145 resultados para TRIA
O artigo compara os sistemas eleitorais proporcional e majoritário. Traça vantagens e desvantagens entre os sistemas, a partir de uma reflexão básica quanto ao papel do Parlamento (representação, deliberação, decisão).
P>Multicellular development in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is triggered by starvation. It involves a series of morphogenetic movements, among them being the rising of the spore mass to the tip of the stalk. The process requires precise coordination between two distinct cell types-presumptive (pre-) spore cells and presumptive (pre-) stalk cells. Trishanku (triA) is a gene expressed in prespore cells that is required for normal morphogenesis. The triA- mutant shows pleiotropic effects that include an inability of the spore mass to go all the way to the top. We have examined the cellular behavior required for the normal ascent of the spore mass. Grafting and mixing experiments carried out with tissue fragments and cells show that the upper cup, a tissue that derives from prestalk cells and anterior-like cells (ALCs), does not develop properly in a triA- background. A mutant upper cup is unable to lift the spore mass to the top of the fruiting body, likely due to defective intercellular adhesion. If wild-type upper cup function is provided by prestalk and ALCs, trishanku spores ascend all the way. Conversely, Ax2 spores fail to do so in chimeras in which the upper cup is largely made up of mutant cells. Besides proving that under these conditions the wild-type phenotype of the upper cup is necessary and sufficient for terminal morphogenesis in D. discoideum, this study provides novel insights into developmental and evolutionary aspects of morphogenesis in general. Genes that are active exclusively in one cell type can elicit behavior in a second cell type that enhances the reproductive fitness of the first cell type, thereby showing that morphogenesis is a cooperative process.
We have identified a novel gene, trishanku (triA), by random insertional mutagenesis of Dictyostelium discoideum. TriA is a Broad complex Tramtrack bric-a-brac domain-containing protein that is expressed strongly during the late G2 phase of cell cycle and in presumptive spore (prespore (psp)) cells. Disrupting triA destabilizes cell fate and reduces aggregate size; the fruiting body has a thick stalk, a lowered spore: stalk ratio, a sub-terminal spore mass and small, rounded spores. These changes revert when the wild-type triA gene is re-expressed under a constitutive or a psp-specific promoter. By using short- and long-lived reporter proteins, we show that in triA(-) slugs the prestalk (pst)/psp proportion is normal, but that there is inappropriate transdifferentiation between the two cell types. During culmination, regardless of their current fate, all cells with a history of pst gene expression contribute to the stalk, which could account for the altered cell-type proportion in the mutant.
In the trishanku (triA(-)) mutant of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, aggregates are smaller than usual and the spore mass is located mid-way up the stalk, not at the apex. We have monitored aggregate territory size, spore allocation and fruiting body morphology in chimaeric groups of (quasi-wild-type) Ax2 and triA(-) cells. Developmental canalisation breaks down in chimaeras and leads to an increase in phenotypic variation. A minority of triA(-) cells causes largely Ax2 aggregation streams to break up; the effect is not due to the counting factor. Most chimaeric fruiting bodies resemble those of Ax2 or triA(-). Others are double-deckers with a single stalk and two spore masses, one each at the terminus and midway along the stalk. The relative number of spores belonging to the two genotypes depends both on the mixing ratio and on the fruiting body morphology. In double-deckers formed from 1:1 chimaeras, the upper spore mass has more Ax2 spores, and the lower spore mass more triA(-) spores, than expected. Thus, the traits under study depend partly on the cells' own genotype and partly on the phenotypes, and so genotypes, of other cells: they are both autonomous and non-autonomous. These findings strengthen the parallels between multicellular development and behaviour in social groups. Besides that, they reinforce the point that a trait can be associated with a genotype only in a specified context.
Pre-starvation amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum exhibit random movements. Starved cells aggregate by directed movements (chemotaxis) towards cyclic AMP and differentiate into live spores or dead stalk cells. Many differences between presumptive spore and stalk cells precede differentiation. We have examined whether cell motility-related factors are also among them. Cell speeds and localisation of motility-related signalling molecules were monitored by live cell imaging and immunostaining (a) in nutrient medium during growth, (b) immediately following transfer to starvation medium and (c) in nutrient medium that was re-introduced after a brief period of starvation. Cells moved randomly under all three conditions but mean speeds increased following transfer from nutrient medium to starvation medium; the transition occurred within 15 min. The distribution of speeds in starvation medium was bimodal: about 20% of the cells moved significantly faster than the remaining 80%. The motility-related molecules F-actin, PTEN and PI3 kinase were distributed differently in slow and fast cells. Among starved cells, the calcium content of slower cells was lower than that of the faster cells. All differences reverted within 15 min after restoration of the nutrient medium. The slow/fast distinction was missing in Polysphondylium pallidum, a cellular slime mould that lacks the presumptive stalk and spore cell classes, and in the trishanku (triA(center dot)) mutant of D. discoideum, in which the classes exist but are unstable. The transition from growth to starvation triggers a spontaneous and reversible switch in the distribution of D. discoideum cell speeds. Cells whose calcium content is relatively low (known to be presumptive spore cells) move slower than those whose calcium levels are higher (known to be presumptive stalk cells). Slow and fast cells show different distributions of motility-related proteins. The switch is indicative of a bistable mechanism underlying cell motility.
Para reabilitar a ausência de um elemento dentário posterior, as próteses parciais fixas (PPF) com retentores intracoronários são uma alternativa aos implantes osseointegrados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição de tensões nessas próteses com três combinações de materiais: cerâmica de zircônia parcialmente estabilizada por ítria (ZPEI) revestida por cerâmica de fluorapatita (α), cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio (β) ou compósito fibrorreforçado (γ). Na composição α, foram analisadas a presença ou ausência da cerâmica de revestimento na parede cervical das caixas proximais e três variações na área total da seção transversal dos conectores (4 mm de largura x 3,2, 4,2 ou 5,2 mm de altura). Em 8 modelos bidimensionais de elementos finitos, uma carga vertical de 500 N foi aplicada na fossa central do pôntico e as tensões principais máximas (tração) e mínimas (compressão) foram apontadas em MPa. Inicialmente foram avaliados os 6 modelos com PPF de ZPEI e suas variações. Os maiores valores das tensões de tração foram encontrados no terço cervical dos conectores. Quando presente nestas regiões, a cerâmica de revestimento recebeu tensões acima do limite de sua resistência à flexão. Na comparação entre os modelos sem cerâmica de revestimento na parede cervical das caixas proximais, mesmo aquele com conectores de 3,2 x 4 mm, cuja infraestrutura apresentava 2,5 x 3 mm, poderia ser recomendado para uso clínico. Altos valores de tensões de compressão foram registrados entre o terço oclusal e médio dos conectores, correspondente à união entre as cerâmicas, o que poderia ocasionar, devido à flexão, falhas adesivas. Posteriormente, o modelo de ZPEI com a cerâmica de fluorapatita ausente da parede cervical das caixas proximais e área total dos conectores de 4,2 x 4 mm foi comparado aos dois outros materiais com conectores de mesma área. Na PPF de dissilicato de lítio, os valores representaram uma provável violação do limite de sua resistência à flexão. A PPF de compósito fibrorreforçado apresentou tensões bem abaixo do limite de resistência à flexão de sua infraestrutura, mas, como no modelo de ZPEI, tensões compressivas se concentraram com alto valor entre o terço oclusal e médio dos conectores, local de união entre a resina composta e a infraestrutura de fibras. Os resultados mostraram que a cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio e a presença da cerâmica de fluorapatita na parede cervical das caixas proximais deveriam ser contraindicadas para a condição proposta. Parece viável uma área de conectores na infraestrutura de ZPEI com no mínimo 2,5 x 3 mm. A PPF de compósito fibrorreforçado apresenta resistência estrutural para a situação estudada, mas, como também aquelas compostas de ZPEI, aparenta ter como pontos fracos a adesão entre a infraestrutura e o material de cobertura e a própria resistência deste último.
Azken urte hauetan industriak izan duen garapenak, onura asko ekarri ditu, hala nola, bizi maila eta kalitatea gora egin dute. Baina dena ez dira alde onak, izan ere, prozesu honek, kutsagarriak eta oso konplexuak diren hondakinak sortu ditu. Kutsadura hau ez du soilik oreka ekologikoa n kalte egiten, izan ere, kutsadura hau dagoen guneetan ere eragin handia dauka. Hori dela eta , ingurumenaren babesa gero eta garrantzi handiagoa hartzen ari da. Horretarako, industriak sortzen dituen hondakinen tratamendurako prozesuetan, inbertsio ekonomiko handiak egin behar dira. Hau ez da soilik legea betetzeko egin behar, baizik eta, indus tria merkatuan dagoen konpetentzian toki on bat lortzeko oso garrantzitsua da. Jariakinen tratamenduaren xedea dituzten araztegiak duten arazo printzipala, jariakin hauetan dauden metal astunen presentzia da. Metal hauek, araztegi hauetan ematen diren pro zesu biologikoen zai ltasuna bermatzen dute eta animali, landare eta giza osasunean efektu toxikoak izaten dituzte. Baimenduta dauden kontzentrazioen limitea betetzeko, industriak normalean isurketan egin baino lehen, aurretratamendu bat egitera behartuta ikusten dira, toxikoak diren edo oso oldarkorrak diren produktuak kentzeko. Adibidez, Industria Hidrometalurgiakoak , oso kontzentrazio baxuetan metal astunak isurtzen ditu, baina kantitate hauek baimenduta daude, industria hau erabiltzen dituen emari handiak direla eta. Normalean hondakin industrialetatik kanpora isurt zen diren metal astunak , kontzentrazio baxuetan eg ot en dira . Honek, errentagarritasun positiboa du ten araztegi tekniken aplikazioa ahalbideratzen du. Kutsadura hau sortzen dituzten prozesu industrial mota asko existitzen direnez, metal hauek, oso diluituak dauden disoluzioetatik banatu behar dira. Horretara ko, metal baliotsuen errekuperazioa eta isurketa industrialaren legeak betetzea bermatzen duten, banaketa prozesuak sortu behar izan d ira. Jarraian, helburu hau duten teknika batzuk azaltzen dira
The Community-based Coastal Resource Management Project in Orion, Bataan, Philippines was started in 1991. The village level fishers organizations have formed a municipal-wide association called the Samahan at Ugnayan ng Pangisdaan sa Orion (SUGPO). It represents 70% of the small-scale fishers in Orion and has taken on the task of rehabilitating the degraded fishing grounds. The experience in Orion indicates that coastal resource management can be successful if the fishers have ownership of the program and the costs and benefits of the program are distributed equally in a manner acceptable to them.
Las deducciones que a lo largo de la historia se han realizado en torno al teorema de Pitágoras pueden ayudar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que realmente necesitan nuestros estudiantes, con el fin de que comprendan los conceptos a través de la reconstrucción de un método, de tal manera que no mecanicen reglas sino mas bien se logre aumentar y relacionar los conceptos adquiridos previamente de tal manera que se logre una mejor comprensión. Usaremos el enfoque histórico como una propuesta metodológica que actué como motivación para el alumno, ya que por medio de ella el estudiante descubrirá como generar los conceptos a través de métodos que aprenderá en clase. Discutiremos los conceptos y propiedades fundamentales de magnitudes, tales como la longitud y el área de figuras geométricas dadas en una y dos dimensiones, repasaremos los conceptos del producto notable del cuadrado de la suma de dos cantidades desde el punto de vista geométrico lo cual nos ayudara a inducir la demostración del teorema de Pitágoras a través de triángulos rectángulos notables e isósceles rectángulos, tomando en consideración el área de los cuadrados que se encuentra en los lados de dichos triángulos. Esto nos ayudara a recalcar la generalización del teorema de Pitágoras a través de figuras regulares. Las deducciones se harán pasando de la rama de la matemática llamada Algebra, conjugándola o dándole soporte con otra que muestra la forma estructural, como lo es la Geometría.
O mito de Helena de Tróia, alicerçado em referências dispersas em vários testemunhos clássicos, continuou a exercer um poderoso fascínio criativo ao longo dos tempos. Em O Rancor, Hélia Correia retextualiza o mito da rainha de Esparta, baseando-se nas múltiplas imagens que dela a tradição clássica veiculou, mas apresentando-a a uma luz profundamente humana. Neste trabalho, partindo dos elementos constantes do retrato de Helena de Tróia nos diferentes autores clássicos, analisa-se o modo como o percurso da personagem é revisitado no drama de Hélia Correia.
Directionally solidified zirconia-based eutectic (DSE) fibres were obtained using the laser floating zone (LFZ) method. Two systems were investigated: zirconia-barium zirconate and zirconia-mullite. The purpose was to take advantage of zirconia properties, particularly as an ionic conductor and a mechanical rein-forcement phase. The influence of processing conditions in the structural and microstructural characteristics and their consequences on the electrical and mechanical behaviour were the focus of this thesis. The novel zirconia-barium zirconate eutectic materials were developed in order to combine oxygen ionic conduction through zirconia with protonic conduction from barium zirconate, promoting mixed ionic conduction behaviour. The mi-crostructure of the fibres comprises two alternated regions: bands having coarser zirconia-rich microstructure; and inter-band regions changing from a homogeneous coupled eutectic, at the lowest pulling rate, to columnar colony microstructure, for the faster grown fibres. The bands inter-distance increases with the growth rate and, at 300 mm/h, zirconia dendrites develop enclosed in a fine-interpenetrated network of 50 vol.% ZrO2-50 vol.% BaZrO3. Both phases display contiguity without interphase boundaries, according to impedance spec-troscopy data. Yttria-rich compositions were considered in order to promote the yttrium incorporation in both phases, as revealed by Raman spectroscopy and corroborated by the elemental chemical analysis in energy dispersive spectros-copy. This is a mandatory condition to attain simultaneous contribution to the mixed ionic conduction. Such results are supported by impedance spectrosco-py measurements, which clearly disclose an increase of total ionic conduction for lower temperatures in wet/reduction atmospheres (activation energies of 35 kJ/mol in N2+H2 and 48 kJ/mol in air, in the range of 320-500 ºC) compared to the dry/oxidizing conditions (attaining values close to 90 kJ/mol, above 500 ºC). At high temperatures, the proton incorporation into the barium zirconate is un-favourable, so oxygen ion conduction through zirconia prevails, in dry and oxi-dizing environments, reaching a maximum of 1.3x10-2 S/cm in dry air, at ~1000 ºC. The ionic conduction of zirconia was alternatively combined with another high temperature oxygen ion conductor, as mullite, in order to obtain a broad elec-trolytic domain. The growth rate has a huge influence in the amount of phases and microstructure of the directionally solidified zirconia-mullite fibres. Their microstructure changes from planar coupled eutectic to dendritic eutectic mor-phology, when the growth rate rises from 1 to 500 mm/h, along with an incre-ment of tetragonal zirconia content. Furthermore, high growth rates lead to the development of Al-Si-Y glassy phase, and thus less mullite amount, which is found to considerably reduce the total ionic conduction of as-grown fibres. The reduction of the glassy phase content after annealing (10h; 1400 ºC) promotes an increase of the total ionic conduction (≥0.01 S/cm at 1370 °C), raising the mullite and tetragonal zirconia contents and leading to microstructural differ-ences, namely the distribution and size of the zirconia constituent. This has important consequences in conductivity by improving the percolation pathways. A notable increase in hardness is observed from 11.3 GPa for the 10 mm/h pulled fibre to 21.2 GPa for the fibre grown at 500 mm/h. The ultra-fine eutectic morphology of the 500 mm/h fibres results in a maximum value of 534 MPa for room temperature bending strength, which decreases to about one-fourth of this value at high temperature testing (1400 ºC) due to the soft nature of the glassy-matrix.
The planar design of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is the most promising one due to its easier fabrication, improved performance and relatively high power density. In planar SOFCs and other solid-electrolyte devices, gas-tight seals must be formed along the edges of each cell and between the stack and gas manifolds. Glass and glass-ceramic (GC), in particular alkaline-earth alumino silicate based glasses and GCs, are becoming the most promising materials for gas-tight sealing applications in SOFCs. Besides the development of new glass-based materials, new additional concepts are required to overcome the challenges being faced by the currently existing sealant technology. The present work deals with the development of glasses- and GCs-based materials to be used as a sealants for SOFCs and other electrochemical functional applications. In this pursuit, various glasses and GCs in the field of diopside crystalline materials have been synthesized and characterized by a wide array of techniques. All the glasses were prepared by melt-quenching technique while GCs were produced by sintering of glass powder compacts at the temperature ranges from 800−900 ºC for 1−1000 h. Furthermore, the influence of various ionic substitutions, especially SrO for CaO, and Ln2O3 (Ln=La, Nd, Gd, and Yb), for MgO + SiO2 in Al-containing diopside on the structure, sintering and crystallization behaviour of glasses and properties of resultant GCs has been investigated, in relevance with final application as sealants in SOFC. From the results obtained in the study of diopside-based glasses, a bilayered concept of GC sealant is proposed to overcome the challenges being faced by (SOFCs). The systems designated as Gd−0.3 (in mol%: 20.62MgO−18.05CaO−7.74SrO−46.40SiO2−1.29Al2O3 − 2.04 B2O3−3.87Gd2O3) and Sr−0.3 (in mol%: 24.54 MgO−14.73 CaO−7.36 SrO−0.55 BaO−47.73 SiO2−1.23 Al2O3−1.23 La2O3−1.79 B2O3−0.84 NiO) have been utilized to realize the bi-layer concept. Both GCs exhibit similar thermal properties, while differing in their amorphous fractions, revealed excellent thermal stability along a period of 1,000 h. They also bonded well to the metallic interconnect (Crofer22APU) and 8 mol% yttrium stabilized zirconium (8YSZ) ceramic electrolyte without forming undesirable interfacial layers at the joints of SOFC components and GC. Two separated layers composed of glasses (Gd−0.3 and Sr−0.3) were prepared and deposited onto interconnect materials using a tape casting approach. The bi-layered GC showed good wetting and bonding ability to Crofer22APU plate, suitable thermal expansion coefficient (9.7–11.1 × 10–6 K−1), mechanical reliability, high electrical resistivity, and strong adhesion to the SOFC componets. All these features confirm the good suitability of the investigated bi-layered sealant system for SOFC applications.
Ekenäs seminarium skötte den finlandssvenska folkskollärarinneutbildningen åren 1871-1974. Seminariets bibliotek flyttades, då skolan upphörde 1974, till Österbottens högskolas bibliotek och därifrån till Tritonia 2001. Samlingen består av ca. 8.000 böcker (207,6 hyllmeter) från olika ämnesområden med betoning på pedagogik, religion, historia och skönlitteratur. Över 90% av litteraturen är på svenska. Samlingen utgör ett intressant tidsdokument över den litteratur som användes i lärarutbildningen från medlet av 1800-talet till grundskolans införande. I samlingen ingår även en stor mängd årsberättelser från olika skolor, skolstatistik och protokoll från olika nationella lärarmöten samt pedagogiska tidskrifter. I samlingen finns även ett litet antal böcker och tidskrifter från Nykarleby seminarium, den finlandssvenska folkskollärarutbildningen, som även den upphörde 1974. Böckerna är ordnade ämnesvis enligt SAB (Sveriges allmänna bibliotek) i huvudklasser och inom dessa i alfabetisk ordning. Samlingen är inte katalogiserad i Tria.
F. 13-142v [Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones excerpti e collectione sermonum festivalium per anni circulum]; cf. Schneyer, Repert. lat. Serm., III, 246-268. [In Nativitate]; cf. ibid., n° 319, incomplet du début, et n° 324 (13-18v); — « In circumcissione [sic] Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 346 et 347 (18v-24); — « In Epiphania Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 351 et 354 (24-28v); — « In Purificatione sancte Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 374 et 376 (28v-34); — « In Adnunciatione beate Marie.; cf. ibid., n° 396 (34-36v) et n° 397, incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (38-39); — « De s. Johanne Baptista »; cf. ibid., n° 465 et 467 (39-44); — « De apostolis Petro et Paulo »; cf. ibid., n° 471 et 473 (44-49v); — « De b. Paulo apostolo »; cf. ibid., n° 474 (49v-53); — « De s. Maria Magdalena »; cf. ibid., n° 479 et 480 (53-59v); — « De b. Laurentio martyre »; cf. ibid., n° 497 et 499 (59v-65); — « In Assumpcione b. Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 504 et 509 (65-72v); — « De s. Augustino »; cf. ibid., n° 521 et 523 (72v-79v); — « In Nativitate b. Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 528 et 530, incomplet de la fin, en réclame « virginis » (79v-84v); — [De s. Michaele]; cf. ibid., n° 544, incomplet du début par lacune matérielle, et n° 550 (86-90v); — « In festo omnium sanctorum »; cf. ibid., n° 568 et 570 (90v-96v); — « De mortuis »; cf. ibid., n° 574-577 (96v-107v); — « De s. Martino »; cf. ibid., n° 582, incomplet de la fin (107v-109v) et n° 583 incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (111-113v); — « De b. Katerina »; cf. ibid., n° 591 et 592 (113v-119v); — « De dedicacione ecclesie »; cf. ibid., n° 594 et 595 (119v-127); — « De consecracione altaris »; cf. ibid., n° 597 (127-130); — « De vestibus sacris sacerdotis quid significant »; cf. ibid., n° 598 (130-134); — « De exposicione misse »; cf. ibid., n° 599 et 600 (134-142v). F. 142v-146 « Sermo ad religiosos. Quia existis indesertum... (Mt. XI, 7). Istam questionem quam fecit Dominus... ». F. 146-150v [Guillelmus de Malliaco, Sermo excerptus e collectione sermonum de Tempore dicta « Abjiciamus »]; cf. Schneyer, op. cit., II, 483-489. « De visitacione et officio visitacionis »; cf. ibid., n° 72. F. 150v-158 Sermones. « In concilio magnatum. Quoniam ecce reges terre... (Ps. XLVII, 5). Hic duo tanguntur scilicet magnorum conveniencia temporalis... » (150v-151v); — « In synodo clericorum. Pro patribus tui nati sunt tibi filii... (Ps. XLIV, 17). Adtendant ecclesiarum prelati tria... » (151v-155); — « Sermo ad religiosos. Deus qui habit are facit unanimes in domo secundum hebraicam veritatem et secundum Johannem. Deus qui habitare racit monachos... » (155-158). F. 158-160v [Jacobus de Voragine, Sermo de s. Mathia] « Sermo in electione », incomplet par lacune matérielle, en réclame « vir perfectus »; cr. Schneyer, loc. cit., n° 382, moins développé. F. 161-169v [Ogerius Locediensis] « Planctus b. Bernardi de dolore Marie virginis propter filium » (en titre-courant). « Quis dabit capiti meo aquam et oculis meis imbrem sicut presens dies demostrat [sic] cunctis aperte. Inclita regina celica rosa flos sine spina// ...memento mei »; extrait du De Laudibus b. Virginis, rédaction B; cf. H. Barré, dans Revue d'ascétique et de mystique, XXVIII (1952), 243-266, mss. et éditions. Le texte est incomplet par lacune matérielle, un f. ayant été coupé entre les fr. 163 et 164. F. 169v-184 Sermones. « Sermo in Assumptione b. Marie. Surrexit rex in occursum... (III Reg. II, 19). Quam multiplici figura Salomon ille... », incomplet de la fin (169v-171v); — sermon incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (174); — « Sermo in capite jejunii. Convertimini ad Dominum Deum vestrum... (Joel II, 13). Agreditur hodie Spiritus sanctus multitudinem peccatorum... » (174-175v); — « Sermo in Paraceve. Cum egressus fuero de urbe... (Ex. lX, 29). Verba ista sunt Moysi qui gerit typum Salvatoris... » (175v-180v); — « Alius sermo in Paraceve. O vos omnes qui transitis per viam... (Thren. I, 12). Consideranti michi piam et superpiam materiam... » (180v-183v); — « Domine, bonum est nos hic esse... (Lc. lX, 33). Ubi? Petro. Isti enim tria tanguntur in mentis sublimitate... » (183v-184). F. 184v Table des ff. 1 à 193. — Addition fin XIVe s. F. 185-193 Sermones. « Sermo in Nativitate. Sicut lux aurore oriente sole... (II Reg. XXIII, 4, 2). Verba sunt David cui Dominus... » (185-186); — « Sermo in Paraceve. Deducant oculi nostri lacrimas... (Jer. lX, 18). ...ut gloriosa Virgo septies flevisse.. » (186-191); — « Quod Corpus Christi vere sit in altari. Cenantibus autem eis, accepit Jesus panem... Item Joh. (VI, 51): Ego sum panis vivus... Credebant enim quod manducaretur sicut alie carnes. ..) (191-193). F. 193v Table des ff. 194 à 285. — Addition fin XIVe s. La suite de la table a été coupée. F. 194-335v Sermones de Tempore, excerpti praesertim e collectione « Abjiciamus » Guillelmi de Malliaco et e collectionibus De Tempore et De Sanctis et festis Jacobi de Voragine; cf. Schneyer, op. cit., II, 483-489 et III, 221-233 et 246-268. F. 194-208. [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 1a in Adventu Domini »; cf. Schneyer, II, loc. cit., n° 1 et 2 (194-203); Dom. 2a »; cf. ibid., n° 3 (203-208). F. 208-213 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. 2a in Adventu Domini »; cf. Schneyer, III, loc. cit., n° 5. F. 213-218 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 3a »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 6. F. 218-222 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. 3a »; cf. Schneyer, III, n° 8. F. 222v-228 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 4a »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 7. F. 228-232 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. eadem »; cf. Schneyer, III, n° 11. F. 232-236. « Feria 4a in capite jejunii. Cum jejunatis nolite fieri... (Mt. VI, 16). Hodie incipit tempus penitentie... ». F. 236-240 « De eadem feria. Convertimini ad me in toto corde... (Joel II, 12). Homo per peccatum tria mala incurrit... ». F. 240-246 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 1a in quadragesima »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 25. F. 246-319 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. eadem »; cf. Schneyer, 111, n° 41 (246-251v); — « Dom. 2a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid. n° 44 et 45 (251v-259v); — « Dom. 3a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid., n° 47 et 48 (259v-270); — « Dom. 4a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid., n° 50 et 51 (270-279v); — « Dom. de passione »; cf. ibid., n° 53 et 54 (279v-290); — « Dom. de Ramis »; cf. ibid., n° 56 et 57 (290-302); — « In Cena Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 401 et 402 (302-307v); — « In Parasceve »; cf. ibid., n° 405 et 411 (307v-312); — « In die Pasce »; cf. ibid., n° 414 et 415 (312-316v); — « Feria 2a post Pasca »; cf. ibid., n° 419 (316v-319). F. 319-325v « De eadem feria. Duo ex discipulis Jhesu ibant... (Lc. XXIV, 13). Introduxit nos Dominus in terram fluentem lac... » F. 326-334 [Jacobus de Voragine] « In adscensione Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 446 et 445 (326-329v); — [In Pentecoste]; cf. ibid., n° 452 et 457 (329v-334). F. 334-335v « De eodem. Ad Deum [sic pro: eum] veniemus et mansionem... (Job. XIV, 23). Super illo verbo dicit b. Eusebius... ». F. 335v-337v Extraits patristiques. « Incipiunt quedam problemata. Lingua mea calamus ego sum. » Sont cités s. Grégoire, s. Paul, s. Augustin, s. Isidore, Boèce, Bède, Josèphe, s. Hilaire, etc.