985 resultados para Transfer Coefficient


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The influence of four variables, specifically PEG molar mass (400, 1,000, and 8,000 g/mol), concentrations of PEG and phosphate salts (15, 20, and 25% for both), and agitation intensity (110, 150, and 200 rpm), on clavulanic acid (CA) extraction by extractive fermentation with PEG/phosphate salts aqueous two-phase system was investigated in shaken flasks using a 2(4-1)-fractional factorial design. After selection of the two most significant variables (agitation intensity and PEG molar mass), an optimization study conducted according to a 2(2)-central composite design revealed that 25% PEG 8,000 g/mol and phosphate salts at 240 rpm (run 6) were the best conditions for the extractive fermentation, leading to the best results in terms of partition coefficient (k = 8.2), yield of CA in the PEG-rich phase (eta(T) = 93%) and productivity (P = 5.3 mg/Lh). As a first attempt to make a scale-up of these results, the effectiveness of the extractive fermentation was then checked in a bench-scale bioreactor under conditions as close as possible to the optimum ones determined in flasks. The highest CA concentration obtained in the PEG-rich phase (691 mg/L) was 30% higher than in flasks, thus demonstrating the potential of such a new process, integrating the production and extraction steps, as a promising, low-cost tool to obtain high yields of this and similar products. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 95-103, 2011


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A 2(3-1) factorial experimental design was used to evaluate the performance of a perforated rotating disc contactor to extract alpha-toxin from the fermented broth of Clostridium perfringens Type A by aqueous two-phase system of polyethylene glycol-phosphate salts. The influence of three independent variables, specifically the dispersed phase flowrate, the continuous phase flowrate and the disc rotational speed, was investigated on the hold up, the mass transfer coefficient, the separation efficiency and the purification factor, taken as the response variables. The optimum dispersed phase flowrate was 3.0 mL/min for all these responses. Besides, maximum values of hold up (0.80), separation efficiency (0. 10) and purification factor (2.4) were obtained at this flowrate using the lowest disc rotational speed (35 rpm), while the optimum mass transfer coefficient (0. 165 h(-1)) was achieved at the highest agitation level (140 rpm). The results of this study demonstrated that the dispersed phase flowrate strongly influenced the performance of PRDC, in that both the mass transfer coefficient and hold up increased with this parameter. (c) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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A quantitatively repeatable protocol was developed for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production by Escherichia coli XL1-Blue (pSYL107). Two constant-glucose fed-batch fermentations of duration 25 h were carried out in a 5-L bioreactor, with the measured oxygen volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (k(L)a) held constant at 1.1 min(-1). All major consumption and production rates were quantified. The intracellular concentration profiles of acetyl-CoA (300 to 600 mug.g RCM-1) and 3-hydroxy-butyryl-CoA (20 to 40 mug.g RCM-1) were measured, which is the first time this has been performed for E. coli during PHB production. The kinetics of PHB production were examined and likely ranges were established for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) enzyme activity and the concentration of pathway metabolites. These measured and estimated values are quite similar to the available literature estimates for the native PHB producer Ralstonia eutropha. Metabolic control analysis performed on the PHB metabolic pathway showed that the PHB flux was highly sensitive to acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio (response coefficient 0.8), total acetyl-CoA + CoA concentration (response coefficient 0.7), and pH (response coefficient -1.25). It was less sensitive (response coefficient 0.25) to NADPH/NADP ratio. NADP(H) concentration (NADPH + NADP) had a negligible effect. No single enzyme had a dominant flux control coefficient under the experimental conditions examined (0.6, 0.25, and 0.15 for 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase, PHA synthase, and 3-ketothiolase, respectively). In conjunction with metabolic flux analysis, kinetic analysis was used to provide a metabolic explanation for the observed fermentation profile. In particular, the rapid onset of PHB production was shown to be caused by oxygen limitation, which initiated a cascade of secondary metabolic events, including cessation of TCA cycle flux and an increase in acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 74: 70-80, 2001.


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This investigation demonstrates the capability of a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to biodegrade an inhibitory substrate at a high loading rate. A SBR loading rate of 3.12 kg phenol.m(-3)d(-1) (2.1 g COD.g(-1) MLVSS d(-1)) with a COD removal efficiency of 97% at a SRT of 4 days and a HRT of 10 hours was achieved; this rate was not reached before. The SBR was operated at 4 hours cycle, including 3 hours react phase. The synthetic wastewater of 1300 mg/L phenol was the sole carbon source. Oxygen uptake rates (OUR) were monitored in-situ at various stages of the SBR. The oxygen mass transfer coefficient, K(L)a, of 12.6 h(-1) was derived from respirometry. Use of respirometry in SBR aided the tracking of the soluble substrate through OUR.


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Este trabalho surgiu no âmbito da Tese de Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química, aliando a necessidade da Empresa Monteiro Ribas – Indústrias, S.A. em resolver alguns problemas relacionados com as estufas da unidade J da fábrica de revestimentos. Outro dos objectivos era propor melhorias de eficiência energética neste sector da empresa. Para tal, foi necessário fazer um levantamento energético de toda a unidade, o que permitiu verificar que as estufas de secagem (Recobrimento 1 e 2) seriam o principal objecto de estudo. O levantamento energético da empresa permitiu conhecer o seu consumo anual de energia de 697,9 tep, o que a classifica, segundo o Decreto-lei nº 71 de 15 de Abril de 2008, como Consumidora Intensiva de Energia (CIE). Além disso, as situações que devem ser alvo de melhoria são: a rede de termofluido, que apresenta válvulas sem isolamento, o sistema de iluminação, que não é o mais eficiente e a rede de distribuição de ar comprimido, que não tem a estrutura mais adequada. Desta forma sugere-se que a rede de distribuição de termofluido passe a ter válvulas isoladas com lã de rocha, o investimento total é de 2.481,56 €, mas a poupança pode ser de 21.145,14 €/ano, com o período de retorno de 0,12 anos. No sistema de iluminação propõe-se a substituição dos balastros normais por electrónicos, o investimento total é de 13.873,74 €, mas a poupança é de 2.620,26 €/ano, com período de retorno de 5 anos. No processo de secagem das linhas de recobrimento mediram-se temperaturas de todos os seus componentes, velocidades de ar o que permitiu conhecer a distribuição do calor fornecido pelo termofluido. No Recobrimento 1, o ar recebe entre 39 a 51% do calor total, a tela recebe cerca de 25% e na terceira estufa este é apenas de 6%. Nesta linha as perdas de calor por radiação oscilam entre 6 e 11% enquanto as perdas por convecção representam cerca de 17 a 44%. Como o calor que a tela recebe é muito inferior ao calor recebido pelo ar no Recobrimento 1, propõe-se uma redução do caudal de ar que entra na estufa, o que conduzirá certamente à poupança de energia térmica. No Recobrimento 2 o calor fornecido ao ar representa cerca de 51 a 77% do calor total e o cedido à tela oscila entre 2 e 3%. As perdas de calor por convecção oscilam entre 12 e 26%, enquanto que as perdas por radiação têm valores entre 4 e 8%. No que diz respeito ao calor necessário para evaporar os solventes este oscila entre os 4 e 13%. Os balanços de massa e energia realizados ao processo de secagem permitiram ainda determinar o rendimento das 3 estufas do Recobrimento 1, com 36, 47 e 24% paras as estufa 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. No Recobrimento 2 os valores de rendimento foram superiores, tendo-se obtido valores próximos dos 41, 81 e 88%, para as estufas 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Face aos resultados obtidos propõem-se a reengenharia do processo introduzindo permutadores compactos para aquecer o ar antes de este entrar nas estufas. O estudo desta alteração foi apenas realizado para a estufa 1 do Recobrimento 1, tendo-se obtido uma área de transferência de calor de 6,80 m2, um investimento associado de 8.867,81 €. e uma poupança de 708,88 €/ano, com um período de retorno do investimento de 13 anos. Outra sugestão consiste na recirculação de parte do ar de saída (5%), que conduz à poupança de 158,02 €/ano. Estes valores, pouco significativos, não estimulam a adopção das referidas sugestões.


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This work reports a relatively rapid procedure for the forecasting of the remediation time (RT) of sandy soils contaminated with cyclohexane using vapour extraction. The RT estimated through the mathematical fitting of experimental results was compared with that of real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to predict the RT of soils with natural organic matter (NOM) and water contents different from those used in experiments; and (ii) to analyse the time and efficiency of remediation, and the distribution of contaminants into the soil matrix after the remediation process, according to the soil contents of: (ii1) NOM; and (ii2) water. For sandy soils with negligible clay contents, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that: (i) if the NOM and water contents belonged to the range of the prepared soils, the RT of real soils could be predicted with relative differences not higher than 12%; (ii1) the increase of NOM content from 0% to 7.5% increased the RT (1.8–13 h) and decreased the remediation efficiency (RE) (99–90%) and (ii2) the increase of soil water content from 0% to 6% increased the RT (1.8–4.9 h) and decreased the RE (99–97%). NOM increases the monolayer capacity leading to a higher sorption into the solid phase. Increasing of soil water content reduces the mass transfer coefficient between phases. Concluding, NOM and water contents influence negatively the remediation process, turning it less efficient and more time consuming, and consequently more expensive.


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Volatile organic compounds are a common source of groundwater contamination that can be easily removed by air stripping in columns with random packing and using a counter-current flow between the phases. This work proposes a new methodology for column design for any type of packing and contaminant which avoids the necessity of an arbitrary chosen diameter. It also avoids the employment of the usual graphical Eckert correlations for pressure drop. The hydraulic features are previously chosen as a project criterion. The design procedure was translated into a convenient algorithm in C++ language. A column was built in order to test the design, the theoretical steady-state and dynamic behaviour. The experiments were conducted using a solution of chloroform in distilled water. The results allowed for a correction in the theoretical global mass transfer coefficient previously estimated by the Onda correlations, which depend on several parameters that are not easy to control in experiments. For best describe the column behaviour in stationary and dynamic conditions, an original mathematical model was developed. It consists in a system of two partial non linear differential equations (distributed parameters). Nevertheless, when flows are steady, the system became linear, although there is not an evident solution in analytical terms. In steady state the resulting ODE can be solved by analytical methods, and in dynamic state the discretization of the PDE by finite differences allows for the overcoming of this difficulty. To estimate the contaminant concentrations in both phases in the column, a numerical algorithm was used. The high number of resulting algebraic equations and the impossibility of generating a recursive procedure did not allow the construction of a generalized programme. But an iterative procedure developed in an electronic worksheet allowed for the simulation. The solution is stable only for similar discretizations values. If different values for time/space discretization parameters are used, the solution easily becomes unstable. The system dynamic behaviour was simulated for the common liquid phase perturbations: step, impulse, rectangular pulse and sinusoidal. The final results do not configure strange or non-predictable behaviours.


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A potentially renewable and sustainable source of energy is the chemical energy associated with solvation of salts. Mixing of two aqueous streams with different saline concentrations is spontaneous and releases energy. The global theoretically obtainable power from salinity gradient energy due to World’s rivers discharge into the oceans has been estimated to be within the range of 1.4-2.6 TW. Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is one of the emerging, membrane-based, technologies for harvesting the salinity gradient energy. A common RED stack is composed by alternately-arranged cation- and anion-exchange membranes, stacked between two electrodes. The compartments between the membranes are alternately fed with concentrated (e.g., sea water) and dilute (e.g., river water) saline solutions. Migration of the respective counter-ions through the membranes leads to ionic current between the electrodes, where an appropriate redox pair converts the chemical salinity gradient energy into electrical energy. Given the importance of the need for new sources of energy for power generation, the present study aims at better understanding and solving current challenges, associated with the RED stack design, fluid dynamics, ionic mass transfer and long-term RED stack performance with natural saline solutions as feedwaters. Chronopotentiometry was used to determinate diffusion boundary layer (DBL) thickness from diffusion relaxation data and the flow entrance effects on mass transfer were found to avail a power generation increase in RED stacks. Increasing the linear flow velocity also leads to a decrease of DBL thickness but on the cost of a higher pressure drop. Pressure drop inside RED stacks was successfully simulated by the developed mathematical model, in which contribution of several pressure drops, that until now have not been considered, was included. The effect of each pressure drop on the RED stack performance was identified and rationalized and guidelines for planning and/or optimization of RED stacks were derived. The design of new profiled membranes, with a chevron corrugation structure, was proposed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The performance of the suggested corrugation geometry was compared with the already existing ones, as well as with the use of conductive and non-conductive spacers. According to the estimations, use of chevron structures grants the highest net power density values, at the best compromise between the mass transfer coefficient and the pressure drop values. Finally, long-term experiments with natural waters were performed, during which fouling was experienced. For the first time, 2D fluorescence spectroscopy was used to monitor RED stack performance, with a dedicated focus on following fouling on ion-exchange membrane surfaces. To extract relevant information from fluorescence spectra, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was performed. Moreover, the information obtained was then used to predict net power density, stack electric resistance and pressure drop by multivariate statistical models based on projection to latent structures (PLS) modeling. The use in such models of 2D fluorescence data, containing hidden, but extractable by PARAFAC, information about fouling on membrane surfaces, considerably improved the models fitting to the experimental data.


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We examined the effects of riparian vegetation removal on algal dynamics and stream nutrient retention efficiency by comparing NH4-N and PO4-P uptake lengths from a logged and an unlogged reach in Riera Major, a forested Mediterranean stream in northeastern Spain. From June to September 1995, we executed 6 short-term additions of N (as NH4Cl) and P (as Na2HPO4) in a 200-m section to measure nutrient uptake lengths. The study site included 2 clearly differentiated reaches in terms of canopy cover by riparian trees: the first 100 m were completely logged (i.e., the logged reach) and the remaining 100 m were left intact (i.e., the shaded reach). Trees were removed from the banks of the logged reach in the winter previous to our sampling. In the shaded reach, riparian vegetation was dominated by alders (Alnus glutinosa). The study was conducted during summer and fall months when differences in light availability between the 2 reaches were greatest because of forest canopy conditions. Algal biomass and % of stream surface covered by algae were higher in the logged than in the shaded reach, indicating that logging had a stimulatory effect on algae in the stream. Overall, nutrient retention efficiency was higher (i.e., shorter uptake lengths) in the logged than in the shaded reach, especially for PO4-P. Despite a greater increase in PO4-P retention efficiency relative to that of NH4-N following logging, retention efficiency for NH4-N was higher than for PO4-P in both study reaches. The PO4-P mass-transfer coefficient was correlated with primary production in both study reaches, indicating that algal activity plays an important role in controlling PO4-P dynamics in this stream. In contrast, the NH4-N mass-transfer coefficient showed a positive relation-ship only with % of algal coverage in the logged reach, and was not correlated with any algal-related parameter in the shaded reach. The lack of correlation with algal production suggests that mechanisms other than algal activity (i.e., microbial heterotrophic processes or abiotic mechanisms) may also influence NH4-N retention in this stream. Overall, this study shows that logging disturbances in small shaded streams may alter in-stream ecological features that lead to changes in stream nutrient retention efficiency. Moreover, it emphasizes that alteration of the tight linkage between the stream channel and the adjacent riparian zone may directly and indirectly impact biogeochemical processes with implications for stream ecosystem functioning.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia aaltomaisen profiloinnin vaikutusta suorien jäähdytyskanavien lämmönsiirtoon ja painehäviöön. Erilaisia profiileja oli kymmenen kappaletta ja ne olivat 5mm leveitä ja 30cm pitkiä kukin. Ne laskettiin kolmeulotteisina tapauksina FINFLO-virtausratkaisijalla kolmella eri Reynoldsin luvulla, jotka vastasivat laminaarista, osittain turbulenttista ja lähes kokonaan turbulenttista virtausta. Lämmönsiirtoaine oli kuiva +30°C ilma ja profiloinnin toteutustapa oli toisiaan sivuavat ympyräkaaret kolmella erilaisella säteen arvolla ja kolmella erilaisella aallonpituuden arvolla. Lisäksi laskettiin saman levyisen tasokanavan arvot jokaisella Reynoldsin luvulla kaksiulotteisina tapauksina. Näitä profiloimattomia kanavia pidettiin referenssitapauksina. Tuloksena havaittiin että profiloimalla saadaan yksiselitteisesti suurempi lämpöteho ulos samasta tilavuudesta. Lämmönsiirtokerroin kasvaa profiloinnin avulla parhaimmillaan n. 20% käytetystä turbulenssimallista tai lämmönsiirtokertoimen määritelmästä riippumatta. Painehäviö kasvaa myös aina, mutta kitkakerroin voi hieman pienentyä. Profiilin varsinaisena hyvyyskriteerinä pidettiin lämmönsiirtokertoimen ja kitkakertoimen suhdetta h/f. Se osoittautui riippuvaksi Reynoldsin luvusta ja turbulenssimallista; ASM ja Chien k-έ -mallit ennustavat transitioetäisyyden eri tavalla. Laminaarisilla virtauksilla h/f :n vaihtelu oli vähäistä; suhde vaihteli vain ±5% eri profiilien kesken. ASM-mallilla havaittiin sekundääripyörteilyä, ehkä siksi että se mallintaa anisotrooppisen turbulenssin. Chien k-έ malli ennusti suuremman ja aikaisemmin alkavan turbulenttisuuden kuin ASM. Lisäksi havaittiin mm. että tietyillä profiileilla muodostuu kanavan kapeimpaan kohtaan selvä virtausnopeuden paikallinen minimi seinämän läheisyyden takia.


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Työssä tutkittiin synteesikaasun komponenttien: hiilimonoksidin, vedyn ja hiilidioksidin liukoisuutta ja aineensiirtonopeutta fermentointiliuokseen. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään kaasujen liukoisuuksiin ja kaasu-nesteaineensiirtoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja esitellään korrelaatioita, jotka on kehitetty volumetrisen aineensiirtokertoimen ennustamiseen sekoitetussa fermentorissa. Kirjallisuus-osassa esitetään myös synteesikaasun komponenttien liukoisuudet veteen, etanoliin ja etikkahappoon 37 ºC lämpötilassa ja esitellään Flowbat-simulointiohjelman MHV2-mallin käyttöä kaasu-neste tasapainojen mallin-nuksessa. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin synteesikaasun komponenttien liukoisuuksia veteen ja kasvatusalustaan sekä kehitettiin mittausmenetelmä kaasu-neste tasapainojen mittaukseen. Tasapainomittauksissa tutkittiin etanolin ja etikkahapon konsentraatioiden vaikutusta synteesikaasun liukoisuuteen. Lisäksi mallinnettiin kaasu-neste tasapainoja monikomponenttisysteemeissä MHV2-mallin avulla. Kokeellisen osan aineensiirtomittauksissa tutkittiin sekoitusnopeuden ja kaasun volumetrisen syöttönopeuden vaikutusta hiilimonoksidin ja vedyn volumetriseen aineensiirtokertoimeen kLa kahden litran tilavuuksisessa laboratoriofermentorissa. Mittaustulosten perusteella kasvatusalustan komponentit vaikuttavat merkittävästi hiilidioksidin liukoisuuteen. Lisäys etanolin ja etikkahapon konsentraatioissa parantaa hiilimonoksidin liukoisuutta kasvatusalustaan. Kaasun volumetrinen syöttönopeus ja sekoitusnopeus vaikuttavat voimakkaasti volumetrisen aineensiirtokertoimen arvoon. Tutkitussa systeemissä korkein teoreettinen solutiheys, joka voitiin saavuttaa suurimmalla hiilimonoksidin aineensiirto-nopeudella, oli 3 g/L. Tämä on kaksinkertainen verrattuna aiemmissa VTT:n kokeissa saavutettuihin solutiheyksiin.


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Työssä tutkittiin, mikä on kustannustehokkain tapa lisätä ilmastuskapasiteettia ja selvitettiin, saostaako vesilaitokselta flotaatioaltaasta poistettava ferrisulfaattisakka jäteveden fosforia esiselkeyttimessä. Työssä määritettiin teoreettinen hapentarve ilmastusaltaassa maksimikuormituksen aikana ja hapensiirtonopeus jäteveteen olemassa olevalla laitteistolla. Hapensiirtonopeuden funktion korjauskertoimet  ja  sekä kokonaishapensiirtokerroin määritettiin laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Lisäksi laskettiin kuinka paljon nykyisten ilmastimien kautta saadaan happea jäteveteen liukenemaan ja verrattiin tätä lukua teoreettiseen hapentarpeeseen. Jälkimmäistä menettelytapaa käyttäen arvioitiin lisähapen tarve. Tulokseksi saatiin, että maksimi BOD-kuormituksen aikana happea tarvitsee saada jäteveteen liuotettua 5200 m³/d lisää. Ilmastuskapasiteetin lisäyksen kustannuslaskelmassa verrattiin neljää vaihtoehtoa: puhdasta happea liuotettuna happimattojen kautta tai OKI-ilmastimen kautta, onsite-happilaitoksen puhdasta happea liuotettuna OKI-ilmastimen kautta tai ilman happea liuotettuna jäteveteen EDI-ilmastimien kautta. Laskelmat osoittivat uusien EDI-ilmastimien hankinnan olevan edullisin vaihtoehto pitkällä aikavälillä. Vaikka EDI-ilmastimien investointikustannukset ovat korkeat, tulevat ne käyttökustannuksiltaan kaikkein edullisimmaksi. Vesilaitokselta tulevan rautasuolasakan fosforia saostavaa vaikutusta tutkittiin laboratoriossa astiakokein. Näytteet otettiin vesilaitokselta jätevesilaitokselle menevästä rautasuolasakasta sekä esiselkeyttimen kirkasteesta. Näitä eri suhteissa keskenään sekoittamalla saatiin selville, että rautasuolasakka ja sakan mukana tuleva reagoimaton rautasuola saostavat liukoista ja kokonaisfosforia esiselkeytyksessä.


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Tulisijojen tekniikkaan kohdistuu yhä kovempia vaatimuksia sekä kuluttajien että myös erityisesti viranomaismääräysten suunnalta. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on osaltaan luoda pohjaa näiden vaatimusten täyttämiselle. Työn tavoitteena oli määrittää lämmönsiirtokerroin tyypillisen vuolukivirakenteisen tulisijan poskikanavassa savukaasun ja kanavan seinämän välillä. Työ koostuu mittauslaitteen suunnittelusta, käytännön mittauksista ja mittaustulosten analysoinnista teoriaan verrattuina. Työ pohjautuu käytännön mittauksiin kahdella koeuunilla. Mittaukset kohdistuivat uunien poskikanavissa ja poskikanavan seinämissä tapahtuviin lämpötilamuutoksiin. Toisessa koeuunissa mitattiin myös poskikanavan savukaasun lämpötilajakauma. Mittauksilla saatua sekä teoreettisesti määritettyä lämpötilajakaumaa verrattiin toisiinsa. Lämmönsiirtokertoimet määritettiin lämpötilojen ja savukaasun massavirran perusteella. Tuloksena saatiin paikalliset sekä yleispätevät lämmönsiirtokertoimet savukaasun lämpötilan funktiona.


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This thesis is focused on process intensification. Several significant problems and applications of this theme are covered. Process intensification is nowadays one of the most popular trends in chemical engineering and attempts have been made to develop a general, systematic methodology for intensification. This seems, however, to be very difficult, because intensified processes are often based on creativity and novel ideas. Monolith reactors and microreactors are successful examples of process intensification. They are usually multichannel devices in which a proper feed technique is important for creating even fluid distribution into the channels. Two different feed techniques were tested for monoliths. In the first technique a shower method was implemented by means of perforated plates. The second technique was a dispersion method using static mixers. Both techniques offered stable operation and uniform fluid distribution. The dispersion method enabled a wider operational range in terms of liquid superficial velocity. Using dispersion method, a volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient of 2 s-1 was reached. Flow patterns play a significant role in terms of the mixing performance of micromixers. Although the geometry of a T-mixer is simple, channel configurations and dimensions had a clear effect on mixing efficiency. The flow in the microchannel was laminar, but the formation of vortices promoted mixing in micro T-mixers. The generation of vortices was dependent on the channel dimensions, configurations and flow rate. Microreactors offer a high ratio of surface area to volume. Surface forces and interactions between fluids and surfaces are, therefore, often dominant factors. In certain cases, the interactions can be effectively utilised. Different wetting properties of solid materials (PTFE and stainless steel) were applied in the separation of immiscible liquid phases. A micro-scale plate coalescer with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces was used for the continuous separation of organic and aqueous phases. Complete phase separation occurred in less than 20 seconds, whereas the separation time by settling exceeded 30 min. Fluid flows can be also intensified in suitable conditions. By adding certain additives into turbulent fluid flow, it was possible to reduce friction (drag) by 40 %. Drag reduction decreases frictional pressure drop in pipelines which leads to remarkable energy savings and decreases the size or number of pumping facilities required, e.g., in oil transport pipes. Process intensification enables operation often under more optimal conditions. The consequent cost savings from reduced use of raw materials and reduced waste lead to greater economic benefits in processing.


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Soodakattilan sulakeon epästationaarinen käyttäytyminen sekä keon pitkä jäähtymisaika alasajon jälkeen ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia kattilan taloudellisessa käytettävyydessä. Keon käyttäytymisestä on luotu CFD-malleja, joiden tavoitteena on havainnollistaa keon lämpötilajakaumaa ja rakennetta. Mallien ongelmana on se, että niissä huomioidaan vain keon aktiivinen pintakerros. Keon sisäosan rakennetta ja siinä tapahtuvia prosesseja ei toistaiseksi tunneta kunnolla luotettavan, koko keon kattavan mallin luomiseen. Tässä työssä tutkittiin sulakeon käytön aikana havaittuja muutosilmiöitä, jotka vaikuttavat keon rakenteeseen ja ominaisuuksiin sekä tutkittiin ilmiöiden taustalla olevia tekijöitä. Näitä tekijöitä ovat keon sisässä tapahtuvat kemialliset ja fyysiset prosessit, jotka aiheuttavat muutoksia niin lämpöteknisesti kuin fyysisesti sekä ulkoapäin tulevat tekijät, jotka aiheutuvat ajotilanteiden seurauksena tapahtuvista muutoksista. Työn kokeellisena osana luotiin sulakeon jäähtymismalli käyttäen 1-dimensionaalista ADL-mallia. Mallin pohjana käytettiin StoraEnso Oy:ltä Oulun soodakattilan sulakeosta saatua mittausraporttia. ADL-mallin avulla luotiin keon jäähtymiskäyrät lämpötilan ja syvyyden funktiona. Saadut käyrät täsmäsivät hyvin mittausraportin tuloksiin. Mallin avulla keolle saatiin muodostettua energiatase, jonka tuloksena keosta 12 tunnin aikana poistuva lämpövirta pinnalla oli noin 9.8kW/m2 ja pinnan lämmönsiirtokerroin 58.3W/m²°C. Pohjan poistuvaksi lämpövirraksi saatiin 14.1kW/m2 ja lämmönsiirtokertoimeksi 75.4W/m²°C. Termiseksi diffuusiokertoimeksi saatiin 3.9•10-7m²/s.