987 resultados para Tourism -- Planning -- Catalonia
Ressenya del llibre L’àrea urbana de Girona: un espai per al futur. A l’obra s’hi tracten aspectes de caràcter social, econòmic, cultural, urbanístic, infraestructural i institucional de Girona, tot plegat des d’una perspectiva globalitzadora i sintètica
És més que evident la relació de Jacint Verdaguer amb el poble de Folgueroles. Tanmateix, aquest estudi mostra llur relació des d’una nova perspectiva, en la qual el desenvolupament territorial n’és la base. Folgueroles percep quelcom d’identitari en el poeta i el fa esdevenir recurs clau per tirar endavant un projecte de poble. Mitjançant la descripció del Sistema Local Territorial sorgit a Folgueroles al voltant de la figura del poeta, es defineix aquest projecte, els seus actors principals i les seves relacions, i, finalment, se’n farà una valoració
Aquest projecte de recerca es planteja, com a objectiu principal, elaborar una contextualització de Rhode entre el 195 aC i mitjan segle II dC. Es tracta d’assolir noves hipòtesis sobre el final relativament sobtat que pateix la fundació massaliota, quin són els motius del seu abandonament, si aquest es produeix totalment, quins fets porten a la recuperació d’aquest espai i quin paper pot jugar l'àmbit periurbà de Rhode durant tot aquest període. Alhora, es cerca posar en relació els esdeveniments que passen a Rhode amb el procés de romanització que pateix el territori
Article que analitza l' estructura i els models bàsics d'organització territorial al Bisbat de Girona i que planteja una proposta de divisió territorial per a cada nivell d' organització espacial
Les escales de la Pera i la plaça dels Apòstols són un conjunt pensat i dut a terme de manera unitària pel capítol de la catedral a inicis del segle XVI, i com a tal constitueixen l'espai renaixentista més rellevant de la ciutat. Una obra important no tant des del punt de vista estètic, com perquè va suposar alhora un rellevant treball d'enginyeria hidràulica de costosa execució. Aquest treball, tot aplegant el material existent sobre aquesta acció urbanística, intentarà de precisar-ne el context i els precedents, de dibuixar-ne millor el propòsit, d'aclarir-ne alguns altres aspectes mitjançant l'aportació de noves dades documentals i, sobretot, de posar de relleu aquesta condició de gran obra cinccentista
This article is an essay aiming at the definition of the urban district of Girona, having as a base the analysis of the intensities and directional tendencies of labour mobility fluxes in it. Several cathegories will be signaled inside this area which wil enable us to differenciate a number of crowns of municipalities according to their respective links with Girona town. A reflection set forth by Francesco Indovina on the concept of diffused town will be the first step in the attempt to typify this area. Thus, the existence of a diffused city core of which would be Girona town will be argued, an issue this one which is to be analysed in future studies
Sobre el creixement urbà, el desenvolupament i l'ordenació territorial de La Selva, comarca singular per la seva heterogeneïtat
El projecte se centra en l’estudi i valoració de les despeses i beneficis derivats del desenvolupament d’un pla parcial, per tal de poder escollir entre dues opcions, la venda de solars o bé la venda d’habitatges. S’ha elaborat eines de càlcul per fer un estudi urbanístic i de viabilitat per a la venda dels solars o habitatges. I s’han estudiat els aspectes legals i normatius que envolten l’activitat urbanística, i la seva aplicació
La tesis se enmarca en la relación entre espacios naturales protegidos, turismo y desarrollo sostenible. Y lo hace desde la óptica de la planificación de las prácticas turísticas, un tema bastante novedoso en nuestro país y que está de plena actualidad. Los objetivos fundamentales de la investigación son los siguientes: Determinar, de manera genérica y en clave de sostenibilidad, el papel del turismo en los ENP españoles. Estudiar con detalle dos instrumentos de planificación del turismo en las áreas protegidas españolas: la Carta Europea del Turismo Sostenible en los espacios protegidos y los Planes de Desarrollo Sostenible andaluces derivados de la Ley 2/1989. Evaluar el alcance de dichos instrumentos en dos territorios concretos: el Parque Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa (Girona) y el Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar (Almería).
The Social Representation Theory provides subsidies to scientifically analyze what is called common sense, suggesting that thought be given credibility to the individual, from the assignment of logic to it. The Representations allow us to interpret, understand, explain and thus classify information, events and people. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze how social representations of the actors of the intinerant traders who operate in Ponta Negra/RN can be used as an element for tourism planning. To achieve the desired goals, we conducted a qualitative study, from a descriptive study, using methods of data collection the research literature, the technique of free association of words and the questionnaire, applied with 90 intinerant traders who work in Ponta Negra/RN beach. As tools of data analysis were used to analyze literature, and software EVOC and SPHINX. This research has revealed the predominance of people in itinerant male, between 18 and 28 years, with incomplete primary education, no contributors of Previdência Social and working seven days a week. The core elements of representations brings that explain that their knowledge is guided by collectively shared knowledge in the culture of tourism, which is seen as something that brings economics benefits (money) to the society, from the travel and entertainment. The plan represents the forward thinking, based on development plans that seek improvements and organization. The structure and operation of tourism planning in Natal/RN, there were no representation of intinerant traders. It is concluded that understanding the needs of itinerant traders provides grants to developing strategies for the development of tourism. This is achieved from its inclusion in tourism planning, since it enables tourism managers to understand how they are capturing, interpreting and acting on their next reality, since these representations are fundamental in forming opinions and the establishment of individual attitudes and collective. Thus, it is an important theory to be used to subsidize social research with individuals living reality and local needs, but which is the margin of decision-making processes of economic in the Brazil
The general objective of this study was to analyze the city of Santa Cruz cope with the impacts of the changes caused by the insertion of religious tourism with the construction of the Tourist Complex Religious Alto de Santa Rita, and specific objectives: to identify the economic activities from building the Tourist Complex Religious Alto de Santa Rita with the monument of Santa Rita; describe the research scenario to respect the traditions, rituals and spatial organization of the city and to evaluate the impacts through construction of movement by Religious Tourism Complex human capital and economic development fostered by Religious Tourism. To this end, we used the methods of application of Questionnaires and interviews, as well as the method was conducted participant observation, individual and systematic, having exploratory held through a correlational analysis regarding the impacts by inserting Tourism religious elsewhere. Was performed also discourse analysis of speeches Stakeholder city of Santa Cruz / RN for understanding the local reality. Literature search was performed readings of books, articles, theses and dissertations dealing with the issue, it was necessary to use data from websites. As for the media research field was qualitative. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the city of Santa Cruz suffered socio-economic and cultural, as a result, especially the lack of a previously developed tourism planning
The present work is a study which deals about the stakeholder approach towards the issue of tourism development in a city of Rio Grande do Norte state: Sítio Novo. As a goal, we sought to understand the stakeholders action and interaction mechanisms in the implementation process and, consequently, tourism planning in the municipality. Regarding to the methodology, the study is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach, given the intention of trying to understand meanings and situational characteristics presented by the research subjects. The interview was the instrument used to collect information, and it was performed with 10 (ten) actors of tourism in the municipality, documents about tourism development (Proceedings of the Regional Council of Polo Agreste Trairi were analyzed Sítio Novo municipality incorporates the Polo, and the Strategic Plan for Tourism). The study shows that public actors are the majority in the destination, notes that there is a minimal involvement of civil society in actions for tourism in the municipality, highlights that representatives of the municipality participate effectively in meetings of the Regional Council of Tourism Polo Agreste Trairi, to discuss actions related to the development of the activity in the locality, and attests that local actors interviewed, mostly understand their functions regarding to tourism development, however, do not perform actions consistent with the role they have, which have as purpose the planning and development of tourism. For that matter, this paper concludes that the participation and coordination among the stakeholders of the municipality should be reconsidered in order to seek and/or propose alternatives that gather in a more adequate way the local actors, so that something more effective about the tourism development in the destination could be done
This work entitled "Planning and Tourism Territorial Management in the Metropolitan Region of Natal-RN" analyzes the tourism and its relationship to (re) production of socio-territorial inequalities in the metropolitan region of Natal (RMNatal) to from the planning and territorial management of the activity. For both, the methodological procedures were undertaken from research held about of literature on tourism, planning and territorial management, surveying and public policy analysis of tourism in national and local as well as the construction of levels of integration and differentiation of metropolitan municipalities in relation to tourism. Besides the shortage of studies on this subject, this research has shown that public policies focused on this sector has come under a great fragility in regard to tourism planning in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, causing the planning activity is a strong array of fragmentation and socio-territorial inequalities in RMNatal
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)