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Nanoparticles of trivalent Eu3+-doped Nd2O3 phosphors have been prepared using a low-temperature solution combustion method with metal nitrate as precursor and oxalyldihydrazide as a fuel at a fairly low temperature (<500 degrees C) and in a very short time (<5 min). A powder X-ray diffraction pattern reveals that cubic Nd2O3 : Eu3+ crystallites are directly obtained without the requirement of further calcinations. The crystallite size, evaluated from Scherer's formula, was found to be in the range of 20-30 nm. The microstructure and morphology were studied by scanning electron microscopy, which showed the phosphor to be foamy and fluffy in nature. Thermoluminescence characteristics of the Nd2O3 : Eu3+ have been studied using gamma irradiation. These demonstrate that the phosphor is suitable for use as a dosimeter.


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Thiourea (CS(NH2)2) is one of the few examples of molecular crystals exhibiting ferroelectric properties. The dielectric constant along the ferroelectric axis [100] shows maxima at 169, 177 and 202 K. An inflection point occurs at 170.5 KZ Following Goldsmith and White the phases are named as I (F.E. below 169 K), II (A.F.E. 169 Kthermoluminescence after being irradiated with x-rays which is accounted for by defects like NH3+ and NH- formed by the breaking of hydrogen bonds.


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Tavanomaisten hammasröntgenlaitteiden säteilyannoksia valvotaan postitettavien testipakettien ja paikan päällä tehtävien tarkastusten avulla. Säteilyannoksen valvontaan käytetään termoluminesenssidosimetrejä (Thermoluminescence Dosimetry, TLD). Dosimetreissä on TL-materiaalista valmistettuja loistekiteitä, joihin absorboitunut säteilyenergia vapautuu valona materiaalia lämmitettäessä. Prosessissa vapautuvan valon intensiteetti on suoraan verrannollinen absorboituneeseen säteilyannokseen. TLD:llä mitataan rekisteröityjen intraoraalilaitteiden tuottamaa säteilyannosta potilaan posken kohdalla. Säteilyturvakeskus (STUK) ylläpitää rekisteriä ilmoitusvelvollisuuden alaisista hammasröntgenlaitteista. Nyt hammaslaiterekisteriä ollaan uudistamassa siten, että TLD-mittaustulosten käsittely ja annoslaskenta siirtyvät rekisteristä WinTLD-laskentaohjelmaan, jossa on kaikki tarvittavat parametrit annoksen laskemiseksi. Tässä työssä TLD-mittausjärjestelmän kalibrointituloksia analysoitiin vuosilta 1996-2011 ja määritettiin uudelleen laskennassa käytetty energiakorjauskerroin, joka on osa tulevaa WinTLD-konfigurointia. Mittauksissa tarvittavat standardisäteilylaadut (ISO H-laadut) pystytettiin osana työtä. Henkilödosimetrien suorituskykytestauksessa käytetään ISO N-säteilylaatuja. Mirion Technologies (RADOS) käyttää TLD-systeemiä henkilödosimetriassa, ja hammas-TLD on tämän järjestelmän sovellus potilasdosimetriaan. ISO H-laadut otettiin käyttöön, jotta dosimetrien vastetta voitiin ISO N-laatujen tapaan tutkia jatkuvana fotonienergian funktiona Cs-137 ja Co-60 gammasäteilylaatuihin asti ja koska niillä voitiin jäljitellä todellista kliinistä suodatusta. Energiakorjauskerroin kalibroinnissa käytettävän Co-gammasäteilyn ja intraoraalikuvauksissa käytettävän röntgensäteilyn välillä määritettiin uudelleen. Sen arvoksi (yksikkö mGy/mGy) saatiin ISO N-60-laadulla 0,671 ja ISO H-60-laadulla 0,677, jotka ovat numeerisesti hyvin lähellä aikaisemmin määritettyä kerrointa 0,679. Energiakorjauskertoimen epävarmuudeksi saatiin 3,5 % (2std) ja annosmittauksen epävarmuudeksi 7,8 %. Energiavasteiden perusteella dosimetreissä käytetty materiaali on kahdesta vaihtoehdosta MTS-N (LiF:Mg,Ti) eikä MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P). TLD-järjestelmää voidaan kehittää ja konfiguroida uusien tulosten perusteella, jolloin otetaan käyttöön muun muassa uudelleenmääritetty energiakorjauskerroin. ISO H-säteilylaadut otettiin 22.3.2011 virallisesti käyttöön STUKissa ja niitä käytetään dosimetritestauksessa tarvittaessa suuria annosnopeuksia ja annoksia.


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The physico-chemical, photo-physical and micro-structural properties responsible for the strikingly different photocatalytic behavior of combustion-prepared TiO2 (c.TiO2) and Degussa P25 (d.TiO2) samples are elucidated in this study. Electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction micrographs revealed that the two samples exhibited different morphologies. The grains of c.TiO2 were spherical and comprised of 5-6 nm size primary particle. On the other hand, d.TiO2 consisted of large (0.5-3.0 mu m) size and irregular shape aggregates having primary particles of 15-40 nm cross-sectional diameter. The ESR study revealed that the presence of certain defect states in c.TiO2 helped in stabilization of O-. and Ti3+-OH type species during room-temperature UV-irradiation. No such paramagnetic species were however formed over d.TiO2 under similar conditions. C1s and Ti 2p XPS spectra provide evidence for the presence of some lattice vacancies in c.TiO2 and also for the bulk Ti4+ -> Ti3+ conversion during its UV-irradiation. Compared to d.TiO2, c.TiO2 displayed considerably higher activity for discoloration of methyl orange but very poor activity for splitting of water, both under UV and visible light radiations. This is attributed to enhanced surface adsorption of dye molecules over c.TiO2, because of its textural features and also the presence of photo-active ion-radicals. On the other hand, the poor activity of c.TiO2 for water splitting is related to certain defect-induced inter-band charge trapping states in the close vicinity of valence and conduction bands of c.TiO2, as revealed by thermoluminescence spectroscopy. Further, the dispersion of nanosize gold particles gave rise to augmented activity of both the catalysts, particularly for water splitting. This is explained by the promotional role of Au-0 or Au-0/TiO2 interfacial sites in the adsorption and charge-adsorbate interaction processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Different phases of Eu3+ activated gadolinium oxide (Gd (OH)(3), GdOOH and Gd2O3) nanorods have been prepared by the hydrothermal method with and without cityl trimethyl ammonium bromide (GAB) surfactant. Cubic Gd2O3:Eu (8 mol%) red phosphor has been prepared by the dehydration of corresponding hydroxide Gd(OH)(3):Eu after calcinations at 350 and 600 degrees C for 3 h, respectively. When Eu3+ ions were introduced into Gd(OH)(3), lattice sites which replace the original Gd3+ ions, a strong red emission centered at 613 nm has been observed upon UV illumination, due to the intrinsic Eu3+ transition between D-5(0) and F-7 configurations. Thermoluminescence glow curves of Gd (OH)(3): Eu and Gd2O3:Eu phosphors have been recorded by irradiating with gamma source ((CO)-C-60) in the dose range 10-60 Gy at a heating rate of 6.7 degrees C sec(-1). Well resolved glow peaks in the range 42-45, 67-76,95-103 and 102-125 degrees C were observed. When gamma-irradiation dose increased to 40 Gy, the glow peaks were reduced and with increase in gamma-dose (50 and 60 Gy) results the shift in first two glow peak temperatures at about 20 degrees C and a new shouldered peak at 86 degrees C was observed. It is observed that there is a shift in glow peak temperatures and variation in intensity, which is mainly attributed to different phases of gadolinium oxide. The trapping parameters namely activation energy (E), order of kinetics (b) and frequency factor were calculated using peak shape and the results are discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The role of B2O3 addition on the long phosphorescence of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ has been investigated. B2O3 is just not an inert high temperature solvent (flux) to accelerate grain growth, according to SEM results. B2O3 has a substitutional effect, even at low concentrations. by way of incorporation of BO4 in the corner-shared AlO4 framework of the distorted 'stuffed' tridymite structure of SrAl2O4. which is discernible from the IR and solid-state MAS NMR spectral data. With increasing concentrations, B2O3 reacts with SrAl2O4 to form Sr4Al4O25 together with Sr-borate (SrB2O4) as the glassy phase, as evidenced by XRD and SEM studies. At high B2O3 contents, Sr4Al14O25 converts to SrAl2B2O7 (cubic and hexagonal), SrAl12O19 and Sr-borate (SrB4O7) glass. Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+, Dy3+ has also been independently synthesized to realize the blue emitting (lambda(em)approximate to490 nm) phosphor. The afterglow decay as well as thermoluminescence studies reveal that Sr4Al14O25:Eu, Dy exhibits equally long phosphorescence as that of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+. In both cases, long phosphorescence is noticed only when BO4 is present along with Dy3+ and Eu2+. Here Dy3+ because of its higher charge density than Eu2+ prefers to occupy the Sr sites in the neighbourhood of BO4, as the effective charge on borate is more negative than that of AlO4. Thus. Dy3+ forms a substitutional defect complex with borate and acts as an acceptor-type defect center. These defects Eu2+ ions and the subsequent thermal release of hole at room temperature followed by the trap the hole generated by the excitation of recombination with electron resulting in the long persistent phosphorescence. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Literature of the ancient Chola Dynasty (A.D. 9th-11th centuries) of South India and recent archaeological excavations allude to a sea flood that crippled the ancient port at Kaveripattinam, a trading hub for Southeast Asia, and probably affected the entire South Indian coast, analogous to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami impact. We present sedimentary evidence from an archaeological site to validate the textual references to this early medieval event. A sandy layer showing bed forms representing high-energy conditions, possibly generated by a seaborne wave, was identified at the Kaveripattinam coast of Tamil Nadu, South India. Its sedimentary characteristics include hummocky cross-stratification, convolute lamination with heavy minerals, rip-up clasts, an erosional contact with the underlying mud bed, and a landward thinning geometry. Admixed with 1000-year-old Chola period artifacts, it provided an optically stimulated luminescence age of 1091 perpendicular to 66 yr and a thermoluminescence age of 993 perpendicular to 73 yr for the embedded pottery sherds. The dates of these proxies converge around 1000 yr B. P., correlative of an ancient tsunami reported from elsewhere along the Indian Ocean coasts. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nanocrystalline ZnO powders have been synthesized by a low temperature solution combustion method. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of as-formed and heat treated ZnO shows strong violet (402, 421, 437, 485 nm) and weak green (520 nm) emission peaks respectively. The PL intensities of defect related emission bands decrease with calcinations temperature indicating the decrease of Zn(i) and V(o)(+) caused by the chemisorptions of oxygen. The results are correlated with the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies. Thermoluminescence (TL) glow curves of gamma irradiated ZnO nanoparticles exhibit a single broad glow peak at similar to 343 degrees C. This can be attributed to the recombination of charge carriers released from the surface states associated with oxygen defects, mainly interstitial oxygen ion centers. The trapping parameters of ZnO irradiated with various gamma-doses are calculated using peak shape method. It is observed that the glow peak intensity increases with increase of gamma dose without changing glow curve shape. These two characteristic properties such as TL intensity increases with gamma dose and simple glow curve structure is an indication that the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles might be used as good TL dosimeter for high temperature application. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gd2O3:Eu3+ (4 mol%) co-doped with Bi3+ (Bi = 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 mol%) ions were synthesized by a low-temperature solution combustion method. The powders were calcined at 800A degrees C and were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The PXRD profiles confirm that the calcined products were in monoclinic with little cubic phases. The particle sizes were estimated using Scherrer's method and Williamson-Hall plots and are found to be in the ranges 40-60 nm and 30-80 nm, respectively. The results are in good agreement with TEM results. The photoluminescence spectra of the synthesized phosphors excited with 230 nm show emission peaks at similar to 590, 612 and 625 nm, which are due to the transitions D-5(0)-> F-7(0), D-5(0)-> F-7(2) and D-5(0)-> F-7(3) of Eu3+, respectively. It is observed that a significant quenching of Eu3+ emission was observed under 230 nm excitation when Bi3+ was co-doped. On the other hand, upon 350 nm excitation, the luminescent intensity of Eu3+ ions was enhanced by incorporation of Bi3+ (5 mol%) ions. The introduction of Bi3+ ions broadened the excitation band of Eu3+ of which a new strong band occurred ranging from 320 to 380 nm. This has been attributed to the 6s(2)-> 6s6p transition of Bi3+ ions, implying a very efficient energy transfer from Bi3+ ions to Eu3+ ions. The gamma radiation response of Gd2O3:Eu3+ exhibited a dosimetrically useful glow peak at 380A degrees C. Using thermoluminescence glow peaks, the trap parameters have been evaluated and discussed. The observed emission characteristics and energy transfer indicate that Gd2O3:Eu3+, Bi3+ phosphors have promising applications in solid-state lighting.


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Gd 2O 3 nanoparticles (27-60nm) have been synthesized by the low temperature solution combustion method using citric acid, urea, glycine and oxalyl dihydrazide (ODH) as fuels in a short time. The structural and luminescence properties have been carried out using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Raman, UV-Vis, photoluminescence (PL) and thermoluminescence (TL) techniques. The optical band gap values were estimated for as formed and 800°C calcined samples. The band gap values in as-formed and calcined samples were found to be in the range 4.89-5.59eV. It is observed that, the band gap values are lower for as-formed products and it has been attributed to high degree of structural defects. However, in calcined samples, structure becomes more order with reduced structure defects. Upon 270nm excitation, deep blue UV-band at �390nm along with blue (420-482nm), green (532nm) and red emission (612nm) was observed. The 390nm emission peak may be attributed to recombination of delocalized electron close to the conduction band with a single charged state of surface oxygen vacancy. TL measurements were carried out on Gd 2O 3 prepared by different fuels by irradiating with γ-rays (1kGy). A well resolved glow peak at 230°C was observed for all the samples. It is observed that TL intensity is found to be higher in for urea fuel when compared to others. From TL glow curves the kinetic parameters were estimated using Chen's peak shape method and results are discussed in detail. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Red light emitting cubic Y1.95Eu0.05O3 nanophosphors have been synthesized by a low temperature solution combustion method using ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) as fuel. The systematic studies on the effect of calcination temperature on its structural, photoluminescence (PL), and thermoluminescence (TL) properties were reported. The crystallinity of the samples increases, and the strain is reduced with increasing calcination temperature. SEM micrographs reveal that samples lose their porous nature with an increase in calcination temperature. PL spectra show that the intensity of the red emission (611 nm) is highly dependent on the calcination temperature and is found to be 10 times higher when compared to as-formed samples. The optical band gap (E-g) was found to reduce with an increase of calcination temperature due to reduction of surface defects. The thermoluminescence (TL) intensity was found to be much enhanced in the 1000 degrees C calcined sample. The increase of PL and TL intensity with calcination temperature is attributed to the decrease of the nonradiative recombination probability, which occurs through the elimination of quenching defects. The trap parameters (E, b, s) were estimated from Chen's glow peak shape method and are discussed in detail for their possible usage in dosimetry.


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We present a simple route for synthesis of Y2O3 for both photoluminescent (PL) and thermoluminescent (TL) applications. We show that by simply switching the fuel from ethylene di-amine tetracetic acid (EDTA) to its disodium derivative (Na-2-EDTA), we obtain a better photoluminescent material. On the other hand, use of EDTA aids in formation of Y2O3 which is a better thermoluminescent material. In both cases pure cubic nano-Y2O3 is obtained. For both the material systems, structural characterization, photoluminescence, thermoluminescence, and absorbance spectra are reported and analyzed. Use of EDTA results in nano Y2O3 with crystallite size similar to 10 nm. Crystallinity improves, and crystallite size is larger (similar to 30 nm) when Na-2-EDTA is used. TL response of Y2O3 nanophosphors prepared by both fuels is examined using UV radiation. Samples prepared with EDTA show well resolved glow curve at 140 degrees C, while samples prepared with Na-2-EDTA shows a glow curve at 155 degrees C. Effect of UV exposure time on TL characteristics is investigated. The TL kinetic parameters are also calculated using glow curve shape method. Results indicate that the TL behavior of both the samples follow a second order kinetic model. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ZnAl2O4:Dy3+ (1-9 mol%) nanophosphors were synthesized by a simple, cost effective and environmental friendly route using Euphorbia tirucalli plant latex. The structural properties and morphological features of the phosphors were well studied by PXRD, FTIR, SEM and TEM measurements. The luminescent properties of ZnAl2O4:Dy3+ (1-9 mol%) nanophosphors were investigated from the excitation and emission spectra. The phosphor performance was evaluated by color co-ordinates. The values were well located in the near white region as a result it was highly useful for the fabrication of green component in WLEDs. The average particle size was found to be similar to 9-18 nm and same was confirmed by TEM and Scherrer's method. The highest photoluminescence (PL) and thermoluminescence (TL) intensity was obtained to be similar to 7 mol% Dy3+ concentration. A single TL glow peak was recorded at 172 degrees C at a warming rate of 2.5 degrees Cs (1). The intensity at 172 degrees C peak increases linearly up to 1 kGy and after that it diminishes. PL intensity was studied with different plant latex concentration (2-8 ml) and highest PL intensity was recorded for similar to 8 ml. The optimized phosphor showed good reusability, low fading and wide range of linearity with gamma-dose hence the phosphor was quite useful in radiation dosimetry. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.