966 resultados para Training Plan


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En los últimos años, los gremios del sector agrícola en Colombia han venido haciendo grandes esfuerzos con el fin de obtener certificaciones a nivel internacional sobre los cultivos y productos derivados del Aloe Vera, que permitan cumplir con los estándares de calidad que exige el mercado industrial y también el consumidor final; pues él entiende, cada vez mejor, las bondades que este producto ofrece para su bienestar. Esto ha hecho que el extracto de Aloe Vera se presente actualmente como un mercado potencial que genera altas expectativas en cuanto al crecimiento de demanda local, y en consecuencia, motiva a llevar a cabo este proyecto de investigación con la intención de ofrecer al mercado local una alternativa para la sustitución de importaciones de extractos del Aloe Vera. La agricultura siempre será una de las locomotoras para el desarrollo de la economía de un país, en muchos casos las materias primas agrícolas se importan, cuando lo que se debe hacer es aprovechar el ecosistema que tiene el país acompañándolo con herramientas técnicas, capacitación al agricultor, programas de financiamiento, entre otras; para así lograr una integración en la cadena de abastecimiento y generar valor a los procesos para que el producto sea competitivo en el mercado local e internacional.


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La fundación Educativa para la Equidad y el desarrollo Rural C.I.F.A es una institución que tiene el ánimo de promover el desarrollo rural, por medio de capacitaciones a campesinos subsidiada por entes públicos y privados. Teniendo en cuenta que esta fundación tiene un factor diferenciador frente a otras instituciones educativas que al igual que esta trabajan en pro del desarrollo rural, deseamos desarrollar un modelo matricial que nos permita crear estrategias las cuales potencialicen la institución como la número uno en formación agrícola en Colombia.


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La cadena hotelera colombiana GHL Hoteles Ltda., obtuvo el manejo operacional de un hotel existente en Santa Clara – Panamá, para que de ésta manera soportara un cambio de marca, convirtiéndose así en un Sheraton. Con la ayuda de un gran equipo de trabajo fue posible ésta transición y actualmente se perfeccionan los detalles para cumplir con los estándares dictados y exigidos por la marca. Contando con el soporte de una oficina de mercadeo y ventas ubicada en la ciudad de Panamá, es menester respaldar todos los logros en estrategias de mercadeo y ventas para el éxito y la rentabilidad del negocio.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la situación actual que enfrentan los cursos de desarrollo profesoral ofertados por La Universidad Del Rosario, a fin de conocer la percepción que tienen los profesores de la universidad acerca de estos y así poder generar aportes que contribuyan al mejoramiento del funcionamiento y a su vez realizar ajustes al contenido actual de estos. Todo esto, en busca de un aumento de la participación de los docentes con miras al fortalecimiento de esta gran propuesta que tiene la universidad, donde el eje principal es el ofrecer una educación de gran calidad, basados en la formación continua de su planta docente y de las estrategias académicas acorde a las necesidades del mundo actual. Lo anterior se pretende lograr a través del análisis de encuestas aplicadas a los profesores de carrera, que son todos aquellos que optaron por la academia como proyecto de vida. Basados en estas, será posible obtener una visión clara de la situación actual y de los retos que tiene la universidad, a fin de continuar con esta inmensa tradición que hoy hace parte de los elementos que posicionan a la universidad como una de las mejores a nivel nacional


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Descripción del Negocio Kinderpup es una guardería para perros como mascota ubicada en el centro comercial Unicentro en la ciudad de Bogotá, creada para atender las necesidades de las personas propietarias de éstas mascotas, las cuales presentan inconvenientes al dar un paseo por varios lugares en los cuales no es permitido el acceso de estos animales. Los lugares más comunes son los centros comerciales, y es precisamente por esto que el proyecto se concentra en este tipo de establecimientos. El objetivo es ofrecer tranquilidad y comodidad a los usuarios de nuestros servicios, brindando atención y cariño a sus mascotas y entendiéndolas como parte importante de las familias. Para cumplir con nuestro objetivo, Kinderpup contará con personal calificado siempre dispuesto a prestar servicios de guardería, veterinaria, peluquería y entrenamiento, esenciales para mantener a las mascotas saludables, hermosas y felices. El servicio de peluquería incluye corte de pelo, arreglo de uñas y dientes; entrenamiento, incluye salida a pasear alrededor del centro comercial y adiestramiento por un entrenador capacitado. El servicio veterinario incluye diagnostico, historia clínica del canino, revisión general y recomendaciones. También se cuenta con artículos para la venta, concentrado y productos de estética animal, que podrán ser adquiridos por los usuarios de las mascotas en la sede de Kinderpup. Mercado En Colombia actualmente no existe un espacio adecuado para atender a las mascotas en los centros comerciales, aún se mantiene prohibido el acceso de animales a estos establecimientos y las personas propietarias de mascotas que frecuentan estos lugares plantean la necesidad de proporcionar un espacio para que puedan dejar sus animales allí. Dado a lo que sugiere el mercado potencial y a la localización central del centro comercial Unicentro, se da la oportunidad de ofrecer diferentes servicios además de guardería a las personas de estratos 4, 5 y 6 que frecuentan los centros comerciales y que necesitan un lugar de confianza para dejar a sus mascotas cuando tengan que salir y no los puedan llevar, quieran peluquear a su perro o adiestrarlo. De igual manera, este servicio es muy beneficioso para las personas que viven alrededor del centro comercial debido a que durante la semana tienen la preocupación de dejar a su mascota sola en casa o con una persona inexperta. Según el estudio de mercados, existe un porcentaje interesante de personas que visitan los establecimientos comerciales en fines de semana, el 26% de 100 personas encuestadas asisten al centro comercial entre 2 y 3 veces al mes y el 22%, van 4 veces al mes, además el 44% de los encuestados dicen que el centro comercial de su preferencia es Unicentro y una cifra todavía más significativa es que el 78% de las personas llevarían a su perro al centro comercial si esto no fuera prohibido. Operaciones El ciclo de servicio comienza a partir de que el cliente se acerca a solicitar información en la recepción de Kinderpup, al recibir un volante publicitario o comunicándose con nosotros por teléfono o email. A partir del momento en que las personas deseen dejar su mascota a nuestro cuidado, se procede a un acercamiento con la mascota que le proporcione tranquilidad tanto a la mascota como a su amo y, a continuación se ejecuta el servicio indicado según el caso. Equipo de Gestión El equipo gestor de Kinderpup estará formado por los siguientes integrantes:  Silvia Valencia: Veterinaria, responsable de asesorar sobre el cuidado de las mascotas, las normas de higiene y protección y administrar la guardería.  José Segura: Promotor de ventas encargado de hacer los contactos con las empresas proveedoras, agencias de publicidad y Unicentro.  Ana María Romero: Directora encargada de dirigir a los empleados y de planear las estrategias de mercadeo y competitividad. Viabilidad económica La inversión a realizar es de $47’599.463, financiados en un 60% por una entidad financiera, se asume un incremento en ventas del 4% según la investigación de mercados, además un aumento de los costos y precios en un 3%. Tras este análisis podemos identificar los principales indicadores financieros que nos guiaran en la toma de decisión acerca de la viabilidad del mismo: Los flujos de caja que tenemos para obtener los anteriores indicativos son los siguientes: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $ -47.599.463,20 $ 17.056.542,57 $ 13.744.893,02 $ 25.924.959,20 $ 39.316.390,43 $ 52.499.868,67


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El objetivo de esta aportación es indagar en la opinión que los profesores de la Facultad, los maestros en ejercicio y los alumnos en la fase final de sus estudios, tienen acerca de sus necesidades formativas en las didácticas específicas, referidas estas necesidades únicamente al reparto relativo de créditos


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Traditionally Italian universities have trained researchers and professionals in conservation: archaeologists, art historians and architects. It is only with the reform of the universities, from 1999, that the teaching of museology and museography have also been expanded.Italian museums are for the most part public museums, depending on local bodies or the national ministry; they lack autonomy and do not possess specific professional figures. The task of conservation has predominated over the other roles of museums, but with the reform of the conservation law in 2004 the definition of „museum‟ has been introduced in Italy as well, and regulations regarding the development of heritage have been issued; in addition the Regions have also taken on a more active role for museums belonging to local bodies and for the development of their territory.Museum professions are not officially recognised, but the museum community, through the various associations and ICOM Italia, has put together a document to act as a general reference, the National Charter of Museum Professions, which has been followed by the Manual of Museum Professions in Europe. Now there is a need to plan the content and outlines ofvocational training courses for museum professionals, together withthe universities, the regions and the museums themselves, alongwith the associations and ICOM – ICTOP, utilising the mostinnovative Master‟s courses which offer an interdisciplinaryapproach, a methodology which combines theory and practice, andan element of hands-on experimentation in museums, or withmuseums.


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The African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) is a multidisciplinary network of researchers, private sector actors, policymakers and civil society. ATPS has the vision to become the leading international centre of excellence and reference in science, technology and innovation (STI) systems research, training and capacity building, communication and sensitization, knowledge brokerage, policy advocacy and outreach in Africa. It has a Regional Secretariat in Nairobi Kenya, and operates through national chapters in 29 countries (including 27 in Africa and two Chapters in the United Kingdom and USA for Africans in the Diaspora) with an expansion plan to cover the entire continent by 2015. The ATPS Phase VI Strategic Plan aims to improve the understanding and functioning of STI processes and systems to strengthen the learning capacity, social responses, and governance of STI for addressing Africa's development challenges, with a specific focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A team of external evaluators carried out a midterm review to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. The evaluation methodology involved multiple quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the qualitative and quantitative inputs (human resources, financial resources, time, etc.) into ATPS activities (both thematic and facilitative) and their tangible and intangible outputs, outcomes and impacts. Methods included a questionnaire survey of ATPS members and stakeholders, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions (FGDs) with members in six countries. Effectiveness of Programmes Under all six strategic goals, very good progress has been made towards planned outputs and outcomes. This is evidenced by key performance indicators (KPIs) generated from desk review, ratings from the survey respondents, and the themes that run through the FGDs. Institutional and Programme Cost Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness: assessment of institutional effectiveness suggests that adequate management frameworks are in place and are being used effectively and transparently. Also technical and financial accounting mechanisms are being followed in accordance with grant agreements and with global good practice. This is evidenced by KPIs generated from desk review. Programme Cost Effectiveness: assessment of cost-effectiveness of execution of programmes shows that organisational structure is efficient, delivering high quality, relevant research at relatively low cost by international standards. The evidence includes KPIs from desk review: administrative costs to programme cost ratio has fallen steadily, to around 10%; average size of research grants is modest, without compromising quality. There is high level of pro bono input by ATPS members. ATPS Programmes Strategic Evaluation ATPS research and STI related activities are indeed unique and well aligned with STI issues and needs facing Africa and globally. The multi-disciplinary and trans-boundary nature of the research activities are creating a unique group of research scientists. The ATPS approach to research and STI issues is paving the way for the so called Third Generation University (3GU). Understanding this unique positioning, an increasing number of international multilateral agencies are seeking partnership with ATPS. ATPS is seeing an increasing level of funding commitments by Donor Partners. Recommendations for ATPS Continued Growth and Effectiveness On-going reform of ATPS administrative structure to continue The on-going reforms that have taken place within the Board, Regional Secretariat, and at the National Chapter coordination levels are welcomed. Such reform should continue until fully functional corporate governance policy and practices are fully established and implemented across the ATPS governance structures. This will further strengthen ATPS to achieve the vision of being the leading STI policy brokerage organization in Africa. Although training in corporate governance has been carried out for all sectors of ATPS leadership structure in recent time, there is some evidence that these systems have not yet been fully implemented effectively within all the governance structures of the organization, especially at the Board and National chapter levels. Future training should emphasize practical application with exercises relevant to ATPS leadership structure from the Board to the National Chapter levels. Training on Transformational Leadership - Leading a Change Though a subject of intense debate amongst economists and social scientists, it is generally agreed that cultural mindsets and attitudes could enhance and/or hinder organizational progress. ATPS’s vision demands transformational leadership skills amongst its leaders from the Board members to the National Chapter Coordinators. To lead such a change, ATPS leaders must understand and avoid personal and cultural mindsets and value systems that hinder change, while embracing those that enhance it. It requires deliberate assessment of cultural, behavioural patterns that could hinder progress and the willingness to be recast into cultural and personal habits that make for progress. Improvement of relationship amongst the Board, Secretariat, and National Chapters A large number of ATPS members and stakeholders feel they do not have effective communications and/or access to Board, National Chapter Coordinators and Regional Secretariat activities. Effort should be made to improve the implementation of ATPS communication strategy to improve on information flows amongst the ATPS management and the members. The results of the survey and the FGDs suggest that progress has been made during the past two years in this direction, but more could be done to ensure effective flow of pertinent information to members following ATPS communications channels. Strategies for Increased Funding for National Chapters There is a big gap between the fundraising skills of the Regional Secretariat and those of the National Coordinators. In some cases, funds successfully raised by the Secretariat and disbursed to national chapters were not followed up with timely progress and financial reports by some national chapters. Adequate training in relevant skills required for effective interactions with STI key policy players should be conducted regularly for National Chapter coordinators and ATPS members. The ongoing training in grant writing should continue and be made continent-wide if funding permits. Funding of National Chapters should be strategic such that capacity in a specific area of research is built which, with time, will not only lead to a strong research capacity in that area, but also strengthen academic programmes. For example, a strong climate change programme is emerging at University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), with strong collaborations with Universities from neighbouring States. Strategies to Increase National Government buy-in and support for STI Translating STI research outcomes into policies requires a great deal of emotional intelligence, skills which are often lacking in the first and second generation universities. In the epoch of the science-based or 2GUs, governments were content with universities carrying out scientific research and providing scientific education. Now they desire to see universities as incubators of new science- or technology-based commercial activities, whether by existing firms or start-ups. Hence, governments demand that universities take an active and leading role in the exploitation of their knowledge and they are willing to make funds available to support such activities. Thus, for universities to gain the attention of national leadership they must become centres of excellence and explicit instruments of economic development in the knowledge-based economy. The universities must do this while working collaboratively with government departments, parastatals, and institutions and dedicated research establishments. ATPS should anticipate these shifting changes and devise programmes to assist both government and universities to relate effectively. New administrative structures in member organizations to sustain and manage the emerging STI multidisciplinary teams Second Generation universities (2GUs) tend to focus on pure science and often do not regard the application of their know-how as their task. In contrast, Third Generation Universities (3GUs) objectively stimulate techno-starters – students or academics – to pursue the exploitation or commercialisation of the knowledge they generate. They view this as being equal in importance to the objectives of scientific research and education. Administratively, research in the 2GU era was mainly monodisciplinary and departments were structured along disciplines. The emerging interdisciplinary scientific teams with focus on specific research areas functionally work against the current mono-disciplinary faculty-based, administrative structure of 2GUs. For interdisciplinary teams, the current faculty system is an obstacle. There is a need for new organisational forms for university management that can create responsibilities for the task of know-how exploitation. ATPS must anticipate this and begin to strategize solutions for their member institutions to transition to 3Gus administrative structure, otherwise ATPS growth will plateau, and progress achieved so far may be stunted.


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There is a profound need to increase the quality and status of vocational education and train-ing (VET) and vocational education and training education – Teacher training (VTE-TT). As a consequence of several reforms the requirements of academic achievements in these different education systems are distinctly higher than before. These high ambitions cause problems and the actors in school and teacher education has got new challenges. Furthermore, vocational education teachers are supposed to prepare their pupils both to a pro-fessional career and to future academic studies. Accordingly, Vocational Education Teacher Trainers are supposed to prepare their students both to a career as vocational teachers and for further academic studies. This makes imprints in the field of VET and VTE-TT. The aim of this paper is to present a coming study about how actors in VET and VTE-TT think and act in relation to their changed assignment.


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Lifelong learning has been linked by policymakers to economic and social wellbeing. This paper introduces the concept of training brokerage as an efficient way of meeting the needs of learners, industry and education and training providers. It presents findings from a study of the features, processes and outcomes of training brokerage arrangements within the Australian agricultural and natural resource management sectors. The purpose of the study was to identify and promote effective brokerage arrangements and models. The study used multi-method, multi-site techniques, comprising a telephone survey, case studies of good broking practice and stakeholder participation through workshops and a reference group. Training brokers act as facilitators or intermediaries in identifying and matching training needs and opportunities. They have close links with industry, and extensive networks that include reputable training providers. Brokers work with others to identify training needs and engage participants, and to identify, negotiate and plan appropriate training. Evaluation and further training are a key part of the process. Effective broking activity is underpinned by a series of ten generic principles. Brokerage has implications for the agricultural sector in developed and developing countries, in terms of improving the match of training provision to training needs, communication, coordination and collaboration across regions and industries. It also has broader implications for facilitating participation in client-driven lifelong learning, particularly for disenfranchised learners.


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Objective: We assessed, from a health sector perspective, options for change that could improve the efficiency of Australia's current mental health services by directing available resources toward 'best practice' cost-effective services.

Method: We summarize cost-effectiveness results of a range of interventions for depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorders that have been presented in previous papers in this journal. Recommendations for change are formulated after taking into account 'second-filter criteria' of equity, feasibility of implementing change, acceptability to stakeholders and the strength of the evidence. In addition, we estimate the impact on total expenditure if the recommended mental health interventions for depression and schizophrenia are to be implemented in Australia.

Results: There are cost-effective treatment options for mental disorders that are currently underutilized (e.g. cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety, bibliotherapy for depression, family interventions for schizophrenia and clozapine for the worst course of schizophrenia). There are also less cost-effective treatments in current practice (e.g. widespread use of olanzapine and risperidone in the treatment of established schizophrenia and, within those atypicals, a preference for olanzapine over risperidone). Feasibility of funding mechanisms and training of staff are the main second-filter issues for CBT and family interventions. Acceptability to various stakeholders is the main barrier to implementation of more cost-effective drug treatment regimens. More efficient drug intervention options identified for schizophrenia would cost A$68 million less than current practice. These savings would more than cover the estimated A$36M annual cost of delivering family interventions to the 51% of people with schizophrenia whom we estimated to be eligible and this would lead to an estimated 12% improvement in their health status. Implementing recommended strategies for depression would cost A$121M annually for the 24% of people with depression who seek care currently, but do not receive an evidence-based treatment.

Conclusions: Despite considerable methodological problems, a range of cost-effective and less cost-effective interventions for major mental disorders can be discerned. The biggest hurdle to implementation of more efficient mental health services is that this change would require reallocation of funds between interventions, between disorders and between service providers with different funding mechanisms.


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Study guide for the unit of competency RUA AG4804RM A


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Patient encounters are the core learning activity of Australian general practice (family practice) training. Exposure to patient demographics and presentations may vary from one general practice registrar (vocational trainee) to another. This can affect comprehensiveness of training. Currently, there is no mechanism to systematically capture the content of GP registrar consultations. The aim of the Registrar Clinical Encounters in Training (ReCEnT) study is to document longitudinally the nature and associations of consultation-based clinical and educational experiences of general practice registrars.
This is an ongoing prospective multi-site cohort study of general practice registrars’ consultations, entailing paper-based recording of consultation data. The study setting is general practices affiliated with three geographically-based Australian general practice regional training providers. Registrars record details of 60 consecutive consultations. Data collected includes registrar demographics, details of the consultation, patient demographics, reasons for encounter and problems managed. Problems managed are coded with the International Classification of Primary Care (second edition) classification system. Additionally, registrars record educational factors related to the encounter. The study will follow the clinical exposure of each registrar six-monthly over the 18 months to two years (full-time equivalent) of their general practice training program.
The study will provide data on a range of factors (patient, registrar and consultation factors). This data will be used to inform a range of educational decisions as well as being used to answer educational research questions. We plan to use ReCEnT as a formative assessment tool for registrars and help identify and address educational needs. The study will facilitate program evaluation by the participating training providers and thus improve articulation of educational programs with practice experience. From the research point of view it will address an evidence gap – the in-practice clinical and educational experience of general practice trainees, determinants of these experiences, and the determinants of registrars’ patterns of practice (for example, prescribing practice) over the course of their training.


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Cardiac patients after an acute event and/or with chronic heart disease deserve special attention to restore their quality of life and to maintain or improve functional capacity. They require counselling to avoid recurrence through a combination of adherence to a medication plan and adoption of a healthy lifestyle. These secondary prevention targets are included in the overall goal of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Cardiac rehabilitation can be viewed as the clinical application of preventive care by means of a professional multi-disciplinary integrated approach for comprehensive risk reduction and global long-term care of cardiac patients. The CR approach is delivered in tandem with a flexible follow-up strategy and easy access to a specialized team. To promote implementation of cardiac prevention and rehabilitation, the CR Section of the EACPR (European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation) has recently completed a Position Paper, entitled 'Secondary prevention through cardiac rehabilitation: A condition-oriented approach'. Components of multidisciplinary CR for seven clinical presentations have been addressed. Components include patient assessment, physical activity counselling, exercise training, diet/nutritional counselling, weight control management, lipid management, blood pressure monitoring, smoking cessation, and psychosocial management. Cardiac rehabilitation services are by definition multi-factorial and comprehensive, with physical activity counselling and exercise training as central components in all rehabilitation and preventive interventions. Many of the risk factor improvements occurring in CR can be mediated through exercise training programmes. This call-for-action paper presents the key components of a CR programme: physical activity counselling and exercise training. It summarizes current evidence-based best practice for the wide range of patient presentations of interest to the general cardiology community.


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How do university training and subsequent practical experience affect expertise in clinical psychology? To answer this question we developed methods to assess psychological knowledge and the competence to diagnose, construct case conceptualizations, and plan psychotherapeutic treatment: a knowledge test and short case studies in a first study, and a complex, dynamically evolving case study in the second study. In our cross-sectional studies, psychology students, trainees in a certified postgraduate psychotherapist curriculum, and behavior therapists with more than 10 years of experience were tested (100 in total: 20 each of novice, intermediate, and advanced university students, postgraduate trainees, and therapists). Clinical knowledge and competence increased up to the level of trainees but unexpectedly decreased at the level of experienced therapists. We discuss the results against the background of expertise research and the training of clinical psychologists (in Germany). Important factors for the continuing professional development of psychotherapists are proposed.