588 resultados para Triblock Copolymers
L'auto-assemblage des copolymères à bloc (CPBs) attire beaucoup d'intérêt grâce à leur capacité de générer spontanément des matériaux ordonnés avec des propriétés uniques. Les techniques Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) et Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) sont couramment utilisées pour produire des monocouches ou des films ultraminces à l'interface air/eau suivi de transfert aux substrats solides. Les films LB/LS de CPBs amphiphiles s'auto-assemblent dans des morphologies variables dépendamment de la composition du CPB ainsi que d'autres facteurs. Dans notre travail, nous avons étudié les films LB/LS de polystyrène-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) et leurs complexes supramoléculaires avec le naphtol (NOH), l'acide naphtoïque (NCOOH) et le 3-n-pentadécylphenol (PDP). La première partie de ce mémoire est consacré à l'investigation du PS-P4VP complexé avec le NOH et le NCOOH, en comparaison avec le PS-P4VP seul. Il a été démontré qu'un plateau dans l'isotherme de Langmuir, indicatif d'une transition de premier ordre, est absent à des concentrations élevées des solutions d'étalement des complexes. Cela a été corrélé avec l'absence de morphologie en nodules avec un ordre 2D hexagonal à basse pression de surface. L'ordre au-delà de la pression de cette transition, lorsque présente, change à un ordre 2D carré pour tout les systèmes. La deuxième partie du la mémoire considère à nouveau le système PS-P4VP/ PDP, pour lequel on a démontré antérieurement que la transition dans l'isotherme correspond a une transition 2D d'un ordre hexagonal à un ordre carré. Cela est confirmé par microscopie à force atomique, et, ensuite, on a procédé à une étude par ATR-IR des films LB pour mieux comprendre les changements au niveau moléculaire qui accompagnent cette transition. Il a été constaté que, contrairement à une étude antérieure dans la littérature sur un autre système, il n'y a aucun changement dans l'orientation des chaînes alkyles. Au lieu de cela, on a découvert que, aux pressions au-delà de celle de la transition, le groupe pyridine, qui est orienté à basse pression, devient isotrope et qu'il y a une augmentation des liaisons hydrogènes phénol-pyridine. Ces observations sont rationalisées par un collapse partiel à la pression de transition de la monocouche P4VP, qui à basse pression est ordonné au niveau moléculaire. Cette étude a mené à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui se produisent à l'interface air/eau, ce qui fournit une meilleure base pour la poursuite des applications possibles des films LB/LS dans les domaines de nanotechnologie.
The present study describes the preparation of Vinyl acetate-Butyl acrylate copolymer lattices of varying compositions and solid contents by semicontinuous emulsion polymerization method. This copolymer lattices were used as binder to develop a new surface coating formulation. The properties of this surface coating were improved by using nano TiO2 colloidal sol as a pigment. Antimicrobial activity of surface coatings was improved by the addition of carboxymethyl chitosan as biocide. Uniformly dispersed tyre crumb was used to give a mat finish to the coating. The mechanical properties adhesive properties, thermal properties etc. of the coatings are presented in thesis.
Block copolymers of unsaturated polyester were prepared by condensation polymerization of hydroxyl or carboxyl terminated liquid rubbers with maleic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and propylene glycol. The condensate obtained was mixed with styrene monomer to get an unsaturated polyester resin formulation. In this study, copolymers of unsaturated polyesters with hydroxy terminated polybutadiene, carboxy terminated nitrile rubber, and hydroxy terminated natural rubber were prepared. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation at break, toughness, impact strength, surface hardness, abrasion resistance, and water absorption were evaluated after the resin was cured in appropriate molds for comparison with the control resin. The fracture toughness and impact resistance of CTBN-modified unsaturated polyester show substantial improvement by this copolymerization without seriously affecting any other property
The main focus of the present study was to develop ideal low band gap D-A copolymers for photoconducting and non-linear optical applications. This chapter summarizes the overall research work done. Designed copolymers were synthesized via direct arylation or Suzuki coupling reactions. Copolymers were characterized by theoretical and experimental methods. The suitability of these copolymers in photoconducting and optical limiting devices has been investigated.The results suggest that the copolymers investigated in the present study have a good non-linear optical response and are comparable to or even better than the D-A copolymers reported in the literature and hence could be chosen as ideal candidates with potential applications for non-linear optics. The results also show that the structures of the polymers have great impact on NLO properties. Copolymers studied here exhibits good optical limiting property at 532 nm wavelength due to two-photon absorption (TPA) process. The results revealed that the two copolymers, (P(EDOT-BTSe) and P(PH-TZ)) exhibited strong two-photon absorption and superior optical power limiting properties, which are much better than that of others.
Free-radical copolymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate with 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate can be successively utilized for the synthesis of water-soluble polymers and hydrogels with excellent physicochemical properties, thus showing promise for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. In the work presented it has been demonstrated that water-soluble copolymers based on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate exhibit lower critical solution temperature in aqueous solutions, whereas the corresponding high molecular weight homopolymers do not have this unique property. The temperature-induced transitions observed upon heating the aqueous solutions of these copolymers proceed via liquid−liquid phase separation. The hydrogels were also synthesized by copolymerizing 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate in the absence of a bifunctional cross-linker. The cross-linking of these copolymers during copolymerization is believed to be due to the presence of bifunctional admixtures or transesterification reactions. Transparency, swelling behavior, mechanical properties, and porosity of the hydrogels are dependent upon the monomer ratio in the copolymers. Hydrogel samples containing more 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate are less transparent, have lower swelling capacity, higher elastic moduli, and pores of smaller size. The assessment of the biocompatibility of the copolymers using the slug mucosal irritation test revealed that they are also less irritant than poly(acrylic acid).
The formation of hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes between poly(acrylic acid) and poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) as well as amphiphilic copolymers of N-vinyl pyrrolidone with vinyl propyl ether has been studied in aqueous and organic solutions. It was demonstrated that introduction of vinyl propyl ether units into the macromolecules of the nonionic polymer enhances their ability to form complexes in aqueous solutions due to more significant contribution of hydrophobic effects. The complexation was found to be a multistage process that involves the formation of primary polycomplex particles, which further aggregate to form spherical nanoparticles. Depending on the environmental factors (pH, solvent nature), these nanoparticles may either form stable colloidal solutions or undergo further aggregation, resulting in precipitation of interpolymer complexes. In organic solvents, the intensity of complex formation increases in the following order: methanol < ethanol < isopropanol < dioxane. The multilayered coatings were developed using layer-by-layer deposition of interpolymer complexes on glass surfaces. It was demonstrated that the solvent nature affects the efficiency of coating deposition.
We apply a new X-ray scattering approach to the study of melt-spun filaments of tri-block and random terpolymers prepared from lactide, caprolactone and glycolide. Both terpolymers contain random sequences, in both cases the overall fraction of lactide units is similar to 0.7 and C-13 and H-1 NMR shows the lactide sequence length to be similar to 9-10. A novel representation of the X-ray fibre pattern as series of spherical harmonic functions considerably facilitates the comparison of the scattering from the minority crystalline phase with hot drawn fibres prepared from the poly(L-lactide) homopolymer. Although the fibres exhibit rather disordered structures we show that the crystal structure is equivalent to that displayed by poly(L-lactide) for both the block and random terpolymers. There are variations in the development of a two-phase structure which reflect the differences in the chain architectures. There is evidence that the random terpolymer includes non-lactide units in to the crystal interfaces to achieve a well defined two-phase structure. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A series of amphiphilic copolymers were synthesized by free-radical copolymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) with vinyl propyl ether (VPE), and the structure of the copolymers was characterized by elemental analysis and gel permeation chromatography. The reactivity of VPE in copolymerization was found to be significantly lower than the reactivity of NVP, which resulted in a decrease of copolymers’ yields and molecular weights with higher content of VPE in the feed mixture. An investigation of the behavior of the copolymers in aqueous solutions at different temperatures by dynamic light scattering revealed the presence of lower critical solution temperature, which depending on the content of VPE ranged within 23−38 °C. Aqueous solutions of these copolymers were studied by fluorescent spectroscopy with pyrene as a polarity probe to reveal the formation of hydrophobic domains. The copolymers were found to be useful for enhancing the solubility of riboflavin in water.
The excess surface energy of lamellae formed by an ABA triblock copolymer melt oriented parallel to a neutral surface is evaluated using self-consistent field theory (SCFT). Consistent with experiments and previous SCFT calculations, we find a preference for the A-rich domains at the surface, which can only be attributed to the architectural asymmetry between the A and B blocks. The behavior was previously attributed to a loss of bridging configurations that occurs when the B-domain resides at the surface. Here we demonstrate that it is actually the presence of chain ends that reduces the excess surface energy of an A-rich domain relative that of a B-rich domain.
The structure and shear flow behaviour of aqueous micellar solutions and gels formed by an amphiphilic poly(oxybutylene)-poly(oxyethylene)-poly(oxybutylene) triblock copolymer with a lengthy hydrophilic poly(oxyethylene) block has been investigated by rheology, small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SANS revealed that bridging of chains between micelles introduces, in the micellar solution, an attractive long-range component which can be described through a potential of interaction corresponding to sticky soft spheres. The strength of the attractive interaction increases with increasing concentration. Rheology showed that the dependence of the storage modulus with temperature can be explained as a function of the micellar bridging, micellisation and phase morphology. SAXS studies showed that the orientation adopted by the system in the get phase under shear is similar to that previously observed by us for the gel phase of a poly(oxyethylene)-poly(oxybutylene) diblock copolymer with a long poly(oxyethylene) chain, suggesting that the micellar corona/core length ratio and not the architecture of the block copolymer influences the alignment of the gel phase under shear.
We study the structure and shear flow behavior of a side-on liquid crystalline triblock copolymer, named PBA-b-PA444-b-PBA (PBA is poly(butyl acrylate) and PA444 is a poly(acrylate) with a nematic liquid crystal side-on mesogen), in the self-assembled lamellar phase and in the disordered phase. Simultaneous oscillatory shear and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments show that shearing PBA-b-PA444-b-PBA at high frequency and strain amplitudes leads to the alignment of the lamellae with normals perpendicular to the shear direction and to the velocity gradient direction, i.e., in the perpendicular orientation. The order-to-disorder transition temperature (T-ODT) is independent of the applied strain, in contrast to results reported in the literature for coil-coil diblock copolymers, which show an increase in T-ODT with shear rate. It is possible that in our system, T-ODT does not depend on the applied strain because the fluctuations are weaker than those present in coil-coil diblock copolymer systems.