857 resultados para Textual-interactive grammar
Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução
Esta dissertação parte do estudo dos operadores dissertativo-argumentativos, também chamados de conectivos, para verificação de sua influência na construção de textos em concursos vestibulares na consecução da coesão e da coerência que se pretende ao texto no momento da sua leitura e avaliação por parte dos examinadores de uma banca, à qual se submetem os candidatos a uma vaga no nível superior. O substrato de trabalho é constituído por um conjunto de redações produzidas no vestibular do Instituto Federal de Sergipe para ingresso de alunos nos cursos de nível superior para o ano letivo de 2009. Essas redações foram avaliadas pela banca examinadora constituída de professores de Língua Portuguesa do quadro efetivo de docentes do referido Instituto. Foram seguidos critérios em que o grau de coesão e coerência representa requisito relevante para consideração do desempenho dos candidatos. Pretendemos, assim, verificar se há dependência ou independência, na prática, no emprego de operadores de coesão e coerência e a nota atribuída pelos avaliadores nesses aspectos colocados na ficha de avaliação como distintos. Em entrevista com professores envolvidos no processo de correção, detectamos que eles mesmos têm dificuldades em estabelecer parâmetros que favoreçam uma correção precisa no que concerne à dicotomia coesão/coerência. Ao fim das análises, constatamos a ocorrência dessa dependência: quando os operadores selecionados não se apresentam devidamente, a nota do candidato é prejudicada simultaneamente nos campos de coesão e coerência, ao passo que, quando os operadores selecionados se apresentam devidamente, a nota do candidato é beneficiada nesses dois campos.
The present work reports on the practical cooperation between two Universities from Hungary and Portugal. Students from Portugal are remotely accessing an experimental facility, which is physically in Hungary. The cooperation among these Higher Education establishments allowed the development and testing of a Remote Laboratory at the BME. This paper reports on the characteristics and initial testing of the Thermocouples Rise Time Measurement System and provides information on development and students' feedback.
Omnipresente, a narrativa é indossociável do quotidiano da criança...
The aim of this article is to present the results of an action research project, which has been put into practice in Primary Education. This project was intended to develop students’ textual competence, considering both comprehension and textual production. Our starting hypothesis was that teaching the schematisation of text types, focusing on linguistic devices that underlie text production, would promote the development of textual competence, leading to the production of more coherent and cohesive texts. In order to test this hypothesis we implemented the project in three phases. First, before the intervention, we collected texts produced by the students. Secondly, we implemented a didactic program designed to develop students’ textual competence. Lastly, after the intervention, we collected students’ texts once again. Data was analyzed according to categories that confer cohesion and coherence to different types of texts. Narrative, descriptive, and explanatory texts were assessed in terms of 1) building an autonomous text; 2) hierarchisation of information, and 3) textual organisation. Overall, results indicate that students developed their text conceptualisations, their understanding of the different structures of texts, and produced better writing. Indeed, their written work shows a marked progression from the beginning of the intervention program to the end of the program.
Este trabalho visa a uma reflexão sobre as competências de escrita dos alunos à chegada ao Ensino Superior. São descritas e analisadas as principais dificuldades manifestadas pelos alunos no que diz respeito ao domínio das técnicas de escrita e à própria correção linguística. Faz-se ainda uma análise dos programas de Língua Portuguesa, para o Ensino Secundário, destacando-se as competências descritas como nucleares, no ensino da escrita. A partir daí, tenta-se explicar a existência de diferentes domínios de escrita, que podem ser explicados pela influência da família, nomeadamente o nível de escolarização dos pais, e pela frequência do ensino pré-escolar.
A investigação sobre aprendizagem de leitura e escrita indica que nas práticas educativas cujo centro são livros há lugar a numerosas oportunidades para que as crianças aprendam sobre a língua e os textos. Na perspetiva do estudo do desenvolvimento da linguagem e da eficácia das práticas de ensino baseadas na leitura de textos literários há evidências da relação entre o trabalho à volta dos livros e da leitura e o desenvolvimento da linguagem e da competência discursiva, nomeadamente a produção de textos coerentes e coesos. Apresenta-se trabalho de investigação realizado no pré-escolar e no 1.º ciclo, em que a abordagem de texto orientado para a produção visa a aprendizagem de língua e a aprendizagem do texto, em particular.
A classical application of biosignal analysis has been the psychophysiological detection of deception, also known as the polygraph test, which is currently a part of standard practices of law enforcement agencies and several other institutions worldwide. Although its validity is far from gathering consensus, the underlying psychophysiological principles are still an interesting add-on for more informal applications. In this paper we present an experimental off-the-person hardware setup, propose a set of feature extraction criteria and provide a comparison of two classification approaches, targeting the detection of deception in the context of a role-playing interactive multimedia environment. Our work is primarily targeted at recreational use in the context of a science exhibition, where the main goal is to present basic concepts related with knowledge discovery, biosignal analysis and psychophysiology in an educational way, using techniques that are simple enough to be understood by children of different ages. Nonetheless, this setting will also allow us to build a significant data corpus, annotated with ground-truth information, and collected with non-intrusive sensors, enabling more advanced research on the topic. Experimental results have shown interesting findings and provided useful guidelines for future work. Pattern Recognition
When exploring a virtual environment, realism depends mainly on two factors: realistic images and real-time feedback (motions, behaviour etc.). In this context, photo realism and physical validity of computer generated images required by emerging applications, such as advanced e-commerce, still impose major challenges in the area of rendering research whereas the complexity of lighting phenomena further requires powerful and predictable computing if time constraints must be attained. In this technical report we address the state-of-the-art on rendering, trying to put the focus on approaches, techniques and technologies that might enable real-time interactive web-based clientserver rendering systems. The focus is on the end-systems and not the networking technologies used to interconnect client(s) and server(s).
Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia do Ambiente, especialidade em Sistemas Sociais
In this paper, we intend to present some research carried out in a state Primary school, which is very well-equipped with ICT resources, including interactive whiteboards. The interactive whiteboard was used in the context of a Unit of Work for English learning, based on a traditional oral story, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. It was also used for reinforcing other topics like, ‘At the beach’, ‘In the city’, ‘Jobs’, etc. An analysis of the use of the digital board, which includes observation records as well as questionnaires for teachers and pupils, was carried out.
Interactive products are appealing objects in a technology-driven society and the offer in the market is wide and varied. Most of the existing interactive products only provide either light or sound experiences. Therefore, the goal of this project was to develop a product aimed for children combining both features. This project was developed by a team of four thirdyear students with different engineering backgrounds and nationalities during the European Project Semester at ISEP (EPS@ISEP) in 2012. This paper presents the process that led to the development of an interactive sound table that combines nine identical interaction blocks, a control block and a sound block. Each interaction block works independently and is composed of four light emitting diodes (LED) and one infrared (IR) sensor. The control is performed by an Arduino microcontroller and the sound block includes a music shield and a pair of loud speakers. A number of tests were carried out to assess whether the controller, IR sensors, LED, music shield and speakers work together properly and if the ensemble was a viable interactive light and sound device for children.
In global scientific experiments with collaborative scenarios involving multinational teams there are big challenges related to data access, namely data movements are precluded to other regions or Clouds due to the constraints on latency costs, data privacy and data ownership. Furthermore, each site is processing local data sets using specialized algorithms and producing intermediate results that are helpful as inputs to applications running on remote sites. This paper shows how to model such collaborative scenarios as a scientific workflow implemented with AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic), a decentralized framework offering a feasible solution to run the workflow activities on distributed data centers in different regions without the need of large data movements. The AWARD workflow activities are independently monitored and dynamically reconfigured and steering by different users, namely by hot-swapping the algorithms to enhance the computation results or by changing the workflow structure to support feedback dependencies where an activity receives feedback output from a successor activity. A real implementation of one practical scenario and its execution on multiple data centers of the Amazon Cloud is presented including experimental results with steering by multiple users.
European Master in Multimedia and Audiovisual Administration