998 resultados para Tubulin Linker Protein


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Hyperpolarisations-aktivierte zyklonukleotid-gesteuerte (HCN) Kanäle übernehmen wichtige Funktionen in der Regulation der Herz- und Neuronalaktivität und können über einen dualen Mechanismus aus Membranhyperpolarisation und der Bindung von zyklischen Nukleotiden aktiviert werden. Ein großes Ziel der aktuellen Forschung ist die Entwicklung neuartiger Inhibitoren, die einer Fehlregulation der Kanäle entgegenwirken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Regulation von HCN Kanälen durch zyklische Nukleotide im Detail analysiert, indem erstmals ein umfassender Screen mit 48 unterschiedlichen Zyklonukleotid-Analoga am C-terminalen Bereich (bestehend aus C-Linker und Zyklonukleotid-Bindedomäne) der drei Isoformen HCN1, HCN2 und HCN4 durchgeführt wurde. Mit Hilfe eines Fluoreszenzpolarisations-Assays wurde der Einfluss von Modifikationen in der Base, der Ribose und dem zyklischen Phosphat auf die Bindungsaffinitäten innerhalb der Zyklonukleotid-Bindedomäne untersucht. Zyklonukleotid-Analoga mit Modifikationen an der Position 7 und 8 der Base verschoben die apparenten Affinitäten im Vergleich zu den beiden natürlich vorkommenden Zyklonukleotiden cAMP und cGMP vom mikromolaren in den nanomolaren Bereich. Selektiv für die HCN4 Isoform erwiesen sich Zyklonukleotid-Analoga mit Modifikationen an der Position 6 der Base, während Modifikationen an der Position 8 der Base zu einer höheren Affinität für die HCN2 Isoform führten. Im Gegensatz zu HCN2 und HCN4 zeigte die HCN1 Isoform besonders hohe Affinitäten für Zyklonukleotid-Analoga mit Modifikationen an der Position 8 von cGMP. Eine Substitution der 2’-Hydroxylgruppe erlaubte keine Bindung an die HCN Kanäle. Mit 7-CH-cAMP konnte ein hochaffines Bindemolekül für HCN Kanäle identifiziert werden, denn der Austausch eines Stickstoffs gegen eine CH-Einheit an Position 7 der Base führte zu einer 100-fachen Steigerung der Affinität im Vergleich zu cAMP. In Übereinstimmung mit der hochaffinen Bindung konnte in kinetischen Analysen eine langsamere Dissoziationsrate für 7-CH-cAMP gemessen werden. Anhand thermodynamischer Messungen konnte ein entropisch favorisierter Bindungsmodus für 7-CH-cAMP im Vergleich zu cAMP identifiziert werden. Basierend auf einer Kristallstruktur des HCN4 CNBD:7-CH-cAMP Komplexes (2,5 Å) lässt sich erklären, dass 7-CH-cAMP durch seine höhere Lipohilie im Vergleich zu cAMP eine stärkere Präferenz für das hydrophobe Netzwerk zwischen Protein und Base besitzt. In detaillierten, vergleichenden Analysen mit den zyklonukleotidbindenden Proteinen PKA Typ I und II, hPKGIβ und Epac 1 und 2 konnte gezeigt werden, dass 7-CH-cAMP die höchsten Affinitäten für die drei Isoformen der HCN Kanäle aufwies. Somit könnte sich 7-CH-cAMP als vielversprechender Kandidat für die selektive Regulation von HCN Kanälen in vitro und in lebenden Zellen eignen und möglicherweise einen wichtigen Beitrag als krankheitsrelevanter Effektor leisten.


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There is extensive evidence to show that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase plays an important role in signaling by the immune family of receptors, which has recently been extended to include the platelet collagen receptor, glycoprotein VI. In this report we present two potential mechanisms for the regulation of this enzyme on stimulation of platelets by collagen. We show that on stimulation with collagen, the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase associates with the tyrosine-phosphorylated form of the adapter protein linker for activator of T Cells (LAT) and the tyrosine-phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif of the Fc receptor gamma-chain (a component of the collagen receptor complex that includes glycoprotein VI). The associations of the Fc receptor gamma-chain and LAT with p85 are rapid and supported by the Src-homology 2 domains of the regulatory subunit. We did not obtain evidence to support previous observations that the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is regulated through association with the tyrosine kinase Syk. The present results provide a molecular basis for the regulation of the p85/110 form of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase by GPVI, the collagen receptor that underlies activation.


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Rationale: Platelets are anuclear cell fragments derived from bone marrow megakaryocytes (MKs) that safeguard vascular integrity but may also cause pathological vessel occlusion. One major pathway of platelet activation is triggered by 2 receptors that signal through an (hem)immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), the activating collagen receptor glycoprotein (GP) VI and the C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2). Growth factor receptor–bound protein 2 (Grb2) is a ubiquitously expressed adapter molecule involved in signaling processes of numerous receptors in different cell types, but its function in platelets and MKs is unknown. Objective: We tested the hypothesis that Grb2 is a crucial adapter protein in (hem)immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif signaling in platelets. Methods and Results: Here, we show that genetic ablation of Grb2 in MKs and platelets did not interfere with MK differentiation or platelet production. However, Grb2-deficiency severely impaired glycoprotein VI–mediated platelet activation because of defective stabilization of the linker of activated T-cell (LAT) signalosome and activation of downstream signaling proteins that resulted in reduced adhesion, aggregation, and coagulant activity on collagen in vitro. Similarly, CLEC-2–mediated signaling was impaired in Grb2-deficient platelets, whereas the cells responded normally to stimulation of G protein–coupled receptors. In vivo, this selective (hem)immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif signaling defect resulted in prolonged bleeding times but affected arterial thrombus formation only after concomitant treatment with acetylsalicylic acid, indicating that defective glycoprotein VI signaling in the absence of Grb2 can be compensated through thromboxane A2–induced G protein–coupled receptor signaling pathways. Conclusions: These results reveal an important contribution of Grb2 in (hem)immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif signaling in platelets in hemostasis and thrombosis by stabilizing the LAT signalosome.


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Genetic mutations responsible for oblique facial clefts (ObFC), a unique class of facial malformations, are largely unknown. We show that loss-of-function mutations in SPECC1L. are pathogenic for this human developmental disorder and that SPECC1L is a critical organizer of vertebrate facial morphogenesis. During murine embryogenesis, Speed 1 1 is expressed in cell populations of the developing facial primordial, which proliferate and fuse to form the face. In zebrafish, knockdown of a SPECC1L homolog produces a faceless phenotype with loss of jaw and facial structures, and knockdown in Drosophila phenocopies mutants in the integrin signaling pathway that exhibit cell-migration and -adhesion defects. Furthermore, in mammalian cells, SPECC1L colocalizes with both tubulin and actin, and its deficiency results in defective actin-cytoskeleton reorganization, as well as abnormal cell adhesion and migration. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SPECC1L functions in actin-cytoskeleton reorganization and is required for proper facial morphogenesis.


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Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic syndrome with pleiotropic phenotypes, including pancreatic deficiencies, bone marrow dysfunctions with increased risk of myelodysplasia or leukemia, and skeletal abnormalities. This syndrome has been associated with mutations in the SBDS gene, which encodes a conserved protein showing orthologs in Archaea and eukaryotes. The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome pleiotropic phenotypes may be an indication of different cell type requirements for a fully functional SBDS protein. RNA-binding activity has been predicted for archaeal and yeast SBDS orthologs, with the latter also being implicated in ribosome biogenesis. However, full-length SBDS orthologs function in a species-specific manner, indicating that the knowledge obtained from model systems may be of limited use in understanding major unresolved issues regarding SBDS function, namely, the effect of mutations in human SBDS on its biochemical function and the specificity of RNA interaction. We determined the solution structure and backbone dynamics of the human SBDS protein and describe its RNA binding site using NMR spectroscopy. Similarly to the crystal structures of Archaea, the overall structure of human SBDS comprises three well-folded domains. However, significant conformational exchange was observed in NMR dynamics experiments for the flexible linker between the N-terminal domain and the central domain, and these experiments also reflect the relative motions of the domains. RNA titrations monitored by heteronuclear correlation experiments and chemical shift mapping analysis identified a classic RNA binding site at the N-terminal FYSH (fungal, Yhr087wp, Shwachman) domain that concentrates most of the mutations described for the human SBDS. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biocompatible inorganic nano- and microcarriers can be suitable candidates for protein delivery. This study demonstrates facile methods of functionalization by using nanoscale linker molecules to change the protein adsorption capacity of hydroxyapatite (HA) powder. The adsorption capacity of bovine serum albumin as a model protein has been studied with respect to the surface modifications. The selected linker molecules (lysine, arginine, and phosphoserine) can influence the adsorption capacity by changing the electrostatic nature of the HA surface. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of linker-molecule interactions with the HA surface have been performed by using NMR spectroscopy, zeta-potential measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analyses. Additionally, correlations to theoretical isotherm models have been calculated with respect to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Lysine and arginine increased the protein adsorption, whereas phosphoserine reduced the protein adsorption. The results show that the adsorption capacity can be controlled with different functionalization, depending on the protein-carrier selections under consideration. The scientific knowledge acquired from this study can be applied in various biotechnological applications that involve biomolecule-inorganic material interfaces.


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Mitotische und postmitotische Vorgänge pflanzlicher Zellen basieren auf der Funktion von Mikrotubuli. Es liegen nur wenige gesicherte Erkenntnisse zur Organisation dieser Multifunktionalität vor. Eine zentrale Bedeutung wird bei der Nukleation der Mikrotubuli an MTOCs durch γ-Tubulin zugeschrieben. Deren Zusammenlagerung an MTOCs ist jedoch noch nicht richtig verstanden. Domänen, die an der Proteinoberfläche exponiert werden, könnten in Interaktionen involviert sein. Hier werden im Besonderen der γ-A und γ-B-Peptivmotiv diskutiert. Es wurde das γ-A- und γ-B-Peptidmotiv des γ-Tubulins hinsichtlich einer Konservierung innerhalb des Pflanzenreiches untersucht. Die beiden Bereiche sind bei den grünen Landpflanzen stark konserviert. Sie divergieren stark zu den einzelligen Grünalgen Chlamydomonas reinhardtii und Chlorella spec. Es wurden daher in der bestehenden phylogentischen Lücke weitere Organismen hinsichtlich des γ-A und γ-B Peptidmotivs untersucht. Auswahlkriterien der Organismen waren Ein-/Mehrzelligkeit, Besitz/Abwesenheit von Centriolen und Besitz/Abwesenheit von Geißeln. Des weiteren wurde mit verschiedenen γ-Tubulin-Konstrukten um das γ-A- und γ-B-Peptidmotiv, gewonnen aus Nicotiana tabacum (BY2) mittels Y2H-System nach Interaktionspartnern gesucht. Bei den Sequenzuntersuchungen des γ-A- und γ-B-Peptidmotivs konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Konservierung innerhalb der Streptophytenlinie erfolgt. Interessant erweist sich die Tatsache, dass dieses Motiv bei den Jochalgen, welche ebenfalls den Streptophyten angehören, nur im γ-A-Peptidmotiv auftritt. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die beiden potentiellen Interaktionspartner verschiedene Proteine als Interaktions-partner besitzen. Durch eine Anwendung eines auf dem GAL4-Protein basierenden Y2H-Systems mit vier unterschiedlichen Konstrukten des γ-Tubulin-A/B-Peptidbereichs als Köder-konstrukt und einer cDNA-Bibliothek als Beutekonstrukt, wurden diverse Sequenzen identifiziert. Identifiziert wurden das Poly(A)-Bindeprotein, Glycerin-aldehyd-3-phosphatdehydrogenase, die S-adenosyl-L-methionine-Synthetase, diverse Proteasom-Untereinheiten, eine sekretorische Peroxidase, eine Ascorbat-Peroxidase, die NtPOX1-Peroxidase und verschiedene Peroxidasen aus Nicotiana tabacum, Sequenzen des Chloroplastengenoms, ein Myosin-ähnliches Protein und eine Sequenz auf dem 5. Chromosom des Medicago truncatula-Klons mth2-16f8 und diverse humane Sequenzen der Proteine DKFZp68 und DKFZp77. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf eine komplexe Funktionsweise der unterschiedlichen Komponenten des pflanzlichen Cytoskeletts und des γ-Tubulins hin. Zur Aufklärung müsste dies in Zukunft mittels anderer genetischer, biochemischer oder funktioneller Methoden untersucht werden. Hypothesen über Interaktionen der Cytoskelettkomponenten können wahrscheinlich nicht allein durch die Anwendung des Y2H-Systems aufgeklärt werden.


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The tubulin-binding mode of C3- and C15-modified analogues of epothilone A (Epo A) was determined by NMR spectroscopy and computational methods and compared with the existing structural models of tubulin-bound natural Epo A. Only minor differences were observed in the conformation of the macrocycle between Epo A and the C3-modified analogues investigated. In particular, 3-deoxy- (compound 2) and 3-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-Epo A (3) were found to adopt similar conformations in the tubulin-binding cleft as Epo A, thus indicating that the 3-OH group is not essential for epothilones to assume their bioactive conformation. None of the available models of the tubulin-epothilone complex is able to fully recapitulate the differences in tubulin-polymerizing activity and microtubule-binding affinity between C20-modified epothilones 6 (C20-propyl), 7 (C20-butyl), and 8 (C20-hydroxypropyl). Based on the results of transferred NOE experiments in the presence of tubulin, the isomeric C15 quinoline-based Epo B analogues 4 and 5 show very similar orientations of the side chain, irrespective of the position of the nitrogen atom in the quinoline ring. The quinoline side chain stacks on the imidazole moiety of beta-His227 with equal efficiency in both cases, thus suggesting that the aromatic side chain moiety in epothilones contributes to tubulin binding through strong van der Waals interactions with the protein rather than hydrogen bonding involving the heteroaromatic nitrogen atom. These conclusions are in line with existing tubulin polymerization and microtubule-binding data for 4, 5, and Epo B.


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Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were generated against whole sonicated Neospora caninum tachyzoites as immunogen. Initial ELISA screening of the reactivity of hybridoma culture supernatants using the same antigen and antigen treated with sodium periodate prior to antibody binding resulted in the identification of 8 supernatants with reactivity against putative carbohydrate epitopes. Following immunoblotting, mab6D12 (IgG1), binding a 52/48-kDa doublet, and mab6C6 (IgM), binding a 190/180-kDa doublet, were selected for further studies. Immunofluorescence of tachyzoite-infected cultures localized the corresponding epitopes not to the surface, but to interior epitopes at the apical part of N. caninum tachyzoites. During in vitro tachyzoite to bradyzoite stage conversion, mab6C6 labeling translocated toward the cyst periphery, while for mab6D12 no changes in localization were noted. Upon extraction of tachyzoites with the nonionic detergent Triton-X-100, the 52-kDa band recognized by mab6D12 was present exclusively in the insoluble, cytoskeletal fraction of both N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis identified this protein as N. caninum beta tubulin. The 48-kDa band labeled by mab6D12 was a Vero cell protein contamination. The protein(s) reacting with mab6C6 could not be conclusively identified by mass spectrometry. Immunofluorescence consistently failed to label T. gondii tachyzoites, indicating that beta tubulin in T. gondii and N. caninum could be differentially modified or that the reactive epitope in T. gondii is masked. Immunogold TEM of isolated apical cytoskeletal preparations and dual immunofluorescence with antibody to tubulin confirmed that mab6D12 binds to the anterior part of apical complex-associated microtubules. The sodium periodate sensitivity of the beta tubulin associated epitope was confirmed by immunoblotting and ELISA, and treatment of N. caninum cytoskeletal proteins with sialidase prior to mab6D12 labeling resulted in a profound loss of antibody binding, suggesting that mab6D12 reacts with sialylated beta tubulin.


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The corpus luteum (CL) is a temporary organ involved in the maintenance of pregnancy. In the course of its life-cycle, the CL undergoes two distinct and consecutive processes for its inevitable removal through apoptosis: functional and structural luteolysis. We isolated a gene encoding for a novel rat zinc finger protein (ZFP), named rat ZFP96 (rZFP96) from an ovarian lambda cDNA library. Sequence analysis revealed close sequence and structural similarity to mouse ZFP96 and human zinc finger protein 305 (ZNF305). Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed a positive correlation with the end of pregnancy, that is, the onset of structural luteolysis of the CL. Messenger RNA levels increased 3-fold (P < 0.01) between days 13 and 22 of pregnancy and 8-fold (P < 0.01) between day 13 of pregnancy and day 1 post-partum. In addition, we detected rZFP96 expression in mammary, placenta, heart, kidney and skeletal muscle. Sequence analysis predicted that rZFP96 has a high probability of localizing to the nuclear compartment. The presence of both a perfect consensus TGEKP linker sequence between zinc fingers 2 and 3 as well as several similar sequences between the other zinc fingers suggests physical interaction with DNA. Speculatively, rZFP96 may therefore function as a transcription factor, switching-off pro-survival genes and/or upregulating pro-apoptotic genes and thereby contributing to the demise of the CL.


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The molecular mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) are not fully understood. To gain more insights into the function of specific genes in these complex processes, the expression of multiple candidates needs to be assessed, preferably on the protein level. Here, we developed a targeted proteomics method based on selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to study the candidate sex-related proteins in zebrafish which were selected based on a global proteomics analysis of adult gonads and representational difference analysis of male and female DNA, as well as on published information on zebrafish and other vertebrates. We employed the developed SRM protocols to acquire time-resolved protein expression profiles during the gonad differentiation period in vas::EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Evidence on protein expression was obtained for the first time for several candidate genes previously studied only on the mRNA level or suggested by bioinformatic predictions. Tuba1b (tubulin alpha 1b), initially included in the study as one of the potential housekeeping proteins, was found to be preferentially expressed in the adult testis with nearly absent expression in the ovary. The revealed changes in protein expression patterns associated with gonad differentiation suggest that several of the examined proteins, especially Ilf2 and Ilf3 (interleukin enhancer-binding factors 2 and 3), Raldh3 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3), Zgc:195027 (low density lipoprotein-related receptor protein 3) and Sept5a (septin 5a), may play a specific role in the sexual differentiation in zebrafish.


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Revertants of a colcemid-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line with an altered (D45Y) beta-tubulin have allowed the identification of four cis-acting mutations (L187R, Y398C, a 12-amino acid in-frame deletion, and a C-terminal truncation) that act by destabilizing the mutant tubulin and preventing it from incorporating into microtubules. These unstable beta-tubulins fail to form heterodimers and are predominantly found in association with the chaperonin CCT, suggesting that they cannot undergo productive folding. In agreement with these in vivo observations, we show that the defective beta-tubulins do not stably interact with cofactors involved in the tubulin folding pathway and, hence, fail to exchange with beta-tubulin in purified alphabeta heterodimers. Treatment of cells with MG132 causes an accumulation of the aberrant tubulins, indicating that improperly folded beta-tubulin is degraded by the proteasome. Rapid degradation of the mutant tubulin does not elicit compensatory changes in wild-type tubulin synthesis or assembly. Instead, loss of beta-tubulin from the mutant allele causes a 30-40% decrease in cellular tubulin content with no obvious effect on cell growth or survival.


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Cytokinesis in bacteria depends upon the contractile Z ring, which is composed of dynamic polymers of the tubulin homolog FtsZ as well as other membrane-associated proteins such as FtsA, a homolog of actin that is required for membrane attachment of the Z ring and its subsequent constriction. Here we show that a previously characterized hypermorphic mutant FtsA (FtsA*) partially disassembled FtsZ polymers in vitro. This effect was strictly dependent on ATP or ADP binding to FtsA* and occurred at substoichiometric levels relative to FtsZ, similar to cellular levels. Nucleotide-bound FtsA* did not affect FtsZ GTPase activity or the critical concentration for FtsZ assembly but was able to disassemble preformed FtsZ polymers, suggesting that FtsA* acts on FtsZ polymers. Microscopic examination of the inhibited FtsZ polymers revealed a transition from long, straight polymers and polymer bundles to mainly short, curved protofilaments. These results indicate that a bacterial actin, when activated by adenine nucleotides, can modify the length distribution of bacterial tubulin polymers, analogous to the effects of actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin on F-actin.


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Alpha and beta tubulin are essential proteins in all eukaryotic cells. To study how cells maintain coordinate levels of these two interacting proteins, we have used PCR to add a 9 amino acid epitope from influenza hemagglutinin protein onto the carboxyl terminus of $\alpha$1 and $\beta$1-tubulin. The chimeric tubulin genes (HA$\alpha$1 and HA$\beta$1) were transfected into CHO cells and cell lines that stably express each gene were selected. Cells transfected with HA-tubulin do not exhibit any gross changes in growth or morphology. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that HA-tubulins incorporate into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules. A quantitative biochemical assay was used to show that HA-tubulins incorporate into microtubules to a normal extent and do not alter the steady state distribution of endogenous tubulin between monomer and polymer pools. Two-dimensional gel analysis of pulse-labeled cells indicated that when HA$\beta$1-tubulin is expressed at high levels, it slightly represses the synthesis of the endogenous $\beta$-tubulin but produces a small increase in the synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin. Analysis of cells labeled to steady state showed that HA$\beta$1-tubulin accumulates to a similar level as the wild-type gene product, but together these polypeptides produce only a small increase in total tubulin content consistent with the increased synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin. It thus appears that HA$\beta$1-tubulin successfully competes with endogenous $\beta$-tubulin for heterodimer formation and that free $\beta$-tubulin subunits (endogenous and HA$\beta$1) are selectively degraded to maintain coordinate amounts of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin. In addition, the increased synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin suggested the existence of a mechanism to ensure coordinate synthesis of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin subunits. To analyze whether reciprocal changes in endogenous tubulin synthesis occur when $\alpha$-tubulin is overexpressed, stably transfected CHO cell lines were isolated in which HA$\alpha$1-tubulin represents 50% of the total $\alpha$-tubulin, and its relative abundance can be further increased to 85-90% by treatment with sodium butyrate. In contrast with results obtained using HA$\beta$1-tubulin, transfection of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin decreased the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin to 60% of normal with little or no change in $\beta$-tubulin synthesis. When the transfected cells were treated with sodium butyrate to further increase HA$\beta$1-tubulin production, a larger decrease in the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin (to 30% of normal) was observed. The repression on the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin polypeptide was found to be directly proportional to the expression of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin indicating the existence of an autoregulatory loop, where $\alpha$-tubulin inhibits its own synthesis. To determine whether overproduction of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin affected the transcription, message stability or translation of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin, the steady state levels of $\alpha$-tubulin mRNA were analyzed by ribonuclease protection assays. The results showed that the steady state level of $\alpha$-tubulin mRNA is not affected by the overexpression of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin, indicating that the repression is translational. The results are compatible with a model in which $\beta$-tubulin synthesis is largely unperturbed by overexpression of other tubulin subunits, and excess $\beta$-tubulin subunits are rapidly degraded to maintain coordinate $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin levels at steady state. In contrast, free $\alpha$-tubulin represses its own synthesis at the translational level, suggesting that its level of production may be controlled by the amount of $\beta$-tubulin available for heterodimer formation. ^