212 resultados para TERRITORIALITY


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Avec l’accentuation du libéralisme, les entreprises multinationales ne cessent d’être de plus en plus présentes dans les États en développement, et certaines sont peu scrupuleuses du respect des normes environnementales. Par ailleurs, notons que la plupart de ces États ne disposent pas de mécanismes juridiques contraignant ces entreprises de répondre à d’éventuels crimes contre l’environnement qu’elles sont susceptibles de commettre sur leurs territoires. Or, en l’absence de telles dispositions, peu de sociétés se conforment aux politiques permettant d’internaliser les risques en raison de leur coût élevé. La volonté de maximiser le profit amène ces entreprises à se livrer à des actes attentatoires à l’environnement, à la santé et à la sécurité des individus lorsque rien ne les contraint à procéder autrement. De façon générale, il appartient à l’État sur le territoire duquel opère une société de réglementer ses activités. Précisons que dans plusieurs États en développement, les entreprises multinationales échappent aux mesures contraignantes en vertu de l’influence financière qu’elles exercent sur les dirigeants de ces États. De même, l’impunité des crimes contre l’environnement commis dans les pays en développement découle aussi du manque de volonté politique accentué par le phénomène de la corruption. Malgré la multiplicité de traités et de conventions internationales dédiés à la protection de l'environnement, ces instruments ne sont pas directement applicables aux sociétés multinationales, considérées comme des acteurs non-étatiques. Alors, les pays développés d’où proviennent la majeure partie des entreprises multinationales sont appelés à combler cette lacune en prenant des mesures qui obligent leurs entreprises à se préoccuper de la préservation de l’environnement dans leurs activités. Cette thèse propose d’examiner les mécanismes juridiques par lesquels les crimes contre l’environnement survenus dans les pays en développement peuvent entraîner des poursuites pénales au Canada. En l’absence de législation ayant une portée extraterritoriale explicite en la matière, cela exige de se référer au droit existant et de proposer une nouvelle approche d’interprétation et d’adaptation tenant compte des récents développements envisageant la protection de l’environnement comme une valeur fondamentale pour la société canadienne. De nos jours, la portée de la protection de l’environnement au Canada requiert l’abandon des anciennes conceptions du principe de la territorialité pour adopter une autre approche plus soucieuse des nouvelles réalités entraînées par la mondialisation économique. Il serait donc légitime pour le Canada d’étendre sa compétence pour réprimer les crimes contre l’environnement survenus à l’étranger lors des activités menées par ses ressortissants. La nécessité de réprimer les atteintes à l’environnement survenues à l’étranger devient plus pressante lorsque ces crimes présentent un degré de gravité comparable à celui des crimes internationaux.


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Ce mémoire propose d’aborder la relation entre le chez-soi et la construction des identités géographiques. Plus précisément, il s’agit de se pencher sur l’importance que revêt cette dimension intime et familière de l’habitat dans la part des identités qui mobilise les lieux, territoires et paysages comme référents. S’interroger à cet égard s’avère d’autant plus pertinent aujourd’hui, dans un contexte de fragmentation socio-spatiale à l’échelle urbaine et de prolifération d’enclaves résidentielles qui témoignent d’un enfermement et d’une introversion de l’habitat. Nous abordons la question à travers le cas du projet AlphaVille São Paulo (Brésil), un large développement résidentiel composé de plusieurs communautés fermées. Les entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de onze habitants de ce projet permettent de confirmer l’importance du chez-soi dans leur construction identitaire. En effet, le chez-soi en communauté fermée représente l’aboutissement d’un parcours géographique et permet au regard des habitants rencontrés une expérience de l’espace résidentiel qui s’approche de celle qu’ils ont connue au cours de l’enfance et qu’ils ont perdue à mesure que la ville s’est transformée en un milieu de plus en plus hostile. Ainsi, il leur permet dans une certaine mesure de revivre un idéal perdu. Néanmoins, habiter en communauté fermée contraint les territorialités : au sein de la métropole, le chez-soi fait figure de refuge. Il n’en demeure pas moins que les réponses des résidents révèlent une conscience que leur choix d’habitat constitue en quelque sorte une fuite de la réalité. Ainsi, ils entretiennent à l’égard de leur milieu de vie une relation qui oscille entre illusion et désillusion.


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Bien que la souveraineté apparaisse aujourd'hui comme un concept juridique autonome, cela ne fut pas toujours le cas. Comme le souligne l’auteur de ce texte, notre société est passée d'une souveraineté mystique, celle de l'Église, à une souveraineté laïque, celle de l'État, pour aboutir, aujourd'hui, à une souveraineté plurielle ou composite. L'avènement d'un réseau de masse, comme l'Internet, vient encore une fois changer la donne. Ainsi, le concept de souveraineté informationnelle, discuté à la fin des années 70, semble aujourd’hui suranné, voire obsolète, à la lumière des nouveaux environnements électroniques. Conscient de cette évolution et de ses conséquence, l’auteur propose une réflexion historique et conceptuelle du principe de souveraineté afin de réévaluer les critères de territorialité et d'espace physique en tant que pivots autour desquels s'articule le concept de souveraineté nationale. L'État d'aujourd'hui ne pouvant aspirer seul à réglementer les transactions économiques transnationales, cet article nous pousse à nous questionner sur le sens que doit prendre le terme « souveraineté » à l’aube de l’ère numérique.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise s’intéresse à la scène musicale islandaise à travers le documentaire. La notion de scène désigne généralement un contexte spatial au sein duquel différents acteurs (musiciens, producteurs, promoteurs, amateurs de musique, etc.) partagent des intérêts à l’égard de la musique. Dans ce mémoire, elle est conceptualisée en combinant d’une part l’approche de Straw (1991) qui met l’accent sur l’aspect interactionnel et réticulaire de la scène et souligne le potentiel d’adaptation au changement de cet espace de sociabilité ; et d’autre part, celle de Bennett et Peterson (2004) qui insistent sur les différences d’échelles auxquelles se déploient les réseaux d’interactions que constituent les scènes locales, trans-locales et virtuelles. L’auteure y intègre aussi une réflexion géographique destinée à problématiser le caractère insulaire de l’Islande en tant qu’élément productif de la scène musicale qui s’y déploie. Pour ce faire, elle a recours aux propositions théoriques de Massey (2005) concernant l’espace comme construit à travers un ensemble hétérogène de trajectoires, des « stories-so-far » dont la co-présence et la simultanéité conférerait au lieu que serait, en l’occurrence, la scène islandaise, sa spécificité. Ce questionnement fait l’objet d’une exploration empirique à travers une série de documentaires s’intéressant, selon des modes différents (Nichols, 2001 ; 2010), à différents visages de la musique locale en Islande. Les représentations visuelles et auditives de l’Islande et de la musique islandaise que produisent ces documentaires constituent le discours qui fait l’objet de l’analyse. Inspirée de la perspective de Hall (1994 ; 1997), le discours est abordé en tant qu’unité significative socio-historiquement ancrée et composée d’énoncés. La démarche méthodologique adoptée consiste à examiner un corpus de documentaires pour en dégager les énoncés et, sur cette base, reconstituer les différentes trajectoires constitutives de la scène musicale islandaise ainsi mise en discours. L’analyse met en évidence cinq trajectoires (Monde ; Affinités ; Filiation ; Stéréotypie et authenticité ; Territorialité) ainsi que les différentes modalités de leur co-occurrence, points de rencontre ou de distanciation, à différentes échelles. Ce sont ces points de (non) rencontre qui constituent le lieu de la scène islandaise.


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Orthodox economic models are good if one accepts the ceteris paribus. But this is possible if we accept that cultures are uniform, exogenous to the economic and  the consumer has features such as equality of rational structure, among others. Similarly it is assumed mobility and economic geography optimizations when it comes to internal demographic flows and  the migration as international movements, and generally any expression of human activity. Time is needed to take each event as "almost one-off", even though some aspects have similarities that prevent theoretically start from scratch in each analysis presented.What determines what is different? On the one hand, the historical basis assumed from the  reasons of social construction of market, the reasons of social construction since ancient thought and the reasons for government social construction. Furthermore, the decisions, from the historical basis, are made by agents and contributions of the agencies, at their level, degree and intensity, to iterate it consolidate or change the social interactions and / or institutions established as and  in accordance with rules, routines and habits. This is why it is interesting to develop the "neighborhood effects" to help understand the social mobility of the Department of Cundinamarca. This in order to contribute to resolving the question about why the mobility of people and what effect between territoriality and another and to itself?.


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El hecho de que, desde la Constitución de 1991, normas y sentencias tiendan en considerar que los ejecutivos locales (alcaldes, gobernadores) deben ser unos agentes regidores que practican el gobierno del territorio y la “descentralización controlada” más que unos actores gobernantes, defensores de la gobernancia de sus territorios, plantea la cuestión de saber por qué y cómo aquéllos pueden combinar este doble rol. La mayor parte de la respuesta se encuentra en el examen simultáneo de la lógica de regulación de las políticas pública (Muller, 1997 y 2002) y de las condiciones de su implementación en el territorio o “despliegue territorial” (Medellín, 2003).La territorialidad de una política pública se refiere, según Muller, a una situación en la cual la lógica dominante de una política pública es una lógica territorial u horizontal (regulación de un territorio geográfico en una dialéctica centro-periferia), mientras la sectorialidad se refiere a una situación en la cual la lógica dominante de una política pública es una lógica sectorial o vertical (regulación de la reproducción de un sector determinado verticalmente en una dialéctica global-sectorial). A cada lógica de regulación de las políticas públicas le corresponde una manera de gobernar un territorio: el gobierno del territorio para la sectorialidad y la gobernancia de los territorios para la territorialidad.Al contrario del caso francés en el cual la construcción del Estado marca el fin de una lógica de territorialidad (la “territorialidad tradicional”), el Estado colombiano es un Estado endémico, un Estado fragmentado confrontado a la lucha por el control territorial y el temor a la fractura de la unidad territorial (Navas, 2003). Su capacidad parcial por cubrir todo el territorio y actuar sobre él (su “territorialidad parcial” según Medellín) afecta su gobernabilidad y el despliegue territorial de las políticas públicas, sometido a negociaciones inciertas, cercanas a la temática de la gobernancia.Por ello, la gobernabilidad en Colombia sólo es posible mediante políticas públicas híbridas, hijas del “matrimonio indisoluble de la sectorialidad y de la territorialidad”, de la “secterritorialidad”, que combina en proporción variable lógica sectorial (o sectorialidad, que implica centralización) y lógica territorial (o territorialidad, que implica descentralización), gracias a un modo de gobierno híbrido, la “gobiernancia” del territorio, ésta es una “dosificación” compleja entre gobier-no y gobernancia. Es, entonces, posible determinar el grado de territorialidad y de sectorialidad de una política pública en un momento dado y clasificar las políticas públicas según su grado de territorialidad y de sectorialidad, es decir, según la importancia relativa de sus lógicas de regulación.Si el periodo que empieza al iniciar los años setenta, y que termina al iniciar los años ochenta es un periodo en el cual domina primordialmente la sectorialidad y se asegura la gobernabilidad recurriendo casi exclusivamente al gobierno del territorio a través del despliegue territorial separado de cada sector, el periodo que va de 1984 a la época actual, caracterizado por la “descentralización controlada”, señala un cambio parcial de lógica de regulación de las políticas públicas a través del recurrir parcial a la lógica de territorialidad como respuesta a alguna crisis de sectorialidad.Como bien lo muestra el análisis y la evaluación de las políticas públicas de vivienda de interés social, ordenamiento y desarrollo del territorio municipal, educación y acueducto y alcantarillado, la gobernabilidad en este secundo periodo está asegurada, entonces, sólo gracias a la gobiernancia en los territorios o combinación entre el gobierno del territorio y la gobernancia de los territorios, es decir, gracias a un modo de gobierno híbrido que les permite a los ejecutivos locales conciliar su inclinación por la gobernancia de sus territorios y sus obligaciones en cuanto al gobierno del territorio y ser, al mismo tiempo, actores gobernantes y agentes regidores.-----Since the 1991 Constitution, most rulings and sentences tend to consider that individuals in charge of the local executive power (mayors, governors) should be some sort of tuling aldermen responsible for their particular territories and their “controlled decentralization” instead of actual governing actors, advocates and defenders of the governance of their territories. This fact raises the questions of why and how they can possibly play this double role. The bulk of the answer to this question can be found by examining both the logic behind public policies (Muller) and the conditions in whixh these are implemented in each territory, or “territorial deployment” (Medellìn).According to Muller, the territoriality of a particular public policy refers to a situation whereby the prevailing logic is territorial or horizontal (regulation of a geographical territory follows a center-periphery scheme), whereas its sectoriality refers to a situation whereby the prevailing logic is sectorial or vertical (regulation of a sector’s reproduction is vertically determined by a global-sectorial scheme). For each regulation logic behind public policies there is a corresponding way of governing a particular territory: governing the territory for the sake of sectoriality, and governing it for the sake of territoriality.As opposed to the French case, whereby the construction of the State signals the purposes of a territorial logic (“traditional territoriality”), the Colombian State is na endemic one, a fragmented State struggling for territorial control and in fear of the fragmentation of territorial unity (Navas). Its limited capacity to cover the whole territory and to act on it (its “limited or partial territoriality”, according to Medellín) affects governability as well as the deployment of public policies, which is frequently subject to uncertain negotiations related to the problem of governance.That es why governability in Colombia is only possible through hybrid public policies, which are in turn the result of the “indissoluble marriage between sectoriality and territoriality”, the result of a sort of “secterritoriality” which combines in various proportions a sectorial logic (or sectoriallity, which implies centralization) and a territorial logic (or territoriallity, which implies decentralization), all due to a hybrid form of governmen, or “governance” of the territory, a complex and variable dosage of both government and governance. Keeping this in mind, it is possible to establish the degree of territoriality and sectoriality of a public policy at a particular time, and to classify public policies according to their degree of territoriality and/or sectoriality, that is, according to the relative importance of the logics behind their regulation.From the early 70s to the early 80s, sectoriality prevailed and governability was guaranteed almost exclusively through the separate territorial deployment of each sector, then, from 1984 to the present, “controlled decentralization” has shown partial changes in the regulation logic behind public policies by resorting, at least in part, to a logic of territoriality in response to some sort of sectorriality crisis.As can be clearly seen after analyzing and evaluatin public policies in matters such as statesubsidized housing, municipal land development and legislation, education, water and sewage services, governability during this second period can only be guaranteed by governance in the territories or by a combination of both, government in the territory and governance in the territories. In other words, governability is possible thanks to a type of hybrid government that allows those in charge of exercising local executive power to reconcile their bias towards the governance of their teritories and their duties vis-àvis the government of the territory, but capable of being, at the same time, governing actors and ruling agents, active modern-day aldermen.


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En este artículo* se repiensa el concepto de “ciudad” mediante una aproximación epistemológica a la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo con el propósito de identificar aquellos aspectos provenientes de las teorías urbanas que permitan responder crítica y creativamente a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo repensar con rigor teórico-metodológico la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo? y ¿cómo producir, justificar y usar conocimiento para repensar el sentido y el contenido de la relación entre los conceptos de campus universitario y de lo social?En respuesta a la primera pregunta se abordan, en primer lugar, los conceptos de ciudad moderna y de metrópoli contemporánea señalando elementos generales de la relación universidad-ciudad en los orígenes de la ciudad moderna y elementos específicos de esa misma relación en las transformaciones de la metrópoli contemporánea. En segundo lugar, se destacan las connotaciones del concepto de ciudad moderna, entendido como la operación de reunir agrupaciones de operaciones diferenciadas, y las connotaciones del concepto de metrópoli contemporánea, entendido como territorialidad de la aberración del sentido común de la modernidad en su actual fase escotósica de globalización informatizada. En tercer lugar, se presenta el concepto de campus universitario desagregado en los modelos de ciudad universitaria y de universidad ciudadana, destacando las lógicas de las territorialidades de la ciudad moderna y de la metrópoli contemporánea para mostrar la falsa dualidad existente entre tales modelos y entre tales lógicas.Como respuesta a la segunda pregunta se presenta el método de la tematización metafórica, mediante cuya aplicación se propone: i) repensar el concepto de “ciudad”, re-entendiéndolo como probabilidad emergente de un organismo vivo; ii) repensar el concepto de “lo social”, re-concibiéndolo como campo relacional entre manifestaciones conscientes del ser en proceso de totalización inacabado y iii) repensar el concepto de “región”, re-entendiéndolo como categoría de análisis espacio-temporal, territorial, jurisdiccional y funcional del campo relacional de lo social.Finalmente, se plantea un nuevo interrogante en torno a si, acaso, desde el sentido de trascendencia del intercambio orgánico de energía entre manifestaciones conscientes del ser, sea posible proponer un enfoque regional para la alternatividad al desarrollo desde teorías de complejidad como un paso siguiente a esta aproximación epistemológica de la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo.* Artículo basado en el ensayo titulado ¿“CIUDAD”?: REGIÓN. Una aproximación epistemológica a la relación universidad-ciudad como problema filosófico contemporáneo, elaborado en el curso sobre Historia de la Filosofía Contemporánea ofrecido por el profesor Francisco Sierra Gutiérrez en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana durante el semestre II de 2004. Este artículo hace parte del Programa Docente Individualizado del autor con miras a la propuesta de un “Enfoque regional para la alternatividad al desarrollo ERPAD: una aproximación epistemológica desde las teorías de complejidad”, en el marco del Programa de Doctorado en Urbanismo ofrecido por la Universidad Central de Venezuela en convenio con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.-----This article reviews the concept of “city” through an epistemological approach to the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship, with the purpose of identifying those elements of urban theories that can help to provide a critical and creative answer to the following questions: How can the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship be reviewed with scientific rigor, that is, by using theories and methods thoroughly? How to produce, justify and use knowledge to review the meaning and content of the relationship between the concepts of university campus and social sphere?In order to answer the first question, the concepts of ‘modern city’ and ‘contemporary metropolis’ are initially discussed; general elements of the relationship university-city can be found in the origins of modern cities, whereas more specific ones can be identified in the transformations of contemporary metropolis. Secondly, the author highlights the connotations of the concept of ‘modern city’ –the act of gathering groups which perform different operations—, as well as those of the concept of ‘contemporary metropolis’ –a territory where common sense becomes aberrant in the current stage of computerized globalization. Thirdly, the concept of ‘university campus’ is disintegrated into the models of a city for university students and a university for citizens; the logic behind territoriality in modern cities and contemporary metropolis is pointed out in order to show the false duality between such models and such logic.To answer the second question, the metaphoric thematization method is introduced with the purpose of: i) reviewing the concept of ‘city’, so that it is understood as a new possibility for living organisms; ii) reviewing the concept of ‘social sphere’, so as to conceive it as the arena where man’s conscious manifestations relate to each other in an unfinished process of totalization; and iii) reviewing the concept of ‘region’, so that it can be seen as a type of spatial, time, territorial, jurisdictional and functional analysis of the arena where social matters relate.Finally, a new question is raised as to whether, in fact, from the transcendence of the organic exchange of energy between man’s conscious manifestations, it is possible to put forward a regional approach from the complexity of theories as an alternative for development, as the next step to be taken after this epistemological approach to the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship.


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Truth commissions and criminal trials have come to be perceived as complementary transitional justice mechanisms. However, where effective prosecutions are dependent on the exchange of information and transfer of suspects between states under existing mutual legal assistance and extradition arrangements, the operation of a truth commission in the state of territoriality may act as an obstacle to international cooperation. At the same time, requests for assistance from a third state pursuing prosecutions may impact negatively on the truth commission process in the requested state by inhibiting those reluctant to become involved in criminal proceedings from offering testimony. This article demonstrates a practical discord between these bodies when they operate in different states and questions whether they can truly be considered “complementary”.


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The Countryside and Rights of Way Act came into force at the end of 2000 with,as part of its content, new provisions relating to public access to the English and Welsh countryside. In this paper we review the main elements of the Act and assess its meaning in relation to citizenship, territoriality and the place of land in English law and society. We invoke Mauss’s (1954)concept of Gift to explain the process of brokerage being made over access and rights in the countryside. In conclusion we reflect on the Act as being indicative of a wider move towards Bromley’s (1998)post-feudal scenario for land and its governance.


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Female aggregation and male territoriality are considered to be hallmarks of polygynous mating systems. The development of genetic parentage assignment has called into question the accuracy of behavioral traits in predicting true mating systems. In this study we use 14 microsatellite markers to explore the mating system of one of the most behaviorally polygynous species, the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). We sampled a total of 158 female-pup pairs and 99 territorial males across two breeding rookeries (San Jorge and Los Islotes) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Fathers could be identified for 30% of pups sampled at San Jorge across three breeding seasons and 15% of sampled pups at Los Islotes across two breeding seasons. Analysis of paternal relatedness between the pups for which no fathers were identified (sampled over four breeding seasons at San Jorge and two at Los Islotes) revealed that few pups were likely to share a father. Thirty-one percent of the sampled males on San Jorge and 15% of the sampled males on Los Islotes were assigned at least one paternity. With one exception, no male was identified as the father of more than two pups. Furthermore, at Los Islotes rookery there were significantly fewer pups assigned paternity than expected given the pool of sampled males (p<0.0001). Overall, we found considerably lower variation in male reproductive success than expected in a species that exhibits behavior associated with strongly polygynous mating. Low variation in male reproductive success may result from heightened mobility among receptive females in the Gulf of California, which reduces the ability of males to monopolize groups of females. Our results raise important questions regarding the adaptive role of territoriality and the potential for alternative mating tactics in this species.


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This study tests predictions of the hypothesis of evolution of paternal care via sexual selection by using the Neotropical harvestman Pseudopucrolia sp. as the model organism. Females use natural cavities in roadside banks as nesting sites, which are defended by males against other males. Females leave the nests after oviposition, and all postzygotic parental care is accomplished by males, which protect the eggs and nymphs from predators. We provided artificial mud nests to individuals in the laboratory and conducted observations on the reproduction of the species. Male reproductive success was directly related to nest ownership time: the longer a male held a nest, the higher his chances of obtaining copulations. All males that succeeded in mating and obtaining one clutch eventually mated with additional females that added eggs to the clutch. Thus, desirable males were not limited to monogamy by paternal care. Experimental manipulations demonstrated that guarding males were more attractive to females than were nonguarding males and also that males guarded unrelated eggs. Finally, we found that females and nonguarding males spent more time foraging than guarding males. We use our data to contrast hypotheses on the origin and maintenance of paternal care and to provide a critical assessment of the hypothesis of the evolution of paternal care via sexual selection. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although studies classify the polygynous mating system of a given species into female defense polygyny (FDP) or resource defense polygyny (RDP), the boundary between these two categories is often slight. Males of some species may even shift between these two types of polygyny in response to temporal variation in social and environmental conditions. Here, we examine the mating system of the Neotropical harvestman Acutisoma proximum and, in order to assess if mate acquisition in males corresponds to FDP or RDP, we tested four contrasting predictions derived from the mating system theory. At the beginning of the reproductive season, males fight with other males for the possession of territories on the vegetation where females will later oviposit, as expected in RDP. Females present a marked preference for specific host plant species, and males establish their territories in areas where these host plants are specially abundant, which is also expected in RDP. Later in the reproductive season, males reduce their patrolling activity and focus on defending individual females that are ovipositing inside their territories, as what occurs in FDP. This is the first described case of an arachnid that exhibits a shift in mating system over the reproductive season, revealing that we should be cautious when defining the mating system of a species based on few observations concentrated in a brief period.


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In this paper, we report on range use patterns of birds in relation to tropical forest fragmentation. Between 2003 and 2005, three understorey passerine species were radio-tracked in five locations of a fragmented and in two locations of a contiguous forest landscape on the Atlantic Plateau of Sao Paulo in south-eastern Brazil. Standardized ten-day home ranges of 55 individuals were used to determine influences of landscape pattern, season, species, sex and age. In addition, total observed home ranges of 76 individuals were reported as minimum measures of spatial requirements of the species. Further, seasonal home ranges of recaptured individuals were compared to examine site fidelity. Chiroxiphia caudata, but not Pyriglena leucoptera or Sclerurus scansor, used home ranges more than twice as large in the fragmented versus contiguous forest. Home range sizes of C. caudata differed in relation to sex, age, breeding status and season. Seasonal home ranges greatly overlapped in both C. caudata and in S. scansor. Our results suggest that one response by some forest bird species to habitat fragmentation entails enlarging their home ranges to include several habitat fragments, whereas more habitat-sensitive species remain restricted to larger forest patches.


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1. Territoriality is widely accepted as the mechanism responsible for density-dependent mortality, emigration, and 'self-thinning' of populations of juvenile salmonine fishes in streams. Numerous studies have focused on territoriality exclusively in stream (lotic) environments and thus have fostered a stereotyped view of juvenile salmonines as sedentary and territorial. We term this behavioural paradigm the central-place territorial model (CPTM).

2. We tested predictions characterizing the CPTM for young-of-the-year (YOY) brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) in two Canadian lakes to determine if territoriality may also potentially limit space and population size of brook charr in lakes.

3. Our findings were not consistent with the CPTM. Fish in both lakes were not central-place forages. Maximum displacement distance did not increase with body length as predicted by the general salmonine model of Grant and Kramer (1990). Net displacement distanced increased with the proportion of time spent moving. Aggressive frequency was greatest for fish which spent large proportions of time moving and did not defend from a central-place.

4. Fish in both lakes were rarely aggressive, highly active, and often moved back over the same areas. However, lake fish which migrated to a tributary stream had no net displacement (central-place foraging) illustrating the immediate effects of current on foraging tactics and space-use.

5. The effect of hydrodynamic environment (flowing vs. still water) on fish behaviour needs to be explicitly considered in future models of salmonine behaviour.


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In early 2012, 76 heavily armed police conducted a raid on a house in Auckland, New Zealand. The targets were Kim Dotcom, a German national with a NZ residency visa, and several colleagues affiliated with Megaupload, an online subscription-based peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing facility. The alleged offences involved facilitating unlawful file sharing and United States federal criminal copyright violations. Following the raid, several court cases provide valuable insights into emerging ‘global policing’ practices (Bowling and Sheptycki 2012) based on communications between sovereign enforcement agencies. This article uses these cases to explore the growth of ‘extraterritorial’ police powers that operate ‘across borders’ (Nadelmann 1993) as part of several broader transformations of global policing in the digital age.