965 resultados para Transcriptional mutagenesis
The oncogene GLI1 is involved in the formation of basal cell carcinoma and other tumor types as a result of the aberrant signaling of the Sonic hedgehog-Patched pathway. In this study, we have identified alternative GLI1 transcripts that differ in their 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) and are generated by exon skipping. These are denoted (alpha -UTR, beta -UTR, and gamma -UTR according to the number of noncoding exons possessed (three, two, and one, respectively). The alpha- and beta -UTR forms represent the major Gli1 transcripts expressed in mouse tissues, whereas the gamma -UTR is present at relatively low levels but is markedly induced in mouse skin treated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, Transcripts corresponding to the murine beta and gamma forms were identified in human tissues, but significantly, only the gamma -UTR form was present in basal cell carcinomas and in proliferating cultures of a keratinocyte cell line. Flow cytometry analysis determined that the gamma -UTR variant expresses a heterologous reporter gene 14-23-fold higher than the alpha -UTR and 5-13-fold higher than the beta -UTR in a variety of cell types. Because expression of the gamma -UTR variant correlates with proliferation, consistent with a role for GLI1 in growth promotion, up-regulation of GLI1 expression through skipping of 5' noncoding exons may be an important tumorigenic mechanism.
There is evidence that ATM plays a wider role in intracellular signalling in addition to DNA damage recognition and cell cycle control, In this report we show that activation of the EGF receptor is defective in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) cells and that sustained stimulation of cells with EGF downregulates ATM protein in control cells but not in A-T cells expressing mutant protein, Concomitant with the downregulation of ATM, DNA-binding activity of the transcription factor Spl decreased in controls after EGF treatment but increased from a lower basal level in A-T cells to that in untreated control cells, Mutation in two Spl consensus sequences in the ATM promoter reduced markedly the capacity of the promoter to support luciferase activity in a reporter assay. Overexpression of anti-sense ATM cDNA in control cells decreased the;basal level of Spl, which in turn was increased by subsequent treatment of cells with EGF, similar to that observed in,A-T cells. On the other hand full-length ATM cDNA increased the basal level of Spl binding in A-T cells, and in response to EGF Spl binding decreased, confirming that this is an ATR I-dependent process. Contrary to that observed in control cells there was no radiation-induced change in ATM protein in EGF-treated A-T cells and likewise no alteration in Spl binding activity. The results demonstrate that EGF-induced downregulation of ATM (mutant) protein in A-T cells is defective and this appears to be due to less efficient EGFR activation and abnormal Spl regulation.
SOX18 is a transcription factor that is transiently expressed in nascent endothelial cells during embryonic development and adult neovascularization. This protein belongs to the SOX family of transcription factors, ih,which are proving to be some of the key regulators of cell-type specification in the vertebrate embryo. Natural mutations in the Sox18 gene have been shown to result to cardiovascular dysfunction, in some cases leading to death. Available evidence thus implicates Sox18 as an important regulator of vascular development, most likely playing a key role in endothelial cell specification. However; the genetic knockout of Sox18 in mice has produced a confounding result that complicates our understanding of the molecular mode of action of the SOX18 protein. We speculate that Sox18 inky act in a redundant fashion with closely related genes such as Sox7 and/or Sox17. (C) 2001, Elsevier Science Inc.
Previously, we reported the presence of dual promoters, referred to as distal (DP) and proximal, with a negative regulatory element between them in the mouse mu -opioid receptor (mor) gene. Here we have identified a positive regulatory element influencing mor DP transcription, which contains multiple consensus binding motifs for Sox factors (sex-determining Sry-like high mobility group box-containing genes). In gel supershift assays, the Sox family member Sox18 bound directly to the multiple Sox consensus binding motifs of the mor DP enhancer. Overexpression of Sox18 cDNA increased luciferase activity regulated by the mor DP, and did so in a Sox18 concentration-dependent manner. In contrast, overexpression of another Sox member, Sox5, triggered no such trans-activation of mor DP-driven luciferase activity or DNA-protein binding activity. These results suggest that Sox18 directly and specifically stimulates mor gene expression, by trans-activating the mor DP enhancer.
SOX9 is a transcription factor that is expressed in chondrocytes and regulates expression of chondrocyte phenotype related genes. Expression of these genes is known to be suppressed by retinoic acid (RA). We, therefore, examined whether the Sox9 gene expression is regulated by RA in chondrocytes. RA treatment suppressed Sox9 mRNA expression in primary chondrocytes prepared from newborn mouse rib cartilage within 12 h and this suppression lasted at least up to 24 h. The RA suppression of Sox9 mRNA levels was dose-dependent starting at 0.5 muM with a maximum at 1 muM. Nuclear run-on assays revealed that RA reduced the rate of transcription of Sox9 gene. Finally, Western blot analysis indicated that RA suppressed SOX9 protein revels in these chondrocytes. Furthermore, overexpression of SOX9 reversed RA suppression of Col/2a1 enhancer activity. These observations indicate that RA suppresses Sox9 gene expression in chondrocytes at least in part through transcriptional events. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Aims: The physiological examination of amylase production by Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 and identification of the mechanism of regulation. Methods and Results: Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 was grown with single, then dual carbon sources; the growth cycle was followed and amylase activity throughout was monitored. The levels of cAMP, a known secondary messenger for the regulatory gene crp, were also examined. Amylase activity was regulated by catabolite repression. Physiological studies revealed that JMP636 exhibited both diauxic growth, with two carbon sources, and the 'acid toxicity' effect on glucose. The crp gene was cloned, expressed and inactivated from the JMP636 chromosome. Catabolite repression of amylase production and the 'acid toxicity' effect both require crp and were linked to cAMP levels. Conclusions: Regulation of amylase production was predicted to follow the model CRP-mediated cAMP-dependent Escherichia coli catabolite regulation system. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work provides an understanding of the physiology of the opportunistic pathogen Aer. hydrophila through identification of the mechanism of catabolite repression of amylase production and the existence of crp within this cell. It also provides a broader knowledge of global gene regulation and suggests regulatory mechanisms of other Aer. hydrophila gene/s.
A system for expressing site-directed mutants of the molybdenum enzyme dimethyl sulfoxide reductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus in the natural host was constructed. This system was used to Generate and express dimethyl sulfoxide reductase with a Y114F mutation. The Y114F mutant had an increased k(cat) and increased K-m toward both dimethyl sulfoxide and trimethylamine N-oxide compared to the native enzyme, and the value of k(cat)/K-m was lower for both substrates in the mutant enzyme. The Y114F mutant, as isolated, was able to oxidize dimethyl sulfide with phenazine ethosulfate as the electron acceptor but with a lower k(cat) than that of the native enzyme. The pH optimum of dimethyl sulfide: acceptor oxidoreductase activity in the Y114F mutant was shown to be shifted by +1 pH unit compared to the native enzyme. The Y114F mutant did not form a pink complex with dimethyl sulfide, which is characteristic of the native enzyme. The mutant enzyme showed a large increase in the K-d for DMS. Direct electrochemistry showed that the Mo(V)/Mo(IV) couple was unaffected by the Y114F mutant, but the midpoint potential of the Mo(VI)/Mo(V) couple was raised by about 50 mV. These data confirm that the Y114 residue plays a critical role in oxidation-reduction processes at the molybdenum active site and in oxygen atom transfer associated with sulfoxide reduction.
Conditions have been developed for genetic transformation and insertional mutagenesis in Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), the causal organism of ratoon stunting disease (RSD), one of the most damaging and intractable diseases of sugarcane internationally. Transformation frequencies ranged from 1 to 10 colony forming units (CFU)/mug of plasmid DNA using Clavibacter/Escherichia coli shuttle vectors pCG188, pDM302, and pDM306 and ranged from 50 to 500 CFU/mug using cosmid cloning vectors pLAFR3 and pLAFR5-km. The transformation/transposition frequency was 0 to 70 CFU/mug of DNA, using suicide vectors pUCD623 and pSLTP2021 containing transposable elements Tn4431 and Tn5, respectively. It was necessary to grow Lxx in media containing 0.1% glycine for electroporation and to amplify large plasmids in a dam(-)/dcm(-) E. coli strain and purify the DNA by anion exchange. To keep selection pressure at an optimum, the transformants were grown on nitrocellulose filters (0.2-mum pore size) on media containing the appropriate antibiotics. Transposon Tn4431 containing a promoterless lux operon from Vibrio fischeri and a tetracycline-resistance gene was introduced on the suicide vector pUCD623. All but 1% of the putative transposon mutants produce light, indicating transposition into functional Lxx genes. Southern blot analysis of these transformants indicates predominantly single transposon insertions at unique sites. The cosmid cloning vector pLAFR5-km was stably maintained in Lxx. The development of a transformation and transposon mutagenesis system opens the way for molecular analysis of pathogenicity determinants in Lxx.
The retinoid orphan-related receptor-alpha (RORalpha) is a member of the ROR subfamily of orphan receptors and acts as a constitutive activator of transcription in the absence of exogenous ligands. To understand the basis of this activity, we constructed a homology model of Rill using the closely related TRbeta as a template. Molecular modeling suggested that bulky hydrophobic side chains occupy the RORa ligand cavity leaving a small but distinct cavity that may be involved in receptor stabilization. This model was subject to docking simulation with a receptor-interacting peptide from the steroid receptor coactivator, GR-interacting protein-1, which delineated a coactivator binding surface consisting of the signature motif spanning helices 3-5 and helix 12 [activation function 2 (AF2)]. Probing this surface with scanning alanine mutagenesis showed structural and functional equivalence between homologous residues of RORalpha and TRbeta. This was surprising (given that Rill is a ligand-independent activator, whereas TRbeta has an absolute requirement for ligand) and prompted us to use molecular modeling to identify differences between Rill and TRbeta in the way that the All helix interacts with the rest of the receptor. Modeling highlighted a nonconserved amino acid in helix 11 of RORa (Phe491) and a short-length of 3.10 helix at the N terminus of AF2 which we suggest i) ensures that AF2 is locked permanently in the holoconformation described for other liganded receptors and thus 2) enables ligand-independent recruitment of coactivators. Consistent with this, mutation of RORa Phe491 to either methionine or alanine (methionine is the homologous residue in TRbeta), reduced and ablated transcriptional activation and recruitment of coactivators, respectively. Furthermore, we were able to reconstitute transcriptional activity for both a deletion mutant of Ill lacking All and Phe491 Met, by overexpression of a GAL-AF2 fusion protein, demonstrating ligand-independent recruitment of AF2 and a role for Phe491 in recruiting AF2.
We describe for the first time the application of fast neutron mutagenesis to the genetic dissection of root nodulation in legumes. We demonstrate the utility of chromosomal deletion mutations through production of a soybean supernodulation mutant FN37 that lacks the internal autoregulation of nodulation mechanism. After inoculation with microsymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum, FN37 forms at least 10 times more nodules than the wild type G. soja parent and has a phenotype identical to that of chemically induced allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 (NTS-1 locus). Reciprocal grafting of shoots and roots confirmed systemic shoot control of the FN37 nodulation phenotype. RFLP/PCR marker pUTG132a and AFLP marker UQC-IS1 which are tightly linked to NTS-1 allowed the isolation of BAC contigs delineating both ends of the deletion. The genetic/physical distance ratio in the NTS-1 region is 279 kb/cM. The deletion is estimated to be about 460 kb based on the absence of markers and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) ends as well as genetic and physical mapping. Deletion break points were determined physically and placed within flanking BAC contigs.
SOX transcription factors perform a remarkable variety of important roles in vertebrate development, either activating or repressing specific target genes through interaction with different partner proteins. Surprisingly, these interactions are often mediated by the conserved, DNA-binding HMG domain, raising questions as to how each factor's specificity is generated. We propose a model whereby non-HMG domains may influence partner protein selection and/or binding stability.
Inorganic sulfate is one of the most abundant anions in mammalian plasma and is essential for proper cell growth and development, as well as detoxification and activation of many biological compounds. To date, little is understood how physiological levels of sulfate are maintained in the body. Our studies, and of others, have identified the NAS(i)-1 protein to be a functional sulfate transporter in the kidney and intestine, and due to this localization, constitutes a strong candidate gene for maintaining body sulfate homeostasis. Several factors, including hormones and metabolic conditions, have been shown to alter NAS(i)-1 mRNA and protein levels in vivo. In this study, we describe the transcriptional regulation of NaSi-1, with a focus on the mouse NaSi-1 gene (Nas1) that was recently cloned in our laboratory. Vitamin D (1,25-(OH)(2)D-3) and thyroid hormone (T-3) led to an increase in Nas1 promoter activity in OK cells. Mutational analysis of the Nas1 promoter resulted in identification of a direct repeat 6-type vitamin-D-responsive element (DR6 VDRE) at -525 to -508 and an imperfect inverted repeat 0-type T-3 responsive element (IRO T3RE) at -426 to -425 which conferred 1,25-(OH)(2)D-3 and T-3 responsiveness respectively. These findings suggest for vitamin D and thyroid hormone regulation of NaSi-1, may provide important clues to the physiological control of sulfate homeostasis.
Many kinds of transcription factors and regulators play key roles in a variety of developmental processes. In the present survey, genes encoding proteins with conserved HMG-box, bZip domains, and some types of zinc finger motifs were surveyed in the completely sequenced genome of Ciona intestinalis. In the present analysis, 21 HMG-box-containing genes and 26 bZip genes were identified as well as four small groups of zinc finger genes in the Ciona genome. The results also showed that a less redundant set of genes is present in the Ciona genome compared with vertebrate genomes. In addition, cDNA clones for almost all genes identified have been cloned and distributed as a Ciona intestinalis Gene Collection Release I. The present comprehensive analysis therefore provides a means to study the role of these transcription factors in developmental processes of basal chordates.
Although ATM, the protein defective in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), is activated primarily by radiation, there is also evidence that expression of the protein can be regulated by both radiation and growth factors. Computer analysis of the ATM promoter proximal 700-bp sequence reveals a number of potentially important cis-regulatory sequences. Using nucleotide substitutions to delete putative functional elements in the promoter of ATM, we examined the importance of some of these sites for both the basal and the radiation-induced activity of the promoter. In lymphoblastoid cells, most of the mutations in transcription factor consensus sequences [Sp1(1), Sp1(2), Cre, Ets, Xre, gammaIre(2), a modified AP1 site (Fse), and GCF] reduced basal activity to various extents, whereas others [gammaIre(1), NF1, Myb] left basal activity unaffected. In human skin fibroblasts, results were generally the same, but the basal activity varied up to 8-fold in these and other cell lines. Radiation activated the promoter approximately 2.5-fold in serum-starved lymphoblastoid cells, reaching a maximum by 3 hr, and all mutated elements equally blocked this activation. Reduction in Sp1 and AP1 DNA binding activity by serum starvation was rapidly reversed by exposure of cells to radiation. This reduction was not evident in A-T cells, and the response to radiation was less marked. Data provided for interaction between ATM and Sp1 by protein binding and co-immunoprecipitation could explain the altered regulation of Sp1 in A-T cells. The data described here provide additional evidence that basal and radiation-induced regulation of the ATM promoter is under multifactorial control. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.