with hyperglycemia during pregnancy, and 43 HIV-1-negative pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Blood samples were obtained for DNA extraction, PCR and genotyping. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality, ANOVA and chi-square tests. Results: There were no significant differences in genotype frequency among the three groups analyzed. Considering the HIV-1-infected pregnant women, there were no significant differences in genotype frequency between the zidovudine group and the triple antiretroviral treatment group. There were no significant differences in allele frequencies among the groups evaluated. Non-white pregnant women tended to present the GG genotypes compared to white pregnant women. Conclusion: These results contribute to a better understanding of metabolic glycemic disorders in HIV-1 infected pregnant women using ARV, showing that IGF-2/ApaI polymorphisms are not responsible as a single Causative factor of glycemic alterations. These data indicate that other variables should be studied in order to explain these glycemic abnormalities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Context In 2007, the effects of the autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in 15 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) were reported. Most patients became insulin free with normal levels of glycated hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) during a mean 18.8-month follow-up. To investigate if this effect was due to preservation of beta-cell mass, continued monitoring was performed of C-peptide levels after stem cell transplantation in the 15 original and 8 additional patients. Objective To determine C-peptide levels after autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM during a longer follow-up. Design, Setting, and Participants A prospective phase 1/2 study of 23 patients with type 1 DM(aged 13-31 years) diagnosed in the previous 6 weeks by clinical findings with hyperglycemia and confirmed by measurement of serum levels of anti glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies. Enrollment was November 2003-April 2008, with follow-up until December 2008 at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Hematopoietic stem cells were mobilized via the 2007 protocol. Main Outcome Measures C-peptide levels measured during the mixed-meal tolerance test, before, and at different times following HSCT. Secondary end points included morbidity and mortality from transplantation, temporal changes in exogenous insulin requirements, and serum levels of HbA1c. Results During a 7- to 58-month follow-up (mean, 29.8 months; median, 30 months), 20 patients without previous ketoacidosis and not receiving corticosteroids during the preparative regimen became insulin free. Twelve patients maintained this status for a mean 31 months (range, 14-52 months) and 8 patients relapsed and resumed insulin use at low dose (0.1-0.3 IU/kg). In the continuous insulin-independent group, HbA(1c) levels were less than 7.0% and mean (SE) area under the curve (AUC) of C-peptide levels increased significantly from 225.0 (75.2) ng/mL per 2 hours pretransplantation to 785.4 (90.3) ng/mL per 2 hours at 24 months posttransplantation (P<.001) and to 728.1 (144.4) ng/mL per 2 hours at 36 months (P=.001). In the transient insulin-independent group, mean (SE) AUC of C-peptide levels also increased from 148.9 (75.2) ng/mL per 2 hours pretransplantation to 546.8 (96.9) ng/mL per 2 hours at 36 months (P=.001), which was sustained at 48 months. In this group, 2 patients regained insulin independence after treatment with sitagliptin, which was associated with increase in C-peptide levels. Two patients developed bilateral nosocomial pneumonia, 3 patients developed late endocrine dysfunction, and 9 patients developed oligospermia. There was no mortality. Conclusion After a mean follow-up of 29.8 months following autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM, C-peptide levels increased significantly and the majority of patients achieved insulin independence with good glycemic control. Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00315133


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In this review, we present (1) the scientific basis for the use of high-dose immunosuppression followed by autologous peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1D); (2) an update of the clinical and laboratory outcome of 20 patients transplanted at the University Hospital of the Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and followed up to January/2008, including 4 relapses among 19 patients without previous ketoacidosis; (3) a commentary on criticisms to our article that appeared in four articles from the scientific literature; and (4) a discussion of the prospectives for cellular therapy for T1D.


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Gene expression of peripheral tissue antigens (PTAs) in stromal medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) is a key process to the negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes. This phenomenon was termed ""promiscuous gene expression"" (PGE), which is partially controlled by the Aire gene. Nevertheless, reasons for the correlation of Aire and PTAs with the emergence of autoimmune diseases are largely unknown, though it may be a result of a chronological effect. Although the effect of Aire mutations in pathogenic autoimmunity is well know, it could not be a unique cause for autoimmunity. Independently of mutations, temporal deregulation of Aire expression may imbalance Aire-dependent PTAs and/or wide PGE. This deregulation may be an early warning sign for autoimmune diseases as it guarantees autoantigen representation in the thymus. To assess this hypothesis, we studied the expression levels of Aire, Aire-dependent (Ins2) and Aire-independent (Gad67 and Col2a1) PTAs using real-time-PCR of the thymic stromal cells of NOD mice during the development of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1). Wide PGE was studied by microarrays in which the PTA genes were identified through parallel CD80(+) mTEC 3.10 cell line expression profiling. The results show that Aire gene was down-regulated in young pre-autoimmune (pre-diabetic) NOD mice. PGE and specific PTA genes were down-regulated in adult autoimmune diabetic animals. These findings represent evidence indicating that chronological deregulation of genes important to negative selection may be associated with the development of an autoimmune disease (DM-1) in mice.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of trypsin treatment on the inactivation of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) on in vitro produced by fertilization and artificially infected bovine embryos. Bovine embryos on day 7 were exposed with 10 mu l of BoHV-1, Los Angeles strain 10(7.5) TCID. These embryos and control embryos were divided in two groups: submitted to the sequential washes or to the trypsin treatment according to the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) guidelines. The embryos and the last washing drop of each group were used as inoculum to infect Madin Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells and submitted to nested PCR reaction using the primer that encodes the gene conserved region of virus glycoprotein gB. The data have shown that the control embryos and their last washing drop were negative. The exposed embryos that were treated with trypsin have shown positive results on the n-PCR and MDBK culture, and their last washing drop were negative. Our data have demonstrated that the trypsin treatment was not able to eliminate the BHV-1 of the embryos, suggesting an interaction between virus and embryo.


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Objective: The present study evaluated the relationship between periodontal disease and its clinical variables in Brazilian non-diabetic pregnant women (C), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), or type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Subjects and methods: A periodontal exam was performed in one hundred and sixty-one pregnant women (GDM:80; T1DM:31; C:50) by a single-blinded calibrated examiner who recorded plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding index (BI), gingival margin location (GM), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BOP), and tooth mobility index (MI). The medical variables were age, pregestational body mass index (pre-BMI), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA(1c)). Results: The GI, GM, PD, CAL, BOP, and MI were significantly higher (P < 0.01) among GDM and T1DM than for C. The PI was higher in GDM and similar between C and T1DM. The Adjusted Final Model for medical variables to evaluate the effects of groups on periodontal parameters confirmed these results. Conclusions: The presence of periodontal disease was significantly higher in Brazilian diabetic pregnancies (GDM and T1DM) when compared to non-diabetic pregnant women (C). The degree of periodontal disease was similar between the GDM and T1DM groups. Age, pregestational BMI, and HbA(1c) were factors related to CAL development in these two types of diabetes mellitus.


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Intracellular trafficking of retroviral RNAs is a potential mechanism to target viral gene expression to specific regions of infected cells. Here we show that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome contains two sequences similar to the hnRNP A2 response element (A2RE), a cis-acting RNA trafficking sequence that binds to the trans-acting trafficking factor, hnRNP A2, and mediates a specific RNA trafficking pathway characterized extensively in oligodendrocytes. The two HIV-1 sequences, designated A2RE-1, within the major homology region of the gag gene, and A2RE-2, in a region of overlap between the vpr and tat genes, both bind to hnRNP A2 in vitro and are necessary and sufficient for RNA transport in oligodendrocytes in vivo. A single base change (A8G) in either sequence reduces hnRNP A2 binding and, in the case of A2RE-2, inhibits RNA transport. A2RE-mediated RNA transport is microtubule and hnRNP A2 dependent. Differentially labelled gag and vpr RNAs, containing A2RE-1 and A2RE-2, respectively, coassemble into the same RNA trafficking granules and are cotransported to the periphery of the cell. tat RNA, although it contains A2RE-2, is not transported as efficiently as vpr RNA. An A2RE/hnRNP A2-mediated trafficking pathway for HIV RNA is proposed, and the role of RNA trafficking in targeting HIV gene expression is discussed.


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To investigate the efficiency of encapsidation of plasmid by papillomavirus virus-like particles (PV VLPs), and the infectivity of the resultant PV pseudovirions, Cos-1 cells were transfected with an 8-kb plasmid incorporating a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (pGSV), and infected with bovine PV (BPV-1) L1/L2 recombinant vaccinia virus to produce BPV1 pseudovirions. Approximately 1 in 1.5x10(4) of dense (1.35 g/ml) PV pseudovirions and 0.3 in 10(4) Of less-dense (1.29 g/ml) pseudovirions packaged an intact pGSV plasmid. The majority (>75%) of packaged plasmids contained deletions, and the deletions affected all tested genes. After exposure of Cos-1 cells to BPV-1 pseudovirions at an MOI of 40,000:1, 6% of cells expressed GFP giving a calculated efficiency of delivery of the pGSV plasmid, by pseudovirions which had packaged an intact plasmid, of approximately 5%. Plasmid delivery was not effected by purified pGSV plasmid, was blocked by antiserum against BPV-1, and was not blocked by DNase treatment of pseudovirions, confirming that delivery was mediated by DNA within the pseudovirion. We conclude that a major limitation to the use of PV pseudovirions as a gene delivery system is that intact plasmid DNA is not efficiently selected for packaging by VLPs in cell-based pseudovirions production systems.


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The intracellular trafficking and subsequent incorporation of Gag-Pol into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) remains poorly defined. Gag-Pol is encoded by the same mRNA as Gag and is generated by ribosomal frameshifting. The multimerization of Gag and Gag-Pol is an essential step in the formation of infectious viral particles. In this study, we examined whether the interaction between Gag and Gag-Pol is initiated during protein translation in order to facilitate the trafficking and subsequent packaging of Gag-Pol into the virion. A conditional cotransfection system was developed in which virion formation required the coexpression of two HIV-1-based plasmids, one that produces both Gag and Gag-Pol and one that only produces Gag-Pol. The Gag-Pol proteins were either immunotagged with a His epitope or functionally tagged with a mutation (K65R) in reverse transcriptase that is associated with drug resistance. Gag-Pol packaging was assessed to determine whether the Gag-Pol incorporated into the virion was preferentially packaged from the plasmid that expressed both Gag and Gag-Pol or whether it could be packaged from either plasmid. Our data show that translation of Gag and Gag-Pol from the same mRNA is not critical for virion packaging of the Gag-Pol polyprotein or for viral function.


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Early HIV-1 reverse transcription can be separated into initiation and elongation phases. Here we show, using PCR analysis of negative-strand strong-stop DNA [(-)ssDNA] synthesis in intact virus, that different reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors affect distinct phases of early natural endogenous reverse transcription (NERT), The effects of nevirapine on NERT were consistent with a mechanism of action including both specific and nonspecific binding events. The nonspecific component of this inhibition targeted the elongation reaction, whereas the specific effect seemed principally to be directed at very early events (initiation or the initiation-elongation switch), In contrast, foscarnet and the nucleoside analog ddATP inhibited both early and late (-)ssDNA synthesis in a similar manner. We also examined compounds that targeted other viral proteins and found that Ro24-7429 (a Tat antagonist) and rosmarinic acid (an integrase inhibitor) also directly inhibited RT, Our results indicate that NERT can be used to identify and evaluate compounds that directly target the reverse transcription complex.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts exposed to bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) virions demonstrated uptake of virions on electron microscopy. S. cerevisiae cells looked larger after exposure to BPV-1 virions, and cell wall regeneration was delayed. Southern blot hybridization of Hirt DNA from cells exposed to BPV-1 virions demonstrated BPV-1 DNA, which could be detected over 80 days of culture and at least 13 rounds of division. Two-dimensional gel analysis of Hirt DNA showed replicative intermediates, confirming that the BPV-1 genome was replicating within S. cerevisiae. Nicked circle, linear, and supercoiled BPV-1 DNA species were observed in Hirt DNA preparations from S. cerevisiae cells infected for over 50 days, and restriction digestion showed fragments hybridizing to BPV-1 in accord with the predicted restriction map for circular BPV-1 episomes. These data suggest that BPV-1 can infect S. cerevisiae and that BPV-1 episomes can replicate in the infected S. cerevisiae cells.


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We recently demonstrated that Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts can take up bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) virions and that viral episomal DNA is replicated after uptake. Here we demonstrate that BPV virus-like particles are assembled in infected S. cerevisiae cultures from newly synthesized capsid proteins and also package newly synthesized DNA, including full-length and truncated viral DNA and S. cerevisiae-derived DNA. Virus particles prepared in S. cerevisiae are able to convey packaged DNA to Cos1 cells and to transform C127 cells. Infectivity was blocked by antisera to BPV1 L1 but not antisera to BPV1 E4. We conclude that S. cerevisiae is permissive for the replication of BPV1 virus.


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The tat gene is required by HIV-1 for efficient reverse transcription and this function of Tat can be distinguished from its role in transcription by RNA polymerase II using tat point mutations that abrogate each function independently The mechanism of Tat's role in reverse transcription, however, is not known, nor is it known whether this role is conserved among trans-activating factors in other retroviruses. Here we examine the abilities of heterologous viral trans-activating proteins from jembrana disease virus (jTat), HIV-2 (Tat2), and equine infectious anemia virus (eTat) to substitute for HIV-1 Tat (Tat1) and restore reverse transcription in HIV-1 carrying an inactivated tat gene. Natural endogenous reverse transcription assays showed that trans-activators from some retroviruses (Tat2 and jTat, but not eTat) could substitute for Tat1 in complementation of HIV-1 reverse transcription. Finally, we show that Y47 is critical for Tat1 to function in reverse transcription, but not HIV-1 gene expression. We mutated the homologous position in jTat to H62Y and found it did not improve its ability to stimulate reverse transcription, but an H62A mutation did inhibit jTat complementation. These data highlight the finding that the role of Tat in reverse transcription is not related to trans-activation and demonstrate that other tat genes conserve this function. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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The mechanisms involved in angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)-R) trafficking and membrane localization are largely unknown. In this study, we examined the role of caveolin in these processes. Electron microscopy of plasma membrane sheets shows that the AT(1)-R is not concentrated in caveolae but is clustered in cholesterol-independent microdomains; upon activation, it partially redistributes to lipid rafts. Despite the lack of AT(1)-R in caveolae, AT(1)-R. caveolin complexes are readily detectable in cells co-expressing both proteins. This interaction requires an intact caveolin scaffolding domain because mutant caveolins that lack a functional caveolin scaffolding domain do not interact with AT(1)-R. Expression of an N-terminally truncated caveolin-3, CavDGV, that localizes to lipid bodies, or a point mutant, Cav3-P104L, that accumulates in the Golgi mislocalizes AT(1)-R to lipid bodies and Golgi, respectively. Mislocalization results in aberrant maturation and surface expression of AT(1)-R, effects that are not reversed by supplementing cells with cholesterol. Similarly mutation of aromatic residues in the caveolin-binding site abrogates AT(1)-R cell surface expression. In cells lacking caveolin-1 or caveolin-3, AT(1)-R does not traffic to the cell surface unless caveolin is ectopically expressed. This observation is recapitulated in caveolin-1 null mice that have a 55% reduction in renal AT(1)-R levels compared with controls. Taken together our results indicate that a direct interaction with caveolin is required to traffic the AT(1)-R through the exocytic pathway, but this does not result in AT(1)-R sequestration in caveolae. Caveolin therefore acts as a molecular chaperone rather than a plasma membrane scaffold for AT(1)-R.