974 resultados para TRANSFER MECHANISMS


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In recent years, an increasing attention has been given to the optimization of the performances of new supramolecular systems, as antennas for light collection. In such background, the aim of this thesis was the study of multichromophoric architectures capable of performing such basic action. A synthetic antenna should consist of a structure with large UV-Vis absorption cross-section, panchromatic absorption, fixed orientation of the components and suitable energy gradients between them, in order to funnel absorbed energy towards a specific site, through fast energy-transfer processes. Among the systems investigated in this thesis, three suitable classes of compounds can be identified: 1) transition metal-based multichromophoric arrays, as models for antenna construction, 2) free-base trans-A2B-phenylcorroles, as self-assembling systems to make effective mimics of the photosynthetic system, and 3) a natural harvester, the Photosystem I, immobilized on the photoanode of a solar-to-fuel conversion device. The discussion starts with the description of the photophysical properties of dinuclear quinonoid organometallic systems, able to fulfil some of the above mentioned absorption requirements, displaying in some cases panchromatic absorption. The investigation is extended to the efficient energy transfer processes occurring in supramolecular architectures, suitably organized around rigid organic scaffolds, such as spiro-bifluorene and triptycene. Furthermore, the photophysical characterization of three trans-A2B-phenylcorroles with different substituents on the meso-phenyl ring is introduced, revealing the tendency of such macrocycles to self-organize into dimers, by mimicking natural self-aggregates antenna systems. In the end, the photophysical analysis moved towards the natural super-complex PSI-LHCI, immobilized on the hematite surface of the photoanode of a bio-hybrid dye-sensitized solar cell. The importance of the entire work is related to the need for a deep understanding of the energy transfer mechanisms occurring in supramolecules, to gain insights and improve the strategies for governing the directionality of the energy flow in the construction of well-performing antenna systems.


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The integration of novel nanomaterials with highly-functional biological molecules has advanced multiple fields including electronics, sensing, imaging, and energy harvesting. This work focuses on the creation of a new type of bio-nano hybrid substrate for military biosensing applications. Specifically it is shown that the nano-scale interactions of the optical protein bacteriorhodopsin and colloidal semiconductor quantum dots can be utilized as a generic sensing substrate. This work spans from the basic creation of the protein to its application in a novel biosensing system. The functionality of this sensor design originates from the unique interactions between the quantum dot and bacteriorhodopsin molecule when in nanoscale proximity. A direct energy transfer relationship has been established between coreshell quantum dots and the optical protein bacteriorhodopsin that substantially enhances the protein’s native photovoltaic capabilities. This energy transfer phenomena is largely distance dependent, in the sub-10nm realm, and is characterized experimentally at multiple separation distances. Experimental results on the energy transfer efficiency in this hybrid system correlate closely to theoretical predictions. Deposition of the hybrid system with nano-scale control has allowed for the utilization of this energy transfer phenomena as a modulation point for a functional biosensor prototype. This work reveals that quantum dots have the ability to activate the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle through both photonic and non-photonic energy transfer mechanisms. By altering the energy transferred to the bacteriorhodopsin molecule from the quantum dot, the electrical output of the protein can be modulated. A biosensing prototype was created in which the energy transfer relationship is altered upon target binding, demonstrating the applicability of a quantum dot/bacteriorhodopsin hybrid system for sensor applications. The electrical nature of this sensing substrate will allow for its efficient integration into a nanoelectronics array form, potentially leading to a small-low power sensing platform for remote toxin detection applications.


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Experiments using planktonic organisms revealed that the balance of radiant energy and available nutrients regulated herbivore growth rates through their effects on abundance and chemical composition of primary producers. Both algae and herbivores were energy limited at low light/nutrient ratios, but both were nutrient limited at high light/nutrient ratios. Herbivore growth increased with increasing light intensity at low values of the light/nutrient ratio due to increases in algal biomass, but growth decreased with increasing light at a high light/nutrient ratio due to decreases in algal quality. Herbivore production therefore was maximal at intermediate levels of the light/nutrient ratio. The results contribute to an understanding of mass transfer mechanisms in ecosystems and illustrate the importance of integration of energy-based and material-based currencies in ecology.


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O presente trabalho trata da relação entre estratégias de diversificação junto a produção rural familiar e os incentivos decorrentes das diferentes estruturas de governança que determinam as relações sistêmicas de troca e divisão do trabalho. A necessidade de manutenção no nível de bem-estar social associado a renda familiar e as contingências do ambiente em que este segmento se insere leva a considerar o processo de inovação como fenômeno transitório onde a firma rural adote diferentes fontes de rendimento, dentro e fora da propriedade. A compreensão de como as variáveis transacionais (incerteza, especificidade dos ativos, frequência e interação entre transações) interferem na decisão de alocação de recursos pode ser útil no delineamento de políticas voltadas ao desenvolvimento local sustentável. Para isso, um modelo heurístico é proposto relacionando duas variáveis: complementariedade estratégica e mobilidade. Quatro comunidades fornecedoras de insumos da sociobiodiversidade brasileira ajudam a ilustrar a proposta analítica, a saber: Salvaterra, Bragança, Breves, no estado do Pará, e Palmeira do Piauí no estado do Piauí. A conclusão é que os atores econômicos agem conforme suas capacidades tecnológicas e gerenciais e combinação de incentivos externos a firma, o que reflete em sua capacidade de manter o nível de renda.


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No presente trabalho foram avaliados processos alternativos de dessalinização visando a recuperação e reuso da água contida em salmouras concentradas, sendo o processo de cristalização assistida por destilação por membranas (MDC) investigado com profundidade. Foi desenvolvido um modelo diferencial para o processo de destilação por membranas por contato direto (DCMD), contemplando métodos termodinâmicos rigorosos para sistemas aquosos de eletrólitos fortes, bem como mecanismos de transferência de calor e massa e efeitos de polarização de temperatura e concentração característicos deste processo de separação. Com base em simulações realizadas a partir do modelo matemático assim desenvolvido, foram investigados os principais parâmetros que influenciam o projeto de um módulo de membranas para DCMD. O modelo foi posteriormente estendido com equações de balanço de massa e energia adicionais para incluir a operação de cristalização e desta forma representar o processo de MDC. De posse dos resultados das simulações e do modelo estendido, foi desenvolvido um método hierárquico para o projeto de processos de MDC, com o objetivo de conferir características de rastreabilidade e repetibilidade a esta atividade. Ainda a partir do modelo MDC foram discutidos aspectos importantes em MDC como a possibilidade de nucleação e crescimento de cristais sobre a superfície das membranas, bem como o comportamento do processo com sais com diferentes características de solubilidade e largura da zona metaestável. Verificou-se que para sais cuja solubilidade varia muito pouco com a temperatura e que possuem zona metaestável com pequena largura, caso do NaCl, a operação com resfriamento no cristalizador não é viável pois aumenta excessivamente o consumo energético do processo, sendo nesses casos preferível a operação \"isotérmica\" - sem resfriamento no cristalizador - e o convívio com a possibilidade de nucleação no interior do módulo. No extremo oposto, observou-se que para sais com grande variabilidade da solubilidade com a temperatura, um pequeno resfriamento no cristalizador é suficiente para garantir condições de subsaturação no interior do módulo, sem grande ônus energético para o processo. No caso de sais com pequena variabilidade da solubilidade com a temperatura, mas com largura da zona metaestável elevada, existe certo ônus energético para a operação com resfriamento do cristalizador, porém não tão acentuado como no caso de sais com zona metaestável estreita. Foi proposto um fluxograma alternativo para o processo de MDC, onde foi introduzido um circuito de pré-concentração da alimentação antes do circuito de cristalização, para o caso de alimentação com soluções muito diluídas. Este esquema proporcionou um aumento do fluxo permeado global do processo e consequentemente uma redução na área total de membrana requerida. Verificou-se que através do processo com préconcentração da alimentação de 5% até 10% em massa - no caso de dessalinização de uma solução de NaCl - foi possível reduzir-se a área total da membrana em 27,1% e o consumo energético específico do processo em 10,6%, quando comparado ao processo sem pré-concentração. Foram desenvolvidas ferramentas úteis para o projeto de processos de dessalinização por MDC em escala industrial.


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The rates of reduction of FeO from iron-saturated FeO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slags by graphite, coke, bituminous coal and anthracitic coal chars at temperatures in the range 1 673-1873 K have been measured using a sessile drop technique. The extents of reaction were determined using EPMA analysis of quenched samples, and on line gas analysis using a quadrupole mass spectrometer. The reaction rates have been shown to be dependent critically on carbon type. For the reaction geometry used in this investigation the reduction rates of graphite and coke are observed to be faster than with coal chars. This unexpected finding is shown to be associated with differences in the dominant chemical and mass transfer mechanisms occurring at the reaction interface. High reaction rates are observed to occur with the formation of liquid Fe-C alloy product and the associated gasification of carbon from the alloy. The rates of reduction by coal chars are determined principally by the chemical reaction at the carbon/gas interface and slag phase mass transfer.


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Az EU-ban, a mai állapotok szerint, csak „transzferunióról” beszélhetünk és nem egységes piacról. Az eurós pénzfolyamatok eltorzítva közvetítik a versenyképességet is: mind az árukban és vagyontárgyakban, mind – főleg – a pénzügyi eszközökben megtestesült munkákat/teljesítményeket rosszul árazzák. Egy ilyen keretben különösen könnyen alakul ki az, amit potyautas-problémának nevezünk, vagyis ahol tényleges vagy mérhető teljesítményleadás, vagy éppen fizetés nélkül lehet fogyasztani, és túl olcsón lehet szabad forrásokhoz jutni. Az eurózóna számos közvetítő mechanizmusában is tökéletlen. A sok, szuverénadósság-présbe került tagország között van kicsi, közepes és nagy is. Ez a tény, valamint az általános növekedési és munkapiaci problémák, egyértelműen „rendszerszintű zavarokat” jeleznek, amelyeket ebben a dolgozatban teljesítmény közvetítési-átviteli problémának hívunk, és ezért egy szokatlan, ám annál beszédesebb, elektromosenergia-átviteli rendszeranalógiával segítünk értelmezni. Megmutatjuk, hogy egy jó nagyvállalat miért jobb pénzügyi tervező, mint egy azonos méretű állam. _____ Why are ill-defined transfer mechanisms diverting valuable assets and resources to the wrong destination within the EU? Why do we witness ongoing pressure in the EU banking sector and in government finances? We offer an unusual answer to these questions: we apply an analogy from physics (from an electric generation and distribution network) to show the transmission inefficiency and waste, respectively, of the EU distribution mechanisms. We demonstrate that there are inherent flaws in both the measurement and in the distribution of assets and resources amongst the key EU markets: goods, money and factor markets. In addition, we find that when international equalizer mechanism is at work (cohesion funds allocated), many of these equity functions are at risk with respect to their reliable measurement. Especially are at risk the metered load factors, likewise the loss/waste factors. The map of desired outcomes does not match the real outcome, since EUtransfers in general are put to work with low efficiency.


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Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were employed to explore the gas-sensing mechanisms of zinc oxide (ZnO) with surface reconstruction taken into consideration. Mix-terminated (10 (1) over bar0) ZnO surfaces were examined. By simulating the adsorption process of various gases, i.e., H-2, NH3, CO, and ethanol (C2H5OH) gases, on the ZnO (10 (1) over bar0) surface, the changes of configuration and electronic structure were compared. Based on these calculations, two gas-sensing mechanisms were proposed and revealed that both surface reconstruction and charge transfer result in a change of electronic conductance of ZnO. Also, the calculations were compared with existing experiments.


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Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions are ubiquitous throughout chemistry and biology. However, challenges arise in both the the experimental and theoretical investigation of PCET reactions; the rare-event nature of the reactions and the coupling between quantum mechanical electron- and proton-transfer with the slower classical dynamics of the surrounding environment necessitates the development of robust simulation methodology. In the following dissertation, novel path-integral based methods are developed and employed for the direct simulation of the reaction dynamics and mechanisms of condensed-phase PCET.


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Part I

The mechanism of the hydroformylation reaction was studied. Using cobalt deuterotetracarbonyl and 1-pentene as substrates, the first step in the reaction, addition of cobalt tetracarbonyl to an olefin, was shown to be reversible.

Part II

The role of coenzyme B12 in the isomerization of methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl coenzyme A by methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase was studied. The reaction was allowed to proceed to partial completion using a mixture of methylmalonyl coenzyme A and 4, 4, 4-tri-2H-methylmalonyl coenzyme A as substrate. The deuterium distribution in the product, succinyl coenzyme A, was shown to best fit a model in which hydrogen is transferred from C-4 of methylmalonyl coenzyme A to C-5’ of the adenosyl moiety of coenzyme B12 in the rate determining step. The three hydrogens at the 5’-adenosyl position of the coenzyme B12 intermediate are then able to become enzymatically equivalent before hydrogen is transferred from the coenzyme B12 intermediate to form succinyl coenzyme A.


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The transfer of sodium and potassium ions facilitated by dibenzo-15-crown-5 (DB15C5) has been studied at the micro-water/1,2-dichloroethane (water/DCE) interface supported at the tip of a micropipette. Cyclic volt-ammetric measurements were performed in two limiting conditions: the bulk concentration of Na+ or K+ in the aqueous phase is much higher than that of DB15C5 in the organic phase (DB15C5 diffusion controlled process) and the reverse condition (metal ion diffusion controlled process). The mechanisms of the facilitated Na+ transfer by DB15C5 are both transfer by interfacial complexation (TIC) with 1 : 1 stoichiometry under these two conditions, and the corresponding association constants were determined at log beta(1) = 8.97 +/- 0.05 or log beta(1) = 8.63 +/- 0.03. However, the transfers of K+ facilitated by DB15C5 show different behavior. In the former case it is a TIC process and its stoichiometry is 1 : 2, whereas in the latter case two peaks during the forward scan were observed, the first of which was confirmed as the formation of K (DB15C5)(2) at the interface by a TIC mechanism, while the second one may be another TIC process with 1 : 1 stoichiometry in the more positive potential. The relevant association constants calculated for the complexed ion, K+(DB15C5)(2), in the organic phase in two cases, logbeta(2), are 13.64 +/- 0.03 and 11.34 +/- 0.24, respectively.


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matlab functions for the validation of push-off tests results