91 resultados para Tess


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El objetivo es determinar los factores de riesgo de caídas en las personas de tercera edad institucionalizadas. Metodología: análisis de datos de un estudio de cohorte longitudinal. Sujetos: residentes voluntarios institucionalizados en un hogar geriátrico en Arbeláez, Colombia, con seguimiento a seis meses (N = 116; edad promedio: 78 años). Medida principal de resultado: caídas según informes de enfermería y registros médicos. Variables independientes: las medidas básicas demográficas, historia médica, medicamentos, depresión, estado mental, agudeza visual, hipotensión ortoestática, índice de masa corporal, estado cardiovascular, deformidades de miembro inferior, fuerza de miembro inferior, tono, trofismo, rango de movimiento, Romberg, prueba de equilibrio: unipedestación, prueba de Get up and go y la prueba de Get up and go cronometrada. Evaluación de instalaciones locativas con la escala de TESS-NH y SCUEQS. Resultados: durante los seis meses de seguimiento, el 36% experimentó caída. Ninguna con consecuencias graves. Los factores de riesgo independientes significativos para todas las caídas, según la regresión logística, fueron el género femenino, la historia de vértigo y una prueba de unipedestación anormal. Los coeficientes B para cada variable fueron de 1,029, 2,024 y 1,712, respectivamente. Conclusión: el género femenino, la historia de vértigo y la prueba de equilibrio (prueba de unipedestación) anormal parecen ser los principales factores significativos de caídas en la población geriátrica institucionalizada. Sin embargo, ningún factor aislado parece ser lo bastante exacto como para ser un predictor de riesgo confiable de caídas por la existencia de múltiples factores relacionados con las caídas.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es demostrar el rol de la ONG Solidaridad Española con Cuba en la creación de una red transnacional de defensa de las Damas de Blanco, un movimiento social cubano disidente. Esto, tras reconocer que el apoyo por parte de ésta y otras organizaciones e instituciones internacionales es de gran importancia para lograr las reivindicaciones sociales propuestas por las Damas de Blanco, a partir de los hechos ocurridos en la Primavera Negra en el año 2003. Tanto las organizaciones como el movimiento social, aseguran que ha existido una violación sistemática de los Derechos Humanos de los disidentes de este país, y asimismo, una opresión de sus demandas, lo que ha hecho que el apoyo internacional se convierta en la clave de un futuro cambio.


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This paper assesses the performance of a vocabulary test designed to measure second language productive vocabulary knowledge.The test, Lex30, uses a word association task to elicit vocabulary, and uses word frequency data to measure the vocabulary produced. Here we report firstly on the reliability of the test as measured by a test-retest study, a parallel test forms experiment and an internal consistency measure. We then investigate the construct validity of the test by looking at changes in test performance over time, analyses of correlations with scores on similar tests, and comparison of spoken and written test performance. Last, we examine the theoretical bases of the two main test components: eliciting vocabulary and measuring vocabulary. Interpretations of our findings are discussed in the context of test validation research literature. We conclude that the findings reported here present a robust argument for the validity of the test as a research tool, and encourage further investigation of its validity in an instructional context


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We characterised a set of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci for Pleistodontes imperialis sp. 1, the pollinator wasp of Port Jackson fig (Ficus rubiginosa) in south-eastern Australia. Characterisation was performed on 30 female individuals collected from a population in Sydney, Australia. The average number of alleles per locus was 7.33, and eight loci were not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. This was expected as fig wasps are known to be highly inbred. A test of genetic differentiation between two natural populations of P. imperialis sp. 1 (Sydney and Newcastle, Australia – some 120 km apart) yielded a very low FST value of 0.012, suggesting considerable gene flow. Bayesian clustering analysis using TESS 2.3.1, which does not assume Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, however, indicated potential spatial substructuring between the Sydney and Newcastle populations, as well as within the Sydney population. The described loci were also characterised for two other species in the P. imperialis complex: P. imperialis sp. 2 (Townsville, Australia) and P. imperialis sp. 4 (Brisbane, Australia). Seven and six of the nine loci were polymorphic for P. imperialis sp. 2 and P.imperialis sp. 4, respectively.


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Women's roles in religious history have been traditionally described in terms of their relation and value to men. The normative religious texts provide an androcentric perspective on the gender relationships within the early community, the growth of Judaism in "Jacob's House" and the monotheistic worship of God. Yet these literary representations omit an entire half of the experience of the Jewish community: the perspective and participation of women. As Judith Plaskow argues extensively in Standing Again at Sinai, women are defined not in her own terms or in her own voice, but by her relationship and value to men through the androcentric vocabulary of the Torah. This statement is textually illustrated by the authorial and editorial presentation of women and their place in ancient Israelite society in the Torah. As Judaism grew increasingly androcentric in its leadership, women were increasingly reduced to marginal figures in the community by authorial and editorial revisions. Yet the participation of women of ancient Israel is not lost. Instead, the presence of women is buried beneath the androcentric presentation of the early Judaic community, waiting to be excavated by historical and scriptural examination. The retelling of the past is influenced by the present; memory is not static but takes on different shapes depending on the focus of concentration. However, tradition greatly influences the interpretation of religious history as well. In the book of Genesis, the literature emphasizes the divine appointment of male figures such as Abraham the father of the covenant and Jacob who is renamed and claimed by God as "Israel," placing them at the center of Jewish history. As a result, the other figures in these biblical narratives are described in relation to the patriarchs, those male bearers of the covenant, by their service or their value to him. Women are at the bottom of this hierarchy. Although female figures of exceptional quality are noted in later chronicles, such as Ruth, Deborah and Miriam, it is the very nature of their exception that highlights the androcentric editorial focus of the Torah. I agree with Peggy Day, whose own scriptural examination in Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel, makes the important distinction between the literary representation and the reality of ancient Israelite culture: they are not coextensive nor equivalent. Although the text represents the culture of ancient Israel as male dominated from the time of Abraham, this presentation omits the perspective of half of the population-the women. By beginning at the point of realization that women did exist and were active in their culture, and placing aside the androcentric perspective of the text and its editors, the reality of women's place in ancient Israel may be determined. Through this new perspective, the women of the Torah will emerge as the archetypes of strength, leadership and spiritual insight to provide Jewish women of the present with female, ancestral role models and a foundation for their gender's heritage, a more complete understanding of the partial record of Jewish history recorded in the Torah. Those stories that appear as the exception of women's presence will unveil an exceptional presence. As Tamar Frankiel eloquently states in The Voice of Sarah, "the women we call our 'Mothers'-Sarah, Rivkah (Rebekah), Rachel, and Leah-are not merely mothers, any more than the 'Fathers'-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-are merely fathers "(Frankiel 5).


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O trabalho busca mapear grandes portais de notícias e páginas destinadas especificamente ao público infantil para detectar a quantidade e qualidade das informações sobre o tema obesidade infantil que vêm sendo oferecidas na Web. Atualmente uma das principais fontes de informações para adultos e crianças digitalmente incluídas são os grandes portais, espaços nobres de notícias e fonte de consultas para trabalhos escolares e também de entretenimento. Como os referidos espaços de consulta tendem a ter acesso democratizado com a adoção da informática nas escolas públicas, o presente trabalho quer identificar o que vem sendo oferecido sobre um dos males que mais aflige as crianças: a obesidade infantil.


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Japanese cornmint, also known as menthol mint (Mentiza canadensis L. syn M. arvensis L.), is an essential oil crop cultivated in several countries in Asia and South America. The plant is currently the only commercially viable source for natural menthol as a result of the high concentration of menthol in the oil compared with other crops. The hypothesis of this study was that harvesting at regular intervals within a 24-hour period would have an effect on essential oil concentration and composition of Japanese cornmint grown at high altitude in northern Wyoming. Flowering plants were harvested every 2 hours on 7 to 8 Aug. and on 14 to 15 Aug. and the essential oil was extracted by steam distillation and analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The effects of harvest date (Harvest 1 and Harvest 2) and harvest time (12 times within a 24-hour period) were significant on oil concentration and yield of menthol, but only harvest date was significant on the concentration of menthol in the oil. The interaction effect of harvest date and harvest time was significant on water content and on the concentrations of menthol and menthofuran in the oil and on the yield of limonene, menthol, and menthofuran. Overall, the oil concentration in grams per 100 g dried material for the two harvests (1.26 and 1.45, respectively), the concentration of menthol in the oil (67.2% and 72.9%, respectively), and menthol yield (1066 to 849 mg/100 g dried biomass) were higher in plants at Harvest 2 as compared with plants at Harvest 1. The oil concentration was higher in plants harvested at 1100 HR or at 1300 am and lowest in the plants harvested at 1500 BR. Menthol yield was the highest in plants harvested at 1300 HR and lowest in the plants harvested at 0700 HR, 1900 am, or at 0300 HR. This study demonstrated that harvesting time within a 24-hour period and harvest date (maturity of the crop) may affect essential oil concentration and composition of Japanese cornmint grown at high altitude in northern Wyoming.


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'Native'spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) is one of the two spearmint species grown commercially in the United States and other countries for essential oil production. The two major constituents of spearmint oil are carvone and limonene. It is not known if the essential oil yield (content) and composition of spearmint oil are affected by diurnal variation, and when it would be the best time for harvesting flowering spearmints within a 24h period. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of diurnal variation on yield and composition of spearmint 'Native'essential oil for the environmental conditions of Northern Wyoming, at elevation 1170 m above the sea level. The experiment was conducted on a 3-year old well established spearmint plantation. The harvest times were every 2 h within a 24-h period: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 11:00 PM, 1:00 AM, 3:00 AM, and 5:00 AM. Essential oil yield varied from 0.96 to 1.47 g of oil per 100 g of dry herbage; the maximum oil yield was obtained at 9:00 AM and the minimum at 7:00 PM. The concentration of carvone in the oil varied from 44.1% (at 1:00 PM) to 66.4% (at 9:00 PM) of the total oil. However, the yield of carvone (a function of oil yield and carvone concentration in the oil) was the highest at 3:00 AM and the lowest at 1:00 PM. The concentration of limonene (10.7-15.8% of the oil) was the highest at 7:00 PM and the lowest at 1:00 PM, whereas the yield of limonene was the highest at 9:00 PM. For best essential oil yields, flowering spearmint should be harvested at around 9:00 AM. However, to obtain oil with high carvone concentration, spearmint should be harvested at 9:00 PM. Harvests at 1:00 PM would result in spearmint oil with low concentrations of both carvone and limonene, and hence, should be avoided. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Professionals of Family Health Strategy (FHS) work in communities where there are complex medical social problems. These contexts may lead them to psychological suffering, jeopardizing their care for the users, and creating yet another obstacle to the consolidation of FHS as the primary health care model in Brazil. The study investigated the difficulties and coping strategies reported by health professionals of the FHS teams when they face medical social needs of the communities where they work. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were carried out with 68 professionals of three primary care units in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Drug dealing and abuse, alcoholism, depression and domestic violence are the most relevant problems mentioned by the study group. Professionals reported lack of adequate training, work overload, poor working conditions with feelings of professional impotence and frustration. To overcome these difficulties, professionals reported collective strategies, particularly experience sharing during team meetings and matrix support groups. The results indicate that the difficulties may put the professionals in a vulnerable state, similar to the patients they care for. The promotion of specialized and long term support should be reinforced, as well as the interaction with the local network of services and communities leaders. That may help professionals to deal with occupational stress related to medical and social needs present in their routine work; in the end, it may as well contribute to the strengthening of FHS.


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Os profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) atuam em comunidades onde a complexidade de problemáticas médico-sociais pode levá-los a sofrer psicologicamente, com prejuízos ao atendimento aos usuários e à consolidação da ESF como modelo de reorganização da atenção básica no Brasil. Esse estudo investigou as dificuldades e as formas de enfrentamento referidas por profissionais de equipes da ESF frente às demandas médico-sociais apresentadas pelos usuários em seu cotidiano de trabalho. Grupos focais e entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizados com 68 profissionais de três Unidades de Saúde da Família da cidade de São Paulo. Tráfico e uso de drogas ilícitas, alcoolismo, depressão e violência doméstica são as demandas mais significativas para o grupo estudado. Frente a elas, os profissionais referem formação profissional e capacitação técnica insuficientes, sobrecarga e condições desfavoráveis de trabalho, com sentimentos de impotência e frustração. No enfrentamento das dificuldades, destacam-se as estratégias coletivas, especialmente as reuniões de equipe e apoio matricial, nas quais há troca de experiências, conhecimentos e apoio compartilhado. Os resultados indicam que as dificuldades referidas podem deixar os profissionais da ESF em situação de vulnerabilidade, tal como os usuários por eles atendidos. O investimento no desenvolvimento de competências, o fortalecimento de estratégias de enfrentamento coletivas, assim como maior articulação com as redes de serviços e as lideranças locais, mostram-se necessários para que os profissionais de saúde atuem com menor estresse frente às complexas demandas médico-sociais presentes em seu cotidiano de trabalho, e assim contribuam na consolidação da ESF.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da adesão ao seguimento nutricional ambulatorial pós-cirúrgico e avaliar sua associação com fatores selecionados em indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva com base na revisão de dados pós-operatórios de 241 prontuários de adultos submetidos à gastroplastia redutora com derivação em Y de Roux entre 2006 e 2008. Considerou-se aderente o indivíduo que compareceu a quatro ou mais consultas nutricionais nos 12 primeiros meses após a cirurgia. Para investigar a associação entre adesão ao seguimento nutricional e idade, sexo, estado conjugal, escolaridade, situação empregatícia, distância entre a residência e o hospital, estratégias para perda de peso no período pré-operatório, índice de massa corporal no pré-cirúrgico imediato, presença de comorbidades e duração da internação pós-operatória, foram calculadas razões de prevalência e utilizou-se regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de adesão foi de 56% (IC95%=49,7-62,3) nessa população predominantemente feminina (80,9%), com média de idade de 44,4 anos (DP=11,6) e de IMC pré-operatório de 47,2kg/m² (DP=6,2). Dos fatores estudados, somente a duração da internação pós-operatória igual ou superior a 6 dias mostrou-se significativamente associada à adesão após análise ajustada por sexo e idade (RP=1,46; IC95%=1,15-1,86). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de adesão encontrada foi semelhante às de estudos internacionais, mas baixa considerando-se 75% como referência. A maior adesão observada nos indivíduos com internação pós-operatória prolongada pode sugerir que o maior contato com a equipe multiprofissional aumente a percepção da necessidade de cuidados com a saúde em longo prazo.


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The Connecticut Poison Control Center (CPCC) at the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC) was established in 1957 under Connecticut General Statute 10a- 132. The CPCC’s main responsibility is to provide 24-hour emergency toxicology management consultations for victims of poisoning, and serve as a source for pharmacology and toxicology-related information. The center monitors the epidemiology of human poisoning and provides surveillance for environmental and occupational chemical exposures, drug abuse, and pharmaceutical interactions and adverse effects. The CPCC performs toxicological research, and provides formal toxicology instruction for allied health professionals, as well as professional and consumer poison prevention education. The CPCC is one of 63 nationwide centers certified by the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), and the only poison center in the state of Connecticut. The AAPCC establishes standards of care for poisoning and administers the Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (TESS), a national database of poisoning statistics, to which the CPCC is a contributor.


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ODP Site 1078 situated under the coast of Angola provides the first record of the vegetation history for Angola. The upper 11 m of the core covers the past 30 thousand years, which has been analysed palynologically in decadal to centennial resolution. Alkenone sea surface temperature estimates were analysed in centennial resolution. We studied sea surface temperatures and vegetation development during full glacial, deglacial, and interglacial conditions. During the glacial the vegetation in Angola was very open consisting of grass and heath lands, deserts and semi-deserts, which suggests a cool and dry climate. A change to warmer and more humid conditions is indicated by forest expansion starting in step with the earliest temperature rise in Antarctica, 22 thousand years ago. We infer that around the period of Heinrich Event 1, a northward excursion of the Angola Benguela Front and the Congo Air Boundary resulted in cool sea surface temperatures but rain forest remained present in the northern lowlands of Angola. Rain forest and dry forest area increase 15 thousand years ago. During the Holocene, dry forests and Miombo woodlands expanded. Also in Angola globally recognised climate changes at 8 thousand and 4 thousand years ago had an impact on the vegetation. During the past 2 thousand years, savannah vegetation became dominant.


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Molybdenum is a low Tc, type I superconductor whose fundamental properties are poorly known. Its importance as an essential constituent of new high performance radiation detectors, the so-called transition edge sensors (TESs) calls for better characterization of this superconductor, especially in thin film form. Here we report on a study of the basic superconducting features of Mo thin films as a function of their thickness. The resistivity is found to rise and the critical temperature decreases on decreasing film thickness, as expected. More relevant, the critical fields along and perpendicular to the film plane are markedly different, thickness dependent and much larger than the thermodynamic critical field of Mo bulk. These results are consistent with a picture of type II 2D superconducting films, and allow estimates of the fundamental superconducting lengths of Mo. The role of morphology in determining the 2D and type II character of the otherwise type I molybdenum is discussed. The possible consequences of this behaviour on the performance of radiation detectors are also addressed