976 resultados para TUMOR CELLS


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Antigenic changes present in nonantigenic tumor cells exposed to UV radiation (UV) in vitro were investigated by addressing the following questions: (1) Are antigenic variants (AV) produced that are rejected in normal but not immunosuppressed mice? (2) Does generation of AV depend upon intrinsic properties of the cells exposed or result from the action of UV? (3) Is antigenic modification induced by UV due to increased histocompatibility antigen expression? (4) Do AV crossreact immunologically with parental tumor or with other AV? and (5) Is the UV-associated common antigen expressed on UV-induced tumors present on UV-irradiated tumor cells? AV were generated at different frequencies following in vitro UV irradiation of a spontaneous murine fibrosarcoma (51% of cell lines tested), a murine melanoma (56%), and two melanoma clones (100% and 11%). This indicated that the percentage of AV produced is an intrinsic property of the cell line exposed. The increased antigenicity did not correlate with an increased expression of class I histocompatibility antigens. Immunological experiments demonstrated that the AV and parental cells shared a determinant that was susceptible to immune recognition, but incapable of inducing immunity. In contrast, the AV were noncrossreactive, suggesting that variant-specific antigens were also expressed. Finally, the AV were recognized by UV-induced suppressor cells, indicating that the UV-associated common antigen expressed by UV-induced tumors was also present. This investigation provides new information on the susceptibility of tumors to antigenic modification by UV and on the relationship between tumor antigens and neoplastic transformation. Furthermore, it suggests an immunological approach for cancer therapy. ^


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During the process of cancer metastasis, the majority of circulating tumor cells arrest in microcapillary beds and then rapidly die. To study whether vascular endothelial cells can directly lyse tumor cells, we isolated vascular endothelial cells by perfusion of lungs from immunocompetent or nude mice. The cells were grown in culture, and then cloned and characterized. Cloned endothelial cells were incubated with several lymphokines and cytokines. Cells incubated with IFN-$\gamma$ and TNF lysed a variety of tumor cells with different metastatic potential. Mouse skin and lung fibroblasts treated with the same cytokines did not. Endothelial cell mediated tumor cell lysis was not due to different binding ability of tumor cells to cytokine treated and untreated endothelial monolayers. Kinetic studies demonstrated that the continuous presence of cytokines in the tumor-endothelial cocultures was necessary to produce maximal lysis of tumor cells. Target cell lysis was not due to the direct effects of IFN-$\gamma$ or TNF, since vascular endothelial cells isolated from the lung of nude mice lysed human melanoma cells that are sensitive or resistant to TNF. Cytokine treated endothelial cells produced a high level of nitric oxide, which is known to be cytotoxic to a variety of target cells. The level of nitric oxide production was directly correlated with the degree of tumor cell lysis. A specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis(N$\sp{\rm G}$-monomethyl-L-arginine), completely inhibited production of nitric oxide and tumor cell lysis. Treatment of cytokine activated endothelial cells with dexamethasone also inhibited tumor cell lysis. This inhibition was independent of tumor-endothelial adhesion but correlated with inhibition of nitric oxide production. Collectively, these results suggest that vascular endothelial cells can directly destory tumor emboli and thus play an active role in the pathogenesis of cancer metastasis. ^


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Autophagy is a lysosomal bulk degradation pathway for cytoplasmic cargo, such as long-lived proteins, lipids, and organelles. Induced upon nutrient starvation, autophagic degradation is accomplished by the concerted actions of autophagy-related (ATG) proteins. Here we demonstrate that two ATGs, human Atg2A and Atg14L, colocalize at cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LDs) and are functionally involved in controlling the number and size of LDs in human tumor cell lines. We show that Atg2A is targeted to cytoplasmic ADRP-positive LDs that migrate bidirectionally along microtubules. The LD localization of Atg2A was found to be independent of the autophagic status. Further, Atg2A colocalized with Atg14L under nutrient-rich conditions when autophagy was not induced. Upon nutrient starvation and dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P] generation, both Atg2A and Atg14L were also specifically targeted to endoplasmic reticulum-associated early autophagosomal membranes, marked by the PtdIns(3)P effectors double-FYVE containing protein 1 (DFCP1) and WD-repeat protein interacting with phosphoinositides 1 (WIPI-1), both of which function at the onset of autophagy. These data provide evidence for additional roles of Atg2A and Atg14L in the formation of early autophagosomal membranes and also in lipid metabolism.


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A tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)-fused piazselenole as a novel redox-active probe for highly sensitive determination of physiological thiols by electrochemical detection has been synthesised and successfully tested in intracellular non-protein thiol detection, reaching a detection limit of 10−10 M.


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While many anticancer therapies aim to target the death of tumor cells, sophisticated resistance mechanisms in the tumor cells prevent cell death induction. In particular enzymes of the glutathion-S-transferase (GST) family represent a well-known detoxification mechanism, which limit the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs in tumor cells. Specifically, GST of the class P1 (GSTP1-1) is overexpressed in colorectal tumor cells and renders them resistant to various drugs. Thus, GSTP1-1 has become an important therapeutic target. We have recently shown that thiazolides, a novel class of anti-infectious drugs, induce apoptosis in colorectal tumor cells in a GSTP1-1-dependent manner, thereby bypassing this GSTP1-1-mediated drug resistance. In this study we investigated in detail the underlying mechanism of thiazolide-induced apoptosis induction in colorectal tumor cells. Thiazolides induce the activation of p38 and Jun kinase, which is required for thiazolide-induced cell death. Activation of these MAP kinases results in increased expression of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homologs Bim and Puma, which inducibly bind and sequester Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL leading to the induction of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Of interest, while an increase in intracellular glutathione levels resulted in increased resistance to cisplatin, it sensitized colorectal tumor cells to thiazolide-induced apoptosis by promoting increased Jun kinase activation and Bim induction. Thus, thiazolides may represent an interesting novel class of anti-tumor agents by specifically targeting tumor resistance mechanisms, such as GSTP1-1.


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Defining new therapeutic strategies to overcome therapy resistance due to tumor heterogeneity in colon cancer is challenging. One option is to explore the molecular profile of aggressive disseminating tumor cells. The cytoskeleton-associated Death-associated protein kinase (DAPK) is involved in the cross talk between tumor and immune cells at the invasion front of colorectal cancer. Here dedifferentiated tumor cells histologically defined as tumor budding are associated with a high risk of metastasis and poor prognosis. Analyzing samples from 144 colorectal cancer patients we investigated immunhistochemical DAPK expression in different tumor regions such as center, invasion front, and buds. Functional consequences for tumor aggressiveness were studied in a panel of colon tumor cell lines using different migration, wound healing, and invasion assays. DAPK levels were experimentally modified by siRNA transfection and overexpression as well as inhibitor treatments. We found that DAPK expression was reduced towards the invasion front and was nearly absent in tumor buds. Applying the ECIS system with HCT116 and HCT116 stable lentiviral DAPK knock down cells (HCTshDAPK) we identified an important role for DAPK in decreasing the migratory capacity whereas proliferation was not affected. Furthermore, the migration pattern differed with HCTshDAPK cells showing a cluster-like migration of tumor cell groups. DAPK inhibitor treatment revealed that the migration rate was independent of DAPK's catalytic activity. Modulation of DAPK expression level in SW480 and DLD1 colorectal cancer cells significantly influenced wound closure rate. DAPK seems to be a major player that influences the migratory capability of disseminating tumor cells and possibly affects the dynamic interface between pro- and anti-survival factors at the invasion front of colorectal cancer. This interesting and new finding requires further evaluation.


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Signaling via the MET receptor tyrosine kinase has been implicated in crosstalk with cellular responses to DNA damage. Our group previously demonstrated that MET inhibition in tumor cells with deregulated MET activity results in radiosensitization via downregulation of the ATR-CHK1-CDC25 pathway, a major signaling cascade responsible for intra-S and G2/M cell cycle arrest following DNA damage. Here we aimed at studying the potential therapeutic application of ionizing radiation in combination with a MET inhibitor, EMD-1214063, in p53-deficient cancer cells that harbor impaired G1/S checkpoint regulation upon DNA damage. We hypothesized that upon MET inhibition, p53-deficient cells would bypass both G1/S and G2/M checkpoints, promoting premature mitotic entry with substantial DNA lesions and cell death in a greater extent than p53-proficient cells. Our data suggest that p53-deficient cells are more susceptible to EMD-1214063 and combined treatment with irradiation than wildtype p53 lines as inferred from elevated γH2AX expression and increased cytotoxicity. Furthermore, cell cycle distribution profiling indicates constantly lower G1 and higher G2/M population as well as higher expression of a mitotic marker p-histone H3 following the dual treatment in p53 knockdown isogenic variant, compared to the parental counterpart. IMPLICATIONS The concept of MET inhibition-mediated radiosensitization enhanced by p53 deficiency is of high clinical relevance, since p53 is frequently mutated in numerous types of human cancer. The current data point for a therapeutic advantage for an approach combining MET targeting along with DNA damaging agents for MET positive/p53 negative tumors.


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The MET receptor tyrosine kinase is often deregulated in human cancers and several MET inhibitors are evaluated in clinical trials. Similarly to EGFR, MET signals through the RAS-RAF-ERK/MAPK pathway which plays key roles in cell proliferation and survival. Mutations of genes encoding for RAS proteins, particularly in KRAS, are commonly found in various tumors and are associated with constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway. It was shown for EGFR, that KRAS mutations render upstream EGFR inhibition ineffective in EGFR-positive colorectal cancers. Currently, there are no clinical studies evaluating MET inhibition impairment due to RAS mutations. To test the impact of RAS mutations on MET targeting, we generated tumor cells responsive to the MET inhibitor EMD1214063 that express KRAS G12V, G12D, G13D and HRAS G12V variants. We demonstrate that these MAPK-activating RAS mutations differentially interfere with MET-mediated biological effects of MET inhibition. We report increased residual ERK1/2 phosphorylation indicating that the downstream pathway remains active in presence of MET inhibition. Consequently, RAS variants counteracted MET inhibition-induced morphological changes as well as anti-proliferative and anchorage-independent growth effects. The effect of RAS mutants was reversed when MET inhibition was combined with MEK inhibitors AZD6244 and UO126. In an in vivo mouse xenograft model, MET-driven tumors harboring mutated RAS displayed resistance to MET inhibition. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time in details the role of KRAS and HRAS mutations in resistance to MET inhibition and suggest targeting both MET and MEK as an effective strategy when both oncogenic drivers are expressed.


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Despite several improvements in the surgical field and in the systemic treatment, ovarian cancer (OC) is still characterized by high recurrence rates and consequently poor survival. In OC, there is still a great lack of knowledge with regard to cancer behavior and mechanisms of recurrence, progression, and drug resistance. The OC metastatization process mostly occurs via intracoelomatic spread. Recent evidences show that tumor cells generate a favorable microenvironment consisting in T regulatory cells, T infiltrating lymphocytes, and cytokines which are able to establish an "immuno-tolerance mileau" in which a tumor cell can become a resistant clone. When the disease responds to treatment, immunoediting processes and cancer progression have been stopped. A similar inhibition of the immunosuppressive microenvironment has been observed after optimal cytoreductive surgery as well. In this scenario, the early identification of circulating tumor cells could represent a precocious signal of loss of the immune balance that precedes cancer immunoediting and relapse. Supporting this hypothesis, circulating tumor cells have been demonstrated to be a prognostic factor in several solid tumors such as colorectal, pancreatic, gastric, breast, and genitourinary cancer. In OC, the role of circulating tumor cells is still to be defined. However, as opposed to healthy women, circulating tumor cells have been demonstrated in peripheral blood of OC patients, opening a new research field in OC diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and follow-up.


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Particular interest has been directed towards the macrophage as a primary antineoplastic cell due to its tumoricidal properties in vitro and the observation that an inverse relationship exists between the number of macrophages infiltrating a tumor and metastatic potential. The mechanism of macrophage-mediated injury of tumor cells remains unknown. Recently, it has been shown that injured tumor cells have defective mitochondrial respiration. Our studies have shown that activated macrophages can release soluble factors which can alter tumor cell respiration.^ The effects of a conditioned supernatant (CS) from cultures of activated macrophages on tumor cell (TC) mitochondrial respiration was studied. CS was obtained by incubation of BCG-elicited, murine peritoneal macrophage with RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FCS and 50 ng/ml bacterial endotoxin. This CS was used to treat cultures of EMT-6 TC for 24 hours. Mitochondrial respiration was measured polarigraphically using a Clark-type oxygen electrode. Cell growth rate was assessed by ('3)H-Thymidine incorporation. Exposure of EMT-6 TC to CS resulted in the inhibition of malate and succinate oxidation 76.6% and 72.9%, respectively. While cytochrome oxidase activity was decreased 61.1%. This inhibition was accompanied by a 98.8% inhibition of DNA synthesis (('3)H-Thymidine incorporation). Inhibition was dose-related with a 21.3% inhibition of succinate oxidase from a 0.3 ml dose of CS and a 50% inhibition with 1.0 mls. Chromatography of CS on Sephacryl S-200 resulted in isolation of an 80,000 and a 55,000 dalton component which contained the respiration inhibiting activity (RIF). These factors were distinct from a 120,000 dalton cytolytic factor determined by bioassay on Actinomycin-D treated L929 cells. RIF activity was also distinct from several other cytostatic factors but was itself associated with 2 peaks of cytostatic activity. Characterization of the RIF activity showed that it was destroyed by trypsin and heat (100(DEGREES)C, 5 min). It was stable over a broad range of pH (4-9) and its production was inhibited by cycloheximide. The RIF did not have a direct effect on isolated mitochondria of TC nor did it induce the formation of a stable intracellular toxin for mitochondria.^ In conclusion, activated macrophages synthesize and secrete an 80,000 and a 55,000 dalton protein which inhibits the mitochondrial metabolism of TC. These factors induce a cytostatic but not a cytolytic effect on TC.^ The macrophage plays a role in the control of normal and tumor cell growth and in tissue involution. Inhibition of respiration may be one mechanism used by macrophages to control cell growth.^


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The ability to regulate cell cycle progression is one of the differences that separates normal from tumor cells. A protein, which is frequently mutated or deleted in a majority of tumor cells, is the retinoblastoma protein (pRb). Previously, we reported that normal cells, which have a wild-type Rb pathway, can be reversibly arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle by staurosporine (ST), while tumor cells were unaffected by this treatment. As a result, ST may be used to protect normal cells against the toxic affects of chemotherapy. Here we set out to determine the mechanism(s) by which ST can mediate a reversible G1 arrest in pRb positive cells. To this end, we used an isogenic cell model system of normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) with either intact pRb+ (p53-) or p53+ (pRb-) treated with ST. Our results show that pRb+ cells treated with low concentrations of ST, arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle; however, in pRb - cells there was no response. This was verified as a true G 1 arrest in pRb+ cells by two different methods for monitoring cell cycle kinetics and in two additional model systems for Rb (i.e. pRb -/- mouse embryo fibroblasts, and downregulation of RB with siRNA). Our results indicated that ST-mediated G1 arrest required pRb, which in turn initiated a cascade of events leading to inhibition of CDK4 and CDK2 activities and up-regulation of p21 protein. Further assessment of this pathway revealed the novel finding that Chk1 expression and activity were required for the Rb-dependent, ST-mediated G1 arrest. In fact, overexpression of Chk1 facilitated recovery from ST-mediated G1 arrest, an effect only observed in RB+ cells. Collectively, our data suggest pRb is able to cooperate with Chk1 to mediate a G1 arrest in pRb+ cells, but not in pRb- cells. The elucidation of this pathway can help identify novel agents that can be used to protect cancer patients against the debilitating affects of chemotherapy, by targeting only the normal proliferating cells in the body that are otherwise destroyed. ^


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Background. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among females, accounting for 23% (1.38 million) of the total new cancer cases and 14% (458,400) of the total cancer deaths in 2008. [1] Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive phenotype comprising 10–20% of all breast cancers (BCs). [2-4] TNBCs show absence of estrogen, progesterone and HER2/neu receptors on the tumor cells. Because of the absence of these receptors, TNBCs are not candidates for targeted therapies. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are observed in blood of breast cancer patients even at early stages (Stage I & II) of the disease. Immunological and molecular analysis can be used to detect the presence of tumor cells in the blood (Circulating tumor cells; CTCs) of many breast cancer patients. These cells may explain relapses in early stage breast cancer patients even after adequate local control. CTC detection may be useful in identifying patients at risk for disease progression, and therapies targeting CTCs may improve outcome in patients harboring them. Methods . In this study we evaluated 80 patients with TNBC who are enrolled in a larger prospective study conducted at M D Anderson Cancer Center in order to determine whether the presence of circulating tumor cells is a significant prognostic factor in relapse free and overall survival . Patients with metastatic disease at the time of presentation were excluded from the study. CTCs were assessed using CellSearch System™ (Veridex, Raritan, NJ). CTCs were defined as nucleated cells lacking the presence of CD45 but expressing cytokeratins 8, 18 or 19. The distribution of patient and tumor characteristics was analyzed using chi square test and Fisher's exact test. Log rank test and Cox regression analysis was applied to establish the association of circulating tumor cells with relapse free and overall survival. Results. The median age of the study participants was 53years. The median duration of follow-up was 40 months. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of patients were newly diagnosed (without a previous history of breast cancer), and (60%) of patients were chemo naïve (had not received chemotherapy at the time of their blood draw for CTC analysis). Tumor characteristics such as stage (P=0.40), tumor size (P=69), sentinel nodal involvement (P=0.87), axillary lymph node involvement (P=0.13), adjuvant therapy (P=0.83), and high histological grade of tumor (P=0.26) did not predict the presence of CTCs. However, CTCs predicted worse relapse free survival (1 or more CTCs log rank P value = 0.04, at 2 or more CTCs P = 0.02 and at 3 or more CTCs P < 0.0001) and overall survival (at 1 or more CTCs log rank P value = 0.08, at 2 or more CTCs P = 0.01 and at 3 or more CTCs P = 0.0001. Conclusions. The number of circulating tumor cells predicted worse relapse free survival and overall survival in TNBC patients.^


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Considering the well established role of nonclassical HLA-G class I molecules in inhibiting natural killer (NK) cell function, the consequence of abnormal HLA-G expression in malignant cells should be the escape of tumors from immunosurveillance. To examine this hypothesis, we analyzed HLA-G expression and NK sensitivity in human malignant melanoma cells. Our analysis of three melanoma cell lines and ex vivo biopsy demonstrated that (i) IGR and M74 human melanoma cell lines exhibit a high level of HLA-G transcription with differential HLA-G isoform transcription and protein expression patterns, (ii) a higher level of HLA-G transcription ex vivo is detected in a skin melanoma metastasis biopsy compared with a healthy skin fragment from the same individual, and (iii) HLA-G protein isoforms other than membrane-bound HLA-G1 protect IGR from NK lysis. It thus appears of critical importance to consider the specific role of HLA-G expression in tumors in the design of future cancer immunotherapies.


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Multidrug resistance mediated by the drug efflux protein, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), is one mechanism that tumor cells use to escape death induced by chemotherapeutic agents. However, the mechanism by which P-gp confers resistance to a large variety of structurally diverse molecules has remained elusive. In this study, classical multidrug resistant human CEM and K562 tumor cell lines expressing high levels of P-gp were less sensitive to multiple forms of caspase-dependent cell death, including that mediated by cytotoxic drugs and ligation of Fas. The DNA fragmentation and membrane damage inflicted by these stimuli were defined as caspase dependent by various soluble peptide fluoromethylketone caspase inhibitors. Inhibition of P-gp function by the anti-P-gp mAb MRK-16 or verapamil could reverse resistance to these forms of cell death. Inhibition of P-gp function also enhanced drug or Fas-mediated activation of caspase-3 in drug-resistant CEM cells. By contrast, caspase-independent cell death events in the same cells, including those mediated by pore-forming proteins or intact NK cells, were not affected by P-gp expression. These observations suggest that, in addition to effluxing drugs, P-gp may play a specific role in regulating some caspase-dependent apoptotic pathways.


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The p53 tumor suppressor gene has been shown to play an important role in determining cell fate. Overexpression of wild-type p53 in tumor cells has been shown to lead to growth arrest or apoptosis. Previous studies in fibroblasts have provided indirect evidence for a link between p53 and senescence. Here we show, using an inducible p53 expression system, that wild-type p53 overexpression in EJ bladder carcinoma cells, which have lost functional p53, triggers the rapid onset of G1 and G2/M growth arrest associated with p21 up-regulation and repression of mitotic cyclins (cyclin A and B) and cdc2. Growth arrest in response to p53 induction became irreversible within 48-72 h, with cells exhibiting morphological features as well as specific biochemical and ultrastructural markers of the senescent phenotype. These findings provide direct evidence that p53 overexpression can activate the rapid onset of senescence in tumor cells.