956 resultados para TDMA protocols
OBJECTIVES: Renal tubular sodium handling was measured in healthy subjects submitted to acute and chronic salt-repletion/salt-depletion protocols. The goal was to compare the changes in proximal and distal sodium handling induced by the two procedures using the lithium clearance technique. METHODS: In nine subjects, acute salt loading was obtained with a 2 h infusion of isotonic saline, and salt depletion was induced with a low-salt diet and furosemide. In the chronic protocol, 15 subjects randomly received a low-, a regular- and a high-sodium diet for 1 week. In both protocols, renal and systemic haemodynamics and urinary electrolyte excretion were measured after an acute water load. In the chronic study, sodium handling was also determined, based on 12 h day- and night-time urine collections. RESULTS: The acute and chronic protocols induced comparable changes in sodium excretion, renal haemodynamics and hormonal responses. Yet, the relative contribution of the proximal and distal nephrons to sodium excretion in response to salt loading and depletion differed in the two protocols. Acutely, subjects appeared to regulate sodium balance mainly by the distal nephron, with little contribution of the proximal tubule. In contrast, in the chronic protocol, changes in sodium reabsorption could be measured both in the proximal and distal nephrons. Acute water loading was an important confounding factor which increased sodium excretion by reducing proximal sodium reabsorption. This interference of water was particularly marked in salt-depleted subjects. CONCLUSION: Acute and chronic salt loading/salt depletion protocols investigate different renal mechanisms of control of sodium balance. The endogenous lithium clearance technique is a reliable method to assess proximal sodium reabsorption in humans. However, to investigate sodium handling in diseases such as hypertension, lithium should be measured preferably on 24 h or overnight urine collections to avoid the confounding influence of water.
Una de les qüestions que ens preocupen com a psicòlegs i psicòlogues en l'àmbit penitenciari és saber fer front d’una manera vàlida i efectiva a les diverses situacions de crisi o emergència que es produeixen en aquest medi, encara que sigui puntualment, no per això deixen de ser significatives i a vegades traumàtiques, tant per a les persones preses com per al seu context. Tanmateix, som conscients que els professionals que assisteixen les persones o grups en crisi a la presó no són necessàriament psicòlegs, sinó que sovint són els funcionaris de vigilància o els mateixos membres de la direcció del centre els que han d’assumir aquestes funcions. És com a tècnics especialistes en el comportament i la personalitat humana i en la solució dels problemes relacionals que podem col·laborar i assessorar els responsables en la gestió d’aquests conflictes en procediments i estratègies del tractament més efectius a l’hora de negociar i assolir un equilibri adaptatiu entre les diverses parts que conformen els escenaris en crisi. Un dels objectius que ens plantejarem la comunitat de pràctiques en aquest curs 2009 és identificar les diverses situacions de crisi que es poden produir a la presó i elaborar un conjunt de protocols d’actuació psicològica que orientin el professional (el psicòleg inicialment però també d’altres agents del canvi dels comportaments antisocials) sobre quina és la millor manera d’intervenir-hi. No obstant això, es considera que més enllà de l'elaboració de guies o manuals d’intervenció (al cap i a la fi això es pot consultar en la literatura especialitzada sobre aquest tema), es tractava de ser el més pràctics possible i recollir en un tríptic aquella informació pertinent (allò imprescindible que s’ha de saber per actuar de manera efectiva i quins són els errors que cal evitar encara que només sigui per no complicar encara més les coses) que fos fàcil d’utilitzar per part del professional, és a dir, un recordatori esquematitzat però rigorós del pla d’acció que cal seguir per fer front a la crisi. També es pretén que sigui obert a les experiències i coneixements resolutius de qui intervé en aquestes situacions d’emergència i que permeti el feedback amb el grup de la comunitat de pràctiques, qui ho validaria, per tal d’anar incrementat progressivament la validesa i fiabilitat de l'instrument. Aquest curs presentem dos protocols/tríptics d’actuació: 1) notificació de males noticies/acompanyament en el dol; 2) intervenció en el risc de suïcidi o en conductes de autòlisi. La idea és elaborar-ne més en pròximes edicions. A més a més, com a protocol en format audiovisual, es presenta un curtmetratge on es desenvolupa una actuació psicològica per tal de desactivar una conducta violenta/ amenaçant.
Sleep-wake disturbances are frequently observed in stroke patients and are associated with poorer functional outcome. Until now the effects of sleep on stroke evolution are unknown. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of three sleep deprivation (SD) protocols on brain damages after focal cerebral ischemia in a rat model. Permanent occlusion of distal branches of the middle cerebral artery was induced in adult rats. The animals were then subjected to 6h SD, 12h SD or sleep disturbances (SDis) in which 3 x 12h sleep deprivation were performed by gentle handling. Infarct size and brain swelling were assessed by Cresyl violet staining, and the number of damaged cells was measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. Behavioral tests, namely tape removal and cylinder tests, were performed for assessing sensorimotor function. In the 6h SD protocol, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was found either in infarct size (42.5 ± 30.4 mm3 in sleep deprived animals vs. 44.5 ± 20.5 mm3 in controls, mean ± s.d.), in brain swelling (10.2 ± 3.8 % in sleep deprived animals vs. 11.3 ± 2.0 % in controls) or in number of TUNEL-positive cells (21.7 ± 2.0/mm2 in sleep deprived animals vs. 23.0 ± 1.1/mm2 in controls). In contrast, 12h sleep deprivation increased infarct size by 40 % (82.8 ± 10.9 mm3 in SD group vs. 59.2 ± 13.9 mm3 in control group, P = 0.008) and number of TUNEL-positive cells by 137 % (46.8 ± 15/mm in SD group vs. 19.7 ± 7.7/mm2 in control group, P = 0.003). There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in brain swelling (12.9 ± 6.3 % in sleep deprived animals vs. 11.6 ± 6.0 % in controls). The SDis protocol also increased infarct size by 76 % (3 x 12h SD 58.8 ± 20.4 mm3 vs. no SD 33.8 ± 6.3 mm3, P = 0.017) and number of TUNEL-positive cells by 219 % (32.9 ± 13.2/mm2 vs. 10.3 ± 2.5/mm2, P = 0.008). Brain swelling did not show any difference between the two groups (24.5 ± 8.4 % in SD group vs. 16.7 ± 8.9 % in control group, p > 0.05). Both behavioral tests did not show any concluding results. In summary, we demonstrate that sleep deprivation aggravates brain damages in a rat model of stroke. Further experiments are needed to unveil the mechanisms underlying these effects.
Résumé La cryptographie classique est basée sur des concepts mathématiques dont la sécurité dépend de la complexité du calcul de l'inverse des fonctions. Ce type de chiffrement est à la merci de la puissance de calcul des ordinateurs ainsi que la découverte d'algorithme permettant le calcul des inverses de certaines fonctions mathématiques en un temps «raisonnable ». L'utilisation d'un procédé dont la sécurité est scientifiquement prouvée s'avère donc indispensable surtout les échanges critiques (systèmes bancaires, gouvernements,...). La cryptographie quantique répond à ce besoin. En effet, sa sécurité est basée sur des lois de la physique quantique lui assurant un fonctionnement inconditionnellement sécurisé. Toutefois, l'application et l'intégration de la cryptographie quantique sont un souci pour les développeurs de ce type de solution. Cette thèse justifie la nécessité de l'utilisation de la cryptographie quantique. Elle montre que le coût engendré par le déploiement de cette solution est justifié. Elle propose un mécanisme simple et réalisable d'intégration de la cryptographie quantique dans des protocoles de communication largement utilisés comme les protocoles PPP, IPSec et le protocole 802.1li. Des scénarios d'application illustrent la faisabilité de ces solutions. Une méthodologie d'évaluation, selon les critères communs, des solutions basées sur la cryptographie quantique est également proposée dans ce document. Abstract Classical cryptography is based on mathematical functions. The robustness of a cryptosystem essentially depends on the difficulty of computing the inverse of its one-way function. There is no mathematical proof that establishes whether it is impossible to find the inverse of a given one-way function. Therefore, it is mandatory to use a cryptosystem whose security is scientifically proven (especially for banking, governments, etc.). On the other hand, the security of quantum cryptography can be formally demonstrated. In fact, its security is based on the laws of physics that assure the unconditional security. How is it possible to use and integrate quantum cryptography into existing solutions? This thesis proposes a method to integrate quantum cryptography into existing communication protocols like PPP, IPSec and the 802.l1i protocol. It sketches out some possible scenarios in order to prove the feasibility and to estimate the cost of such scenarios. Directives and checkpoints are given to help in certifying quantum cryptography solutions according to Common Criteria.
Abstract. The ability of 2 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (RBPs) to assess stream water quality was compared in 2 Mediterranean-climate regions. The most commonly used RBPs in South Africa (SAprotocol) and the Iberian Peninsula (IB-protocol) are both multihabitat, field-based methods that use macroinvertebrates. Both methods use preassigned sensitivity weightings to calculate metrics and biotic indices. The SA- and IB-protocols differ with respect to sampling equipment (mesh size: 1000 lm vs 250 300 lm, respectively), segregation of habitats (substrate vs flow-type), and sampling and sorting procedures (variable time and intensity). Sampling was undertaken at 6 sites in South Africa and 5 sites in the Iberian Peninsula. Forty-four and 51 macroinvertebrate families were recorded in South Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, respectively; 77.3% of South African families and 74.5% of Iberian Peninsula families were found using both protocols. Estimates of community similarity compared between the 2 protocols were .60% similar among sites in South Africa and .54% similar among sites in the Iberian Peninsula (BrayCurtis similarity), and no significant differences were found between protocols (Multiresponse Permutation Procedure). Ordination based on Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling grouped macroinvertebrate samples on the basis of site rather than protocol. Biotic indices generated with the 2 protocols at each site did not differ. Thus, both RBPs produced equivalent results, and both were able to distinguish between biotic communities (mountain streams vs foothills) and detect water-quality impairment, regardless of differences in sampling equipment, segregation of habitats, and sampling and sorting procedures. Our results indicate that sampling a single habitat may be sufficient for assessing water quality, but a multihabitat approach to sampling is recommended where intrinsic variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages is high (e.g., in undisturbed sites in regions with Mediterranean climates). The RBP of choice should depend on whether the objective is routine biomonitoring of water quality or autecological or faunistic studies.
BACKGROUND: Many clinical studies are ultimately not fully published in peer-reviewed journals. Underreporting of clinical research is wasteful and can result in biased estimates of treatment effect or harm, leading to recommendations that are inappropriate or even dangerous. METHODS: We assembled a cohort of clinical studies approved 2000-2002 by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Freiburg, Germany. Published full articles were searched in electronic databases and investigators contacted. Data on study characteristics were extracted from protocols and corresponding publications. We characterized the cohort, quantified its publication outcome and compared protocols and publications for selected aspects. RESULTS: Of 917 approved studies, 807 were started and 110 were not, either locally or as a whole. Of the started studies, 576 (71%) were completed according to protocol, 128 (16%) discontinued and 42 (5%) are still ongoing; for 61 (8%) there was no information about their course. We identified 782 full publications corresponding to 419 of the 807 initiated studies; the publication proportion was 52% (95% CI: 0.48-0.55). Study design was not significantly associated with subsequent publication. Multicentre status, international collaboration, large sample size and commercial or non-commercial funding were positively associated with subsequent publication. Commercial funding was mentioned in 203 (48%) protocols and in 205 (49%) of the publications. In most published studies (339; 81%) this information corresponded between protocol and publication. Most studies were published in English (367; 88%); some in German (25; 6%) or both languages (27; 6%). The local investigators were listed as (co-)authors in the publications corresponding to 259 (62%) studies. CONCLUSION: Half of the clinical research conducted at a large German university medical centre remains unpublished; future research is built on an incomplete database. Research resources are likely wasted as neither health care professionals nor patients nor policy makers can use the results when making decisions.
BACKGROUND: Efavirenz and abacavir are components of recommended first-line regimens for HIV-1 infection. We used genome-wide genotyping and clinical data to explore genetic associations with virologic failure among patients randomized to efavirenz-containing or abacavir-containing regimens in AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) protocols. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Virologic response and genome-wide genotype data were available from treatment-naive patients randomized to efavirenz-containing (n=1596) or abacavir-containing (n=786) regimens in ACTG protocols 384, A5142, A5095, and A5202. RESULTS: Meta-analysis of association results across race/ethnic groups showed no genome-wide significant associations (P<5×10) with virologic response for either efavirenz or abacavir. Our sample size provided 80% power to detect a genotype relative risk of 1.8 for efavirenz and 2.4 for abacavir. Analyses focused on CYP2B genotypes that define the lowest plasma efavirenz exposure stratum did not show associations nor did analysis limited to gene sets predicted to be relevant to efavirenz and abacavir disposition. CONCLUSION: No single polymorphism is associated strongly with virologic failure with efavirenz-containing or abacavir-containing regimens. Analyses to better consider context, and that minimize confounding by nongenetic factors, may show associations not apparent here.
JXTA define un conjunto de seis protocolos básicos especialmente adecuados para una computación ad hoc, permanente, multi-hop, peer-to-peer (P2P). Estos protocolos permiten que los iguales cooperen y formen grupos autónomos de pares. Este artículo presenta un método que proporciona servicios de seguridad en los protocolos básicos: protección de datos, autenticidad, integridad y no repudio. Los mecanismos que se presentan son totalmente distribuidos y basados ¿¿en un modelo puro peer-to-peer, que no requieren el arbitraje de un tercero de confianza o una relación de confianza establecida previamente entre pares, que es uno de los principales retos en este tipo de entornos.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of hormonal synchronization protocols, associated or not with follicular development stimulation, on the recovery of oocytes and on in vitro production of Bos indicus and B. taurus embryos, in different seasons. Ultrasound-guided follicular aspirations (n=237) were performed without pre-treatment (G1, control group) and after follicular wave synchronization (G2), or after follicular wave synchronization and follicle growth induction (G3). Bos indicus produced more oocytes and embryos than B. taurus (18.7±0.9 vs. 11.9±0.6 oocytes and 4.8±0.3 vs. 2.1±0.2 embryos). On average, oocyte and embryo yields were higher in G3 than in G2, and both were greater than in G1, which lead to a higher conversion of oocytes to embryos in these treatments. The hot or the cold season did not affect the B. indicus outcomes, whereas, in B. taurus, both oocyte recovery and embryo production were higher in the cold season. Follicular wave synchronization improves ovum pick-up and in vitro production of embryos in both cattle subspecies evaluated.
En els darrers anys, la criptografia amb corbes el.líptiques ha adquirit una importància creixent, fins a arribar a formar part en la actualitat de diferents estàndards industrials. Tot i que s'han dissenyat variants amb corbes el.líptiques de criptosistemes clàssics, com el RSA, el seu màxim interès rau en la seva aplicació en criptosistemes basats en el Problema del Logaritme Discret, com els de tipus ElGamal. En aquest cas, els criptosistemes el.líptics garanteixen la mateixa seguretat que els construïts sobre el grup multiplicatiu d'un cos finit primer, però amb longituds de clau molt menor. Mostrarem, doncs, les bones propietats d'aquests criptosistemes, així com els requeriments bàsics per a que una corba sigui criptogràficament útil, estretament relacionat amb la seva cardinalitat. Revisarem alguns mètodes que permetin descartar corbes no criptogràficament útils, així com altres que permetin obtenir corbes bones a partir d'una de donada. Finalment, descriurem algunes aplicacions, com són el seu ús en Targes Intel.ligents i sistemes RFID, per concloure amb alguns avenços recents en aquest camp.