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18 girls from an orphanage (Orfanato Santo Antônio) in Niterói presented tinea capitis due to Trichophyton tonsurans (15 cases - 83.3%) and Microsporum canis (3 cases - 26.7%). Comments are made about clinical, mycological and therapeutic aspects of this microepidemy


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O espectro dos dermatófitos na região central do Rio Grande do Sul demonstrou importante variação na frequência das espécies no período 1988-1992. As espécies antropofilicas Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale e Epidermophyton floccosum diminuíram em frequência, enquanto as espécies zoofílicas Microsporum canis e T. mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes apresentaram sensível aumento. São comentadas as alterações na relação parasita/hospedeiro em função das alterações na morfología dos agentes e a dificuldade do isolamento destes agentes em cultivo.


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This paper reports the first case of human infection caused by Ttrichophyton vanbreuseghemii in Brazil.


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This paper reports the ocurrence of a focus of favus due to Trichophyton schoenleinii affecting seven members of a family, 29 years after the last register of the disease in Rio Grande do Sul


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Dermatophytoses comprise mycoses which are very frequently diagnosed in the routine of clinical laboratories of Florianópolis, like any other Brazilian cities. However, no clinical or epidemiological studies data have been published for that city so far. To partially clarify these questions, we carried out a study on this subject on patients who sought the mycology services of Hospital of Federal University of Santa Catarina, from January 1995 to November 1996. The most prevalent dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum (58.6%), followed by T. mentagrophytes (25.3%), Epidermophyton floccosum (7.2%), Microsporum canis (4.8%), T. tonsurans (1.6%) T. violaceum (1.6%) and M. gypseum (0.8%). The prevalence of T. mentagrophytes was significantly higher for females than for males, with a frequency of 37.3% and 16.0% respectively, which could be explained by higher infection of T. mentagrophytes in feet and nails, which were percentually more affected in females than in males. These results suggest that, in general, the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of dermatophytoses of our study have similar patterns of those occurring in other southern and southeastern Brazilian cities


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In order to evaluate the distribution of dermatophytes in Porto Alegre, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, they were isolated from the skin, hairs and nails samples and retrospectively analyzed from June 1981 to June 1995, in two different institutions in the city of Porto Alegre: (i) the Serviço de Micologia do Instituto de Pesquisas Biológicas Jandyr Maya Faillace, da Secretaria de Saúde e Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul which attends the low income population (low and middle classes) and, (ii) Laboratório Weinmann, a clinical pathology laboratory which attends predominantly the higher income population (middle and upper classes), both which attend in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. The dermatophyte predominance of Trichophyton rubrum was confirmed (55.33%) followed by T. mentagrophytes (21.46%). The data obtained were compared with the existing prevalence data which were collected in the interior of the state over a period of 32 years (1960-1992). T. verrucosum, T. simii, Microsporum persicolor, T. schöenleinii, M. nanum and M. cookei were isolated in the interior and have not been found in the capital so far. On the other side, T. violaceum was, isolated in the capital and has not been found in the interior so far.


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The authors report the first case of dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton raubitschekii in a patient from the State of São Paulo with Tinea corporis lesions localized on the buttocks. Culture on Sabouraud-agar with cycloheximide permitted the isolation and identification of the fungus, and the diagnosis was confirmed by Dr. Lynne Sigler, University of Alberta, Canada. Systemic treatment with fluconazole, 150 mg/week for 4 weeks, in combination with topical treatment with isoconazole initially yielded favorable results, with recurrence of the lesions after the medication was discontinued. This is the fifth case of this dermatophytosis published in the Brazilian medical literature.


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Trichophyton rubrum is an important cause of dermatomycoses. Molecular strain typing methods have recently been developed to address questions about epidemiology and source of relapse following treatment. This report describes the application of RAPD for molecular strain differentiation of this fungus utilizing the primers 1- (5'-d[GGTGCGGGAA]-3') and 6- (5'-d[CCCGTCAGCA]-3'). A total of five RAPD patterns were observed among 10 strains of T. rubrum, with each of the primers used. We conclude that RAPD analysis using primers 1 and 6 can be used in epidemiological studies.


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SUMMARYThe dermatophytes, keratinophilic fungi, represent important microorganisms of the soil microbiota, where there are cosmopolitan species and others with restricted geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge about the presence of dermatophytes in soils of urban (empty lots, schools, slums, squares, beaches and homes) and rural areas and about the evolution of their prevalence in soils of varying pH in cities of the four mesoregions of Paraiba State, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from 31 cities of Paraiba State. Of 212 samples, 62% showed fungal growth, particularly those from the Mata Paraibana mesoregion (43.5%), which has a tropical climate, hot and humid. Soil pH varied from 4.65 to 9.06, with 71% of the growth of dermatophytes occurring at alkaline pH (7.02 - 9.06) (ρ = 0.000). Of 131 strains isolated, 57.3% were geophilic species, particularly Trichophyton terrestre(31.3%) and Mycrosporum gypseum(21.4%). M. nanum and T. ajelloi were isolated for the first time in Paraiba State. The zoophilic species identified were T. mentagrophytes var.mentagrophytes (31.3 %) and T. verrucosum (7.6 %), and T. tonsurans was isolated as an anthropophilic species. The soils of urban areas including empty lots, schools, slums and squares of cities in the mesoregions of Paraiba State were found to be the most suitable reservoirs for almost all dermatophytes; their growth may have been influenced by environmental factors, soils with residues of human and/or animal keratin and alkaline pH.


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Os autores relatam a freqüência das micoses superficiais entre 143 internos de um orfanato da zona rural do Estado da Guanabara. Foram observados 21 pacientes com tinea pedis e 5 pacientes com pitiriase versicolor. O exame direto foi positivo em todos os casos; as culturas realizadas nas dermatofitoses mostraram 4 (19%) resultados positivos, sendo imolados o Trichopbyton mentagrophytes e o Trichophyton rubrum. O teste intradérmico com a tricofitina nos casos de tinea pedis mostrou 16 resultados positivos, ausência de reação em 2 casos e reação fraca em 3. O trabalho ressalta a importância das micoses superficiais em saúde pública e compara os resultados obtidos com dados oriundos de serviços de dermatologia.


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É descrito um caso de pseudomicetoma dermatofítico, recidivante, em paciente com lesões no couro cabeludo. O exame histopatológico de uma das lesões mostrou, nos tecidos, os agregados micelianos ou pseudogrânulos, característicos da enfermidade. Dos tecidos frescos de outras lesões foi isolado o dermatófito Trichophyton tonsurans. Exames micológicos adicionais falharam em demonstrar a existência de tinea capitis, possível fonte do pseudomicetoma. A raridade dessa forma de dermatofitose profunda justifica a presente publicação.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Onicomicoses são comuns em pacientes imunocomprometidos embora espécies emergentes tenham sido verificadas, modificado o perfil epidemiológico desta micose. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o perfil clínico e micológico da onicomicose em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV/AIDS. MÉTODOS: Amostras clínicas foram coletadas, processados para exame direto e a cultura mantida a temperatura de 30°C e 37ºC durante 15 dias. RESULTADOS: Dos 100 pacientes, 32 apresentavam onicomicose. Os agentes isolados foram Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii, Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Fusarium solani, Scytalidium hialinum, S. japonicum, Aspergillus niger, Cylindrocarpon destructans e Phialophora reptans. CONCLUSÕES: Onicomicoses em HIV/AIDS apresentam variadas manifestações clínicas e podem ser causadas por fungos emergentes. As peculiaridades apresentadas pelos diferentes agentes de origem fúngica justificam a necessidade de identificação ao nível da espécie, com a finalidade de orientar uma melhor abordagem terapêutica e minimizar a exposição desses pacientes a condições de risco de uma infecção disseminada.


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De 1981 a 1985, foram atendidos 96 acientes nas unidades de saúde: Instituto de Dermatologia Troppical e Venereologia "Alfredo da Matta" IDTV-AM e Serviço Médico do Instituto nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus-AM.Os portadores de diagnóstico clínico de Tiena pedis (pé-de-atleta), foram submetidos ao exame micológico, os quais revelaram que dos segmentos podais mais afetados foram os da Região plantar (42,0%) e interdigital (26,0%). Das 99 espécies fúngicas, 74% eram dermatófitos e 26% de leveduras. Dentre as espécies observadas, verificou-se que as mais frequentes por número de ocorrência foram: Trichophyton rubrum (335,5%), Trichopthyton mentagrophytes (25,00% e Candida sp. (25,0%).