75 resultados para Toxicant


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Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an ideal tool for evaluating toxicant exposure in health risk assessment. Chemical substances or their metabolites related to environmental pollutants can be detected as biomarkers of exposure using a wide variety of biological fluids. Individual exposure to aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (benzene, toluene, and o-xylene –“BTX”) were analysed with a liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (μHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantitative detection of the BTX exposure biomarker SPMA, SBMA and o-MBMA in human urine. Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) is a biomarker proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) for assessing occupational exposure to benzene (Biological Exposure Index of 25 microg/g creatinine). Urinary S-benzylmercapturic (SBMA) and o-methyl S-benzyl mercapturic acid (o-MBMA) are specific toluene and o-xylene metabolites of glutathione detoxicant pathways, proposed as reliable biomarkers of exposure. To this aim a pre-treatment of the urine with solid phase extraction (SPE) and an evaporation step were necessary to concentrate the mercapturic acids before instrumental analysis. A liquid chromatography separation was carried out with a reversed phase capillary column (Synergi 4u Max-RP) using a binary gradient composed of an acquous solution of formic acid 0.07% v/v and methanol. The mercapturic acids were determinated by negative-ion-mass spectrometry and the data were corrected using isotope-labelled analogs as internal standards. The analytical method follows U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance and was applied to assess exposure to BTX in a group of 396 traffic wardens. The association between biomarker results and individual factors, such as age, sex and tobacco smoke were also investigated. The present work also included improvements in the methods used by modifying various chromatographic parameters and experimental procedures. A partial validation was conducted to evaluate LOD, precision, accuracy, recovery as well as matrix effects. Higher sensitivity will be possible in future biological monitoring programmes, allowing evaluation of very low level of BTX human exposure. Keywords: Human biomonitoring, aromatic hydrocarbons, biomarker of exposure, HPLC-MS/MS.


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Organotin compounds are worldwide diffused environmental contaminants, mainly as consequence of their extensive past use as biocides in antifouling paints. In spite of law restrictions, due to unwanted effects, organotin still persist in waters, being poorly degraded, easily resuspended from sediments and bioaccumulated in exposed organisms. The widespread toxicity and the possible threat to humans, likely to be organotin-exposed through contaminated seafood, make organotin interactions with biomolecules an intriguing biochemical topic, apart from a matter of ecotoxicological concern. Among organotins, tributyltin (TBT) is long known as the most dangerous and abundant chemical species in the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its amphiphilic nature, provided by three lipophilic arms and an electrophilic tin core, TBT can be easily incorporated in biomembranes and affect their functionality. Accordingly, it is known as a membrane-active toxicant and a mitochondrial poison. Up to now the molecular action modes of TBT are still partially unclear and poorly explored in bivalve mollusks, even if the latter play a not neglectable role in the marine trophic chain and efficiently accumulate organotins. The bivalve mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis, selected for all experiments, is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean and currently used in ecotoxicological studies. Most work of this thesis was devoted to TBT effects on mussel mitochondria, but other possible targets of TBT were also considered. A great deal of literature points out TBT as endocrine disrupter and the masculinization of female marine gastropods, the so-called imposex, currently signals environmental organotin contamination. The hormonal status of TBT-exposed mussels and the possible interaction between hormones and contaminants in modulating microsomal hydroxilases, involved in steroid hormone and organotin detoxification, were the research topics in the period spent in Barcelona (Marco Polo fellowship). The variegated experimental approach, which consisted of two exposure experiments and in vitro tests, and the choice of selected tissues of M. galloprovincialis, the midgut gland for mitochondrial and microsomal preparations for subsequent laboratory assays and the gonads for the endocrine evaluations, aimed at drawing a clarifying pattern on the molecular mechanisms involved in organotin toxicity. TBT was promptly incorporated in midgut gland mitochondria of adult mussels exposed to 0.5 and 1.0 μg/L TBT, and partially degraded to DBT. TBT incorporation was accompanied by a decrease in the mitochondrial oligomycin-sensitive Mg-ATPase activity, while the coexistent oligomycin-insensitive fraction was unaffected. Mitochondrial fatty acids showed a clear rise in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids after 120 hr of TBT exposure, mainly referable to an increase in 22:6 level. TBT was also shown to inhibit the ATP hydrolytic activity of the mitochondrial F1FO complex in vitro and to promote an apparent loss of oligomycin sensitivity at higher than 1.0 μM concentration. The complex dose-dependent profile of the inhibition curve lead to the hypothesis of multiple TBT binding sites. At lower than 1.0 μM TBT concentrations the non competitive enzyme inhibition by TBT was ascribed to the non covalent binding of TBT to FO subunit. On the other hand the observed drop in oligomycin sensitivity at higher than 1.0 μM TBT could be related to the onset of covalent bonds involving thiolic groups on the enzyme structure, apparently reached only at high TBT levels. The mitochondrial respiratory complexes were in vitro affected by TBT, apart from the cytocrome c oxidase which was apparently refractory to the contaminant. The most striking inhibitory effect was shown on complex I, and ascribed to possible covalent bonds of TBT with –SH groups on the enzyme complexes. This mechanism, shouldered by the progressive decrease of free cystein residues in the presence of increasing TBT concentrations, suggests that the onset of covalent tin-sulphur bonds in distinct protein structures may constitute the molecular basis of widespread TBT effects on mitochondrial complexes. Energy production disturbances, in turn affecting energy consuming mechanisms, could be involved in other cellular changes. Mussels exposed to a wide range of TBT concentrations (20 - 200 and 2000 ng/L respectively) did not show any change in testosterone and estrogen levels in mature gonads. Most hormones were in the non-biologically active esterified form both in control and in TBT-treated mussels. Probably the endocrine status of sexually mature mussels could be refractory even to high TBT doses. In mussel digestive gland the high biological variability of microsomal 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin-O-Debenzyloxylase (BFCOD) activity, taken as a measure of CYP3A-like efficiency, probably concealed any enzyme response to TBT exposure. On the other hand the TBT-driven enhancement of BFCOD activity in vitro was once again ascribed to covalent binding to thiol groups which, in this case, would stimulate the enzyme activity. In mussels from Barcelona harbour, a highly contaminated site, the enzyme showed a decreased affinity for the 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (BCF) substrate with respect to mussel sampled from Ebro Delta, a non-polluted marine site. Contaminant exposure may thus alter the kinetic features of enzymes involved in detoxification mechanisms. Contaminants and steroid hormones were clearly shown to mutually interact in the modulation of detoxification mechanisms. The xenoestrogen 17α-ethylenyl estradiol (EE2) displayed a non-competitive mixed inhibition of CYP3A-like activity by a preferential bond to the free enzyme both in Barcelona harbour and Ebro Delta mussels. The possible interaction with co-present contaminants in Barcelona harbour mussels apparently lessened the formation of the ternary complex enzyme-EE2-BCF. The whole of data confirms TBT as membrane toxicant in mussels as in other species and stresses TBT covalent binding to protein thiols as a widespread mechanism of membrane-bound-enzyme activity modulation by the contaminant.


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Toxicant inputs from agriculture, industry and human settlements have been shown to severely affect freshwater ecosystems. Pollution can lead to changes in population genetic patterns through various genetic and stochastic processes. In my thesis, I investigated the impact of anthropogenic stressors on the population genetics of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In order to analyze the genetics of zebra mussel populations, I isolated five new highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Out of those and other already existing microsatellite markers for this species, I established a robust marker set of six microsatellite loci for D. polymorpha. rnMonitoring the biogeographical background is an important requirement when integrating population genetic measures into ecotoxicological studies. I analyzed the biogeographical background of eleven populations in a section of the River Danube (in Hungary and Croatia) and some of its tributaries, and another population in the River Rhine as genetic outgroup. Moreover, I measured abiotic water parameters at the sampling sites and analyzed if they were correlated with the genetic parameters of the populations. The genetic differentiation was basically consistent with the overall biogeographical history of the populations in the study region. However, the genetic diversity of the populations was not influenced by the geographical distance between the populations, but by the environmental factors oxygen and temperature and also by other unidentified factors. I found strong evidence that genetic adaptation of zebra mussel populations to local habitat conditions had influenced the genetic constitution of the populations. Moreover, by establishing the biogeographical baseline of molecular variance in the study area, I laid the foundation for interpreting population genetic results in ecotoxicological experiments in this region.rnIn a cooperation project with the Department of Zoology of the University of Zagreb, I elaborated an integrated approach in biomonitoring with D. polymorpha by combining the analysis techniques of microsatellite analysis, Comet assay and micronucleus test (MNT). This approach was applied in a case study on freshwater contamination by an effluent of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the River Drava (Croatia) and a complementary laboratory experiment. I assessed and compared the genetic status of two zebra mussel populations from a contaminated and a reference site. Microsatellite analysis suggested that the contaminated population had undergone a genetic bottleneck, caused by random genetic drift and selection, whereas a bottleneck was not detected in the reference population. The Comet assay did not indicate any difference in DNA damage between the two populations, but MNT revealed that the contaminated population had an increased percentage of micronuclei in hemocytes in comparison to the reference population. The laboratory experiment with mussels exposed to municipal wastewater revealed that mussels from the contaminated site had a lower percentage of tail DNA and a higher percentage of micronuclei than the reference population. These differences between populations were probably caused by an overall decreased fitness of mussels from the contaminated site due to genetic drift and by an enhanced DNA repair mechanism due to adaptation to pollution in the source habitat. Overall, the combination of the three biomarkers provided sufficient information on the impact of both treated and non-treated municipal wastewater on the genetics of zebra mussels at different levels of biological organization.rnIn my thesis, I could show that the newly established marker set of six microsatellite loci provided reliable and informative data for population genetic analyses of D. polymorpha. The adaptation of the analyzed zebra mussel populations to the local conditions of their habitat had a strong influence on their genetic constitution. We found evidence that the different genetic constitutions of two populations had influenced the outcome of our ecotoxicological experiment. Overall, the integrated approach in biomonitoring gave comprehensive information about the impact of both treated and non-treated municipal wastewater on the genetics of zebra mussels at different levels of biological organization and was well practicable in a first case study.


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In order to improve the ability to link chemical exposure to toxicological and ecological effects, aquatic toxicology will have to move from observing what chemical concentrations induce adverse effects to more explanatory approaches, that are concepts which build on knowledge of biological processes and pathways leading from exposure to adverse effects, as well as on knowledge on stressor vulnerability as given by the genetic, physiological and ecological (e.g., life history) traits of biota. Developing aquatic toxicology in this direction faces a number of challenges, including (i) taking into account species differences in toxicant responses on the basis of the evolutionarily developed diversity of phenotypic vulnerability to environmental stressors, (ii) utilizing diversified biological response profiles to serve as biological read across for prioritizing chemicals, categorizing them according to modes of action, and for guiding targeted toxicity evaluation; (iii) prediction of ecological consequences of toxic exposure from knowledge of how biological processes and phenotypic traits lead to effect propagation across the levels of biological hierarchy; and (iv) the search for concepts to assess the cumulative impact of multiple stressors. An underlying theme in these challenges is that, in addition to the question of what the chemical does to the biological receptor, we should give increasing emphasis to the question how the biological receptor handles the chemicals, i.e., through which pathways the initial chemical-biological interaction extends to the adverse effects, how this extension is modulated by adaptive or compensatory processes as well as by phenotypic traits of the biological receptor.


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Dronedarone is a new antiarrhythmic drug with an amiodarone-like benzofuran structure. Shortly after its introduction, dronedarone became implicated in causing severe liver injury. Amiodarone is a well-known mitochondrial toxicant. The aim of our study was to investigate mechanisms of hepatotoxicity of dronedarone in vitro and to compare them with amiodarone. We used isolated rat liver mitochondria, primary human hepatocytes, and the human hepatoma cell line HepG2, which were exposed acutely or up to 24h. After exposure of primary hepatocytes or HepG2 cells for 24h, dronedarone and amiodarone caused cytotoxicity and apoptosis starting at 20 and 50 µM, respectively. The cellular ATP content started to decrease at 20 µM for both drugs, suggesting mitochondrial toxicity. Inhibition of the respiratory chain required concentrations of ~10 µM and was caused by an impairment of complexes I and II for both drugs. In parallel, mitochondrial accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed. In isolated rat liver mitochondria, acute treatment with dronedarone decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential, inhibited complex I, and uncoupled the respiratory chain. Furthermore, in acutely treated rat liver mitochondria and in HepG2 cells exposed for 24h, dronedarone started to inhibit mitochondrial β-oxidation at 10 µM and amiodarone at 20 µM. Similar to amiodarone, dronedarone is an uncoupler and an inhibitor of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and of β-oxidation both acutely and after exposure for 24h. Inhibition of mitochondrial function leads to accumulation of ROS and fatty acids, eventually leading to apoptosis and/or necrosis of hepatocytes. Mitochondrial toxicity may be an explanation for hepatotoxicity of dronedarone in vivo.


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Aquatic toxicology is facing the challenge to assess the impact of complex mixtures of compounds on diverse biological endpoints. So far, ecotoxicology focuses mainly on apical endpoints such as growth, lethality and reproduction, but does not consider sublethal toxic effects that may indirectly cause ecological effects. One such sublethal effect is toxicant-induced impairment of neurosensory functions which will affect important behavioural traits of exposed organisms. Here, we critically review the mechanosensory lateral line (LL) system of zebrafish as a model to screen for chemical effects on neurosensory function of fish in particular and vertebrates in general. The LL system consists of so-called neuromasts, composed of centrally located sensory hair cells, and surrounding supporting cells. The function of neuromasts is the detection of water movements that is essential for the fish's ability to detect prey, to escape predator, to socially interact or to show rheotactic behaviour. Recent advances in the study of these organs provided researchers with a broad area of molecular tools for easy and rapid detection of neuromasts dysfunction and/or disturbed development. Further, genes involved in neuromasts differentiation have been identified using auditory/mechanosensory mutants and morphants. A number of environmental toxicants including metals and pharmaceuticals have been shown to affect neuromasts development and/or function. The use of the LL organ for toxicological studies offers the advantage to integrate the available profound knowledge on developmental biology of the neuromasts with the study of chemical toxicity. This combination may provide a powerful tool in environmental risk assessment.


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The worldwide distribution of toxicants is an important yet understudied driver of biodiversity, and the mechanisms relating toxicity to diversity have not been adequately explored. Here, we present a community model integrating demography, dispersal and toxicant-induced effects on reproduction driven by intraspecific and interspecific variability in toxicity tolerance. We compare model predictions to 458 species abundance distribu- tions (SADs) observed along concentration gradients of toxicants to show that the best predictions occur when intraspecific variability is five and ten times higher than interspecific variability. At high concentrations, lower settings of intraspecific variability resulted in predictions of community extinction that were not supported by the observed SADs. Subtle but significant species losses at low concentrations were predicted only when intraspecific variability dominated over interspecific variability. Our results propose intraspecific variability as a key driver for biodiversity sustenance in ecosystems challenged by environmental change.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which glutathione (GSH) is involved in the process of apoptosis induced by cisplatin [cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), cis-DDP] in the HL60 human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. The data show that during the onset or induction of apoptosis, GSH levels in cisplatin-treated cells increased 50% compared to control cells. The increase in intracellular GSH was associated with enhanced expression of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS), the enzyme that catalyzes the rate- limiting step in the biosynthesis of glutathione. After depletion of intracellular GSH with D,L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of γ-GCS, biochemical and morphological analysis revealed that the mechanism of cell death had switched from apoptosis to necrosis. In contrast, when intracellular GSH was elevated by exposure of cells to a GSH-ethyl-ester and then treatment with cisplatin, no change in the induction and kinetics of apoptosis were observed. However, when cells were exposed to cisplatin before intracellular GSH levels were increased, apoptosis was observed to occur 6 hours earlier compared to cells without GSH elevation. To further examine the molecular aspects of these effects of GSH on the apoptotic process, changes in the expression of bcl-2 and bax, were investigated in cells with depleted and elevated GSH. Using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, no significant change in the expression of bcl-2 gene transcripts was observed in cells in either the GSH depleted or elevated state; however, a 75% reduction in GSH resulted in a 40% decrease in the expression of bax gene transcripts. In contrast, a 6-fold increase in GSH increased the expression of bax by 3-fold relative to controls. Similar results were obtained for bax gene expression and protein synthesis by northern analysis and immunoprecipitation, respectively. These results suggest that GSH serves a dual role in the apoptotic process. The first role which is indirect, involves the protection of the cell from extensive damage following exposure to a specific toxicant so as to prevent death by necrosis, possibly by interacting with the DNA damaging agent and/or its active metabolites. The second role involves a direct involvement of GSH in the apoptotic process that includes upregulation of bax expression. ^


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The intent of this research was to identify the level of risk methanol posed to a fetus during an ethanol co-exposure. This investigation was prompted by the known competitive inhibition properties of ethanol and the developmental toxicity of methanol. Integrated into this research was the practicality necessitated by regulatory processes, namely: does the risk justify the expense of additional research. To this end, the scope and nature of exposures were summarized to illustrate the ubiquity of these chemicals and the potential for dual exposure. Similarly, severity of outcome was evaluated by systematically reviewing the LOAELs, NOAELs, and statistical significance contained in methanol-induced developmental studies. Results. Blood methanol levels corresponding to developmental effects in laboratory studies were found to be substantially higher than the blood methanol levels predicted in high-risk methanol-ethanol exposure scenarios. This indicates that ethanol would not likely exacerbate methanol toxicity to the point of teratogenicity; however, it is important to note that the developmental toxicity of ethanol—an established human teratogen—was not included in the evaluation. Ethanol's contribution as a developmental toxicant rather than merely as an attenuator of methanol toxicity undermines the severity of effects possible from this chemical combination. Therefore further evaluation is needed to assess the developmental toxicities following dual exposures before rendering methanol and ethanol a high-priority mixture.^


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The mammalian renal toxicant tetrafluoroethylcysteine (TFEC) is metabolized to a reactive intermediate that covalently modifies the lysine residues of a select group of mitochondrial proteins, forming difluorothioamidyl lysine protein adducts. Cellular damage is initiated by this process and cell death ensues. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of purified mitochondrial proteins containing difluorothioamidyl lysine adducts identified the lipoamide succinyltransferase and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase subunits of the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (αKGDH), a key regulatory component of oxidative metabolism, as targets for TFEC action. Adduct formation resulted in marked inhibition of αKGDH enzymatic activity, whereas the related pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was unmodified by TFEC and its activity was not inhibited in vivo. Covalent modification of αKGDH subunits also resulted in interactions with mitochondrial chaperonin HSP60 in vivo and with HSP60 and mitochondrial HSP70 in vitro. These observations confirm the role of mammalian stress proteins in the recognition of abnormal proteins and provide supporting evidence for reactive metabolite-induced cell death by modification of critical protein targets.


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Ca2+ in rooting medium is essential for root elongation, even in the absence of added toxicants. In the presence of rhizotoxic levels of Al3+, H+, or Na+ (or other cationic toxicants), supplementation of the medium with higher levels of Ca2+ alleviates growth inhibition. Experiments to determine the mechanisms of alleviation entailed measurements of root elongation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) seedlings in controlled medium. A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model was used to compute the electrical potentials and the activities of ions at the root-cell plasma membrane surfaces. Analysis of root elongation relative to the computed surface activities of ions revealed three separate mechanisms of Ca2+ alleviation. Mechanism I is the displacement of cell-surface toxicant by the Ca2+-induced reduction in cell-surface negativity. Mechanism II is the restoration of Ca2+ at the cell surface if the surface Ca2+ has been reduced by the toxicant to growth-limiting levels. Mechanism III is the collective ameliorative effect of Ca2+ beyond mechanisms I and II, and may involve Ca2+-toxicant interactions at the cell surface other than the displacement interactions of mechanisms I and II. Mechanism I operated in the alleviation of all of the tested toxicities; mechanism II was generally a minor component of alleviation; and mechanism III was toxicant specific and operated strongly in the alleviation of Na+ toxicity, moderately in the alleviation of H+ toxicity, and not at all in the alleviation of Al3+ toxicity.


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Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of ecotoxicological studies examining the effects of toxicants on fertilization success in marine broadcast spawners and it appears that this life-history stage is one of the most vulnerable to toxicants. Most of the studies examining this issue use single sperm concentrations in their assays. Here, I discuss recent advances in fertilization ecology that suggest this technique has some severe limitations resulting in unreliable estimations of the size and direction of toxicant effects. I present an alternative assay technique and two metrics (F-max and [Sperm](max)) that will reliably estimate the size of a toxicant's effect on fertilization success. This technique has the added advantage of making comparisons among species and studies easier without an impractical increase in effort. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reliable, high throughput, in vitro preliminary screening batteries have the potential to greatly accelerate the rate at which regulatory neurotoxicity data is generated. This study evaluated the importance of astrocytes when predicting acute toxic potential using a neuronal screening battery of pure neuronal (NT2.N) and astrocytic (NT2.A) and integrated neuronal/astrocytic (NT2.N/A) cell systems derived from the human NT2.D1 cell line, using biochemical endpoints (mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) depolarisation and ATP and GSH depletion). Following exposure for 72 h, the known acute human neurotoxicants trimethyltin-chloride, chloroquine and 6-hydroxydopamine were frequently capable of disrupting biochemical processes in all of the cell systems at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Astrocytes provide key metabolic and protective support to neurons during toxic challenge in vivo and generally the astrocyte containing cell systems showed increased tolerance to toxicant insult compared with the NT2.N mono-culture in vitro. Whilst there was no consistent relationship between MMP, ATP and GSH log IC(50) values for the NT2.N/A and NT2.A cell systems, these data did provide preliminary evidence of modulation of the acute neuronal toxic response by astrocytes. In conclusion, the suitability of NT2 neurons and astrocytes as cell systems for acute toxicity screening deserves further investigation.


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The process of astrogliosis, or reactive gliosis, is a typical response of astrocytes to a wide range of physical and chemical injuries. The up-regulation of the astrocyte specific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a hallmark of reactive gliosis and is widely used as a marker to identify the response. In order to develop a reliable, sensitive and high throughput astrocyte toxicity assay that is more relevant to the human response than existing animal cell based models, the U251-MG, U373-MG and CCF-STTG 1 human astrocytoma cell lines were investigated for their ability to exhibit reactive-like changes following exposure to ethanol, chloroquine diphosphate, trimethyltin chloride and acrylamide. Cytotoxicity analysis showed that the astrocytic cells were generally more resistant to the cytotoxic effects of the agents than the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Retinoic acid induced differentiation of the SH-SY5Y line was also seen to confer some degree of resistance to toxicant exposure, particularly in the case of ethanol. Using a cell based ELISA for GFAP together with concurrent assays for metabolic activity and cell number, each of the three cell lines responded to toxicant exposure by an increase in GFAP immunoreactivity (GFAP-IR), or by increased metabolic activity. Ethanol, chloroquine diphosphate, trimethyltin chloride and bacterial lipopolysaccharide all induced either GFAP or MTT increases depending upon the cell line, dose and exposure time. Preliminary investigations of additional aspects of astrocytic injury indicated that IL-6, but not TNF-α. or nitric oxide, is released following exposure to each of the compounds, with the exception of acrylamide. It is clear that these human astrocytoma cell lines are capable of responding to toxicant exposure in a manner typical of reactive gliosis and are therefore a valuable cellular model in the assessment of in vitro neurotoxicity.


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Arsenite is a major environmental toxicant that is well known to cause reproductive injury. The sperm protective potential of Ageratum conyzoides Linn in arsenic-treated rats was carried out in this study taking advantage of the antioxidant constituents and its androgenic activities. Twenty-four male albino rats aged 16 weeks, weighing 225 to 228g were used. They were grouped into 4(A-Da) with each group containing 6 rats. Group A was orally treated with 100mg/kg ethanol leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides L., daily for 14 days, group B (single oral dose of sodium arsenite 2.5 mg/kg body weight), C (Ageratum conyzoides extract daily for 14 days and sodium arsenite (SA) given on the 14th day) and group D (Propylene glycol as negative control). It was observed that group B had a more lower (p<0.05) percentage motility (26.7±6.67%) when compared across the groups while group A had a significantly higher (p<0.05) mean value (63.3±3.33%). The sperm motility of rats in group D was significantly higher (p<0.05) than groups B and C. This implies that A. conyzoides extract had no adverse effect on the sperm motility of the rats and also ameliorates the adverse effect of arsenite on sperm motility. The mean value obtained for sperm liveability, semen volume and Sperm concentration followed a similar pattern although, the differences were not significant (p>0.05) for semen volume and the Sperm concentration of rats across the groups. The total sperm abnormality obtained across the groups ranges between 10.44 and 14.27% with group B treated with sodium arsenite (SA) having the highest value when compared with groups A and D, although, the differences were not significant (P>0.05). The study concluded that ethanol leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides has no negative effect on sperm motility, liveability characteristics and morphology and also protected spermatozoa against arsenic reproductive toxicity in wistar strain albino rats..