902 resultados para The measurement and interpretation of health inequalities
The aim of this study was to confirm that the radiation doses received by attendants who manually restrain infants during fluoroscopic procedures are low. Doses to the hands and neck of three radiologists and three nurses performing or assisting at all the fluoroscopic procedures in a children's hospital were measured for 1 month using thermoluminescent dosemeters. All fluoroscopy on children at this hospital is performed without an antiscatter grid. Total doses for the neck ranged from 20 to 50 mu Sv per week and for hands from 40 to 210 mu Sv per week. These doses were shared by the three radiologists and the three nurses. Individual doses received per staff member are very small when compared with the doses received by interventional radiology staff. Doses received by staff in this study were of the order of 5% of the limit advised by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) for radiation workers. Nurses received larger doses than radiologists and steps will be taken to reduce this dose further.
IPH contributed to the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England being carried out by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Chair of the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health. IPH acknowledges the immense work done by the Review team and welcomes the opportunity to inform its work. We see the review as a vital opportunity to provide a “catalyst for concerted action” not only in England but in its near neighbours in Northern Ireland and Ireland. Health inequalities are rife across the UK and Ireland despite a range of developments in policy and practice designed to create more equal opportunities for health. We commend the approach taken in the Review, which applies scientific rigour and the combined expertise of a number of defined task groups to seek solutions to the vexing challenge of health inequality.
This paper studies a balance whose unobservable fulcrum is not necessarilylocated at the middle of its two pans. It presents three differentmodels, showing how this lack of symmetry modifies the observation, theformalism and the interpretation of such a biased measuring device. Itargues that the biased balance can be an interesting source of inspirationfor broadening the representational theory of measurement.
In this paper we show that the orthorhombic phase of FeSi2 (stable at room temperature) displays a sizable anisotropy in the infrared spectra, with minor effects in the Raman data too. This fact is not trivial at all, since the crystal structure corresponds to a moderate distortion of the fluorite symmetry. Our analysis is carried out on small single crystals grown by flux transport, through polarization-resolved far-infrared reflectivity and Raman measurements. Their interpretation has been obtained by means of the simulated spectra with tight-binding molecular dynamics.
In this paper we show that the orthorhombic phase of FeSi2 (stable at room temperature) displays a sizable anisotropy in the infrared spectra, with minor effects in the Raman data too. This fact is not trivial at all, since the crystal structure corresponds to a moderate distortion of the fluorite symmetry. Our analysis is carried out on small single crystals grown by flux transport, through polarization-resolved far-infrared reflectivity and Raman measurements. Their interpretation has been obtained by means of the simulated spectra with tight-binding molecular dynamics.
Epidemiological studies have shown links between human exposure to indoor airborne particles and adverse health affects. Several recent studies have also reported that the classroom environment has an impact on students’ health and performance. In this study particle concentration in a university classroom is assessed experimentally for different occupancy periods. The mass concentrations of different particle size ranges (0.3 – 20 µm), and the three particulate matter fractions (PM10, PM2.5, and PM1) were measured simultaneously in a classroom with different occupancy periods including occupied and unoccupied periods in the University of Reading, UK, during the winter period of 2010. The results showed that students’ presence is a significant factor affecting particles concentration for the fractions above PM1 in the measured range of 0.3 to 20 µm. The resuspension of the three PM fractions was also determined in the study.
Based on a study conducted in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil in extra-hospital mental health services that addressed the organization of these services, therapeutic projects and the inclusion of psychosocial rehabilitation in health actions available, a theoretical-critical reflection concerning the development process of the therapeutic projects by the services' teams is presented. The qualitative study was conducted in an outpatient clinic and a Psychosocial Care Center. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focal groups. Data analysis was based on the hermeneutic dialectic philosophy of Jurgen Habermas according to the techniques of reconstruction and interpretation. Data analysis revealed that professionals have difficulty developing and managing therapeutic projects. Health actions are made available without being concretely supported by a proposal guiding the service's practical activities. The therapeutic projects are referred by professionals as the result of guidelines provided by management levels or technical orientations inherent to each profession but not as an activity that represents a philosophy of work of the health team. When the therapeutic project is focused on as a type of consensus that results from a communicative action directed to a mutual and intersubjective understanding among the members of the mental health extra-hospital team, the difficulties of the services' team dialogically organizing themselves to collectively construct the therapeutic project is evidenced.
In this study, the measurement of the concentration and size of particles and the identification of their sources were carried out at five orthopedic surgeries. The aerosol concentration and particle size distribution, ranging from 0.3 mu m 10 mu m, were measured and related to the type of indoor activity. The handling of surgical linen and gowns, handling of the patient, use of electrosurgical apparatus, use of a bone saw, handling of equipment, and cleaning of the room were identified as the most important sources of particles, with each of these activities posing different risks to the health of the patients and workers. The results showed that most of the particles were above 0.5 mu m and that there was a strong correlation among all particles of sizes above 1 mu m. Particles with diameters in the range of 0.3 mu m-0.5 mu m had a good correlation only with particles in the ranges of 0.5 mu m-1.0 mu m and 1.0 mu m-3.0 mu m in three of the surgeries analyzed. Findings led to the conclusion that most of the events responsible for generating aerosol particles in an orthopedic surgery room are brief, intermittent, and highly variable, thus requiring the use of specific instrumentation for their continuous identification and characterization.
OBJECTIVE The results of Interventional Management of Stroke (IMS) III, Magnetic Resonance and REcanalization of Stroke Clots Using Embolectomy (MR RESCUE), and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION trials are expected to affect the practice of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke. The purpose of this report is to review the components of the designs and methods of these trials and to describe the influence of those components on the interpretation of trial results. METHODS A critical review of trial design and conduct of IMS III, MR RESCUE, and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION is performed with emphasis on patient selection, shortcomings in procedural aspects, and methodology of data ascertainment and analysis. The influence of each component is estimated based on published literature including multicenter clinical trials reporting on endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. RESULTS We critically examined the time interval between symptom onset and treatment and rates of angiographic recanalization to differentiate between "endovascular treatment" and "parameter optimized endovascular treatment" as it relates to the IMS III, MR RESCUE, and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION trials. All the three trials failed to effectively test "parameter optimized endovascular treatment" due to the delay between symptom onset and treatment and less than optimal rates of recanalization. In all the three trials, the magnitude of benefit with endovascular treatment required to reject the null hypothesis was larger than could be expected based on previous studies. The IMS III and SYNTHESIS EXPANSION trials demonstrated that rates of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhages subsequent to treatment are similar between IV thrombolytics and endovascular treatment in matched acute ischemic stroke patients. The trials also indirectly validated the superiority/equivalence of IV thrombolytics (compared with endovascular treatment) in patients with minor neurological deficits and those without large vessel occlusion on computed tomographic/magnetic resonance angiography. CONCLUSIONS The results do not support a large magnitude benefit of endovascular treatment in subjects randomized in all the three trials. The possibility that benefits of a smaller magnitude exist in certain patient populations cannot be excluded. Large magnitude benefits can be expected with implementation of "parameter optimized endovascular treatment" in patients with ischemic stroke who are candidates for IV thrombolytics.
"A plan for helping with problems of community, home, school, law, health, church, family, welfare, recre..."-- Cover
This thesis begins with a review of the literature on team-based working in organisations, highlighting the variations in research findings, and the need for greater precision in our measurement of teams. It continues with an illustration of the nature and prevalence of real and pseudo team-based working, by presenting results from a large sample of secondary data from the UK National Health Service. Results demonstrate that ‘real teams’ have an important and significant impact on the reduction of many work-related safety outcomes. Based on both theoretical and methodological limitations of existing approaches, the thesis moves on to provide a clarification and extension of the ‘real team’ construct, demarcating this from other (pseudo-like) team typologies on a sliding scale, rather than a simple dichotomy. A conceptual model for defining real teams is presented, providing a theoretical basis for the development of a scale on which teams can be measured for varying extents of ‘realness’. A new twelve-item scale is developed and tested with three samples of data comprising 53 undergraduate teams, 52 postgraduate teams, and 63 public sector teams from a large UK organisation. Evidence for the content, construct and criterion-related validity of the real team scale is examined over seven separate validation studies. Theoretical, methodological and practical implications of the real team scale are then discussed.
The scope of this paper is to analyze the self-declared symptoms and state of well-being of participants in the Yoga and Promotion of Health program, which consisted of hatha yoga lessons. It includes body exercises and breathing techniques, as well as ethical and philosophical content, administered to two groups of lecturers, workers and students of a public university in the State of São Paulo from August to December 2011 and March to June 2012. The participants filled out the adapted version of the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile form at the beginning and end of the program. Of the 20 participants in Group 1, eight filled out the form and half of them reported the improvement of self-declared symptoms; as regards the state of well being, three of them felt they had improved. In Group 2, which also had 20 participants, nine completed the program and all of them reported improvements of self-declared symptoms and well-being. In conclusion, yoga is a mind-body practice which exerts an important therapeutic effect on most practitioners and also promotes health for the majority of them, expanding their capacity of self perception and self care. However, it should be noted that it doesn't achieve the same positive effect for all practitioners as some yoga traditions advocate.
The monitoring of infection control indicators including hospital-acquired infections is an established part of quality maintenance programmes in many health-care facilities. However, surveillance data use can be frustrated by the infrequent nature of many infections. Traditional methods of analysis often provide delayed identification of increasing infection occurrence, placing patients at preventable risk. The application of Shewhart, Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) and Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) statistical process control charts to the monitoring of indicator infections allows continuous real-time assessment. The Shewhart chart will detect large changes, while CUSUM and EWMA methods are more suited to recognition of small to moderate sustained change. When used together, Shewhart and EWMA methods are ideal for monitoring bacteraemia and multiresistant organism rates. Shewhart and CUSUM charts are suitable for surgical infection surveillance.
Education for health is a process in which all public health and medical care personnel are involved. People learn both formally (planned learning experiences) and informally (unplanned learning experiences). Since the patient, the client, the consummer and the community expect public health and medical care personnel to assist them with health and disease issues and problems, the response of the professional "educates" the customer whether the professional intends to educate or not. Therefore, it is incumbent on all public health and medical care professionals to understand their educational functions and their role in health education. It is also important that the role of the specialist in education be clear. The specialist, as to all other specialists, has an in-depth knowledge of his area of expertise, i.e., the teaching/learning process; s/he may function as a consultant to others to enhance the educational potential of their role or s/he may work with a team or with communities or groups of patients. Specific competencies and knowledge are required of the health education specialist; and there is a body of learning and social change theory which provides a frame of reference for planning, implementing and evaluating educational programs. Working with others to enhance their potential to learn and to make informed decisions about health/disease issues is the hallmark of the health education specialist.