993 resultados para Thunderstorm outflow


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to analyze different anatomic mapping approaches for successful ablation of outflow tract tachycardia with R/S transition in lead V(3). BACKGROUND Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia can originate from different areas in the outflow tract, including the right and left ventricular endocardium, the epicardium, the pulmonary artery, and the aortic sinus of Valsalva. Although electrocardiographic criteria may be helpful in predicting the area of origin, sometimes the focus is complex to determine, especially when QRS transition in precordial leads is in V(3). METHODS We analyzed surface electrocardiograms of 33 successfully ablated patients with outflow tract tachycardia: 20 from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) and 13 from different sites. The R/S transition was determined, and the different anatomic approaches needed for successful catheter ablation were studied. RESULTS Overall, R/S transition in lead V(3) was present in 19 (58%) of all patients. In these patients, mapping was started and successfully completed in the RVOT in 11 of 19 (58%) patients. The remaining eight patients with R/S transition in lead V(3) needed five additional anatomic accesses for successful ablation: from the left ventricular outflow tract (n = 3), aortic sinus of Valsalva (n = 2), coronary sinus (n = 1), the epicardium via pericardial puncture (n = 1), and the trunk of the pulmonary artery (n = 1), respectively. CONCLUSIONS A R/S transition in lead V(3) is common. In patients with outflow tract tachycardia with R/S transition in lead V(3), a stepwise endocardial and epicardial mapping through up to six anatomic approaches can lead to successful radiofrequency catheter ablation.


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INTRODUCTION Catheter ablation for idiopathic ventricular arrhythmia is well established but epicardial origin, proximity to coronary arteries, and limited accessibility may complicate ablation from the venous system in particular from the great cardiac vein (GCV). METHODS Between April 2009 and October 2010 14 patients (56 ± 15 years; 9 male) out of a total group of 117 patients with idiopathic outflow tract tachycardias were included undergoing ablation for idiopathic VT or premature ventricular contractions (PVC) originating from GCV. All patients in whom the PVC arose from the GCV were subject to the study. In these patients angiography of the left coronary system was performed with the ablation catheter at the site of earliest activation. RESULTS Successful ablation was performed in 6/14 (43%) and long-term success was achieved in 5/14 (36%) patients. In 4/14 patients (28.6%) ablation was not performed. In another 4 patients (26.7%), ablation did not abolish the PVC/VT. In the majority, the anatomical proximity to the left coronary system prohibited effective RF application. In 3 patients RF application resulted in a coronary spasm with complete regression as revealed in repeat coronary angiography. CONCLUSION A relevant proportion idiopathic VT/PVC can safely be ablated from the GCV without significant permanent coronary artery stenosis after RF application. Our data furthermore demonstrate that damage to the coronary artery system is likely to be transient.


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Aims: We sought to analyse local distribution of aortic annulus and left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) calcification in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and its impact on aortic regurgitation (AR) immediately after device placement. Methods and results: A group of 177 patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing multislice computed tomography of the aortic root followed by TAVR were enrolled in this single-centre study. Annular and LVOT calcifications were assessed per cusp using a semi-quantitative grading system (0: none; 1 [mild]: small, non-protruding calcifications; 2 [moderate]: protruding [>1 mm] or extensive [>50% of cusp sector] calcifications; 3 [severe]: protruding and extensive calcifications). Any calcification of the annulus or LVOT was present in 107 (61%) and 63 (36%) patients, respectively. Prevalence of annulus/LVOT calcifications in the left coronary cusp was 42% and 25%, respectively, in the non-coronary cusp 28% and 13%, in the right coronary cusp 13% and 5%. AR grade 2 to 4 assessed by the method of Sellers immediately after TAVR device implantation was observed in 55 patients (31%). Multivariate regression analysis revealed that the overall annulus calcification (OR [95% CI] 1.48 [1.10-2.00]; p=0.0106), the overall LVOT calcification (1.93 [1.26-2.96]; p=0.0026), any moderate or severe LVOT calcification (5.37 [1.52-18.99]; p=0.0092), and asymmetric LVOT calcification were independent predictors of AR. Conclusions: Calcifications of the aortic annulus and LVOT are frequent in patients undergoing TAVR, and both the distribution and the severity of calcifications appear to be independent predictors of aortic regurgitation after device implantation. - See more at: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/77th_issue/126/#sthash.Hzodgju5.dpuf


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Epithelial-mesenchymal tissue interactions regulate the development of derivatives of the caudal pharyngeal arches (PAs) to govern the ultimate morphogenesis of the aortic arch and outflow tract (OFT) of the heart. Disruption of these signaling pathways is thought to contribute to the pathology of a significant proportion of congenital cardiovascular defects in humans. In this study, I tested whether Fibroblast Growth Factor 15 (Fgf15), a secreted signaling molecule expressed within the PAs, is an extracellular mediator of tissue interactions during PA and OFT development. Analyses of Fgf15−/− mouse embryonic hearts revealed abnormalities primarily localized to the OFT, correlating with aberrant cardiac neural crest cell behavior. The T-box-containing transcription factor Tbx1 has been implicated in the cardiovascular defects associated with the human 22q11 Deletion Syndromes, and regulates the expression of other Fgf family members within the mouse PAs. However, expression and genetic interaction studies incorporating mice deficient for Tbx1, its upstream regulator, Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), or its putative downstream effector, Fgf8, indicated that Fgf15 functions during OFT development in a manner independent of these factors. Rather, analyses of compound mutant mice indicated that Fgf15 and Fgf9, an additional Fgf family member expressed within the PAs, genetically interact, providing insight into the factors acting in conjunction with Fgf15 during OFT development. Finally, in an effort to further characterize this Fgf15-mediated developmental pathway, promoter deletion analyses were employed to isolate a 415bp sequence 7.1Kb 5′ to the Fgf15 transcription start site both necessary and sufficient to drive reporter gene expression within the epithelium of the PAs. Sequence comparisons among multiple mammalian species facilitated the identification of evolutionarily conserved potential trans-acting factor binding sites within this fragment. Subsequent studies will investigate the molecular pathway(s) through which Fgf15 functions via identification of factors that bind to this element to govern Fgf15 gene expression. Furthermore, targeted deletion of this element will establish the developmental requirement for pharyngeal epithelium-derived Fgf15 signaling function. Taken as a whole, these data demonstrate that Fgf15 is a component of a novel, Tbx1-independent molecular pathway, functioning within the PAs in a manner cooperative with Fgf9, required for proper development of the cardiac OFT. ^


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Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) defects are an important group of congenital heart defects (CHDs) because of their associated mortality and long-term complications. LVOT defects include aortic valve stenosis (AVS), coarctation of aorta (CoA), and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Despite their clinical significance, their etiology is not completely understood. Even though the individual component phenotypes (AVS, CoA, and HLHS) may have different etiologies, they are often "lumped" together in epidemiological studies. Though "lumping" of component phenotypes may improve the power to detect associations, it may also lead to ambiguous findings if these defects are etiologically distinct. This is due to potential for effect heterogeneity across component phenotypes. ^ This study had two aims: (1) to identify the association between various risk factors and both the component (i.e., split) and composite (i.e., lumped) LVOT phenotypes, and (2) to assess the effect heterogeneity of risk factors across component phenotypes of LVOT defects. ^ This study was a secondary data analysis. Primary data were obtained from the Texas Birth Defect Registry (TBDR). TBDR uses an active surveillance method to ascertain birth defects in Texas. All cases of non complex LVOT defects which met our inclusion criteria during the period of 2002–2008 were included in the study. The comparison groups included all unaffected live births for the same period (2002–2008). Data from vital statistics were used to evaluate associations. Statistical associations between selected risk factors and LVOT defects was determined by calculating crude and adjusted prevalence ratio using Poisson regression analysis. Effect heterogeneity was evaluated using polytomous logistic regression. ^ There were a total of 2,353 cases of LVOT defects among 2,730,035 live births during the study period. There were a total of 1,311 definite cases of non-complex LVOT defects for analysis after excluding "complex" cardiac cases and cases associated with syndromes (n=168). Among infant characteristics, males were at a significantly higher risk of developing LVOT defects compared to females. Among maternal characteristics, significant associations were seen with maternal age > 40 years (compared to maternal age 20–24 years) and maternal residence in Texas-Mexico border (compared to non-border residence). Among birth characteristics, significant associations were seen with preterm birth and small for gestation age LVOT defects. ^ When evaluating effect heterogeneity, the following variables had significantly different effects among the component LVOT defect phenotypes: infant sex, plurality, maternal age, maternal race/ethnicity, and Texas-Mexico border residence. ^ This study found significant associations between various demographic factors and LVOT defects. While many findings from this study were consistent with results from previous studies, we also identified new factors associated with LVOT defects. Additionally, this study was the first to assess effect heterogeneity across LVOT defect component phenotypes. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature on characteristics associated with LVOT defects. ^


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Reconstruction of Mediterranean Outflow variability.