972 resultados para Trinity Church (Lewiston, Me.)
Trinity AM was set up in January 2013. The aim of the breakfast club is to provide food for children before class to assist them in their school performance.The club is run by a group of volunteers including teachers, parents and local community members. On average, 30 children come to the club each morning. A selection of cereals, toast, fruit and fruit juice are served each morning. There is also a hot food option each morning, such as eggs or baked beans. This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin 13 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Funding This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Start 13th Jan 2013
Syphilis is a sexually or congenitally transmitted infectious disease with an impact on the health of human populations that has undergone important cycles in different countries and periods of history. Its presence was first diagnosed in Europe in the late XIV century. In Portugal, although there are various written records of the infection in the last centuries, there are rare references to it in archeological findings (mummified bodies are also rare in Portugal). The current study describes a probable case of congenital syphilis in an 18-month-old girl buried in the Church of the Sacrament in Lisbon. Her body, dating to the XVIII century, was found mummified together with dozens of others, still not studied. Symmetrical periostitis of the long bones, osteitis, metaphyseal lesions, left knee articular, and epiphyseal destruction, and a rarefied lesion with a radiological appearance compatible with Wimberger's sign all point to a diagnosis of congenital syphilis. The diagnosis of this severe form of the infection, possibly related to the cause of death in this upper-class girl, calls attention to the disease's presence in XVIII century Lisbon and is consistent with the intense mobilization at the time in relation to the risks posed by so-called heredosyphilis. It is the first case of congenital syphilis in a child reported in archeological findings in Portugal, and can be correlated with other cases in skeletons of adults buried in cemeteries in Lisbon (in the XVI to XVIII centuries) and Coimbra (XIX century). Finally, this finding highlights the need to study the entire series of mummified bodies in the Church of the Sacrament in order to compare the paleopathological findings and existing historical documents on syphilis, so as to expand the paleoepidemiological knowledge of this infection in XVIII century Lisbon.
We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coprolites recovered during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris sp. infection in Spain.
Some years ago, a parish in Geneva decided to reduce heating costs by insulating its church to make it more energy efficient. Three years after the last renovations, it was observed that the internal surfaces of the naves had already become dusty compared with the customary frequency of 10-12 years. Dust even deposited on various surfaces during religious services. Our investigation showed that nearly all the dust found inside the church may in fact be soot from incense and candle combustion. Incense appears to be a significant source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. With a mechanical ventilation system and petrol lamps resembling candles the problem can be resolved.
This paper makes several contributions to the growing literatureon the economics of religion. First, we explicitly introduce spatial-location models into the economics of religion. Second, we offer a newexplanation for the observed tendency of state (monopoly) churches tolocate toward the "low-tension" end of the "strictness continuum" (ina one-dimensional product space): This result is obtained through theconjunction of "benevolent preferences" (denominations care about theaggregate utility of members) and asymmetric costs of going to a moreor less strict church than one prefers.We also derive implications regarding the relationship between religiousstrictness and membership. The driving forces of our analysis, religiousmarket interactions and asymmetric costs of membership, high-light newexplanations for some well-established stylized facts. The analysis opensthe way to new empirical tests, aimed at confronting the implications ofour model against more traditional explanations.
Hanna-Maija Ketola & Mika Nokelainen
Donateur : Vassal, Gabrielle Maud (1880-1959)
Pablo de Castro, Director de GrandIR, describió la visión que el Grupo euroCRIS tiene de la infraestructura integrada de gestión de la información científica, compuesta por un sistema CRIS institucional, un repositorio de publicaciones y un repositorio de datos y software, y presentó el modelo de infraestructura integrada del Trinity College Dublin (TCD) como estudio de caso internacional. El sistema CRIS del TCD (TCD Research Support System o RSS), desde su primera versión en 2002, está basado en el estándar CERIF, un modelo de descripción de la actividad científica que está adquiriendo una progresiva relevancia como base de los sistemas CRIS en Europa, particularmente en el Reino Unido. Se citaron en la presentación los ensayos para incorporar CERIF al modelo de datos del software ePrints de repositorios, habilitándolo así para soportar parte de las tareas de recolección de información que realiza un CRIS, y la progresiva cobertura de CERIF a ámbitos tales como la gestión de datos de investigación.
Soitinnus: ork.