998 resultados para TRACE GAS EXCHANGES
We present airborne in-situ trace gas measurements which were performed on eight campaigns between November 2001 and July 2003 during the SPURT-project (SPURenstofftransport in der Tropopausenregion, trace gas transport in the tropopause region). The measurements on a quasi regular basis allowed an overview of the seasonal variations of the trace gas distribution in the tropopause region over Europe from 35°-75°N to investigate the influence of transport and mixing across the extratropical tropopause on the lowermost stratosphere. From the correlation of CO and O3 irreversible mixing of tropospheric air into the lowermost stratosphere is identified. The CO distribution indicates that transport and subsequent mixing of tropospheric air across the extratropical tropopause predominantly affects a layer, which closely follows the shape of the local tropopause. In addition, the seasonal cycle of CO2 illustrates the strong coupling of that layer to the extratropical troposphere. Both, horizontal gradients of CO on isentropes as well as the CO-O3-distribution in the lowermost stratosphere reveal that the influence of quasi-horizontal transport and subsequent mixing weakens with distance from the local tropopause. The mixing layer extends to about 25 K in potential temperature above the local tropopause exhibiting only a weak seasonality. However, at large distances from the tropopause a significant influence of tropospheric air is still evident. The relation between N2O and CO2 indicates that a significant contribution of air originating from the tropical tropopause contributes to the background air in the extratropical lowermost stratosphere.
Large changes in the extent of northern subtropical arid regions during the Holocene are attributed to orbitally forced variations in monsoon strength and have been implicated in the regulation of atmospheric trace gas concentrations on millenial timescales. Models that omit biogeophysical feedback, however, are unable to account for the full magnitude of African monsoon amplification and extension during the early to middle Holocene (˜9500–5000 years B.P.). A data set describing land-surface conditions 6000 years B.P. on a 1° × 1° grid across northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula has been prepared from published maps and other sources of palaeoenvironmental data, with the primary aim of providing a realistic lower boundary condition for atmospheric general circulation model experiments similar to those performed in the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project. The data set includes information on the percentage of each grid cell occupied by specific vegetation types (steppe, savanna, xerophytic woods/scrub, tropical deciduous forest, and tropical montane evergreen forest), open water (lakes), and wetlands, plus information on the flow direction of major drainage channels for use in large-scale palaeohydrological modeling.
The REgents PARk and Tower Environmental Experiment (REPARTEE) comprised two campaigns in London in October 2006 and October/November 2007. The experiment design involved measurements at a heavily trafficked roadside site, two urban background sites and an elevated site at 160–190 m above ground on the BT Tower, supplemented in the second campaign by Doppler lidar measurements of atmospheric vertical structure. A wide range of measurements of airborne particle physical metrics and chemical composition were made as well as measurements of a considerable range of gas phase species and the fluxes of both particulate and gas phase substances. Significant findings include (a) demonstration of the evaporation of traffic-generated nanoparticles during both horizontal and vertical atmospheric transport; (b) generation of a large base of information on the fluxes of nanoparticles, accumulation mode particles and specific chemical components of the aerosol and a range of gas phase species, as well as the elucidation of key processes and comparison with emissions inventories; (c) quantification of vertical gradients in selected aerosol and trace gas species which has demonstrated the important role of regional transport in influencing concentrations of sulphate, nitrate and secondary organic compounds within the atmosphere of London; (d) generation of new data on the atmospheric structure and turbulence above London, including the estimation of mixed layer depths; (e) provision of new data on trace gas dispersion in the urban atmosphere through the release of purposeful tracers; (f) the determination of spatial differences in aerosol particle size distributions and their interpretation in terms of sources and physico-chemical transformations; (g) studies of the nocturnal oxidation of nitrogen oxides and of the diurnal behaviour of nitrate aerosol in the urban atmosphere, and (h) new information on the chemical composition and source apportionment of particulate matter size fractions in the atmosphere of London derived both from bulk chemical analysis and aerosol mass spectrometry with two instrument types.
Previous works suggested that Pleurostima purpurea (Velloziaceae-Barbacenioideae) shows a remarkable capacity to endure desiccation of its vegetative tissues. P. purpurea occurs in monocotyledons mats on soil islands in the Pao de Acucar (Sugar Loaf) one of the most recognizable rock outcrops of the world, in Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Mats of P. purpurea occur in cliffs by the sea some meters above the tidal zone. Although living in rock outcrops almost devoid of any soil cover, P. purpurea seems to occur preferably on less exposed rock faces and slightly shady sites. Usually, less extreme adaptations to drought would be expected in plants with the habitat preference of P. purpurea. Relying on this observation, we argue if a combination of different strategies of dealing with low water availability can be found in P. purpurea as on other desiccation tolerant angiosperms. This study aims to examine the occurrence of desiccation tolerant behavior in P. purpurea together with the expression of drought avoidance mechanisms during dehydration progression. For this, it was analyzed the gas exchanges, leaf pigments and relative leaf water content during desiccation and rehydration of cultivated mature individuals. P. purpurea behaved like typical drought avoiders under moderated drought condition with stomatal closure occurring around a relative leaf water content up to 90%. During this process, it was observed a delay in the leaf relative water content (RWC(leaf)) decrease comparing to the plant-soil relative water content (RWC(plant-soil)). As soil dehydration worsened, gas exchanges restrictions progressed until a lack of activity which characterizes anabiosis. The loss of chlorophyll occurs before the end of total dehydration, characterizing the presence of poikilochlorophylly. The chlorophyll degradation follows the RWC(leaf) decrease, which achieved the minimum average value of 17% without incurring in leaf abscission. The chlorophyll re-synthesis seems to start well after the full rehydration of the leaf. During all of this process, carotenoid content remained stable. These results are coherent with a combination of drought avoidance and desiccation tolerance in P. purpurea which seems to be coherent with the amplitude of water availability in the rock outcrop habitat where it occurs, suggesting that the periods of water availability are sufficiently long for the success of the costly desiccation tolerant behavior but too short to make a typical drought avoider species win the competition for exploring the rock outcrop substrate where P. purpurea occurs.
The aim of this study was to assess carbon-13 turnover in different organs of the fig tree, 'Roxo de Valinhos' cultivar. The experiment was carried out in an orchard at School of Agronomical Sciences, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu Campus, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main photosynthetically active leaf was previously determined based on gas exchanges by means of an open portable photosynthesis system, IRGA. That leaf was placed in a chamber where the enriched gas injection occurred. The leaf enrichment time was 30 minutes. Treatments were constituted of seven fig trees removed from the soil after: 6; 24; 48; 72; 120; 168 and 360 hours of enrichment using (13)C, and their parts were sectioned into: apical bud, young leaves, adult leaves (photosynthetically active), lateral sprouts, fruits, and branch. The results allowed the establishment of the carbon-13 metabolism sequence in the studied parts: Young leaves > Fruits > Sprouts > Adult leaves > Apical bud > branch > Labeled leaf. 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig trees, had (13)C turnover of 24 hours and carbon-13 half-time shorter than 11 hours.
Seasonal changes in vegetative growth, leaf gas exchanges, carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) and carbohydrate status were monitored in de-fruited coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) grown in the field, from October 1998 through September 1999, in Vicosa (20degrees45'S, 42degrees15'W, 650 m a.s.l.), southeastern Brazil. of the total growth over the 12-month study period, 78% occurred in the warm, rainy season (October-March), and 22% during the cool, dry season (April-September). Throughout the active growth period, the rate of net carbon assimilation (A) averaged 8.6 mumol m(-2) s(-1), against 3.4 mumol m(-2) s(-1) during the period of reduced growth. In the active period, growth, unlike A or Delta, was strongly negatively correlated with air temperature. In contrast, growth and A were both correlated positively, and Delta correlated negatively, with air temperature during the reduced growth period. However, the depressions of A and growth might have simply run in parallel, without any causal relationship. Changes in A appeared to be largely due to stomatal limitations in the active growing season, with non-stomatal ones prevailing in the slow growth period. Foliar carbohydrates seemed not to have contributed appreciably to changes in growth rates and photosynthesis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bivalve filter feeders are sessile animals that live in constant contact with water and its pollutants. Their gill is an organ highly exposed to these conditions due to its large surface and its involvement in gas exchanges and feeding. The bivalve Mytella falcata is found in estuaries of Latin America, on the Atlantic as well as the Pacific Coast. It is commonly consumed, and sometimes is the only source of protein of low-income communities. In this study, gill filaments of M. falcata were characterized using histology, histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy for future comparative studies among animals exposed to environmental pollutants. Gill filaments may be divided into abfrontal, intermediate and frontal zones. Filaments are interconnected by ciliary discs. In the center of filaments, haemocytes circulate through a haemolymph vessel internally lined by an endothelium and supported by an acellular connective tissue rich in polysaccharides and collagen. The abfrontal zone contains cuboidal cells, while the intermediate zone consists of a simple squamous epithelium. The frontal zone is composed of five columnar cell types: one absorptive, mainly characterized by the presence of pinocytic vesicles in the apical region of the cell; one secretory, rarely observed and three ciliated with abundant mitochondria. All cells lining the filament exhibit numerous microvilli and seem to absorb substances from the environment. PAS staining was observed in mucous cells in the frontal and abfrontal zones. Bromophenol blue allowed the distinction of haemocytes and detection of a glycoprotein secretion in the secretory cells of the frontal region. The characteristics of M. falcata gill filaments observed in this study were very similar to those of other bivalves, especially other Mytilidae, and are suitable for histopathological studies on the effect of water-soluble pollutants. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a taxa de renovação do carbono-13 (turnover), dos diferentes órgãos da figueira 'Roxo de Valinhos'. O experimento foi conduzido no pomar da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, FCA/UNESP, Câmpus de Botucatu-SP. Determinou-se previamente, através das trocas gasosas com um medidor aberto portátil de fotossíntese, IRGA, a principal folha fotossinteticamente ativa. Essa folha foi colocada em uma câmara onde ocorreu a injeção do gás enriquecido. O tempo de enriquecimento da folha foi de 30 minutos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por sete plantas de figueira, que foram retiradas do solo após: 6; 24; 48; 72; 120; 168 e 360 horas do enriquecimento com 13C, e suas partes seccionadas em: gema apical, folha jovem, folhas adultas (fotossinteticamente ativas), brotações laterais, frutos e ramo. Os resultados obtidos permitiram o estabelecimento da sequência de metabolização do carbono-13 nas partições estudadas: Folhas novas > Frutos > Brotações > Folhas Adultas > Gema Apical > Ramo > Folha marcada. Plantas de figueira 'Roxo de Valinhos' apresentam reciclagem do 13C de 24 horas e um tempo de meia-vida de duração do carbono-13 inferior a 11 horas.
O controle estomático é importante propriedade fisiológica por meio da qual as plantas limitam a perda de água, ocasionando reduções na condutância estomática e, geralmente, reduzindo as trocas gasosas como forma de resposta das plantas a diversos fatores, incluindo o estresse hídrico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a condutância estomática em folhas de feijoeiro submetido a diferentes regimes de irrigação. O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal - SP. As irrigações nos tratamentos foram determinadas em função do esgotamento de água no solo: T1 - irrigado quando esse atingiu 40% da capacidade de água disponível (CAD); T2 - quando atingiu 60% da CAD; T3 - quando atingiu 80% da CAD, e T4 - não irrigado (irrigado somente para favorecer a emergência das plântulas). As medições de condutância estomática foram realizadas diariamente no campo, nas duas faces da folha, utilizando-se de um porômetro. em todos os tratamentos, em diversas medições, foi observada redução da condutância estomática em resposta a baixos valores de potencial mátrico e a altos valores de déficit de pressão de vapor e vice-versa. As folhas das plantas do tratamento T4, que foram submetidas a menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo, apresentaram os menores valores de condutância estomática durante os estádios do florescimento e enchimento de grãos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
During the TROCCINOX field experiment in January and February 2005, the contribution of lightning-induced nitrogen oxides (LNOx) from tropical and subtropical thunderstorms in Southern Brazil was investigated. Airborne trace gas measurements (NO, NOy, CO and O-3) were performed up to 12.5 km with the German research aircraft Falcon. During anvil penetrations in selected tropical and subtropical thunderstorms of 4 and 18 February, NOx mixing ratios were on average enhanced by 0.7-1.2 and 0.2-0.8 nmol mol(-1) totally, respectively. The relative contributions of boundary layer NOx (BL-NOx) and LNOx to anvil-NOx were derived from the NOx-CO correlations. on average similar to 80-90% of the anvil-NOx was attributed to LNOx. A Lightning Location Network (LINET) was set up to monitor the local distribution of cloud-to-ground (CG) and intra-cloud (IC) radiation sources (here called 'strokes') and compared with lightning data from the operational Brazilian network RINDAT (Rede Integrada Nacional de Deteccao de Descargas Atmosfericas). The horizontal LNOx mass flux out of the anvil was determined from the mean LNOx mixing ratio, the horizontal outflow velocity and the size of the vertical cross-section of the anvil, and related to the number of strokes contributing to LNOx. The values of these parameters were derived from the airborne measurements, from lightning and radar observations, and from a trajectory analysis. The amount of LNOx produced per LINET stroke depending on measured peak current was determined. The results were scaled up with the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) flash rate (44 flashes s(-1)) to obtain an estimate of the global LNOx production rate. The final results gave similar to 1 and similar to 2-3 kg(N) per LIS flash based on measurements in three tropical and one subtropical Brazilian thunderstorms, respectively, suggesting that tropical flashes may be less productive than subtropical ones. The equivalent mean annual global LNOx nitrogen mass production rate was estimated to be 1.6 and 3.1 Tg a(-1), respectively. By use of LINET observations in Germany in July 2005, a comparison with the lightning activity in mid-latitude thunderstorms was also performed. In general, the same frequency distribution of stroke peak currents as for tropical thunderstorms over Brazil was found. The different LNOx production rates per stroke in tropical thunderstorms compared with subtropical and mid-latitude thunderstorms seem to be related to the different stroke lengths (inferred from comparison with laboratory data and observed lengths). In comparison, the impact of other lightning parameters as stroke peak current and stroke release height was assessed to be minor. The results from TROCCINOX suggest that the different vertical wind shear may be responsible for the different stroke lengths.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV