908 resultados para Transfert de polarisation
Comparison of frequency-selective screen-based linear to circular split-ring polarisation convertors
This study presents the use of periodic arrays of freestanding slot frequency-selective screens (FSS) as a means for generating circularly polarised signals from an incident linearly polarised signal at normal incidence to the structure. Measured and simulated results for crossed, linear and various ring slot element shapes in single and double-layer polarisation convertor structures are presented for 10 GHz operation. It is shown that 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidths of 21% can be achieved with the one-layer perforated screen design and that the rate of change is lower than the double-layer structures. An insertion loss of 0.34 dB can be achieved for the split circular ring double-layer periodic array, and of the three topologies presented the hexagonal split-ring polarisation convertor gives the lowest variation of AR with angle of incidence 1.8 dB/45° and 3.6 dB/45° for the single and double-screen FSS, respectively. In addition, their tolerance to angle of incidence variation is presented. The capability of the surfaces reported here as twist polariser or spatial isolator components has been demonstrated with up to -30 dB isolation between incident and re-reflected signals for the double-layer designs being measured. © 2010 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
A frequency selective surface (FSS) is described which exhibits coincident spectral responses for TE and TM polarisation when the FSS operates at 45 degrees incidence. The structure consists of two closely spaced arrays of ring elements with the conductor split at one or two locations to provide independent control of the resonances for the vertical and horizontal field directions. The FSS is designed to diplex two channels separated by an edge of a band ratio of 1.7:1 and yield a common - 10 dB reflection bandwidth of 10.2%. Measured and numerical results are shown to be in good agreement over the frequency range 9-12 GHz.
Single and double layer frequency selective surfaces (FSS) for Circular polarization (CP) operation were designed. The designed FSS provide reflection in the Ku-band (11.7 – 12.75 GHz) and transmission in the Ka-band (17.3 – 20.2 GHz). CP is conserved in each of the bands. For the double layer design over the Ku-band the reflection loss was less than 0.05 dB for TE and TM polarizations while the axial ratio was below 0.2 dB. Over the Ka-band transmission loss and axial ratio were each less than 0.25 dB.
This study presents the design of a thin electromagnetic absorber which exhibits radar backscatter suppression that is independent of the wave polarisation at large incidence angles. The structure consists of a metal backed printed frequency selective surface (FSS), with resistors placed across narrow gaps inserted in the middle of each of the four sides of the conductor loops. The geometry of the periodic array and the value of the vertical and horizontal resistor pairs are carefully chosen to present a real impedance of 377 Ω at the centre operating frequency for both TE and TM polarised waves. Angular sensitivity and reflectivity bandwidth have been investigated for FSS absorber designs with thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm. Each of the three structures was optimised to work at a centre frequency of 10 GHz and an incident angle of 45°. The design methodology is verified by measuring the radar backscatter suppression from a 3 mm (l / 10) thick screen in the frequency range 8–12 GHz. The absorber construction was simplified by filling the four metal gaps in each unit cell with shielding paint, and selecting the ink thickness to give the two required surface resistance values.
A double layer circular polarization (CP) frequency selective surface (FSS) for use as a dual-band quasi-optical diplexer suitable for deployment in reflector antenna systems is described. The FSS was designed to reflect Ku band signals (11.7–12.75 GHz) while transmitting Ka band signals (17.3–20.2 GHz) and conserving CP in each of these bands. The simulated/measured reflection loss over the Ku band was less than 0.05/0.1 dB for both TE and TM polarizations, while the simulated/measured axial ratio was less than 0.2/0.75 dB. Over the Ka band, the simulated/measured transmission loss for both polarizations was below 0.25/0.4 dB and the simulated/measured axial ratio was less than 0.25/0.75 dB. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a metallo-dielectric FSS that simultaneously operates in CP for an oblique angle of incidence in both Ku and Ka bands.
In this paper we report on a resistively loaded Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) absorber design which is insensitive to the polarization of microwave signals incident at angles of 45o ± 5o. The metal backed periodic structure is composed of an array of conductive rectangular loops, each loaded with a resistor at the center of the four sides. The geometry of the absorber and the resistance value of the vertical and horizontal resistor pairs are carefully chosen so that the structure presents a real impedance of 377 Ω at the center operating frequency for both TE and TM polarized waves incident at 45o. Numerical predictions of the electromagnetic scattering from three different absorbers, designed to work at X-band, are used to investigate the effect of thickness and resistance value on the reflectivity bandwidth and angular sensitivity.
A practical method to achieve both decoupling and six polarisation states by employing the mode-based approach for a four-element antenna is presented. The eigenmode theory as well as a practical implementation scheme are presented. The resulting approach can operate with vertical, horizontal, slant +45°, slant -45°, right-hand circular polarisation, or left-hand circular polarisation. A prototype has been manufactured and measured results show good agreement with simulations.
We calculated the frequency dependent macroscopic dielectric function and second-harmonic generation of cubic ZnS, ZnSe and ZnTe within time-dependent density-polarisation functional theory. The macroscopic dielectric function is calculated in a linear response framework, and second-harmonic generation in a real-time framework. The macroscopic exchange–correlation electric field that enters the time-dependent Kohn–Sham equations and accounts for long range correlation is approximated as a simple polarisation functional αP, where P is the macroscopic polarisation. Expressions for α are taken from the recent literature. The performance of the resulting approximations for the exchange–correlation electric field is analysed by comparing the theoretical spectra with experimental results and results obtained at the levels of the independent particle approximation and the random-phase approximation. For the dielectric function we also compare with state-of-the art calculations at the level of the Bethe–Salpeter equation.
Cognitive radio has been proposed as a means of improving the spectrum utilisation and increasing spectrum efficiency of wireless systems. This can be achieved by allowing cognitive radio terminals to monitor their spectral environment and opportunistically access the unoccupied frequency channels. Due to the opportunistic nature of cognitive radio, the overall performance of such networks depends on the spectrum occupancy or availability patterns. Appropriate knowledge on channel availability can optimise the sensing performance in terms of spectrum and energy efficiency. This work proposes a statistical framework for the channel availability in the polarization domain. A Gaussian Normal approximation is used to model real-world occupancy data obtained through a measurement campaign in the cellular frequency bands within a realistic scenario.
Certaines dégénérescences rétiniennes sont engendrées par des mutations¦génétiques et conduisent à la perte des cellules photosensibles, les¦photorécepteurs (cônes et/ou bâtonnets), et donc à la cécité (Roy et al., 2010).¦La prévalence est de 1/3000 chez les Caucasiens. Les Rétinites Pigmentaires¦(RP) en composent la majorité des cas, suivent l'Amaurose congénitale de¦Leber et la maladie de Stargardt. Il n'y a pas une mutation type associés à une¦maladie mais diverses mutations peuvent aboutir à une dégénérescence de la¦rétine. Tout comme le reste du système nerveux central, la rétine lésée n'a pas¦les capacités de se régénérer. Un objectif du traitement est de ralentir la¦dégénérescence de la rétine dans le but de la stabiliser. La thérapie génique¦constitue actuellement la seule approche thérapeutique à même de traiter les¦dégénérescences rétiniennes d'origine génétique. Elle consiste à utiliser un virus¦modifié, qui n'a plus les capacités de se reproduire, appelé vecteur pour cibler¦certaines cellules afin d'ajouter un gène sain ou d'inhiber un gène malade. Les¦virus associés à l'adénovirus (AAV) et les Lentivirus (LV) sont les 2 principaux¦types de virus utilisés en thérapie génique en ophtalmologie. D'autres vecteurs¦existent, comme les adénovirus et le virus de l'anémie infectieuse équine. Des¦études de thérapie génique effectuées chez l'homme avec le vecteur AAV ont¦démontré une sensible amélioration des fonctions visuelles (acuité visuelle,¦champ visuel, pupillométrie et le déplacement dans un environnement avec une¦lumière tamisée) chez des patients atteints d'Amaurose congénitale de Leber¦(Maguire et al., Ali et al., Hauswirth et al., Bennett et al.). Le vecteur utilisé au¦cours de ce travail est un LV, qui a pour avantage de pouvoir transporter de¦grands gènes. Lorsque ce vecteur est pseudotypé avec une enveloppe VSVG, il¦transduit (transférer un gène qui sera fonctionnel dans la cellule cible) bien¦l'épithélium pigmentaire rétinien (nécessaire à la survie et à la fonction des¦photorécepteurs). Afin de changer le tropisme du vecteur, celui testé dans cette¦étude contient une enveloppe de type Mokola qui cible efficacement les cellules¦gliales du cerveau et donc probablement aussi les cellules de Müller de la rétine.¦Le but à court terme est de transformer génétiquement ces cellules pour leur¦faire sécréter des molécules favorisant la survie des photorécepteurs. Pour¦révéler la cellule ciblée par le vecteur, le gène qui sera exprimé dans les cellules¦transduites code pour la protéine fluorescente verte 2 (GFPII) et n'a pas de¦fonction thérapeutique. Après avoir produit le virus, deux types de souris ont été¦injectées : des souris dépourvues du gène de la rhodopsine appelées Rho -/- et¦des souris sauvages appelées C57BL6. Les souris Rho -/- ont été choisies en¦tant que modèle de dégénérescence rétinienne et les souris C57BL6 en tant que¦comparatif. Les souris Rho -/- et C57BL56 ont été injectées entre le 2ème et le¦3ème mois de vie et sacrifiées 7 jours après. Des coupes histologiques de la rétine¦ont permis de mesurer et comparer pour chaque oeil, les distances de¦transduction du RPE et de la neurorétine (= toute la rétine sauf le RPE). La¦distance sur laquelle le RPE est transduit détermine la taille de la bulle¦d'injection alors que la distance sur laquelle la neurorétine est transduite¦détermine la capacité du vecteur à diffuser dans la rétine. Les résultats montrent¦une expression plus importante de la GFPII dans le RPE que dans la neurorétine¦chez les souris Rho -/- et C57BL6. Les principales cellules transduites au¦niveau de la neurorétine sont, comme attendu, les cellules de Müller. Lorsque¦l'on compare les proportions de neurorétine et de RPE transduites, on constate¦qu'il y a globalement eu une meilleure transduction chez les souris Rho -/-¦que chez les souris C57BL6. Cela signifie que le vecteur est plus efficace pour¦transduire une rétine dégénérée qu'une rétine saine. Pour déterminer quels types¦de cellules exprimaient la GFPII, des anticorps spécifiques de certains types de¦cellules ont été utilisés. Ces résultats sont similaires à ceux d'autres études¦effectuées précédemment, dont celle de Calame et al. en 2011, et tendent à¦prouver que le vecteur lentiviral avec l'enveloppe Mokola et le promoteur EFs¦est idéal pour transduire avec un gène thérapeutique des cellules de Müller dans¦des rétines en dégénérescence.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59610
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59612