986 resultados para Team Sports


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Implanté en 1999 dans le quartier Centre-Sud à Montréal, le programme d'intervention psychosociale « Bien dans mes baskets » (BdmB) utilise le basketball comme outil pour entrer en contact avec des jeunes à risque de délinquance. Ce programme se distingue par le fait que ses entraîneurs-travailleurs-sociaux (ETS) interviennent tant dans le développement d'habiletés de vie que d’habiletés sportives. La présente étude vise à comprendre comment les expériences vécues au sein de BdmB ont pu contribuer au développement d’habiletés de vie chez les adolescents qui ont participé au programme lorsqu’ils étaient à l’école secondaire. Une méthodologie rétrospective qualitative a été utilisée pour cette étude. Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été effectués auprès de 14 anciens athlètes-étudiants (AÉ) masculins qui ont participé à BdmB pendant leurs études secondaires. Le verbatim des entretiens enregistrés a été transcrit afin de procéder à une analyse de contenu par thématique. Les résultats suggèrent que quatre principaux facteurs semblent contribuer au développement d’habiletés de vie chez certains participants : le modelage de l’ETS a permis aux AÉ de reproduire les comportements de leur entraîneur; le développement d’un sentiment d’attachement entre les joueurs a engendré la création d’un nouveau réseau social dans lequel les AÉ ont pu trouver du soutien social; une culture d’équipe influencée par la philosophie de BdmB semble avoir été intériorisée par les joueurs; et BdmB a agi dans certains cas comme facteur de protection contre des influences externes négatives. Les résultats suggèrent que le sport collectif combiné à des interventions psychosociales favoriserait le développement d’habiletés de vie.


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Le dialogue interne (D-I) est une aptitude mentale de plus en plus utilisée chez les athlètes de haut niveau mais peu étudiée dans les sports d’équipes. Son impact mérite d’être évalué dans des contextes d’équipe durant de réelles compétitions puisque le dialogue interne de l'athlète dans un sport collectif peut influencer certaines habiletés mentales telles la prise de décisions tactiques et la focalisation sur les stimuli appropriés. Ainsi, cette étude a bénéficié de la participation de 10 joueurs de hockey élites mâles âgés de 16 à 20 ans pour examiner les effets de deux traitements distincts de D-I, un axé sur la motivation et l’autre sur l’instruction. Dans cette analyse portant sur l’efficacité des sujets à accomplir des tâches de tactique collective (effet sur processus de décision) pendant des joutes de saison régulière, tous les athlètes semblent avoir amélioré leurs performances. Généralement, le groupe s’adonnant au traitement de D-I d’instruction a largement dépassé les pourcentages de réussite de celui du D-I de motivation. Cependant, les athlètes du groupe de D-I de motivation ont eu plus de succès que prévu. Il appert aussi que le traitement de D-I d’instruction ait été plus difficile à assimiler à court terme que le traitement de motivation, mais son impact positif apparaît avoir stagné moins rapidement. Les joueurs plus expérimentés n’ont pas affiché une meilleure progression dans leurs prises de décisions comparativement aux moins expérimentés. Le D-I de motivation semble avoir eu plus d’effet que celui d’instruction lorsqu’utilisé en période de fatigue et de stress.


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Este estudo teve como questão de pesquisa verificar se há evidência de progressão na avaliação final dos Jogos Desportivos Colectivos de invasão, mantendo o protocolo de avaliação inicial, utilizando as Provas de Avaliação Aferida, aplicadas na Escola Secundária Dona Luísa de Gusmão (ESDLG). Como contributo à aplicação e sustentabilidade das Provas apresentamos um levantamento dos níveis introdução e elementar do Programa, em que destacamos princípios comuns que possam beneficiar a clarificação do currículo para os professores avaliadores e contribuir para o ensino dos jogos desportivos. O presente trabalho assume-se como um estudo exploratório de caso, em que se escolheu uma turma específica de oitavo ano da ESDLG, com vinte e seis sujeitos envolvidos no caso. Isto para estudar a filosofia de aplicação das Provas de Avaliação, em que a sua operacionalização é da responsabilidade do Grupo de Educação Física. Os resultados apontam para a progressão do nível de desempenho dos alunos nas matérias de Andebol, Basquetebol e Futebol. A avaliação nos jogos desportivos colectivos da ESDLG está de acordo com as orientações dos PNEF. O estudo é válido pela representação que as Provas têm nos objectivos definidos nos Programas Nacionais de Educação Física e obedece a níveis de fidelidade pela constância apresentada nas observações realizadas pelos professores nos dois momentos de avaliação. Importa também referir que as Provas de Avaliação alicerçam a aferição de critérios, moderam a avaliação dos alunos e permitem ao Agrupamento de Educação Física tomar decisões mediante os resultados e tendências das Provas. Para que a avaliação possa ser ainda mais objectiva será importante associar às Provas de Avaliação um ensino contextualizado dos jogos desportivos, de modo a que se avalie o aluno nas mesmas condições em que se ensina.


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Previous studies looking at the sources of stress in sport have generally overlooked the unique experiences of professional athletes participating in team sports. This paper describes the results of a qualitative study aimed at identifying the sources of stress experienced by a cross-section of professional Australian footballers. Players from two Australian Football League clubs took part in the study involving in-depth, one-to-one interviews and focus group discussions. The results revealed that players identified sources of stress that went beyond those associated with the competitive event (such as poor performances) and included a lack of feedback, difficulty balancing football and study commitments, and job insecurity. The influence of both competition and non-competition sources of stress parallels previous research involving non-professional athletes and indicates that the entire sporting experience needs to be taken into account when developing stress management strategies.


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Auskick is the Australian Football League's (AFL) introductory program specifically designed to recruit and harness the interest of primary or elementary school-aged children between the ages of 5-12 years. As an induction program, Auskick is underpinned by a philosophy that foregrounds involvement and enjoyment as foundational to a pathway to an ongoing affiliation with Australian Rules football. Getting young people to identify with Australian Rules football from early on is a strategic aspect of growing or sustaining the game. Within its charter of mass recruitment, Auskick is more about promoting an interest in football than it is about talent identification. Indeed, only a tiny minority of the more than 110,000 children that partake in the Auskick program in 2004 will go on to compete at the highest level. Drawing on over 200 interviews conducted with parents and children attending Auskick sessions, this paper presents an overview of some of the factors that influence initial participation in Australian Rules football. Among other things the authors ask participants how they intend to negotiate the behaviours and practices required to play a body contact sport like Australian Rules football.


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This article uses the bounds testing procedure to cointegration, within an autoregressive distributed lag framework to estimate the determinants of attendance at the Melbourne Cup from its inception from 1861 to 2002. Following the literature on the demand for professional team sports, attendance is specified as a function of economic, demographic and race-specific factors. The main findings are that real income and population size are the major determinants of attendance in the long run, while in the short run the weather is the most important factor explaining attendance.


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Girls should increasingly participate in the health benefits of team sports learning opportunities. Boys need to not neglect academic learning goals in favour of team sports rewards that are highly valued by peers. Co-curricularly disengaged boys need to participate in co-curricular learning activities that provide opportunities for boys to succeed.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of a commercially-available accelerometer, as used in the field team sports context. Ten adult participants completed two movement tasks: 1) a drop landing task from 30-cm, 40-cm and 50-cm heights [DLAND], and 2) a countermovement jumping task [CMJ]. Peak acceleration values, both smoothed and unsmoothed, occurring in the longitudinal axis [Y] and calculated to produce vector magnitude values [VM], were compared to peak vertical ground reaction force values [VGRF]. All acceleration measures were moderately correlated (r = 0.45 – 0.70), but also significantly higher than weight-adjusted VGRF, for both tasks. Though the raw acceleration measures were mostly above the acceptable limit for error (> 20%), the smoothed data had reduced error margins by comparison, most of which were well below 20%. These results provide some support for the continued use of accelerometer data, particularly when smoothed, to accurately quantify impacts in the field.


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At the start of the 21st century elite male team sports assume a high profile presence in the commodified spaces of a globalised hyperreality. When games are sports entertainment businesses many elite performers are celebrities: they exist as brands whose every thought and action is commodified and consumed.
In these spaces the misbehaviours of a relatively small number of Australian Rules Football (AFL) players continue to make the news. A high profile recent incident involving Collingwood footballer Alan Didak is the subject of this paper. Given the levels of media attention devoted to such events we ask: Do AFL footballers have a right to privacy? We also question whether AFL players really understand what it means to be a sports celebrity.
The elevation of the sport star to the status of celebrity means that the idea that an elite performer has a private life and a public life that are separate is one that is problematic. Drawing on Foucault’s later work on the care of the self, our analysis will focus on a variety of processes which seek to develop and manage a professional identity for elite performers – and the risks that attach to these identities.


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School physical education (PE) and sport are commonly regarded as sites where dominant or hegemonic masculinities cultivate, often at the expense of individuals who embody different gendered identities. In all-boys' PE settings, curriculum content frequently orientates around competitive and traditionally masculine team sports wherein teaching pedagogies draw heavily on ‘masculine’ practices that serve to legitimate and/or reproduce hierarchical and heteronormative masculinities. Embedded in the broader tenets of gender equity, this article draws on Foucault's technologies of the self to examine the experiences of two female physical educators in an all-boys' school as they negotiate their daily work in an environment where embodied masculinities are intensified. In doing so, it looks beyond the PE department to the wider school context (discourse and practice) as integral to the contestation and struggles for the professional identities available and taken up by female PE teachers in all-boy settings. Our findings reveal strategies that these teachers employed to negotiate and reconcile the tensions associated with being ‘positioned’ outside the gendered hegemony of the school.


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Perceptions of wellness are often used by athletes and coaches to assess adaptive responses to training. The purpose of this research was to describe how players were coping with the demands of elite level Australian football over a competitive season using subjective ratings of physical and psychological wellness and to assess the ecological validity of such a monitoring approach. Twenty-seven players completed ratings for 9 items (fatigue, general muscle, hamstring, quadriceps, pain/stiffness, power, sleep quality, stress, well-being). Players subjectively rated each item as they arrived at the training or competition venue on a 1–5 visual analog scale, with 1 representing the positive end of the continuum. A total of 2,583 questionnaires were analyzed from completions on 183 days throughout the season (92 ± 24 per player, 103 ± 20 per week; mean ± SD). Descriptive statistics and multilevel modelling were used to understand how player ratings of wellness varied over the season and during the week leading into game day and whether selected player characteristics moderated these relationships. Results indicated that subjective ratings of physical and psychological wellness were sensitive to weekly training manipulations (i.e., improve steadily throughout the week to a game day low, p < 0.001), to periods of unloading during the season (i.e., a week of no competition, p < 0.05) and to individual player characteristics (e.g., muscle strain after a game was poorer in players with high maximum speed, p < 0.01). It is concluded that self-reported player ratings of wellness provide a useful tool for coaches and practitioners to monitor player responses to the rigorous demands of training, competition, and life as a professional athlete.


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Global positioning system (GPS) technology has improved the speed, accuracy, and ease of time-motion analyses of field sport athletes. The large volume of numerical data generated by GPS technology is usually summarized by reporting the distance traveled and time spent in various locomotor categories (e.g., walking, jogging, and running). There are a variety of definitions used in the literature to represent these categories, which makes it nearly impossible to compare findings among studies.

The purpose of this work was to propose standard definitions (velocity ranges) that were determined by an objective analysis of time-motion data. In addition, we discuss the limitations of the existing definition of a sprint and present a new definition of sprinting for field sport athletes.

Twenty-five GPS data files collected from 5 different sports (men’s and women’s field hockey, men’s and women’s soccer, and Australian Rules Football) were analyzed to identify the average velocity distribution. A curve fitting process was then used to determine the optimal placement of 4 Gaussian curves representing the typical locomotor categories. 

Based on the findings of these analyses, we make recommendations about sport- specific velocity ranges to be used in future time-motion studies of field sport athletes. We also suggest that a sprint be defined as any movement that reaches or exceeds the sprint threshold velocity for at least 1 second and any movement with an acceleration that occurs within the highest 5% of accelerations found in the corresponding velocity range.

From a practical perspective, these analyses provide conditioning coaches with information on the high-intensity sprinting demands of field sport athletes, while also providing a novel method of capturing maximal effort, short-duration sprints.


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This article describes the utilisation of an unsupervised machine learning technique and statistical approaches (e.g., the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection, training, and strategic planning in the track cycling Omnium. The Omnium is a multi-event competition that will be included in the summer Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and intuition. They rarely have access to objective data. We analysed both the old five-event (first raced internationally in 2007) and new six-event (first raced internationally in 2011) Omniums and found that the addition of the elimination race component to the Omnium has, contrary to expectations, not favoured track endurance riders. We analysed the Omnium data and also determined the inter-relationships between different individual events as well as between those events and the final standings of riders. In further analysis, we found that there is no maximum ranking (poorest performance) in each individual event that riders can afford whilst still winning a medal. We also found the required times for riders to finish the timed components that are necessary for medal winning. The results of this study consider the scoring system of the Omnium and inform decision-making toward successful participation in future major Omnium competitions.