946 resultados para Tumour cells


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Solid tumour accounts for 90% of all cancers. The current treatment approach for most solid tumours is surgery, however it is limited to early stage tumours. Other treatment options such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are non-selective, thus causing damage to both healthy and cancerous tissue. Past research has focused on understanding tumour cells themselves, and conventional wisdom has aimed at targeting these cells directly. Recent research has shifted towards understanding the tumour microenvironment and it’s differences from that of healthy cells/tissues in the body and then to exploit these differences for treatmeat of the tumour. One such approach is utilizing anaerobic bacteria. Several strains of bacteria have been shown to selectively colonize in solid tumours, making them valuable tools for selective tumour targeting and destruction. Amongst them, the anaerobic Clostridium has shown great potential in penetration and colonization of the hypoxic and necrotic areas of the tumour microenvironment, causing significant oncolysis as well as enabling the delivery of therapeutics directly to the tumour in situ. Various strategies utilizing Clostridium are currently being investigated, and represent a novel area of emerging cancer therapy. This review provides an update review of tumour microenvironment as well as summary of the progresses and current status of Clostridial spore-based cancer therapies.


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The emergence of Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD), a highly contagious cancer, is driving Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) to extinction. The cancer is a genetically and chromosomally stable clonal cell line which is transmitted by biting during social interactions. In the present study, we explore the Devil Facial Tumour (DFT) epigenome and the genes involved in DNA methylation homeostasis. We show that tumour cells have similar levels of methylation to peripheral nerves, the tissue from which DFTD originated. We did not observe any strain or region-specific epimutations. However, we revealed a significant increase in hypomethylation in DFT samples over time (p < 0.0001). We propose that loss of methylation is not because of a maintenance deficiency, as an upregulation of DNA methyltransferase 1 gene was observed in tumours compared with nerves (p < 0.005). Instead, we believe that loss of methylation is owing to active demethylation, supported by the temporal increase in MBD2 and MBD4 (p < 0.001). The implications of these changes on disease phenotypes need to be explored. Our work shows that DFTD should not be treated as a static entity, but rather as an evolving parasite with epigenetic plasticity. Understanding the role of epimutations in the evolution of this parasitic cancer will provide unique insights into the role of epigenetic plasticity in cancer evolution and progression in traditional cancers that arise and die with their hosts.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages induces a suppressor phenotype. Previous data from our group suggested that this occurs via Platelet-activating factor receptor (PAF-R)-mediated pathways. In the present study, we investigated the impact of apoptotic cell inoculation or induction by a chemotherapeutic agent (dacarbazine, DTIC) on tumour growth, microenvironmental parameters and survival, and the effect of treatment with a PAF-R antagonist (WEB2170). These studies were performed in murine tumours: Ehrlich Ascitis Tumour (EAT) and B16F10 melanoma. Methods Tumour growth was assessed by direct counting of EAT cells in the ascitis or by measuring the volume of the solid tumour. Parameters of the tumour microenvironment, such as the frequency of cells expressing cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2), caspase-3 and galectin-3, and microvascular density, were determined by immunohistochemistry. Levels of vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were determined by ELISA, and levels of nitric oxide (NO) by Griess reaction. PAF-R expression was analysed by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Results Inoculation of apoptotic cells before EAT implantation stimulated tumour growth. This effect was reversed by in vivo pre-treatment with WEB2170. This treatment also reduced tumour growth and modified the microenvironment by reducing PGE2, VEGF and NO production. In B16F10 melanoma, WEB2170 alone or in association with DTIC significantly reduced tumour volume. Survival of the tumour-bearing mice was not affected by WEB2170 treatment but was significantly improved by the combination of DTIC with WEB2170. Tumour microenvironment elements were among the targets of the combination therapy since the relative frequency of COX-2 and galectin-3 positive cells and the microvascular density within the tumour mass were significantly reduced by treatment with WEB2170 or DTIC alone or in combination. Antibodies to PAF-R stained the cells from inside the tumour, but not the tumour cells grown in vitro. At the tissue level, a few cells (probably macrophages) stained positively with antibodies to PAF-R. Conclusions We suggest that PAF-R-dependent pathways are activated during experimental tumour growth, modifying the microenvironment and the phenotype of the tumour macrophages in such a way as to favour tumour growth. Combination therapy with a PAF-R antagonist and a chemotherapeutic drug may represent a new and promising strategy for the treatment of some tumours.


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Matrix metalloproteinases are the components of the tumour microenvironment which play a crucial role in tumour progression. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is expressed in a variety of tumours and the expression is associated with an aggressive malignant phenotype and poor prognosis. A role for MMP-7 in the immune escape of tumours has been postulated, but the mechanisms are not clearly understood. The present study was focused on identifying physiological inactivators of MMP-7 and also to unravel the mechanisms involved in MMP-7 mediated immune escape. This study shows that human leukocyte elastase (HLE), secreted by polymorphonuclear leukocytes cleaves MMP-7 in the catalytic domain as revealed by N-terminal sequencing. Further analysis demonstrates that the activity of MMP-7 was drastically decreased after HLE treatment in a time and dose dependent manner. MMP-7 induces apoptosis resistance in tumour cells by cleaving CD95 and CD95L. The effect of HLE on MMP-7 mediated apoptosis resistance was analysed. In vitro stimulation of apoptosis by anti-Apo-1 (anti-CD95 antibody) and the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin is reduced by MMP-7. Also tumour specific cytotoxic T cells do not effectively kill tumour cells in the presence of MMP-7. This study revealed that HLE abrogates the negative effect of MMP-7 on apoptosis induced by CD95 stimulation, doxorubicin or cytotoxic T cells and restores apoptosis sensitivity of tumour cells. To gain insight into the possible immune modulatory functions of MMP-7, experiments were performed to identify new immune relevant substrates. The human T cell line, Jurkat, was selected for these studies. Hsc70 which is involved in uncoating of clathrin vesicles was found in the supernatants of the MMP-7 treated cells indicating a modulatory role of MMP-7 on endocytosis. Further studies demonstrated that MMP-7 leads to decreased clathrin staining in HEK293, HepG2, Jurkat, CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells. Results also show MMP-7 treatment increased surface expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein-4 (CTLA-4) which accumulated due to inhibition of the clathrin mediated internalization in CD4+CD25+ cells.


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Tumour cells with a stem cell-like phenotype have recently been identified in prostate tumors and it has been suggested that this population may be responsible for the diversity of cell types within tumors and also for the initiation of metastases. These cells carry a number of defined markers: they are cd133 and cd44+ve and express high levels of alpha2beta1 integrin. In this study we have, for the first time, assessed matched primary and bone marrow biopsies from prostate cancer patients for the distribution of cells carrying these and a number of other putative stem cell markers.


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During the progression of cutaneous melanomas, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) facilitate the tumour cells to traverse the basement membrane and invade the dermis. In this study, we analysed the expression of MMP19 in the course of melanoma progression. Although MMP19 was absent in melanocytes and melanoma cells of early stages of melanoma development, its expression was strongly upregulated in the neighbouring keratinocytes that may facilitate the vertical outgrowth of melanoma cells. In contrast to early stages, MMP19 was upregulated during the vertical growth phase of melanoma and in metastases. The upregulation of MMP19 in melanoma of Clark levels IV and V correlates with that of MMP2 and also simultaneously with ceased expression of E-cadherin. To reveal whether MMP19 facilitates the invasion of melanomas, we examined adhesion and migratory capacity of selected melanoma cell lines. Melanoma cell lines with low expression of MMP19 exhibited increased adhesion to various substrates and lower migration in comparison with the cell line with higher expression of MMP19. Moreover, ectopic expression of MMP19 could restore the migratory capacity of melanoma cells with low endogenous level of MMP19. These results suggest that the increase of MMP19 expression hallmarks the progression of cutaneous melanoma and might augment melanoma growth by promoting the invasion of tumour cells.


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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly aggressive cancer that escapes detection and resists treatment. Tumour budding, defined as the presence of de-differentiated single tumour cells or small cell clusters at the invasive front of gastrointestinal carcinomas like colorectal, oesophageal, gastric and ampullary, is linked to adverse prognosis. Tumour budding has not yet been reported in PDAC.


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Aims: An important consideration in the design of a tumour vaccine is the ability of tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to recognise unmanipulated tumour cells in vivo. To determine whether B-CLL might use an escape strategy, the current studies compared B-CLL and normal B cell MHC class I expression. Methods: Flow cytometry, TAP allele PCR and MHC class I PCR were used. Results: While baseline expression of MHC class I did not differ, upregulation of MHC class I expression by B-CLL cells in response to IFN-gamma was reduced. No deletions or mutations of TAP 1 or 2 genes were detected. B-CLL cells upregulated TAP protein expression in response to IFN-gamma. Responsiveness of B-CLL MHC class I mRNA to IFN-gamma was not impaired. Conclusions: The data suggest that MHC class I molecules might be less stable at the cell surface in B-CLL than normal B cells, as a result of the described release of beta(2)m and beta(2)m-free class I heavy chains from the membrane. This relative MHC class I expression defect of B-CLL cells may reduce their susceptibility to CTL lysis in response to immunotherapeutic approaches.


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Gastro-oesophageal cancer is associated with a high incidence of cachexia. Proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) has been identified as a possible cachectic factor and studies suggest that PIF is produced exclusively by tumour cells. We investigated PIF core peptide (PIF-CP) mRNA expression in tumour and benign tissue from patients with gastro-oesophageal cancer and in gastro-oesophageal biopsies for healthy volunteers. Tumour tissue and adjacent benign tissue were collected from patients with gastric and oesophageal cancer (n = 46) and from benign tissue only in healthy controls (n = 11). Expression of PIF-CP mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR. Clinical and pathological information along with nutritional status was collected prospectively. In the cancer patients, PIF-CP mRNA was detected in 27 (59%) tumour samples and 31 (67%) adjacent benign tissue samples. Four (36%) gastro-oesophageal biopsies from healthy controls also expressed PIF-CP mRNA. Expression was higher in tumour tissue (P = 0.031) and benign tissue (P = 0.022) from cancer patients compared with healthy controls. In the cancer patients, tumour and adjacent benign tissue PIF-CP mRNA concentrations were correlated with each other (P<0.0001, r = 0.73) but did not correlate with weight loss or prognosis. Although PIF-CP mRNA expression is upregulated in both tumour and adjacent normal tissue in gastro-oesophageal malignancy, expression does not relate to prognosis or cachexia. Post-translational modification of PIF may be a key step in determining the biological role of PIF in the patient with advanced cancer and cachexia. © 2006 Cancer Research.


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Treatment of murine myoblasts, myotubes and tumour cells with a tumour-produced lipid mobilizing factor (LMF), caused a concentration-dependent stimulation of protein synthesis, within a 24 h period. There was no effect on cell number or [3H] thymidine incorporation, but a similar concentration-dependent stimulation of 2-deoxyglucose uptake. LMF produced an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP levels, which was linearly (r2 = 0.973) related to the increase in protein synthesis. The effect of LMF was attenuated by the adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL12330A, and was additive with the stimulation produced by forskolin. Both propranolol (10 μM) and the specific β3-adrenergic receptor antagonist SR 59230A (10-5M), significantly reduced the stimulation of protein synthesis induced by LMF. Protein synthesis was also increased by 69% (P = 0.006) in soleus muscles of mice administered LMF, while there was a 26% decrease in protein degradation (P = 0.03). While LMF had no effect on the lysosomal enzymes, cathepsins B and L, there was a decrease in proteasome activity, as determined both by the 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity, as well as expression of proteasome α-type subunits, determined by Western blotting. These results show that in addition to its lipid-mobilizing activity LMF also increases protein accumulation in skeletal muscle both by an increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in protein catabolism. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.


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Inhibition of dsRNA-activated protein kinase (PKR), not only attenuates muscle atrophy in a murine model of cancer cachexia (MAC16), but it also inhibits tumour growth. In vitro the PKR inhibitor maximally inhibited growth of MAC16 tumour cells at a concentration of 200 nM, which was also maximally effective in attenuating phosphorylation of PKR and of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)2 on the a-subunit. There was no effect on the growth of the MAC13 tumour, which does not induce cachexia, even at concentrations up to 1,000 nM. There was constitutive phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2a in the MAC16, but not in the MAC13 tumour, while levels of total PKR and eIF2a were similar. There was constitutive upregulation of nuclear factor-?B (NF-?B) in the MAC16 tumour only, and this was attenuated by the PKR inhibitor, suggesting that it arose from activation of PKR. In MAC16 alone the PKR inhibitor also attenuated expression of the 20S proteasome. The PKR inhibitor potentiated the cytotoxicity of both 5-fluorouracil and gemcitabine to MAC16 cells in vitro. These results suggest that inhibitors of PKR may be useful therapeutic agents against tumours showing increased expression of PKR and constitutive activation of NF-?B, and may also prove useful in sensitising tumours to standard chemotherapeutic agents.


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Contaminating tumour cells in apheresis products have proved to influence the outcome of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation (APBSCT). The gene scanning of clonally rearranged VDJ segments of the heavy chain immunoglobulin gene (VDJH) is a reproducible and easy to perform technique that can be optimised for clinical laboratories. We used it to analyse the aphereses of 27 MM patients undergoing APBSCT with clonally detectable VDJH segments, and 14 of them yielded monoclonal peaks in at least one apheresis product. The presence of positive results was not related to any pre-transplant characteristics, except the age at diagnosis (lower in patients with negative products, P = 0.04). Moreover, a better pre-transplant response trended to associate with a negative result (P = 0.069). Patients with clonally free products were more likely to obtain a better response to transplant (complete remission, 54% vs 28%; >90% reduction in the M-component, 93% vs 43% P = 0.028). In addition, patients transplanted with polyclonal products had longer progression-free survival, (39 vs 19 months, P = 0.037) and overall survival (81% vs 28% at 5 years, P = 0.045) than those transplanted with monoclonal apheresis. In summary, the gene scanning of apheresis products is a useful and clinically relevant technique in MM transplanted patients.


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Although anti−cancer immuno−based combinatorial therapeutic approaches have shown promising results, efficient tumour eradication demands further intensification of anti−tumour immune response. With the emerging field of nanovaccinology, multi−walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have manifested prominent potentials as tumour antigen nanocarriers. Nevertheless, the utilization of MWNTs in co−delivering antigen along with different types of immunoadjuvants to antigen presenting cells (APCs) has not been investigated yet. We hypothesized that harnessing MWNT for concurrent delivery of cytosine−phosphate−guanine oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG) and anti-CD40 Ig (αCD40), as immunoadjuvants, along with the model antigen ovalbumin (OVA) could potentiate immune response induced against OVA−expressing tumour cells. We initially investigated the effective method to co−deliver OVA and CpG using MWNT to the APC. Covalent conjugation of OVA and CpG prior to loading onto MWNTs markedly augmented the CpG−mediated adjuvanticity, as demonstrated by the significantly increased OVA−specific T cell responses in vitro and in C57BL/6 mice. αCD40 was then included as a second immunoadjuvant to further intensify the immune response. Immune response elicited in vitro and in vivo by OVA, CpG and αCD40 was significantly potentiated by their co−incorporation onto the MWNTs. Furthermore, MWNT remarkably improved the ability of co−loaded OVA, CpG and αCD40 in inhibiting the growth of OVA−expressing B16F10 melanoma cells in subcutaneous or lung pseudo−metastatic tumour models. Therefore, this study suggests that the utilization of MWNTs for the co−delivery of tumour−derived antigen, CpG and αCD40 could be a competent approach for efficient tumours eradication.