Axially chiral substrates are an interesting and widely studied class of compounds as they can be found in bioactive natural products and are employed as functional materials or as ligands in asymmetric catalytic processes. One branch of this family is the well-known world of the atropisomers. Among them, atropisomeric compounds possessing an N–N stereogenic axis are one truthfully fascinating system but not completely understood yet. In this thesis, we computationally investigated the mechanism of the diastereoselective formation of the N – N chiral axis of a hydrazide under asymmetric phase transfer catalytic conditions. Moreover, during this study, torsional barriers have been calculated for both the reagent and the product at the density functional theory (DFT). These values turned out to suitably match the experimental values and observations. Finally, Electronic Circular Dichroism (ECD) spectra have been simulated in order to assign the chiral absolute configuration to the products.
The bioelectrochemical behavior of three triphenylmethane (TPM) dyes commonly used as pH indicators, and their application in mediated electron transfer systems for glucose oxidase bioanodes in biofuel cells was investigated. Bromophenol Blue, Bromothymol Blue, Bromocresol Green were compared bio-electrochemically against two widely used mediators, benzoquinone and ferrocene carboxy aldehyde. Biochemical studies were performed in terms of enzymatic oxidation, enzyme affinity, catalytic efficiency and co-factor regeneration. The different features of the TPM dyes as mediators are determined by the characteristics in the oxidation/reduction processes studied electrochemically. The reversibility of the oxidation/reduction processes was also established through the dependence of the voltammetric peaks with the sweep rates. All three dyes showed good performances compared to the FA and BQ when evaluated in a half enzymatic fuel cell. Potentiodynamic and power response experiments showed maxima power densities of 32.8 mu W cm(-2) for ferrocene carboxy aldehyde followed by similar values obtained for TPM dyes around 30 mu W cm(-2) using glucose and mediator concentrations of 10 mmol L(-1) and 1.0 mmol L(-1), respectively. Since no mediator consumption was observed during the bioelectrochemical process, and also good redox re-cycled processes were achieved, the use of triphenylmethane dyes is considered to be promising compared to other mediated systems used with glucose oxiclase bioanodes and/or biofuel cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this review, we consider the main processes for the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of ketones from 2008 up today. The most effective organometallic compounds (derived from Ru, Rh, Ir, Fe, Os, Ni, Co, and Re) and chiral ligands (derived from amino alcohols, diamines, sulfur- and phosphorus-containing compounds, as well as heterocyclic systems) will be shown paying special attention to functionalized substrates, tandem reactions, processes under non-conventional conditions, supported catalysts, dynamic kinetic resolutions, the use of water as a green solvent, theoretical and experimental studies on reaction mechanisms, enzymatic processes, and finally applications to the total synthesis of biologically active organic molecules.
Outgassing of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) from rivers and streams to the atmosphere is a major loss term in the coupled terrestrial-aquatic carbon cycle of major low-gradient river systems (the term ""river system"" encompasses the rivers and streams of all sizes that compose the drainage network in a river basin). However, the magnitude and controls on this important carbon flux are not well quantified. We measured carbon dioxide flux rates (F(CO2)), gas transfer velocity (k), and partial pressures (p(CO2)) in rivers and streams of the Amazon and Mekong river systems in South America and Southeast Asia, respectively. F(CO2) and k values were significantly higher in small rivers and streams (channels <100 m wide) than in large rivers (channels >100 m wide). Small rivers and streams also had substantially higher variability in k values than large rivers. Observed F(CO2) and k values suggest that previous estimates of basinwide CO(2) evasion from tropical rivers and wetlands have been conservative and are likely to be revised upward substantially in the future. Data from the present study combined with data compiled from the literature collectively suggest that the physical control of gas exchange velocities and fluxes in low-gradient river systems makes a transition from the dominance of wind control at the largest spatial scales (in estuaries and river mainstems) toward increasing importance of water current velocity and depth at progressively smaller channel dimensions upstream. These results highlight the importance of incorporating scale-appropriate k values into basinwide models of whole ecosystem carbon balance.
Aeration and agitation are important variables to ensure effective oxygen transfer rate during aerobic bioprocesses: therefore, the knowledge of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (k(L)a) is required. In view of selecting the optimum oxygen requirements for extractive fermentation in aqueous two-phase system (ATPS), the k(L)a values in a typical ATPS medium were compared in this work with those in distilled water and in a simple fermentation medium. in the absence of biomass. Aeration and agitation were selected as the independent variables using a 2(2) full factorial design. Both variables showed statistically significant effects on k(L)a, and the highest values of this parameter in both media for simple fermentation (241 s(-1)) and extractive fermentation with ATPS (70.3 s(-1)) were observed at the highest levels of aeration (5 vvm) and agitation (1200 rpm). The k(L)a values were then used to establish mathematical correlations of this response as a function of the process variables. The exponents of the power number (N(3)D(2)) and superficial gas velocity (V(s)) determined in distilled water (alpha = 0.39 and beta = 0.47, respectively) were in reasonable agreement with the ones reported in the literature for several aqueous systems and close to those determined for a simple fermentation medium (alpha=0.38 and beta=0.41). On the other hand, as expected by the increased viscosity in the presence of polyethylene glycol, their values were remarkably higher in a typical medium for extractive fermentation (alpha=0.50 and beta=1.0). A reasonable agreement was found between the experimental data of k(L)a for the three selected systems and the values predicted by the theoretical models, under a wide range of operational conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We use the finite element method to solve the coupled problem between convective pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and mineralization in layered hydrothermal systems with upward throughflow. In particular, we present the improved rock alteration index (IRAI) concept for predicting the most probable precipitation and dissolution regions of gold (Au) minerals in the systems. To validate the numerical method used in the computation, analytical solutions to a benchmark problem have been derived. After the numerical method is validated, it is used to investigate the pattern of pore-fluid Aom, the distribution of temperature and the mineralization pattern of gold minerals in a layered hydrothermal system with upward throughflow. The related numerical results have demonstrated that the present concept of IRAI is useful and applicable for predicting the most probable precipitation and dissolution regions of gold (Au) minerals in hydrothermal systems. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
We show that an arbitrary system described by two dipole moments exhibits coherent superpositions of internal states that can be completely decoupled fi om the dissipative interactions (responsible for decoherence) and an external driving laser field. These superpositions, known as dark or trapping states, can he completely stable or can coherently interact with the remaining states. We examine the master equation describing the dissipative evolution of the system and identify conditions for population trapping and also classify processes that can transfer the population to these undriven and nondecaying states. It is shown that coherent transfers are possible only if the two systems are nonidentical, that is the transitions have different frequencies and/or decay rates. in particular, we find that the trapping conditions can involve both coherent and dissipative interactions, and depending on the energy level structure of the system, the population can be trapped in a linear superposition of two or more bare states, a dressed state corresponding to an eigenstate of the system plus external fields or, in some cases. in one of the excited states of the system. A comprehensive analysis is presented of the different processes that are responsible for population trapping, and we illustrate these ideas with three examples of two coupled systems: single V- and Lambda-type three-level atoms and two nonidentical tao-level atoms, which are known to exhibit dark states. We show that the effect of population trapping does not necessarily require decoupling of the antisymmetric superposition from the dissipative interactions. We also find that the vacuum-induced coherent coupling between the systems could be easily observed in Lambda-type atoms. Our analysis of the population trapping in two nonidentical atoms shows that the atoms can be driven into a maximally entangled state which is completely decoupled from the dissipative interaction.
We use the finite element method to model the heat transfer phenomenon through permeable cracks in hydrothermal systems with upward throughflow. Since the finite element method is an approximate numerical method, the method must be validated before it is used to soh,e any new, kind of problem. However, the analytical solution, which can be used to validate the finite element method and other numerical methods, is rather limited in the literature, especially, for the problem considered here. Keeping this in mind, we have derived analytical solutions for the temperature distribution along the vertical axis of a crack in a fluid-saturated porous layer. After the finite element method is validated by comparing the numerical solution with the analytical solution for the same benchmark problem, it is used to investigate the pore-fluid flow and heat transfer in layered hydrothermal systems with vertical permeable cracks. The related analytical and numerical results have demonstrated that vertical cracks are effective and efficient members to transfer heat energy from the bottom section to the top section in hydrothermal systems with upward throughflow.
We conduct a theoretical analysis of steady-state heat transfer problems through mid-crustal vertical cracks with upward throughflow in hydrothermal systems. In particular, we derive analytical solutions for both the far field and near field of the system. In order to investigate the contribution of the forced advection to the total temperature of the system, two concepts, namely the critical Peclet number and the critical permeability of the system, have been presented and discussed in this paper. The analytical solution for the far field of the system indicates that if the pore-fluid pressure gradient in the crust is lithostatic, the critical permeability of the system can be used to determine whether or not the contribution of the forced advection to the total temperature of the system is negligible. Otherwise, the critical Peclet number should be used. For a crust of moderate thickness, the critical permeability is of the order of magnitude of 10(-20) m(2), under which heat conduction is the overwhelming mechanism to transfer heat energy, even though the pore-fluid pressure gradient in the crust is lithostatic. Furthermore, the lower bound analytical solution for the near field of the system demonstrates that the permeable vertical cracks in the middle crust can efficiently transfer heat energy from the lower crust to the upper crust of the Earth. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and n-hexadecylamine (HDA) have been used as template in the synthesis of a mesolamellar xerogel tungsten oxide phase (WO(3)/CTAB/HDA). The catalytic properties of the resulting material were investigated in the oxidation of cis-cyclooctene, styrene, and cyclohexane, using hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), terc-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BOOH), or m-chlorperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA) as oxygen transfer agent. In general, the catalytic results were comparable to those obtained with related systems, thus suggesting the potential application of this material as catalyst for epoxidation reactions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study is to optimize the heat flow through the pultrusion die assembly system on the manufacturing process of a specific glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion profile. The control of heat flow and its distribution through whole die assembly system is of vital importance in optimizing the actual GFRP pultrusion process. Through mathematical modeling of heating-die process, by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, an optimum heater selection, die position and temperature control was achieved. The thermal environment within the die was critically modeled relative not only to the applied heat sources, but also to the conductive and convective losses, as well as the thermal contribution arising from the exothermic reaction of resin matrix as it cures or polymerizes from the liquid to solid condition. Numerical simulation was validated with basis on thermographic measurements carried out on key points along the die during pultrusion process.
J Biol Inorg Chem (2010) 15:967–976 DOI 10.1007/s00775-010-0658-6
Thermal systems interchanging heat and mass by conduction, convection, radiation (solar and thermal ) occur in many engineering applications like energy storage by solar collectors, window glazing in buildings, refrigeration of plastic moulds, air handling units etc. Often these thermal systems are composed of various elements for example a building with wall, windows, rooms, etc. It would be of particular interest to have a modular thermal system which is formed by connecting different modules for the elements, flexibility to use and change models for individual elements, add or remove elements without changing the entire code. A numerical approach to handle the heat transfer and fluid flow in such systems helps in saving the full scale experiment time, cost and also aids optimisation of parameters of the system. In subsequent sections are presented a short summary of the work done until now on the orientation of the thesis in the field of numerical methods for heat transfer and fluid flow applications, the work in process and the future work.
The need for better gene transfer systems towards improved risk=benefit balance for patients remains a major challenge in the clinical translation of gene therapy (GT). We have investigated the improvement of integrating vectors safety in combining (i) new short synthetic genetic insulator elements (GIE) and (ii) directing genetic integration to heterochromatin. We have designed SIN-insulated retrovectors with two candidate GIEs and could identify a specific combination of insulator 2 repeats which translates into best functional activity, high titers and boundary effect in both gammaretro (p20) and lentivectors (DCaro4) (see Duros et al, abstract ibid). Since GIEs are believed to shield the transgenic cassette from inhibitory effects and silencing, DCaro4 has been further tested with chimeric HIV-1 derived integrases which comprise C-ter chromodomains targeting heterochromatin through either histone H3 (ML6chimera) or methylatedCpGislands (ML10). With DCaro4 only and both chimeras, a homogeneous expression is evidenced in over 20% of the cells which is sustained over time. With control lentivectors, less than 2% of cells express GFP as compared to background using a control double-mutant in both catalytic and ledgf binding-sites; in addition, a two-times increase of expression can be induced with histone deacetylase inhibitors. Our approach could significantly reduce integration into open chromatin sensitive sites in stem cells at the time of transduction, a feature which might significantly decrease subsequent genotoxicity, according to X-SCIDs patients data.Work performed with the support of EC-DG research within the FP6-Network of Excellence, CLINIGENE: LSHB-CT-2006-018933
Evolution of compositions in time, space, temperature or other covariates is frequentin practice. For instance, the radioactive decomposition of a sample changes its composition with time. Some of the involved isotopes decompose into other isotopes of thesample, thus producing a transfer of mass from some components to other ones, butpreserving the total mass present in the system. This evolution is traditionally modelledas a system of ordinary di erential equations of the mass of each component. However,this kind of evolution can be decomposed into a compositional change, expressed interms of simplicial derivatives, and a mass evolution (constant in this example). A rst result is that the simplicial system of di erential equations is non-linear, despiteof some subcompositions behaving linearly.The goal is to study the characteristics of such simplicial systems of di erential equa-tions such as linearity and stability. This is performed extracting the compositional differential equations from the mass equations. Then, simplicial derivatives are expressedin coordinates of the simplex, thus reducing the problem to the standard theory ofsystems of di erential equations, including stability. The characterisation of stabilityof these non-linear systems relays on the linearisation of the system of di erential equations at the stationary point, if any. The eigenvelues of the linearised matrix and theassociated behaviour of the orbits are the main tools. For a three component system,these orbits can be plotted both in coordinates of the simplex or in a ternary diagram.A characterisation of processes with transfer of mass in closed systems in terms of stability is thus concluded. Two examples are presented for illustration, one of them is aradioactive decay