945 resultados para TRIGLYCERIDES


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Lipid analysis is commonly performed by gas chromatography (GC) in laboratory conditions. Spectroscopic techniques, however, are non-destructive and can be implemented noninvasively in vivo. Excess fat (triglycerides) in visceral adipose tissue and liver is known predispose to metabolic abnormalities, collectively known as the metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is the likely cause with diets high in saturated fat known to impair insulin sensitivity. Tissue triglyceride composition has been used as marker of dietary intake but it can also be influenced by tissue specific handling of fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that adipocyte insulin sensitivity correlates positively with their saturated fat content, contradicting the common view of dietary effects. A better understanding of factors affecting tissue triglyceride composition is needed to provide further insights into tissue function in lipid metabolism. In this thesis two spectroscopic techniques were developed for in vitro and in vivo analysis of tissue triglyceride composition. In vitro studies (Study I) used infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a fast and cost effective analytical technique well suited for multivariate analysis. Infrared spectra are characterized by peak overlap leading to poorly resolved absorbances and limited analytical performance. In vivo studies (Studies II, III and IV) used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), an established non-invasive clinical method for measuring metabolites in vivo. 1H-MRS has been limited in its ability to analyze triglyceride composition due to poorly resolved resonances. Using an attenuated total reflection accessory, we were able to obtain pure triglyceride infrared spectra from adipose tissue biopsies. Using multivariate curve resolution (MCR), we were able to resolve the overlapping double bond absorbances of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. MCR also resolved the isolated trans double bond and conjugated linoleic acids from an overlapping background absorbance. Using oil phantoms to study the effects of different fatty acid compositions on the echo time behaviour of triglycerides, it was concluded that the use of long echo times improved peak separation with T2 weighting having a negligible impact. It was also discovered that the echo time behaviour of the methyl resonance of omega-3 fats differed from other fats due to characteristic J-coupling. This novel insight could be used to detect omega-3 fats in human adipose tissue in vivo at very long echo times (TE = 470 and 540 ms). A comparison of 1H-MRS of adipose tissue in vivo and GC of adipose tissue biopsies in humans showed that long TE spectra resulted in improved peak fitting and better correlations with GC data. The study also showed that calculation of fatty acid fractions from 1H-MRS data is unreliable and should not be used. Omega-3 fatty acid content derived from long TE in vivo spectra (TE = 540 ms) correlated with total omega-3 fatty acid concentration measured by GC. The long TE protocol used for adipose tissue studies was subsequently extended to the analysis of liver fat composition. Respiratory triggering and long TE resulted in spectra with the olefinic and tissue water resonances resolved. Conversion of the derived unsaturation to double bond content per fatty acid showed that the results were in accordance with previously published gas chromatography data on liver fat composition. In patients with metabolic syndrome, liver fat was found to be more saturated than subcutaneous or visceral adipose tissue. The higher saturation observed in liver fat may be a result of a higher rate of de-novo-lipogenesis in liver than in adipose tissue. This thesis has introduced the first non-invasive method for determining adipose tissue omega-3 fatty acid content in humans in vivo. The methods introduced here have also shown that liver fat is more saturated than adipose tissue fat.


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Vitamin A, when extracted along with other lipids from sheep liver, had an E1cm.1% value of 14.4, which was raised to 45.57 on removal of the phospholipids by cold acetone. Selective hydrolysis of triglycerides by an extract of acetone-dried sheep pancreas in the presence of HgCl2 as inhibitor of vitamin A esterase, followed by chromatography through alumina gave a product with E1cm.1% value of 276. This on chromatography through magnesium oxide raised the E1cm.1, value to 601.5, representing 64% pure vitamin A ester calculated as palmitate, and the total recovery was 23% of the starting oil. The purified ester preparation, when subjected to reverse-phase chromatography on silicone-impregnated paper, gave a single ultraviolet fluorescent band. The fluorescent band on hydrolysis gave only one fatty acid. This was conclusively identified to be palmitic acid.


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Despite its bad reputation in the mass media, cholesterol is an indispensable constituent of cellular membranes and vertebrate life. It is, however, also potentially lethal as it may accumulate in the arterial intima causing atherosclerosis or elsewhere in the body due to inherited conditions. Studying cholesterol in cells, and research on how the cell biology of cholesterol affects on system level is essential for a better understanding of the disease states associated with cholesterol and for the development of new therapies for these conditions. On its way to the cell, exogenous cholesterol traverses through endosomes, transport vesicles involved in internalizing material to cells, and needs to be transported out of this compartment. This endosomal pool of cholesterol is important for understanding both the common disorders of metabolism and the more rare hereditary disorders of cholesterol metabolism. The study of cholesterol in cells has been hampered by the lack of bright fluorescent sterol analogs that would resemble cholesterol enough to be used in cellular studies. In the first study of my thesis, we present a new sterol analog, Boron-Dipyrromethene (BODIPY)-cholesterol for visualizing sterols in living cells and organism. This fluorescent cholesterol derivative is shown to behave similarly to cholesterol both by atomic scale computer simulations and biochemical experiments. We characterize its localization inside different types of living cells and show that it can be used to study sterol trafficking in living organisms. Two sterol binding proteins associated with the endosomal membrane; the Niemann-Pick type C disease protein 1 (NPC1) and the Oxysterol Binding Protein Related Protein 1 (ORP1) are the subjects of the rest of this study. Sensing cholesterol on endosomes, transporting lipids away from this compartment and the effects these lipids play on cellular metabolism are considered. In the second study we characterize how the NPC1 protein affects lipid metabolism. We show that this cholesterol binding protein affects synthesis of triglycerides and that genetic polymorphisms or a genetic defect in the NPC1 gene affect triglyceride on the whole body level. These effects take place via regulation of carbon fluxes to different lipid classes in cells. In the third part we characterize the effects of another endosomal sterol binding protein, ORP1L on the function and motility of endosomes. Specifically we elucidate how a mutation in the ability of ORP1L to bind sterols affects its behavior in cells, and how a change in ORP1L levels in cells affects the localization, degradative capacity and motility of endosomes. In addition we show that ORP1L manipulations affect cholesterol balance also in macrophages, a cell type important for the development of atherosclerosis.


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The effect of neutralizing FSH or LH on ovarian lipids in the cycling hamster was studied. In the normal cycling hamster on the day of proestrus, histochemical examination revealed the presence of sudanophilic lipids in the granulosa cells of the follicles and in the interstitium. A clear reduction in the intensity of lipid staining was observed on proestrus in the ovary of hamsters treated with FSH antiserum on the previous proestrus. Similar treatment with antiserum to LH, on the other hand, caused an accumulation of lipids in these structures. Estimation of the free and esterified fractions of cholesterol and triglycerides in the nonluteal tissue of the ovary of hamsters on proestrus following treatment with FSH antiserum on the previous proestrus revealed a significant reduction in all 3 lipid components. Even a short term deprivation of FSH caused a similar reduction in these lipids in the ovary. In contrast, treatment with LH antiserum either on the previous proestrus or on the previous day (diestrus-2) resulted in an enhancement in esterified cholesterol and triglycerides, while it caused a reduction in the free cholesterol fraction of the ovary on proestrus.It is suggested that though treatment with antisera to either FSH or LH causes a disruption in follicular maturation, their effect on lipid metabolism is different. A positive role for FSH and LH in maintaining normal sterol and triglyceride levels in the nonluteal ovarian tissue of cycling hamster is indicated.


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To understand the effect of molecular weight and branching on the heats of vaporization (AH,) and their flow behavior, AH, and viscosity (7) were measured at different temperatures in the high molecular weight ester series: linear flexible di-n-alkyl sebacates and compact branched triglycerides with molecular weight ranging from 300 to 900. AHv" values (AHv corrected to 298 K) have been obtained with experimental AH, and also computed according to the group additivity method; a smaller-CH,- group value of 3.8 kJ mol-' compared to the normal value of 5.0 kJ mol-' is found to give good agreement with the experimental data (within 2-5% error). Both ester series have the same AH," irrespective of their molecular features, namely,shape, flexibility, and polarity, suggesting the coiling of the molecules during vaporization. The segmental motion of these ester series during their flow and its dependence on their molecular features unlike AH,' are demonstrated by the correlation of the enthalpy of activation for viscous flow (AH*) and the ratio AE,/AH* = n (AE, is the energy of vaporization) with molecular weight.


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Lipidit ovat rasvaliukoisia kudoksesta peräisin olevia yhdisteitä, joilla on monia eri fysiologisia tehtäviä. Lipidien analyysimenetelmien kehittämien on tärkeää, sillä niiden esiintymistä elimistössä voidaan käyttää biomarkkerina sairauksien diagnostiikassa ja apuna sairauksien kehittymismekanismien tutkimisessa. Lipideihin kuuluu polaarisuudeltaan ja rakenteeltaan hyvin erilaisia yhdisteitä. Niiden massaspektrometria-analytiikassa on aikaisemmin käytetty useita erilaisia ionisaatiomenetelmiä, jotka vaativat näytteen esikäsittelyn ennen analyysia. Desorptiosähkösumutusionisaatio-massaspektrometria (DESI-MS) ja desorptio-ilmanpainefotoionisaatio-massaspektrometria (DAPPI-MS) ovat uusia ionisaatio-menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat yhdisteiden analysoinnin suoraan eri matriiseista, kuten kudosnäytteistä, usein ilman esikäsittelyä. DESI-MS soveltuu parhaiten suhteellisen polaaristen yhdisteiden analytiikkaan, kun taas DAPPI:lla voidaan ionisoida myös poolittomia yhdisteitä. DESI-MS:lla on jo aikaisemmin analysoitu erilaisia lipidejä, kun taas DAPPI-MS:lla on aikaisemmin analysoitu vain steroideja. DAPPI- ja DESI-MS:lla tutkittiin erilaisten lipidien (fosfolipidit, triglyseridit, rasvahapot, rasvaliukoiset vitamiinit ja steroidit) ionisoitumista. Molemmilla menetelmillä optimoitiin standardiyhdisteille mittausolosuhteet. Lipidejä analysoitiin myös suoraan farmaseuttisista valmisteista. DAPPI:n ja DESI:n soveltuvuudessa erilaisten lipidien ionisoimiseen oli jonkin verran eroja. DAPPI toimi hyvin varsinkin poolittomampien lipidien, eli triglyseridien, steroidien, vitamiinien ja rasvahappojen ionisaatiossa, mutta huonosti hieman polaarisempien ja herkästi hajoavien fosfolipidien ionisaatiossa. Fosfolipidit fragmentoituivat DAPPI-ionisaatiossa, eikä moolimassatiedon sisältävää ionia saatu näkyviin. DESI puolestaan toimii hyvin fosfolipidien ionisoimisessa ja melko hyvin myös muiden tutkittavien lipidien ionisoimisessa, lukuunottamatta kaikkein poolittomimpia lipidejä. Uutta tietoa tutkimuksessa saatiin varsinkin DAPPI:n soveltuvuudesta erilaisten lipidien analytiikkaan. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että DAPPI toimii yhtä hyvin tai jopa DESI:a paremmin useiden eri lipidien analytiikkassa. Menetelmää tulisi kuitenkin kehittää edelleen, jotta fosfolipidien, jotka ovat elimistön tärkeä lipidiryhmä, analysointi onnistuisi DAPPI:lla. Työssä ei analysoitu lipidejä suoraan kudosnäytteestä, joten DAPPI:n soveltuvuudesta lipidien analysointiin suoraan kudosnäytteistä ei voida tehdä johtopäätöksiä tämän työn perusteella.


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Psoralea corylifolia (PC), a medicinal plant, is used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes. Purpose of the research was to examine the antidiabetic and antilipemic potential of PC and to determine the relationship between its antidiabetic potential and the trace elements present. Wistar rats (150-200 g) with fasting blood glucose (FBG) of 80-110 mg dl(-1)(sub-diabetic) and 150-200 mg dl(-1)(mild diabetic) were selected for the short term antidiabetic studies and severely diabetic rats (FBG > 300 mg dl(-1)) were chosen for the long term antidiabetic and hypolipemic studies of PC seed extract. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used to detect trace elements in the PC extract and the intensity ratios of trace elements were estimated. The dose of 250 mg kg(-1) of PC extract was found to be the most effective in lowering blood glucose level (BGL) of normal, sub, mild and severely diabetic rats during FBG and glucose tolerance test (GTT) studies. Lipid profile studies on severely diabetic rats showed substantial reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides, very low density lipoprotein, and low density lipoprotein and an increase in the total protein, body weight, high density lipoprotein, and hemoglobin after 28 days of treatment. Significant reduction in urine sugar and protein levels was also observed. LIBS analysis of the PC extract revealed the presence of Mg, Si, Na, K, Ca, Zn and Cl. The study validates the traditional use of PC in the treatment of diabetes and confirms its antilipemic potential. The antidiabetic activity of PC extract may partly be due to the presence of appreciable amounts of insulin potentiating elements like Mg, Ca, and K.


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Background: This study was performed to understand the possible therapeutic activity of Terminalia paniculata ethanolic extract (TPEE) on non alcoholic fatty liver in rats fed with high fat diet. Methods: Thirty six SD rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 6): Normal control (NC), high fat diet (HFD), remaining four groups were fed on HFD along with different doses of TPEE (100,150 and 200 mg/kg b.wt) or orlistat, for ten weeks. Liver tissue was homogenized and analyzed for lipid profiles, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Further, the expression levels of FAS and AMPK-1 alpha were also studied in addition to histopathology examination of liver tissue in all the groups. Results: HFD significantly increased hepatic liver total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), free fatty acids (FFA) and MDA but decreased the activities of SOD and CAT which were subsequently reversed by supplementation with TPEE in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, TPEE administration significantly down regulated hepatic mRNA expression of FAS but up regulated AMPK-1 alpha compared to HFD alone fed group. Furthermore, western blot analysis of FAS has clearly demonstrated decreased expression of FAS in HFD + TPEE (200 mg/kg b. wt) treated group when compared to HFD group at protein level. Conclusions: Our biochemical studies on hepatic lipid profiles and antioxidant enzyme activities supported by histological and expression studies suggest a potential therapeutic role for TPEE in regulating obesity through FAS.


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Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors that is considered a predictor of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and mortality. There is no consistent evidence on whether the MS construct works in the same way in different populations and at different stages in life. Methods: We used confirmatory factor analysis to examine if a single-factor-model including waist circumference, triglycerides/HDL-c, insulin and mean arterial pressure underlies metabolic syndrome from the childhood to adolescence in a 6-years follow-up study in 174 Swedish and 460 Estonian children aged 9 years at baseline. Indeed, we analyze the tracking of a previously validated MS index over this 6-years period. Results: The estimates of goodness-of-fit for the single-factor-model underlying MS were acceptable both in children and adolescents. The construct stability of a new model including the differences from baseline to the end of the follow-up in the components of the proposed model displayed good fit indexes for the change, supporting the hypothesis of a single factor underlying MS component trends. Conclusions: A single-factor-model underlying MS is stable across the puberty in both Estonian and Swedish young people. The MS index tracks acceptably from childhood to adolescence.


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PURPOSE: The main goals of the present study were: 1) to review some recommendations about how to increase lean body mass; 2) to analyse whether following scientific sources of current recommendations, visible changes can be shown or not in a participant (body composition, strength and blood analyses). METHODS: One male athlete completed 12 weeks of resistance training program and following a diet protocol. Some test were determined such as, strength 6RM, blood analyses, skindfold measurements, body perimeters and impedance test. Body composition measurements were taken 3 times during the program (before-T1, after 6 weeks of intervention period-T2 and at the end of the program-T3). On the other hand, strength tests and blood analyses were performed twice (before and after the program). RESULTS: Strength was increased in general; blood analyses showed that Creatine kinase was increased a 104% and Triglycerides level was decreased a 22.5%; in the impedance test, body mass (1.6%), lean body mass (3.5%) and Body mass index (1.7%) were increased, whereas fat mass was decreased (15.5%); relaxed and contracted biceps perimeters were also increased. CONCLUSION: A muscle hypertrophy training program mixed with an appropriate diet during 12 weeks leads to interesting adaptations related to increase in body weight, lean body mass, biceps perimeters, strength and creatine kinase levels, and a decrease in fat mass.


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Pesquisas recentes têm demonstrado que a periodontite pode modificar a concentração sanguínea de uma série de tipos celulares e substâncias bioquímicas, que são considerados fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a associação entre a periodontite crônica e marcadores de risco para doença cardiovascular. No Estudo I foram examinados 100 pacientes aparentemente saudáveis sistemicamente, sendo 66 portadores de periodontite crônica e 34 pacientes controle, sem doença periodontal. Exames periodontais e exames sanguíneos foram realizados, e obtidas as espessuras das camadas íntima-média (IMT) da artéria carótida. No Estudo II, 66 pacientes participantes do Estudo I, diagnosticados com periodontite crônica, foram aleatoriamente submetidos a tratamento periodontal imediato (Grupo Teste, n=33) ou tratamento periodontal retardado (Grupo Controle, n=33). Os dados colhidos no Estudo I foram registrados como pré-tratamento (T0). Novos exames clínicos periodontais e laboratoriais foram realizados no período de 2 meses (T2) e 6 meses (T6) após os exames iniciais (Grupo Controle) ou conclusão do tratamento periodontal (Grupo Teste). Os dados colhidos foram analisados através de testes estatísticos. Os resultados mostraram que pacientes com periodontite crônica quando comparados ao grupo controle, apresentaram valores médios significativamente mais elevados na contagem total de hemácias (p<0,001), hemoglobina (p<0,001), hematócrito (p<0,001), contagem de plaquetas (p=0,019), velocidade de hemossedimentação (p<0,001), proteína C-reativa (p<0,001). Os níveis de HDL-colesterol foram significativamente mais baixos nos pacientes com periodontite crônica quando comparados ao grupo controle (p<0,001). As camadas íntima-média da parede da artéria carótida esquerda foram significativamente mais espessas nos pacientes com periodontite crônica quando comparados ao grupo controle (p=0,049). Os indíviduos com periodontite crônica também apresentaram 3,26 vezes mais chances de possuir Síndrome Metabólica do que aqueles indivíduos que não possuem doença peridontal (IC 95%: 1,8-5,9). No Estudo II, quando comparados os valores médios dos dados hematológicos após tratamento, no grupo teste, foi possível observar melhora estatisticamente significativa, entre T0/T2, dos valores de VHS e triglicerídeos (p=0,002; p=0,004; respectivamente). Redução nos valores médios da contagem total de leucócitos, VHS, CRP, transaminase glutâmico pirúvica, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, entre T0/T6, foi verificada no grupo teste pós-tratamento (p=0,028; p<0,001; p<0,001; p=0,010; p<0,001; p=0,015, respectivamente). Os resultados indicaram que a periodontite crônica severa está associada com níveis elevados de marcadores da inflamação e trombogênese, além de alterações no perfil lipídico em indivíduos sistemicamente saudáveis, podendo atuar como possível fator de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares. O tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico mostrou-se eficaz na redução dos níveis dos marcadores sistêmicos da inflamação e na melhora do perfil lipídico em indivíduos com doença periodontal severa, consequentemente, reduzindo o risco de doenças cardiovasculares.


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A menopausa está associada a algumas alterações metabólicas como a obesidade, dislipidemia e inflamação, entre outras anomalias presentes na síndrome metabólica humana. Uma dieta hiperlipídica ou high-fat (HF) associada à menopausa piora tais alterações, aumentando ainda mais o risco de doença cardiovascular. A hipótese de que uma dieta HF agrava as complicações relacionadas à ovariectomia foi testada. Foram avaliadas fêmeas C57BL/6 ovariectomizadas (OVX) ou com operação SHAM e alimentados com ração padrão ou Standard Chow (SC, 10% de gordura) ou uma dieta HF (60% de gordura) por 18 semanas. A eficiência alimentar (EA), massa corporal (MC), distribuição regional das massas de gordura e a morfometria dos adipócitos foram estudados. As análises de sangue (colesterol total, CT, triglicerídeos, TG, citocinas e adipocinas) foram realizadas. Camundongas OVX-HF apresentaram maior EA e maior MC do que os demais grupos (P<0,05). A gordura visceral (ovariana e retroperitoneal) e a gordura subcutânea (gordura inguinal) tiveram o mesmo padrão de distribuição entre os grupos SHAM-SC, SHAM-HF e OVX-SC, mas o grupo OVX-HF apresentou um padrão diferente de acúmulo de gordura - muito maior do que no rupo SHAM-SC. A associação da ovariectomia com a dieta HF aumentou significativamente o diâmetro dos adipócitos dos animais OVX-HF em comparação aos SHAM-HF (P<0,0001) e também agravou a elevação dos níveis de CT, TG e de leptina nas camundongas OVX-HF, em relação aos OVX-SC (P<0,0001). Os níveis de adiponectina foram maiores nas camundongas OVX-SC comparados com as das camundongas SHAM-SC e OVX-HF (P<0,001). A associação da ovariectomia com a dieta HF agravou o aumento dos níveis séricos de leptina em camundongas OVX-HF, em relação aos OVX-SC (P<0,005). TNF-alfa não foi diferente entre os grupos, mas a IL-6 foi significativamente maior nas camundongas OVX-HF comparados a ambos os grupos SHAM-HF e OVX-SC (P<0,0001). Concluindo, a ingestão de uma dieta hiperlipídica por camundongas ovariectomizadas, leva ao aumento do acúmulo e redistribuição inadequada de gordura, à piora dos níveis de citocinas e adipocinas, assim como à desordem metabólica, o que aumenta os fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares.


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O biodiesel é definido como um mono alquil éster de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa derivado de fontes renováveis tais como óleos vegetais e gorduras animais. Sua importância esta associada ao uso como um combustível alternativo para motores do ciclo Diesel podendo ser utilizado puro ou em misturas com o diesel representando economia de petróleo e menor poluição ambiental. Em geral é obtido por meio da reação de transesterificação na qual os triacilgliceróis, principais constituintes dos óleos e gorduras reagem com álcool, em presença de um catalisador ácido ou básico, produzindo ésteres de ácidos graxos e glicerol. A transesterificação pode ser conduzida por catálise homogênea ou heterogênea. O grande desafio da indústria é otimizar o processo a fim de alcançar um produto e uma rota de produção tecnologicamente eficiente e ambientalmente correta. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a síntese do biodiesel utilizando o processo de transesterificação do óleo de girassol por catálises homogênea e heterogênea. Foram realizadas reações de transesterificação via rotas metílica e etílica, empregando como catalisador homogêneo alcóxido de potássio e como catalisador heterogêneo a resina comercial de troca iônica Amberlyst 26


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Estudos epidemiológicos e experimentais têm sugerido que fatores de risco cardiovasculares podem ser parcialmente atribuídos às influências do ambiente em que vive o indivíduo, e que a nutrição materna influencia na programação de alterações metabólicas e cardiovasculares no indivíduo adulto e que caracterizam a síndrome metabólica (SM). Em contrapartida, estudos prévios de nosso laboratório demonstram que o extrato da casca de uva Vitis labrusca (GSE) possui efeito vasodilatador, antihipertensivo e antioxidante. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento oral com GSE (200mg/kg/dia), sobre as alterações cardiovasculares e metabólicas e estresse oxidativo observados na prole adulta (fêmea e machos) com 3 e 6 meses, cujas mães foram submetidas a uma dieta rica em gordura (hiperlipídica) durante a lactação. Quatro grupos de ratas foram alimentados com dietas experimentais: controle (7% de gordura); controle + GSE (7% de gordura + GSE), hiperlipídica (24% de gordura); hiperlipídica + GSE (24% de gordura + GSE) durante a lactação. Após o desmame, todos os filhotes passaram a ser alimentados com uma dieta controle e foram sacrificados aos 3 ou 6 meses de idade. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) foi medida por pletismografia de cauda e o efeito vasodilatador da acetilcolina (ACh) foi avaliado em leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) perfundido. Foram avaliados o peso corporal, adiposidade (intra-abdominal e gonadal), níveis plasmáticos de colesterol total, triglicerídeos, glicose e insulina, e a resistência à insulina (RI) foi calculada pelo índice de HOMA IR. As expressões do IRS-1, Akt e GLUT-4 foram determinadas em músculo soleus. O dano oxidativo, níveis de nitritos e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes: superóxido dismutase, catalase e glutationa peroxidase foram dosados no plasma e homogenato de LAM. A PAS e tecido adiposo foram aumentados nas proles adultas de ambos os sexos e idades do grupo hiperlipídico e revertidos pelo tratamento com o GSE. A resposta vasodilatadora à ACh em LAM não foi diferente entre os grupos de ambos os sexos, mas foram reduzidas com o envelhecimento. Nas proles fêmeas e machos do grupo hiperlipídico também foram observados o aumento dos níveis de triglicerídeos, de glicose e RI em ambas as idades e foram reduzidos pelo GSE. No grupo hiperlipídico houve redução nas expressões de IRS-1, Akt e GLUT-4 e o GSE reverteu estas expressões. Os níveis plasmáticos de malondialdeído estavam aumentados e os níveis de nitrito diminuídos no grupo hiperlipídico, de ambos os sexos e idades e foram revertidos pelo GSE. As atividades das enzimas antioxidantes no plasma e no mesentério foram reduzidas no grupo hiperlipídico e restauradas pelo GSE. Em conclusão, O GSE parece proteger as proles fêmeas e machos, cujas mães foram expostas a uma dieta hiperlipídica durante a lactação, dos fatores de riscos cardiovasculares, proporcionando uma fonte alternativa nutricional para a prevenção da SM.


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Avaliar os efeitos benéficos do tratamento com óleo de peixe sobre mudanças metabólicas e morfológicas no pâncreas e tecido adiposo de camundongos C57BL/6 alimentados com dieta rica em lipídeos e sacarose (HLS).Camundongos machos da linhagem C57BL/6, foram alimentados com dieta padrão (P) ou dieta HLS. Aos 3 meses de idade, os camundongos do grupo HLS foram separados em grupo não-tratado (HLS) ou grupo tratado com óleo de peixe (HLS-Px, 1,5g/kg/dia). Aos 4 meses de idade os animais foram sacrificados. O grupo HLS apresentou aumento da massa corporal (MC) e no acúmulo do tecido adiposo total, porém o grupo HLS-Px apresentou menor MC e massa de tecido adiposo comparado ao grupo HLS. As concentrações de glicose plasmática e insulina não foram afetadas entre os grupos, no entanto os grupos HLS e HLS-Px apresentaram maior HOMA-IR. Os grupos HLS e HLS-Px apresentaram maiores concentrações plasmáticas do colesterol total e LDL-C, porém o grupo HLS-Px apresentou maior concentração plasmática do HDL-C e redução da concentração de triglicerídeos. Os adipócitos do grupo HLS apresentaram maior diâmetro quando comparado aos grupos controle e HLS-Px. A massa do pâncreas foi menor no grupo HLS-Px e as ilhotas pancreáticas apresentaram maior diâmetro no grupo HLS, quando comparado ao grupo controle. A expressão de insulina, glucagon e GLUT-2 mostrou-se forte em todas as ilhotas pancreáticas do grupo controle, mas o grupo HLS apresentou fraca expressão para o GLUT-2. Entretanto, HLS-Px apresentou maior expressão do GLUT-2. O tratamento com óleo de peixe foi capaz de reduzir o ganho de massa corporal e a concentração de triglicerídeos, assim como reduzir o acúmulo de tecido adiposo,hipertrofia dos adipócitos, das ilhotas pancreáticas, assim como prevenir a redução do GLUT-2 em camundongos C57BL/6.