72 resultados para Thiosulfate


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Este estudo avaliou a eficiência da oleuropeína (OLE) (composto fenólico extraído das folhas de Oliveira) isolada e associada aos sanitizantes comerciais ácido peracético 2% (APA), hipoclorito de sódio 2% (HS), peróxido de hidrogênio 3% (PH), digluconato de clorexidina 2% (DC), cloreto de benzalcônio 1% (CB) e iodofor 2% (IO), para inativação de células em suspensão e biofilmes monoespécie e multiespécie formados em superfícies de aço inoxidável ou microplaca de poliestireno por Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 7644), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) e Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), todas classificadas como fortes produtores de biofilmes. Os isolados foram semeados em caldo TSB (caldo tripticase soja), incubados (37°C/24h) e corrigidos a ~108células/mL (escala 0,5 McFarland). Para bactérias em suspensão, a resistência a sanitizantes foi determinada pela Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) em tubos e pelo método de Disco Difusão em Ágar (DDA), no qual as bactérias foram plaqueadas em ágar TSA contendo discos de 6mm de papel filtro embebidos nos sanitizantes. Após a incubação, a medição dos halos de inibição foi feita com paquímetro. Para os ensaios de resistência dos biofilmes aos compostos sanitizantes, foram utilizadas microplacas de poliestireno 96 poços, as quais foram preparadas para incubação-fixação dos biofilmes e submetidas à leitura em espectrofotômetro de ELISA (600 nm). Em seguida, as placas foram lavadas com solução salina tamponada (PBS, pH 7.4) e os sanitizantes inseridos por 1 minuto. Após neutralização com tiossulfato de sódio (5 minutos), as placas foram lavadas com PBS e metanol, coradas com cristal violeta 1% e coradas com ácido acético glacial (33%) para nova leitura a 570nm. A eficácia da remoção do biofilme pelos sanitizantes foi comparada pelo índice de formação de biofilme (IFB). As imagens do aço inoxidável após tratamento com sanitizante foram feitas através de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Microscopia Confocal, para visualizar a persistência dos biofilmes. Os valores de CIM (diluição 1:2) mostraram que OLE não teve atividade bactericida. No método DDA, L. monocytogenes, foi resistente à OLE, enquanto E. coli e S. aureus apresentaram resistência intermediária. Os sanitizantes comerciais apresentaram boa atividade bactericida nos ensaios de CIM e DDA, sendo que as associações de OLE aos sanitizantes comerciais aumentaram o efeito germicida. Nos ensaios com biofilmes em monoespécie, somente os sanitizantes comerciais, isolados ou associados com OLE, foram eficazes de reduzir o valor de BFI em microplaca de poliestireno. Em biofilmes multiespécie, OLE apresentou efeito antimicrobiano, sobretudo sobre a associação de L. monocytogenes + E. coli + S. aureus (redução: 91,49%). Nenhum dos compostos avaliados foi capaz de inativar completamente os biofilmes nas superfícies de aço inoxidável, uma vez que células viáveis foram observadas após os tratamentos com os sanitizantes, indicando persistência dos biofilmes. Os resultados indicam que a oleuropeína apresentou potencial para incrementar o efeito bactericida de sanitizantes comerciais para eliminação de biofilmes em superfícies inertes, sendo necessários estudos para compreender os mecanismos de ação dessas combinações.


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Sulfide, S°, and thiosulfate were determined in waters of the Baltic Sea. Microquantities of these compounds were observed in oxic waters. Concentration levels of reduced sulfur compounds in Baltic oxic waters were very close to levels of the Black Sea oxic zone. Thiosulfate and S° were predominate compounds in oxic water whereas sulfide was a predominant compound Baltic waters high in hydrogen sulfide. Conclusion was made that during sedimentation in oxic waters anaerobic microorganisms along with aerobic bacteria take part in mineralization of organic matter. They exist on surfaces and in microniches of particles of organic detritus.


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Sulfide, S°, and thiosulfate were determined in waters of the Baltic Sea. Microquantities of these compounds were observed in oxic waters. Concentration levels of reduced sulfur compounds in Baltic oxic waters were very close to levels of the Black Sea oxic zone. Thiosulfate and S° were predominate compounds in oxic water whereas sulfide was a predominant compound Baltic waters high in hydrogen sulfide. Conclusion was made that during sedimentation in oxic waters anaerobic microorganisms along with aerobic bacteria take part in mineralization of organic matter. They exist on surfaces and in microniches of particles of organic detritus.


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Cytochromes from the SoxAX family have a major role in thiosulfate oxidation via the thiosulfate-oxidizing multi-enzyme system (TOMES). Previously characterized SoxAX proteins from Rhodovulum sulficlophilum and Paracoccus pantotrophus contain three heme c groups, two of which are located on the SoxA subunit. In contrast, the SoxAX protein purified from Starkeya novella was found to contain only two heme groups. Mass spectrometry showed that a disulfide bond replaced the second heme group found in the diheme SoxA subunits. Apparent molecular masses of 27,229 +/- 10.3 Da and 20,258.6 +/- 1 Da were determined for SoxA and SoxX with an overall mass of 49.7 kDa, indicating a heterodimeric structure. Optical redox potentiometry found that the two heme cofactors are reduced at similar potentials (versus NHE) that are as follows: + 133 mV (pH 6.0); + 104 mV (pH 7.0); +49 (pH 7.9) and +10 mV (pH 8.7). EPR spectroscopy revealed that both ferric heme groups are in the low spin state, and the spectra were consistent with one heme having a His/Cys axial ligation and the other having a His/Met axial ligation. The His/Cys ligated heme is present in different conformational states and gives rise to three distinct signals. Amino acid sequencing was used to unambiguously assign the protein to the encoding genes, soxAX, which are part of a complete sox gene cluster found in S. novella. Phylogenetic analysis of soxA- and soxX-related gene sequences indicates a parallel development of SoxA and SoxY, with the diheme and monoheme SoxA sequences located on clearly separated branches of a phylogenetic tree.


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Inorganic sulfate is essential for numerous functions in mammalian physiology. In the present study, we characterized the functional properties of the rat Na+-sulfate cotransporter NaS2 (rNaS2), determined its tissue distribution, and identified its gene (slc13a4) structure. Expression of rNaS2 protein in Xenopus oocytes led to a Na+-dependent transport of sulfate that was inhibited by phosphate, thiosulfate, tungstate, selenate, oxalate, and molybdate, but not by citrate, succinate, or DIDS. Transport kinetics of rNaS2 determined a K-M for sulfate of 1.26 mM. Na+ kinetics determined a Hill coefficient of n=3.0 +/- 0.7, suggesting a Na+:SO42- stoichiometry of 3:1. rNaS2 mRNA was highly expressed in placenta, with lower levels found in the brain and liver. slc13a4 maps to rat chromosome 4 and contains 17 exons, spanning over 46 kb in length. This gene produces two alternatively spliced transcripts, of which the transcript lacking exon 2 is the most abundant form. Its 5' flanking region contains CAAT- and GC-box motifs and a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, including GATA-1, SP1, and AP-2 consensus sequences. This is the first study to characterize rNaS2 transport kinetics, define its tissue distribution, and resolve its gene (slc13a4) structure and 5' flanking region.


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The multiheme SoxAX proteins are notable for their unusual heme ligation (His/Cys-persulfide in the SoxA subunit) and the complexity of their EPR spectra. The diheme SoxAX protein from Starkeya novella has been expressed using Rhodobacter capsulatus as a host expression system. rSoxAX was correctly formed in the periplasm of the host and contained heme c in similar amounts as the native SoxAX. ESI-MS showed that the full length rSoxA, in spite of never having undergone catalytic turnover, existed in several forms, with the two major forms having masses of 28 687 +/- 4 and 28 718 +/- 4 Da. The latter form exceeds the expected mass of rSoxA by 31 4 Da, a mass close to that of a sulfur atom and indicating that a fraction of the recombinant protein contains a cysteine persulfide modification. EPR spectra of rSoxAX contained all four heme-dependent EPR signals (LS1a, LS1b, LS2, LS3) found in the native SoxAX proteins isolated from bacteria grown under sulfur chemolithotrophic conditions. Exposure of the recombinant SoxAX to different sulfur compounds lead to changes in the SoxA mass profile as determined by ESI while maintaining a fully oxidized SoxAX visible spectrum. Thiosulfate, the proposed SoxAX substrate, did not cause any mass changes while after exposure to dimethylsulfoxide a + 112 +/- 4 Da form of SoxA became dominant in the mass spectrum. (c) 2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sulfate plays an essential role in human growth and development. Here, we characterized the functional properties of the human Na+-sulfate cotransporter (hNaS2), determined its tissue distribution, and identified its gene (SLC13A4) structure. Expression of hNaS2 protein in Xenopus oocytes led to a Na+-dependent transport of sulfate that was inhibited by thiosulfate, phosphate, molybdate. selenate and tungstate, but not by oxalate, citrate, succinate, phenol red or DIDS. Transport kinetics of hNaS2 determined a K, for sulfate of 0.38 mM, suggestive of a high affinity sulfate transporter. Na+ kinetics determined a Hill coefficient of 1.6 +/- 0.6, suggesting a Na: SO42- stoichiometry of 2:1. hNaS2 mRNA was highly expressed in placenta and testis, with intermediate levels in brain and lower levels found in the heart, thymus, and liver. The SLC13A4 gene contains 16 exons, spanning over 47 kb in length. Its 5'-flanking region contains CAAT- and GC-box motifs, and a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, including GATA-1, AP-1, and AP-2 consensus sequences. This is the first study to characterize hNaS2 transport kinetics, define its tissue distribution, and resolve its gene (SLC13A4) structure and 5' flanking region. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The general method for determining organomercurials in environmental and biological samples is gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). However, tedious sample work up protocols and poor chromatographic response show the need for the development of new methods. Here, Atomic Fluorescence-based methods are described, free from these deficiencies. The organomercurials in soil, sediment and tissue samples are first released from the matrices with acidic KBr and cupric ions and extracted into dichloromethane. The initial extracts are subjected to thiosulfate clean up and the organomercury species are isolated as their chloride derivatives by cupric chloride and subsequent extraction into a small volume of dichloromethane. In water samples the organomercurials are pre-concentrated using a sulfhydryl cotton fiber adsorbent, followed by elution with acidic KBr and CuSO 4 and extraction into dichloromethane. Analysis of the organomercurials is accomplished by capillary column chromatography with atomic fluorescence detection.


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Thiosalt species are unstable, partially oxidized sulfur oxyanions formed in sulfur-rich environments but also during the flotation and milling of sulfidic minerals especially those containing pyrite (FeS₂) and pyrrhotite (Fe₍₁₋ₓ₎S, x = 0 to 0.2). Detecting and quantifying the major thiosalt species such as sulfate (SO₄²⁻), thiosulfate (S₂O₃²⁻), trithionate (S₃O₆²⁻), tetrathionate (S₄O₆²⁻) and higher polythionates (SₓO₆²⁻, where 3 ≤ x ≤ 10) in the milling process and in the treated tailings is important to understand how thiosalts are generated and provides insight into potential treatment. As these species are unstable, a fast and reliable analytical technique is required for their analysis. Three capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) methods using indirect UV-vis detection were developed for the simultaneous separation and determination of five thiosalt anions: SO₄²⁻, S₂O₃²⁻, S₃O₆²⁻, S₄O₆²⁻ and S₅O₆²⁻. Both univariate and multivariate experimental design approaches were used to optimize the most critical factors (background electrolyte (BGE) and instrumental conditions) to achieve fast separation and quantitative analysis of the thiosalt species. The mathematically predicted responses for the multivariate experiments were in good agreement with the experimental results. Limits of detection (LODs) (S/N = 3) for the methods were between 0.09 and 0.34 μg/mL without a sample stacking technique and nearly four-fold increase in LODs with the application of field-amplified sample stacking. As direct analysis of thiosalts by mass spectrometry (MS) is limited by their low m/z values and detection in negative mode electrospray ionization (ESI), which is typically less sensitive than positive ESI, imidazolium-based (IP-L-Imid and IP-T-Imid) and phosphonium-based (IP-T-Phos) tricationic ion-pairing reagents were used to form stable high mass ions non-covalent +1 ion-pairs with these species for ESI-MS analysis and the association constants (Kassoc) determined for these ion-pairs. Kassoc values were between 6.85 × 10² M⁻¹ and 3.56 × 10⁵ M⁻¹ with the linear IP-L-Imid; 1.89 ×10³ M⁻¹ and 1.05 × 10⁵ M⁻¹ with the trigonal IP-T-Imid ion-pairs; and 7.51×10² M⁻¹ and 4.91× 10⁴ M⁻¹ with the trigonal IP-T-Phos ion-pairs. The highest formation constants were obtained for S₃O₆²⁻ and the imidazolium-based linear ion-pairing reagent (IP-L-Imid), whereas the lowest were for IP-L-Imid: SO₄²⁻ ion-pair.


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The monograph focuses on the analysis of data addressing the problem of H2S contamination and oxic-anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Regularities of the fine structure of vertical distribution of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, biogenic elements, organic substances, suspended matter, and metals of the iron-manganese group in the area of contact of aerobic and anaerobic waters have been revealed. Also effects of biochemical, physico-chemical and dynamic processes on their vertical distribution have been examined. Sulfate reduction in seawater and bottom sediments has been studied. Quantitative estimates of H2S fluxes at the water - bottom sediment and O2-H2S interfaces have been done. Features of H2S oxidation have been studied, its budget in the Black Sea has been calculated. Multiyear spatial-temporal variability of the oxic-anoxic interface has been investigated.


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A novel, anaerobic, chemo-organotrophic bacterium, designated strain Ra1766HT, was isolated from sediments of the Guaymas basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) taken from a depth of 2002 m. Cells were thin, motile, Gram-stain-positive, flexible rods forming terminal endospores. Strain Ra1766H(T) grew at temperatures of 25-45 degrees C (optimum 30 degrees C), pH 6.7-8.1 (optimum 7.5) and in a salinity of 5-60 g l(-1) NaCl (optimum 30 g l(-1)). It was an obligate heterotrophic bacterium fermenting carbohydrates (glucose and mannose) and organic acids (pyruvate and succinate). Casamino acids and amino acids (glutamate, aspartate and glycine) were also fermented. The main end products from glucose fermentation were acetate, butyrate, ethanol, H-2 and CO2. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur, fumarate, nitrate, nitrite and Fe(III) were not used as terminal electron acceptors. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C-14 : 0, C-16:1 omega 7, C-16:1 omega 7 DMA and C-16:0. The main polar lipids consisted of phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phospholipids. The G +C content of the genomic DNA was 33.7 molo/o. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strain Ra1766H(T) was affiliated to cluster XI of the order Clostridia les, phylum Firmicutes. The closest phylogenetic relative of Ra1766H(T) was Geosporobacter subterraneus (94.2% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). On the basis of phylogenetic inference and phenotypic properties, strain Ra1766H(T) (=DSM 27501(T)=JCM 19377(T)) is proposed to be the type strain of a novel species of a novel genus, named Crassaminicella pro funda.


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Single stage and two-stage sodium sulfite cooking were carried out on either spruce, pine or pure pine heartwood chips to investigate the influence of several process parameters on the initial phase of such a cook down to about 60 % pulp yield. The cooking experiments were carried out in the laboratory with either a lab-prepared or a mill-prepared cooking acid and the temperature and time were varied. The influences of dissolved organic and inorganic components in the cooking liquor on the final pulp composition and on the extent of side reactions were investigated. Kinetic equations were developed and the activation energies for delignification and carbohydrate dissolution were calculated using the Arrhenius equation. A better understanding of the delignification mechanisms during bisulfite and acid sulfite cooking was obtained by analyzing the lignin carbohydrate complexes (LCC) present in the pulp when different cooking conditions were used. It was found that using a mill-prepared cooking acid beneficial effect with respect to side reactions, extractives removal and higher stability in pH during the cook were observed compared to a lab-prepared cooking acid. However, no significant difference in degrees of delignification or carbohydrate degradation was seen.  The cellulose yield was not affected in the initial phase of the cook however; temperature had an influence on the rates of both delignification and hemicellulose removal. It was also found that the  corresponding activation energies increased in the order:  xylan, glucomannan, lignin and cellulose. The cooking temperature could thus be used to control the cook to a given carbohydrate composition in the final pulp. Lignin condensation reactions were observed during acid sulfite cooking, especially at higher temperatures. The LCC studies indicated the existence of covalent bonds between lignin and hemicellulose components with respect to xylan and glucomannan. LCC in native wood showed the presence of phenyl glycosides, ϒ-esters and α-ethers; whereas the α-ethers  were affected during sulfite pulping. The existence of covalent bonds between lignin and wood polysaccharides might be the rate-limiting factor in sulfite pulping.