938 resultados para Trouble de personnalité borderline
Objectives. Biased thinking (to some extent overlapping with the concepts of cognitive distortions and cognitive errors) is a key concept in cognitive therapy of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Specific contents and cognitive processes related to BPD functioning are known. However, most studies are based on self-report measures which present a number of important limitations, in particular the difficulty in assessing non-conscious processes infused by affect. So far, no studies were conducted using valid observer-rated methodology addressing the question of biased thinking in BPD as it unfolds spontaneously in session. Design. This is a controlled interview study comparing two matched groups, BPD patients and healthy controls. Methods. A total of N= 25 clinical dynamic interviews with patients presenting with BPD were transcribed and rated using the Cognitive Errors Rating Scale (Drapeau, Perry, & Dunkley, 2008); their cognitive profiles were compared to those of N= 25 healthy controls who underwent the same procedure. Results. Overall, results indicated that no between-group difference in the frequency of specific biases was found. However, heightened levels of negative cognitive biases, in particular over-generalizing and fortune-telling, were associated with BPD. Furthermore, negative over-generalizing was associated with the number of BPD symptoms. Conclusions. These results have high levels of ecological validity and are promising for the refinement of cognitive theory of BPD. Clinical implications for assessment and intervention are discussed.
Motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR, also called complementary therapeutic relationship) was postulated to be a particularly helpful therapeutic ingredient in the early-phase treatment of patients with personality disorders, in particular borderline personality disorder (BPD). The present pilot study of randomized controlled trial using an add-on design aims to investigate the effects of MOTR in early-phase treatment (up to session 10), with BPD patients on therapeutic alliance, session impact, and outcome. In total, N = 25 patients participated in the study. BPD patients were randomly allocated to a manual-based investigation process in 10 sessions or to the same investigation process infused with MOTR. Adherence ratings were performed and yielded satisfactory results. The results suggested a specific effectiveness of MOTR on the interpersonal problem area, on the quality of the therapeutic alliance and the quality of the therapeutic relationship, as rated by the patient. These results may have important clinical implications for the early-phase treatment of patients presenting with BPD.
The French Analytical Questionnaire of diagnostic of the Personality (Q.A.P., 1996), who took over from the characterological questionnaire of Berger (1950), is a interesting one for psychologists and characterologists because this test is based on very coherent theoretical corpus. This questionnaire is divided in two parts, the first one consists of three factor or fundamental scales which allow to determine the characterological type of individuals, the second part is made of nine complementary scales allowing to determine more precisely the personality of the subjects. We have done a structural validation of that questionnaire using a large sample (n=865). Several factor analyses were conducted on both part of the test. We also made a reliability analysis of each scale using the alpha of Cronbach and a homogeneity analysis of each question. Thank to these analyses we were able to evalue that instrument and we were able to set up that the factorial structure of the test corresponds to the theoretical one developped by the french school of characterology. The Analytical Questionnaire of diagnostic of the Personnality is globaly reliable in particullary the fist part which is very consistent. The second part is less reliable, and this is partly on due to the correlations between the scales. We have also done a correlational analysis between the first part of the Q.A.P., the questionnaire of Berger and the Rapid Questionnaire of Diagnostic of the Personnality (Q.R.D.P., 1996). The Q.A.P. might be the more reliable one. Finally we have evaluated the impact of gender, age and profession on the factors of the Analytical Questionnaire of diagnostic of the Personnality.
We have examined the internal validity of the Levenson's locus of control scales (IPC, Internal, Powerful others and Chances), translated by Loas et al. (1994). The impact of different demographic variables on the Levenson's locus of control scales was assessed. After, we studied the relation between the IPC scales and the NEO PI R, personality inventory that measures the big five. A large sample (n=200) of subjects of different age, gender and profession and a sample of Swiss students (n=161) responding anonymously were used. The reliability of the IPC scale is acceptable. The analyses of the impact of the demographic variables show that gender and level of education have an influence on the I (intern) scale. Age, gender, level of education and profession have an impact on the P (powerful others) scale. The analyses of the relationship between locus of control and personality showed that there was a negative correlation between I (intern) and Neuroticism and a positive correlation between I and Extraversion and Consciousness. The P (powerful others) scale correlate positively with Neuroticism and negatively with Openness and Agreability. The C scale (chance) correlate positively with Neuroticism. Our study also gives the researchers and the practitioner a reference score table according to the gender, the age, the level of education and the profession.
Le concept de test relationnel (test, en anglais ; Weiss et Sampson, 1986 [16]) est présenté. Ses origines dans les écrits de Freud sont brièvement retracées et son inscription dans la théorie des croyances pathogènes de Weiss présentée. Par ailleurs, les autres éléments de la théorie psychanalytique de Weiss sont présentés (buts thérapeutiques, obstacles, traumas, insight, test relationnel). Toutes ces étapes sont illustrées par des exemples tirés de la littérature. Un développement récent du concept de test relationnel est présenté et appliqué à la psychothérapie des troubles de la personnalité (Sachse, 2003 [14]). Finalement, les auteurs donnent deux brefs exemples de tests relationnels tirés de leur propre pratique de psychothérapeute et discutent des modèles en les comparant entre eux. Des conclusions concernant l'utilité du concept de test relationnel pour la pratique psychothérapeutique et la recherche en psychothérapie sont proposées. The test concept (Weiss and Sampson, 1986 [16]) is presented. Its origins in Freud's works are briefly evoked and its place within the theory of pathogenic beliefs by Weiss presented. We present also the remaining elements of Weiss' psychoanalytic theory which are objectives, obstacles, traumas and insight. Every step of the reflection is illustrated with case examples, drawn from the literature. A recent development of the test concept is presented and applied to the psychotherapy of personality disorders (Sachse, 2003 [14]). Finally, the authors give brief examples of tests having occurred in their own practice as psychotherapists and discuss the models by comparing them among each other. Conclusions are drawn concerning the usefulness of the test concept for psychotherapy practice and research.
A cohort of 123 adult contacts was followed for 18‐24 months (86 completed the follow-up) to compare conversion and reversion rates based on two serial measures of QuantiFERON (QFT) and tuberculin skin test (TST) (PPD from TUBERSOL, Aventis Pasteur, Canada) for diagnosing latent tuberculosis (TB) in household contacts of TB patients using conventional (C) and borderline zone (BZ) definitions. Questionnaires were used to obtain information regarding TB exposure, TB risk factors and socio-demographic data. QFT (IU/mL) conversion was defined as <0.35 to ≥0.35 (C) or <0.35 to >0.70 (BZ) and reversion was defined as ≥0.35 to <0.35 (C) or ≥0.35 to <0.20 (BZ); TST (mm) conversion was defined as <5 to ≥5 (C) or <5 to >10 (BZ) and reversion was defined as ≥5 to <5 (C). The QFT conversion and reversion rates were 10.5% and 7% with C and 8.1% and 4.7% with the BZ definitions, respectively. The TST rates were higher compared with QFT, especially with the C definitions (conversion 23.3%, reversion 9.3%). The QFT conversion and reversion rates were higher for TST ≥5; for TST, both rates were lower for QFT <0.35. No risk factors were associated with the probability of converting or reverting. The inconsistency and apparent randomness of serial testing is confusing and adds to the limitations of these tests and definitions to follow-up close TB contacts.