931 resultados para Transformation with territorial intelligence


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The province of Mendoza, in the west of the Argentine Republic is in a favorable political conjuncture to strengthen the territorial planning in the municipalities. This is due to the approval of the Provincial Law 8051 of Territorial Ordering and Municipal Ground Uses that establish terms to formulate a Plan Provincial Territorial Ordering and Plans; against this background the municipalities have an annotated time to elaborate their own Plan. On the other hand the civil society is giving awareness signs on its protagónico paper like controller of the public policies, generating propitious scopes for the participativas social practices and circulation of the knowledge. This verifies in the social reactions front to decisions that can affect the atmosphere and the resources of the territory. In spite of this favorable context to fortify the instances of social participation it jeopardize with projects based on territorial intelligence, are observed very different institutional answers. The greater obstacles are within such municipalities, lack territorial conscience in the municipal agents and the handling of the information is fragmented. Taking into account the marks from reference that affect the provincial territorial policy, an investigation was made in order to analyze the practices of participativa planning in municipal scopes. Interviews, studies of case and qualification of municipal agents were combined, which allowed triangular results and of obtaining a socioterritorial differentiation of the municipalities of Mendoza. This result is a departure point to consider at the time of making proposals for a work agenda or trying transformations towards a new form to govern, where the associate management is multiplied. Before a same frame of provincial reference, the particular answers of the municipalities are improving, but the majority requires to cross a gradual own way with the qualification of the human resource and with a renovation of guidelines in relation to the local community


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Esta investigación se enmarca en un proyecto institucional más amplio, el GDRI INTI 'Groupe de Recherche International, International Network of Territorial Intelligence' CNRS 2011-2014, se desarrolla institucionalmente en el ámbito de la Red Latinoamericana Territorios Posibles, Equipo de Investigación TAG UNLP-CONICET con sede en IdIHCS. Uno de los objetivos propuestos en el marco de la red es aportar estrategias de co-construcción del territorio respetando las identidades, necesidades y expectativas de los lugareños (Bozzano, H; 2011) y contribuir al estado actual de debate en nuestra red latinoamericana TAG Territorios Posibles. Se reflexiona y analiza sobre acciones realizadas en el marco de 4 casos, donde existen proyectos multidisciplinarios, que aunque no poseen una dimensión de análisis exclusiva, ni territorial ni turística, nos permiten evaluar el proceso de desarrollo y maduración de proyectos en clave de Inteligencia Territorial. Fortaleciendo aquellos que articulen saberes de los actores y sujetos del territorio e incorporen diferentes dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, con el propósito de resolver gradualmente problemáticas concretas. Se trata de potenciar y desarrollar desde las propias comunidades micro acciones, micro logros y micro transformaciones en pos del desarrollo sustentable de los lugares turísticos seleccionados. El espacio turístico no es único, está integrado por múltiples formas territoriales acordes a las características previas del espacio incorporado y las condiciones de apropiación según los actores en presencia de capitales, ideologías, pautas culturales, etc. (Hiernaux, N; 2005) Las modalidades dominantes de la práctica turística se definen bajo reglas y/o lógicas de consumo del tiempo de ocio; en este se incluye la mercantilización de la naturaleza, por un lado, y estandarización, uniformización y homogenización de rasgos culturales, por otro. Bajo este paradigma la valorización de diferentes espacios por parte de los turistas y agentes productores del turismo tienden a reproducir atractivos, muchas veces desconectados de su historia e identidades (enclaves turísticos), características ambientales, en general desarticuladas de otras actividades económicas o en competencia directa con éstas. Asistimos hoy a una verdadera inflexión en la práctica turística (paradigma emergente). Algunos grupos de turistas se movilizan respetando la diversidad sociocultural y biológica (transición socio ecológica; Girardot; 2009). En un mismo sentido, los conocimientos y la información adquirida por los viajeros tienen una verdadera vocación global, mediados por la creación de nuevos imaginarios globales (Hiernaux; 1998; Prats; 1998; Canclini, 1998). Las nuevas prácticas turísticas se basan en el regreso al individuo, cuidado del cuerpo, búsqueda de emociones, ruptura de la rutinaria y excitación de los sentidos. En relación con esto se redefine en interacción constante la atractividad de los sitios turísticos donde se valorizan las identidades locales, surgen nuevos mitos del turismo, potencian la relación global-local y local-local. Los casos seleccionados atraviesan diferentes etapas de institucionalización y difieren en cuanto a escala, naturaleza, alcance y desarrollo son: en Argentina, La Plata (649.613 hab. -2010-; sup. 928 km2); Isla Paulino, Berisso (aproximadamente 30 hab; sup. 20 km2); Coronel Brandsen (26.352 hab. (2010), sup 1126.02 km2) y el otro en Uruguay, Lavalleja (60.925 hab. -2004-; sup. 10.016 km2)


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El turismo rural ha sido incorporado por pequeños establecimientos agropecuarios del partido de Cnel. Suárez, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, como actividad alternativa para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus miembros y superar situaciones de crisis agravadas por la marginalidad productiva del SO bonaerense, región a la que pertenecen. Bajo el programa Cambio Rural del INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) conforman el Grupo 'Cortaderas II', junto a otros emprendedores interesados en valorar el medio rural. Han avanzado en el proceso de reconocimiento de su identidad y puesta en valor de recursos específicos con anclaje en el territorio. Esta identidad comienza a apreciarse internamente, a raíz de la dinámica grupal lograda y la incipiente articulación con otros actores para la construcción de un partenariado público y privado que genere sinergias y contribuya al desarrollo sustentable del territorio. Sin embargo, aún no es claramente percibida por el turista, cada vez más exigente. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo persigue proponer indicadores para evaluar el desempeño de un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad con enfoque territorial que, adaptando el modelo europeo 'Marca de Calidad Territorial', sustente una estrategia comercial de diferenciación del servicio y simultáneamente, mida el progreso hacia una mejor calidad de vida y fortalecimiento de vínculos con la cultura local y el entorno físico-natural en el marco del desarrollo sustentable. La investigación se plantea para la micro escala, ya que se trata de un estudio de caso, relevándose información primaria mediante observación directa y entrevistas semi-estructuradas, complementada con información secundaria diagnóstica utilizada por INTA. Las características del grupo y su dinámica de funcionamiento bajo el programa Cambio Rural revelan que es posible adoptar un proceso de certificación participativa propuesto para cuatro pilares de la calidad: de Bienes y Servicios, Institucional, Social y Ambiental. El modelo se integra con indicadores de evaluación de desempeño, agrupados en áreas clave para cada una de las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, que contemplan el paisaje y la gestión de los recursos naturales; el impacto económico de la actividad, la calidad de la oferta y satisfacción del turista; así como las relaciones sociales internas y los vínculos con otros actores del territorio. Principalmente se encontraron fortalezas en la búsqueda de partenariados y debilidades en aspectos de comunicación y promoción. Se considera que este sistema de herramientas de gestión sustentable permitiría superar las dificultades de una certificación individual, pudiendo aplicarse a emprendimientos con otra ubicación geográfica


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El tema central se vincula con el Ordenamiento territorial y su correlato en herramientas y metodologías de intervención y gestión urbanas, desde una visión del saber ambiental. A partir de los conceptos categoriales de territorio, actores y ambiente se propone aportar, por un lado metodologías para la comprensión, explicación y análisis del territorio y sus lugares, por el otro mecanismos de gestión para una normativa basada en la inteligencia territorial. Desde estos conceptos se pretende entonces, realizar una vinculación conceptual y normativa para la gestión sustentable del territorio que logre salvar las diferencias entre el estatismo normativo y la dinámica socio-espacial. El área objeto de estudio, es el aquella denominada aquí Area de La Bajada. Así, para un abordaje integral y conceptual del territorio se trabaja desde lo metodológico con los métodos Territorii y Stlocus. Incluyendo mecanismos participativos, como talleres y encuestas que aporten a la comprensión del territorio real, pensado, legal, vivido y posible, propuestos por Territorii que estructura el proceso de lectura y comprensión del lugar. Por su parte el método Stlocus en su ensamble con Territorii permite indagar y analizar el lugar, desde el reconocimiento de patrones de ocupación del lugar, apropiación territorial y vocaciones. Conceptos que llevarán a incoporar a la normativa categorías y dimensiones de urbanístico-territoriales. Desde lo ambiental, se cree de gran importancia el desarrollo del riesgo (vulnerabilidad + amenazas) como concepto operativo para la obtención de dos objetivos: la inclusión de los actores a la dinámica de gestión y la operativización de acciones ambientales directas sobre el territorio. Finalmente, luego del proceso de comprensión y análisis iniciado se arriba a tres cuestiones fundamentales: los métodos propuestos son herramientas flexibles que aportan a la comprensión del territorio desde conceptos categoriales de espacio se torna fundamental, los actores pueden ser incluidos en esta indagación en cualquier etapa del proceso. Sin embargo, aquí aparece la terca línea fundamental: la participación y la gestión de territorios sustentables. Para ello es necesario iniciar un proceso de gobernanza que logre minimizar los impactos de los procesos distorsivos del mercado mediante un Estado proactivo que regule de manera inclusiva, para reducir al mínimo las diferentes dinámicas entre los cuerpos normativos, y su vinculación directa con el territorio deseado por todos los ciudadanos a través de una normativa urbana con inteligencia territorial


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Ambient Intelligence could support innovative application domains like motor impairments' detection at the home environment. This research aims to prevent neurodevelopmental disorders through the natural interaction of the children with embedded intelligence daily life objects, like home furniture and toys. Designed system uses an interoperable platform to provide two intelligent interrelated home healthcare services: monitoring of children¿s abilities and completion of early stimulation activities. A set of sensors, which are embedded within the rooms, toys and furniture, allows private data gathering about the child's interaction with the environment. This information feeds a reasoning subsystem, which encloses an ontology of neurodevelopment items, and adapts the service to the age and acquisition of expected abilities. Next, the platform proposes customized stimulation services by taking advantage of the existing facilities at the child's environment. The result integrates Embedded Sensor Systems for Health at Mälardalen University with UPM Smart Home, for adapted services delivery.


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The isoprenoid pathway in FRTL-5 thyroid cells was found to be deeply altered on transformation with v-K-ras. A dramatic overall reduction of protein prenylation was found in v-K-ras-transformed cells in comparison with the parent FRTL-5 cells, as shown by labeling cells with [3H]mevalonic acid. This phenomenon was accompanied by a relative increase of p21ras farnesylation and by a decrease of the ratio between the amounts of geranylgeraniol and farnesol bound to prenylated proteins. Analysis of protein prenylation in FRTL-5 cells transformed by a temperature-sensitive mutant of the v-K-ras oncogene indicated that these variations represent an early and specific marker of active K-ras. Conversely, FRTL-5 cells transformed with Harvey-ras showed a pattern of [3H]-mevalonate (MVA)-labeled proteins similar to that of nontransformed cells. The K-ras oncogene activation also resulted in an overall decrease of [3H]-MVA incorporation into isopentenyl-tRNA together with an increase of unprocessed [3H]-MVA and no alteration in [3H]-MVA uptake. The effects of v-K-ras on protein prenylation could be mimicked in FRTL-5 cells by lowering the concentration of exogenous [3H]-MVA whereas increasing the [3H]-MVA concentration did not revert the alterations observed in transformed cells. Accordingly, v-K-ras expression was found to: (i) down-regulate mevalonate kinase; (ii) induce farnesyl-pyrophosphate synthase expression; and (iii) augment protein farnesyltransferase but not protein geranylgeranyl-transferase-I activity. Among these events, mevalonate kinase down-regulation appeared to be related strictly to differential protein prenylation. This study represents an example of how expression of the v-K-ras oncogene, through multiple interferences with the isoprenoid metabolic pathway, may result in the preferential farnesylation of the ras oncogene product p21ras.


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GD25 cells lacking β1 integrins or expressing β1A with mutations of conserved cytoplasmic tyrosines (Y783, Y795) to phenylalanine have poor directed migration to platelet-derived growth factor or lysophosphatidic acid when compared with GD25 cells expressing wild-type β1A. We studied the effects of v-src on these cells. Transformation with v-src caused tyrosine and serine phosphorylation of wild-type β1A but not of Y783/795F doubly mutated β1A. v-src-transformed cells had rounded and/or fusiform morphology and poor assembly of fibronectin matrix. Adhesion to fibronectin or laminin and coupling of focal contacts to actin-containing cytoskeleton were preserved in transformed Y783/795F cells but lost on transformation when β1A was wild type. Transformed Y783/795F cells also retained ability, albeit limited, to migrate across filters, whereas transformed cells with wild-type β1A were unable to transverse filters. Studies of single tyrosine mutants showed that the more important tyrosine for retaining ability to adhere, assemble focal contacts, and migrate is Y783. These results suggest that overactive phosphorylation of cytoplasmic residues of β1A, particularly Y783, accounts in part for the phenotype of v-src-transformed cells.


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Oncogenic potential of human mycoplasmas was studied using cultured mouse embryo cells, C3H/10T1/2 (C3H). Mycoplasma fermentans and Mycoplasma penetrans, mycoplasmas found in unusually high frequencies among patients with AIDS, were examined. Instead of acute transformation, a multistage process in promotion and progression of malignant cell transformation with long latency was noted; after 6 passages (1 wk per passage) of persistent infection with M. fermentans, C3H cells exhibited phenotypic changes with malignant characteristics that became progressively more prominent with further prolonged infection. Up to at least the 11th passage, all malignant changes were reversible if mycoplasmas were eradicated by antibiotic treatment. Further persistent infection with the mycoplasmas until 18 passages resulted in an irreversible form of transformation that included the ability to form tumors in animals and high soft agar cloning efficiency. Whereas chromosomal loss and translocational changes in C3H cells infected by either mycoplasma during the reversible stage were not prominent, the onset of the irreversible phase of transformation coincided with such karyotypic alteration. Genetic instability--i.e., prominent chromosomal alteration of permanently transformed cells--was most likely caused by mutation of a gene(s) responsible for fidelity of DNA replication or repair. Once induced, chromosomal alterations continued to accumulate both in cultured cells and in animals without the continued presence of the transforming microbes. Mycoplasma-mediated multistage oncogenesis exhibited here shares many characteristics found in the development of human cancer.


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The Gram-negative bacterial pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae is naturally competent for transformation with species-related DNA. We show here that two phase-variable pilus-associated proteins, the major pilus subunit (pilin, or PilE) and PilC, a factor known to function in the assembly and adherence of gonococcal pili, are essential for transformation competence. The PilE and PilC proteins are necessary for the conversion of linearized plasmid DNA carrying the Neisseria-specific DNA uptake signal into a DNase-resistant form. The biogenesis of typical pilus fibers is neither essential nor sufficient for this process. DNA uptake deficiency of defined piliated pilC1,2 double mutants can be complemented by expression of a cloned pilC2 gene in trans. The PilC defect can also be restored by the addition of purified PilC protein, or better, pili containing PilC protein, to the mutant gonococci. Our data suggest that the two phase-variable Pil proteins act on the bacterial cell surface and cooperate in DNA recognition and/or outer membrane translocation.


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Background: DNA-binding proteins play a pivotal role in various intra- and extra-cellular activities ranging from DNA replication to gene expression control. Identification of DNA-binding proteins is one of the major challenges in the field of genome annotation. There have been several computational methods proposed in the literature to deal with the DNA-binding protein identification. However, most of them can't provide an invaluable knowledge base for our understanding of DNA-protein interactions. Results: We firstly presented a new protein sequence encoding method called PSSM Distance Transformation, and then constructed a DNA-binding protein identification method (SVM-PSSM-DT) by combining PSSM Distance Transformation with support vector machine (SVM). First, the PSSM profiles are generated by using the PSI-BLAST program to search the non-redundant (NR) database. Next, the PSSM profiles are transformed into uniform numeric representations appropriately by distance transformation scheme. Lastly, the resulting uniform numeric representations are inputted into a SVM classifier for prediction. Thus whether a sequence can bind to DNA or not can be determined. In benchmark test on 525 DNA-binding and 550 non DNA-binding proteins using jackknife validation, the present model achieved an ACC of 79.96%, MCC of 0.622 and AUC of 86.50%. This performance is considerably better than most of the existing state-of-the-art predictive methods. When tested on a recently constructed independent dataset PDB186, SVM-PSSM-DT also achieved the best performance with ACC of 80.00%, MCC of 0.647 and AUC of 87.40%, and outperformed some existing state-of-the-art methods. Conclusions: The experiment results demonstrate that PSSM Distance Transformation is an available protein sequence encoding method and SVM-PSSM-DT is a useful tool for identifying the DNA-binding proteins. A user-friendly web-server of SVM-PSSM-DT was constructed, which is freely accessible to the public at the web-site on http://bioinformatics.hitsz.edu.cn/PSSM-DT/.


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This thesis introduces two related lines of study on classification of hyperspectral images with nonlinear methods. First, it describes a quantitative and systematic evaluation, by the author, of each major component in a pipeline for classifying hyperspectral images (HSI) developed earlier in a joint collaboration [23]. The pipeline, with novel use of nonlinear classification methods, has reached beyond the state of the art in classification accuracy on commonly used benchmarking HSI data [6], [13]. More importantly, it provides a clutter map, with respect to a predetermined set of classes, toward the real application situations where the image pixels not necessarily fall into a predetermined set of classes to be identified, detected or classified with.

The particular components evaluated are a) band selection with band-wise entropy spread, b) feature transformation with spatial filters and spectral expansion with derivatives c) graph spectral transformation via locally linear embedding for dimension reduction, and d) statistical ensemble for clutter detection. The quantitative evaluation of the pipeline verifies that these components are indispensable to high-accuracy classification.

Secondly, the work extends the HSI classification pipeline with a single HSI data cube to multiple HSI data cubes. Each cube, with feature variation, is to be classified of multiple classes. The main challenge is deriving the cube-wise classification from pixel-wise classification. The thesis presents the initial attempt to circumvent it, and discuss the potential for further improvement.


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Doutoramento em Gestão Interdisciplinar da Paisagem - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Universidade dos Açores / Universidade de Évora


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Home Automation (HA) has emerged as a prominent ¯eld for researchers and in- vestors confronting the challenge of penetrating the average home user market with products and services emerging from technology based vision. In spite of many technology contri- butions, there is a latent demand for a®ordable and pragmatic assistive technologies for pro-active handling of complex lifestyle related problems faced by home users. This study has pioneered to develop an Initial Technology Roadmap for HA (ITRHA) that formulates a need based vision of 10-15 years, identifying market, product and technology investment opportunities, focusing on those aspects of HA contributing to e±cient management of home and personal life. The concept of Family Life Cycle is developed to understand the temporal needs of family. In order to formally describe a coherent set of family processes, their relationships, and interaction with external elements, a reference model named Fam- ily System is established that identi¯es External Entities, 7 major Family Processes, and 7 subsystems-Finance, Meals, Health, Education, Career, Housing, and Socialisation. Anal- ysis of these subsystems reveals Soft, Hard and Hybrid processes. Rectifying the lack of formal methods for eliciting future user requirements and reassessing evolving market needs, this study has developed a novel method called Requirement Elicitation of Future Users by Systems Scenario (REFUSS), integrating process modelling, and scenario technique within the framework of roadmapping. The REFUSS is used to systematically derive process au- tomation needs relating the process knowledge to future user characteristics identi¯ed from scenarios created to visualise di®erent futures with richly detailed information on lifestyle trends thus enabling learning about the future requirements. Revealing an addressable market size estimate of billions of dollars per annum this research has developed innovative ideas on software based products including Document Management Systems facilitating automated collection, easy retrieval of all documents, In- formation Management System automating information services and Ubiquitous Intelligent System empowering the highly mobile home users with ambient intelligence. Other product ideas include robotic devices of versatile Kitchen Hand and Cleaner Arm that can be time saving. Materialisation of these products require technology investment initiating further research in areas of data extraction, and information integration as well as manipulation and perception, sensor actuator system, tactile sensing, odour detection, and robotic controller. This study recommends new policies on electronic data delivery from service providers as well as new standards on XML based document structure and format.


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Objective: The global implementation of oral random roadside drug testing is relatively limited, and correspondingly, the literature that focuses on the effectiveness of this intervention is scant. This study aims to provide a preliminary indication of the impact of roadside drug testing in Queensland. Methods: A sample of Queensland motorists’ (N= 922) completed a self-report questionnaire to investigate their drug driving behaviour, as well as examine the perceived affect of legal sanctions (certainty, severity and swiftness) and knowledge of the countermeasure on their subsequent offending behaviour. Results: Analysis of the collected data revealed that approximately 20% of participants reported drug driving at least once in the last six months. Overall, there was considerable variability in respondent’s perceptions regarding the certainty, severity and swiftness of legal sanctions associated with the testing regime and a considerable proportion remained unaware of testing practices. In regards to predicting those who intended to drug driving again in the future, perceptions of apprehension certainty, more specifically low certainty of apprehension, were significantly associated with self-reported intentions to offend. Additionally, self-reported recent drug driving activity and frequent drug consumption were also identified as significant predictors, which indicates that in the current context, past behaviour is a prominent predictor of future behaviour. To a lesser extent, awareness of testing practices was a significant predictor of intending not to drug drive in the future. Conclusion: The results indicate that drug driving is relatively prevalent on Queensland roads, and a number of factors may influence such behaviour. Additionally, while the roadside testing initiative is beginning to have a deterrent impact, its success will likely be linked with targeted intelligence-led implementation in order to increase apprehension levels as well as the general deterrent effect.


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The foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) was first identified as a syndrome in 1973. Since then a large body of research has accumulated. The full syndrome in which heavy alcohol use in pregnancy results in growth retardation, a characteristic facial dysmorphology and brain damage will be described. FAS is the commonest preventable, known cause of intellectual handicap, however, a large proportion of people with partial foetal alcohol syndrome have an intelligence in the normal range. Those with the full syndrome and with identified and diagnosed, intellectual handicap are more likely to receive appropriate services. Those with an intelligence in the normal range, suffer from severe psycho- social disabilities resulting in homelessness, mental illness and frequently criminality. There is a larger number of people with a partial syndrome who also suffer from high rates of secondary disability including learning problems and 70% of FAS people also have ADD or ADHD...