81 resultados para Telhas


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Processo de umidificação de massas cerâmicas por sistema de moagem via seca com aspersão de polpa pertencente ao setor de cerâmica, que trata de uma invenção no processo de umidificação de massas cerâmicas para conformação de peças, aplicadas principalmente em pisos e revestimentos, em que se aplica aspersão de polpa na fase de umidificação do pó moído por via seca para a prensagem das placas cerâmicas. Adicionalmente, o processo pode também ser aplicado na fase de mistura, homogeneização, laminação e demais etapas de preparação da massa para manufatura de produtos de cerâmica vermelha ou estrutural extrudados (p.ex. tijolos, blocos e lajes), extrudados e prensados (p.ex. telhas) e de tornearia (p. ex. vasos e potes).


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Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de caracterização das principais argilas usadas pela indústria cerâmica vermelha regional e, também, de alguns resíduos sólidos produzidos na região de Presidente Prudente - SP. Os resultados da incorporação destes resíduos em massas cerâmicas são avaliados através do estudo de suas propriedades tecnológicas. Para a caracterização dos materiais foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas: análise textural (concentração das frações areia, silte e argila), difratometria de raios X e análise térmica. As propriedades tecnológicas de corpos de prova cerâmicos foram avaliadas através dos seguintes parâmetros: retração linear (RL), perda de massa ao fogo (PF), massa específica aparente (MEA), porosidade aparente (PA), absorção de água (AA) e resistência mecânica à flexão (RMF). Corpos de prova, com diferentes concentrações de resíduos, foram prensados (prensa uniaxial manual) e queimados em temperaturas que variaram de 800 a 1200 oC, usando um forno tipo mufla com controle de temperatura. As argilas sedimentares foram coletadas nas margens do rio Paraná e em áreas de várzea, próximas as cerâmicas. As amostras estudadas, coletadas nos depósitos das cerâmicas, são usadas para produção de tijolos maciços, blocos furados e telhas. Quatro tipos diferentes de resíduos foram estudados: (1) lodo de estação de tratamento de água ETA, (2) torta de filtro de indústria de re-refino de óleo lubrificante, (3) pó de vidro (soda-cal) de garrafa tipo long neck descartável, e (4) cinza de bagaço de cana. Estes resíduos foram incorporados em massas cerâmicas coletadas nas indústrias... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Imperfeições, saliências e reentrâncias existentes nas superfícies típicas das edificações constituem obstáculos que podem alterar significativamente o comportamento delas em relação aos fluxos por radiação. Além de ampliar a área efetiva de troca de calor, criam sombras e reflexões, que não ocorreriam em. Assim, os procedimentos de cálculo, ao invés de considerar as superfícies perfeitamente lisas e planas, deveriam aplicar correções nas propriedades radiativas das superfícies. Denominam-se efetivas as absortâncias e emitâncias que resultam dessas correções. O presente artigo apresenta um método simples desenvolvido para avaliar essas influências e exemplifica a importância das correções acima mencionadas, apresentando resultados de simulações elaboradas no programa EnergyPlus para uma edificação de geometria simples, submetida ao longo de 1 ano ao clima da cidade de Brasília. Adotando-se absortâncias e emitâncias efetivas, os resultados das simulações revelam diferenças de até 2,8 ºC nas temperaturas internas do ar em relação às obtidas desprezando-se as influências que as ondulações das telhas exercem sobre os fluxos radiantes. Considerando o uso de condicionadores de ar, essa diferença pode representar uma variação de cerca de 30% nas estimativas de consumo de energia.


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The final quality of the works accomplished by the building construction industry depends directly on the quality of the materials supplied and used during all their phases of execution. The federal government participation and several state programs have established conditions to stimulate and require the increment of the quality level in the building construction industry´s product chain. These programs aim at the product conformity to the technical standards. Within this context, the evaluation program of the ceramic product conformity in Rio Grande do Norte state is assessing the conformity degree to Brazilian Technical Standards of ceramic bricks and tiles made in the ceramic production area in the state. In this work, is determine the degree of conformity of the sealing ceramic bricks made by some companies in different areas of the state, such as Assú, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Apodi, Parelhas, São José do Mipibu e Macaíba. Using the technical standards as a point of reference, we attempted to reproduce in the laboratory the experimental procedures to the analysis execution, according to the specifications. It was possible to determine that none of the evaluated samples are in strict conformity with the current technical standards, what reflects the real situation of the products available on the market.


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The electrical ceramic insulators industry, uses noble raw materials such as siliceous and aluminous clays of white burning, in order to provide plasticity of the mass and contribute to electrical and mechanical properties required of the product, and feldspar with the flux function In literature references the composition of the masses indicates that the clay participates in percentage between 20 and 32, and feldspar 8 to 35, these materials have significant cost. In this research was performed the total replacement of commercial clay, for white burning clay from Santa Luzia region in southern Bahia and partial replacement of feldspar by ash residue of husk conilon coffee burning, from extreme south of Bahia. The objective of replacement these raw materials is to aver its technical feasibility and call attention for the embryo pole of ceramic industry for the existing in the south and extreme south of Bahia, which has significant reserves of noble raw materials such as clay white burning, kaolin, quartz and feldspar, and generates significant volume of gray husk conilon coffee as alternate flux. Clay Santa Luzia is prima noble material whose current commercial application is the production of white roofing. The residue of coffee husk ash is discarded near of production sites and is harmful to the environment. Phase diagrams and statistic design of experiments, were used for optimization and cost savings in research. The results confirmed the expectations of obtaining electrical ceramic insulators, with white burning clay of Santa Luzia and partial replacement up to 35.4% of feldspar, by treaty residue of conilon ash coffee husk burning. The statistic design that showed best results was for formulation with percentages of: clay 26.4 to 30.4%; kaolin 14.85 to 17.1%; feldspar 12.92 to 16.96%; R2 residue 7.08 to 9.2% and Quartz 32.5 to 38.75%, relative to the total mass of the mixture. The best results indicated; 0.2 to 1.4% apparent porosity , water absorption 0.1 to 0.7%, flexural strength 35 to 45MPa , dielectric strength 35-41 kV/cm , the transverse resistivity 8x109 2.5x1010 Ω.cm and for the dielectric constant ε/ε0 7 to 10.4, specification parameters for manufacturing ceramic electrical insulators of low and medium voltage.


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During its operations, the oil industry generates a lot of waste, including gravel from drilling. Control of environmental impacts caused by this waste represents a major challenge. Such impacts can be minimized when it is given an appropriate management by being properly treated and properly disposed or recycled. The properties of these materials can be greatly influenced when a waste is added to its composition. This work aims to study the incorporation of gravel waste oil-well drilling in the standard body for production of red ceramic from a ceramic industry in São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN. The success of the incorporation can minimize costs in the production of ceramic pieces and reduce the environmental impacts caused by waste. The raw materials used were collected, characterized, and formulated with the percentages of 0%, 20% and 40% by weight of substitution of residue were synthesized at temperatures of 900, 1.010 and 1.120 °C using 30 minute firing intervals, 1 hour and 30min and 2 hours and 30 minutes, based on a factorial design 2³. Samples were then subjected to the tests of Water Absorption, Linear Retraction Firing, Flexural Rupture Strength, Apparent Porosity and Apparent Specific mass and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of break section. The results showed that the use of the residue for the manufacture of the ceramic products is possible (tiles, bricks and massive hollow bricks) replacing the clay to 40%, meeting the requirements of the standard and the literature for the technological properties of the final product.


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DUTRA, Ricardo Peixoto Suassuna ; SILVA, Jaquelígia Brito da ; MORAES, Márcio Luiz Varela Nogueira de ; NASCIMENTO, R. M. ; GOMES, Uilame Umbelino ; PASKOCIMAS, Carlos Alberto . Avaliação da potencialidade de argilas do Rio Grande do Norte. Cerâmica Industrial, v. 13, p. 47-50, 2008.


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This dissertation is based on the ethnography of a strategic selection of three Tremembé ethnic situations, which are situated in the backlands of Acaraú and Itarema, municipalities located in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil). My main aims are the following. Firstly, I reconstitute the historical and social formation of three localities, called Lagoa dos Negros, Telhas, and Queimadas, related to a particular origin myth which refers to Almofala, an extinct colonial Aldeamento in the seashore, where the Tremembé indians and other native populations were converted and gathered under missionary administration. According to the origin myth, these three localities were set up after a strong drought which happened in 1888 (the so called three eights) when a group of Tremembé families moved to the countryside and established close to the Lagoa dos Negros and, later on, they were segmented into smaller groups which started to live in other areas and places not far from the former location. Notably, I develop an anthropological approach to understand the historical formation of these three localities. Secondly, I analyze some processes of territorialization, which were emerged from the 1980s and had important consequences to these indigenous families throughout the next two decades. This historical dimension is re-appropriated and ressignified in ethnic terms. A third point of my work is the analysis of the construction of territorialities and also the cultural and symbolic dimensions which are formulated by the Tremembé Indians who live in these localities. Therefore, I investigate some cultural traditions and rituals, such as the Torém dance, but I also examine their multiple semantics, which constitute a transversal direction throughout the history understood by the Tremembé of the different social situations I researched. To sum up, there is a process of cultural actualization, which is still going on and presents itself through the ludic sphere as well as their political and religions dimensions, which are usually associated to the ritual presentation of the Torém


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DUTRA, Ricardo Peixoto Suassuna ; SILVA, Jaquelígia Brito da ; MORAES, Márcio Luiz Varela Nogueira de ; NASCIMENTO, R. M. ; GOMES, Uilame Umbelino ; PASKOCIMAS, Carlos Alberto . Avaliação da potencialidade de argilas do Rio Grande do Norte. Cerâmica Industrial, v. 13, p. 47-50, 2008.


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Atualmente, uma organização industrial com vista a singrar no mercado global é fortemente influenciada por pressões que visam o aumento da eficiência global e consequente redução de custos operacionais. O desafio para as mesmas passa, portanto, por expurgar do produto tudo aquilo que não lhe acrescenta valor percetível pelo cliente e por maximizar a utilização dos vários recursos industriais instalados. No seguimento deste desafio, surge o Problema de Planeamento e Programação da Produção, ao qual é necessário dar uma resposta eficiente. Este projeto tem como objetivo estudar o problema da Programação da Produção numa indústria de pavimentos e revestimentos cerâmicos, desenvolvendo uma heurística construtiva capaz de traduzir com fiabilidade a realidade do processo produtivo da mesma e, se possível, auxiliar na sua resolução. O problema da programação da produção em estudo visa responder às questões: o quê, em que quantidade, quando e em que linha produzir, por forma a satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes num prazo previamente estipulado como admissível, garantindo o enchimento dos fornos ligados. Sem grandes constrangimentos ao normal lavor da Produção, pretende obter-se com a heurística planos de produção viáveis, que minimizem o tempo necessário para a conclusão do conjunto de referências com necessidades produtivas. O problema é também abordado através de um modelo exato como um problema de máquinas paralelas idênticas capacitado, com matriz de compatibilidades, setups de família e de subfamília e com lotes mínimos de produção. Quer a heurística quer o modelo de programação inteira mista desenvolvidos permitem obter planos de produção válidos, equivalentes aos obtidos atualmente pela empresa através dos meios de programação atuais, embora com um dispêndio de tempo muito inferior.


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There are ores of clay in Piauí State that are used for red structural ceramics, which are naturally contaminated with calcareous vein. This is one thing that impedes its exploration in an adequate way, especially for tile production. The present work aims at verifying the influence of the calcareous contents in the technological structural ceramics area, seeking to determine a maximum permissible calcareous proportion/contents in the ceramic mass using the patterns of the local industry production. For the consecution of this paper, it was characterized the clay and calcareous material by FRX, DRX, TGA and DTA. It was also configurated by extrusion and burnt in the temperatures of 850°C, 900°C, 950°C and 1000°C pieces of the corpus with 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% of calcareous proportion. After that, it was carried out technological samples of linear retraction, water absortion, apparent porosity, specific apparent mass and mechanic resistance. The results showed the possibility of using calcareous in the ceramic mass and in some cases the technological properties got better


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The Industry of the Civil Construction has been one of the sectors that most contribute to the pollution of the environment, due to the great amount of residues generated by the construction, demolition and the extraction of raw material. As a way of minimizing the environmental impacts generated by this industry, some governmental organizations have elaborated laws and measures about the disposal of residues from the building construction (CONAMA - resolution 307). This work has as objective the reutilization of residues compound of sand, concrete, cement, red bricks and blocks of cement and mortar for the production of red ceramic, with the objective of minimizing costs and environmental impacts. The investigated samples contained 0% to 50% of residues in weight, and they were sintered at temperatures of 950°C, 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C and 1150°C. After the sinterization, the samples were submitted to tests of absorption of water, linear retraction, resistance to bending, apparent porosity, specific density, XRD and SEM. Satisfactory results were obtained in all studied compositions, with the possible incorporation of up to 50% of residues in ceramic mass without great losses in the mechanical strength, giving better results to the incorporation of 30% of residues in the fabrication of ceramic parts, such as roofing tiles, bricks masonry and pierced bricks