941 resultados para T-helper 1 cytokines


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Les cytokines jouent un rôle fondamental dans la régulation des processus biologiques via la cascade de signalisation JAK-STAT. Les « Suppressors of Cytokine Signalling » (SOCS), protéines intracellulaires, inhibent la voie JAK-STAT. Plusieurs études supportent leur implication dans des maladies immunitaires, mais peu d’informations sont disponibles sur leur expression par les lymphocytes T humains. Nous postulons que les cytokines Interféron-β(IFN-β) et Interleukine-27 (IL-27), dotées d’un potentiel immuno-régulateur, ont des rôles bénéfiques via l’induction des SOCS. L’impact de l’IFN-β et l’IL-27 sur l’expression des SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 par des cellules T CD8 et CD4 humaines a été étudié en utilisant des cellules sanguines de donneurs sains. L’expression de ces régulateurs a été évaluée aux niveaux de l’ARNm par qRT-PCR et protéique par immunocytochimie. Les SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 ont été rapidement induits en ARNm dans les deux types cellulaires en réponse à l’IFN-β ou l’IL-27 et une augmentation de l’expression a été confirmée au niveau protéique. Afin de mimer les thérapies à base d’IFN-β, les cellules T ont été exposées chroniquement à l’IFN-β. Après chaque ajout de cytokine les cellules T ont augmenté l’expression du SOCS-1, sans moduler le SOCS-3. L’IL-27 a induit les SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 préférentiellement dans les cellules T CD8 ; ceci corrèle avec des résultats du laboratoire démontrant une plus petite expression des récepteurs à l’IL-27 par les lymphocytes T CD4 que les CD8. Notre projet a permis d’élucider l’expression des SOCS dans deux populations de cellules T et de clarifier les mécanismes d’actions de l’IFN-β et l’IL-27.


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La prolifération, la différenciation ainsi que les fonctions des cellules du système immunitaire sont contrôlées en partie par les cytokines. Lors de l’infection par le VIH-1, les défauts observés dans les fonctions, la maintenance, ainsi que la consistance des cellules du système immunitaire sont en large partie attribués à une production altérée des cytokines et à un manque d’efficacité au niveau de leurs effets biologiques. Durant ces études, nous nous sommes intéréssés à la régulation et aux fonctions de deux cytokines qui sont l’IL-18 et l’IL-21. Nous avons observé une corrélation inversée significative entre les concentrations sériques d’IL-18 et le nombre des cellules NK chez les patients infectés par le VIH-1. Nos expériences in vitro ont démontré que cette cytokine induit l’apoptose des cellules NK primaires et que cette mort peut être inhibée par des anticorps neutralisants spécifiques pour FasL et TNF-α. Cette mort cellulaire est due à l’expression de FasL sur les cellules NK et à la production de TNF-α par ces cellules. L’IL-18 augmente aussi la susceptibilité à la mort des cellules NK par un stimulus pro-apoptotique, en diminuant l’expression de la protéine anti-apoptotique Bcl-XL. Nous démontrons aussi que, contrairement à l’IL-18, les niveaux d’IL-18BP sont plus faibles dans les sérum de patients infectés. Ceci résulte sur une production non coordonnée de ces deux facteurs, aboutissant à des niveaux élevés d’IL-18 libre et biologiquement active chez les patients infectés. L’infection de macrophages in vitro induit la production d’IL-18 et réduit celle d’IL-18BP. De plus, l’IL-10 et le TGF-β, dont les concentrations sont élevées chez les patients infectés, réduisent la production d’IL-18BP par les macrophages in vitro. Finalement, nous démontrons que l’IL-18 augmente la réplication du VIH-1 dans les lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés. Les niveaux élevés d’IL-18 libres et biologiquement actives chez les patients infectés contribuent donc à l’immuno-pathogénèse induite par le VIH-1 en perturbant l’homéostasie des cellules NK ainsi qu’en augmentant la réplication du virus chez les patients. Ces études suggèrent donc la neutralisation des effets néfastes de l’IL-18 en utilisant son inhibiteur naturel soit de l’IL-18BP exogène. Ceci permettrait de moduler l’activité de l’IL-18 in vivo à des niveaux souhaitables. L’IL-21 joue un rôle clef dans le contrôle des infections virales chroniques. Lors de ces études, nous avons déterminé la dynamique de la production d’IL-21 lors de l’infection par le VIH-1 et sa conséquence sur la survie des cellules T CD4+ et la fréquence des cellules T CD8+ spécifiques au VIH-1. Nous avons démontré que sa production est compromise tôt au cours de l’infection et que les concentrations d’IL-21 corrèlent avec le compte de cellules T CD4+ chez les personnes infectées. Nos études ont démontré que le traitement antirétroviral restaure partiellement la production d’IL-21. De plus, l’infection par le VIH-1 de cellules T CD4+ humaines inhibe sa production en réduisant l’expression du facteur de transcription c-Maf. Nous avons aussi démontré que la fréquence des cellules T CD4+ spécifiques au VIH-1 qui produisent de l’IL-21 est réduite chez les patients virémiques. Selon nos résultats, l’IL-21 empêche l’apoptose spontanée des cellules T CD4+ de patients infectés et l’absence d’IL-21 réduit la fréquence des cellules T CD8+ spécifiques au VIH-1 chez ces patients. Nos résultats démontrent que l'IL-21R est exprimé de façon égale sur tous les sous-types de cellules NK chez les donneurs sains et chez les patients infectés. L’IL-21 active les protéines STAT-3, MAPK et Akt afin d'augmenter les fonctions effectrices des cellules NK. L'activation de STAT-3 joue un rôle clef dans ces fonctions avec ou sans un traitement avec de l'IL-21. L'IL-21 augmente l'expression des protéines anti-apoptotiques Bcl-2 et Bcl-XL, augmente la viabilité des cellules NK, mais ne possède aucun effet sur leur prolifération. Nous démontrons de plus que l'IL-21 augmente l'ADCC, les fonctions sécrétrices et cytotoxiques ainsi que la viabilité des cellules NK provenant de patients chroniquement infectés par le VIH-1. De plus, cette cytokine semble présenter ces effets sans augmenter en contrepartie la réplication du VIH-1. Elle permet donc d'inhiber la réplication virale lors de co-cultures autologues de cellules NK avec des cellules T CD4+ infectées d'une manière dépendante à l'expression de perforine et à l'utilisation de la protéine LFA-1. Les niveaux d’IL-21 pourraient donc servir de marqueurs biologiques pour accompagner les informations sur le taux de cellules T CD4+ circulantes en nous donnant des informations sur l’état de fonctionnalité de ce compartiment cellulaire. De plus, ces résultats suggèrent l’utilisation de cette cytokine en tant qu’agent immunothérapeutique pour restaurer les niveaux normaux d’IL-21 et augmenter la réponse antivirale chez les patients infectés par le VIH-1.


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Krüppel-like transcription factors (Klfs) modulate fundamental cell processes. Cardiac myocytes are terminally-differentiated, but hypertrophy in response to stimuli such as endothelin-1. H2O2 or cytokines promote myocyte apoptosis. Microarray studies of neonatal rat myocytes identified several Klfs as endothelin-1-responsive genes. We used quantitative PCR for further analysis of Klf expression in neonatal rat myocytes. In response to endothelin-1, Klf2 mRNA expression was rapidly increased ( approximately 9-fold; 15-30 min) with later increases in expression of Klf4 and Klf6 ( approximately 5-fold; 30-60 min). All were regulated as immediate early genes (cycloheximide did not inhibit the increases in expression). Klf5 expression was increased at 1-2 h ( approximately 13-fold) as a second phase response (cycloheximide inhibited the increase). These increases were transient and attenuated by U0126. H2O2 increased expression of Klf2, Klf4 and Klf6, but interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor alpha downregulated Klf2 expression with no effect on Klf4 or Klf6. Of the Klfs which repress transcription, endothelin-1 rapidly downregulated expression of Klf3, Klf11 and Klf15. The dynamic regulation of expression of multiple Klf family members in cardiac myocytes suggests that, as a family, they are actively involved in regulating phenotypic responses (hypertrophy and apoptosis) to extracellular stimuli.


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Diabetic patients have increased susceptibility to infection, which may be related to impaired inflammatory response observed in experimental models of diabetes, and restored by insulin treatment. The goal of this study was to investigate whether insulin regulates transcription of cytokines and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) via nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) signaling pathway in Escherichia coli LIPS-induced lung inflammation. Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, iv., 10 days) and controls were instilled intratracheally with saline containing LPS (750 mu g/0.4 mL) or saline only. Some diabetic rats were given neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (4 IU, s.c.) 2 h before LIPS. Analyses performed 6 h after LPS included: (a) lung and mesenteric lymph node IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and ICAM-1 messenger RNA (mRNA) were quantified by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; (b) number of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and concentrations of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-10 in the BAL were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; and (c) activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were quantified by Western blot analysis. Relative to controls, diabetic rats exhibited a reduction in lung and mesenteric lymph node IL-1 beta (40%), TNF-alpha (similar to 30%), and IL-10 (similar to 40%) mRNA levels and reduced concentrations of IL-1 beta (52%), TNF-alpha (62%), IL-10 (43%), and neutrophil counts (72%) in the BAL. Activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely restored mRNA and protein levels of these cytokines and potentiated lung ICAM-1 mRNA levels (30%) and number of neutrophils (72%) in the BAL. Activation of NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I-kappa B alpha were partially restored by insulin treatment. In conclusion, data presented suggest that insulin regulates transcription of proinflammatory (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines, and expression of ICAM-1 via the NF-kappa B signaling pathway.


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In an attempt to elucidate the effects of Sporothrix schenckii infection on the immune response, our laboratory has developed a murine model of disseminated sporotrichosis. Helper T cells can be further subdivided into Th1 and Th2 phenotypes. The differentiation of two subsets of T lymphocytes is driven by IL-12 and IL-4 cytokines, respectively. Th1 cells produce IFN-gamma that activate macrophages and promote cell-mediated immunity. In addition, we found low levels of iNOS and NO production in the initial (1st and 2nd weeks) and final (9th and 10th weeks) periods of the infection, in contrast with the period of week 4 to 7 of elevated values. The determination of IFN-gamma and IL-12 are in agreement with NO/iNOS detection, showing the presence of cellular immune response throughout the infectious process. However, the production of IL-4 shows an increase in levels after the 5th and 6th weeks suggesting a participation of Th2 response in this period as well. Regarding these results, the study demonstrated that in experimental sporotrichosis infection the cellular immune response participated throughout the period analyzed as a nitric oxide dependent mechanism. In contrast, the presence of Th2 response began in the 5th week, suggesting the participation of humoral immune response in advanced stages of sporotrichosis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) is a segmental inflammatory occlusive disorder that affects the arm and leg arteries of young smokers. The immune system seems to play a critical role in the aetiology of TAO; however, knowledge of the aspects involved in the progression of vascular tissue inflammation and, consequently, the evolution of this disease is still limited. This study was carried out to investigate the cytokine levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-4, IL-17 and IL-23 in the plasma of TAO patients presenting with acute clinical manifestations. The study included 20 TAO patients (n = 10 women; n = 10 men) aged 3859 years under clinical follow-up, classified into two groups: (i) TAO former smokers (n = 11) and (ii) TAO active smokers (n = 9); the control groups included normal volunteer non-smokers (n = 10, active smokers (n = 10) and former smokers (n = 10). Patients' plasma samples were measured using the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Statistical analyses were performed using the non-parametric MannWhitney U-test, with parameters significant at P < 0.05. The activities of all cytokines were different in groups of TAO patients when compared with normal controls, and decreased for control smokers. Increased levels of TNF-a, IL-1 beta, IL-4, IL-17 and IL-23 were significant in patients with TAO when compared to the controls (P < 0.005, all parameters). The results presented here indicate an increased production of cytokines in TAO, possibly contributing to the inflammatory response observed in the patients' vascular levels. In addition, the increased levels of IL-17 and IL-23 suggest that the disturbance of TAO is involved with mechanisms of autoimmunity. Thus, the discovery of IL-17 and its association with inflammation and autoimmune pathology has reshaped our viewpoint regarding the pathogenesis of TAO, which was based previously on the T helper type 1 (Th1)Th2 paradigm.


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PURPOSE In leukemic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (L-CTCL), malignant T cells accumulate in the blood and give rise to widespread skin inflammation. Patients have intense pruritus, increased immunoglobulin E (IgE), and decreased T-helper (TH)-1 responses, and most die from infection. Depleting malignant T cells while preserving normal immunity is a clinical challenge. L-CTCL has been variably described as a malignancy of regulatory, TH2 and TH17 cells. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN We analyzed phenotype and cytokine production in malignant and benign L-CTCL T cells, characterized the effects of malignant T cells on healthy T cells, and studied the immunomodulatory effects of treatment modalities in patients with L-CTCL. RESULTS Twelve out of 12 patients with L-CTCL overproduced TH2 cytokines. Remaining benign T cells were also strongly TH2 biased, suggesting a global TH2 skewing of the T-cell repertoire. Culture of benign T cells away from the malignant clone reduced TH2 and enhanced TH1 responses, but separate culture had no effect on malignant T cells. Coculture of healthy T cells with L-CTCL T cells reduced IFNγ production and neutralizing antibodies to interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 restored TH1 responses. In patients, enhanced TH1 responses were observed following a variety of treatment modalities that reduced malignant T-cell burden. CONCLUSIONS A global TH2 bias exists in both benign and malignant T cells in L-CTCL and may underlie the infectious susceptibility of patients. TH2 cytokines from malignant cells strongly inhibited TH1 responses. Our results suggest that therapies that inhibit TH2 cytokine activity, by virtue of their ability to improve TH1 responses, may have the potential to enhance both anticancer and antipathogen responses.


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Carcinoma of the cervix is causally related to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), and T cells play a pivotal role in the immune response of the host to rid itself of HPV infection. Therefore, we assessed the T-cell function of women with HPV-related cervical neoplasia against a superantigen, Staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB). Each woman provided a cervical brush specimen for HPV DNA testing and Papanicolaou (Pap) smears for the staging of cervical lesions. They also provided a blood specimen for determination of the ability of CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T cells to synthesize Th1 (interleukin-2 [IL-2], gamma interferon [IFN-gamma], and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha]) and Th2 (IL-10) cytokines in response to activation with SEB. Compared with control subjects with self-attested negative Pap smears, women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) had significantly lower percentages of activated CD4(+) T cells that produced IL-2 (P = 0.045), IFN-gamma (P = 0.040), and TNF-alpha (P = 0.015) and a significantly lower percentage of activated CD8(+) T cells that produced IL-2 (P < 0.01). These data indicate that women with HPV-related cervical HSIL show a decrease in Th1 cytokine production by activated CD4(+) T cells and suggested that compromised T-helper functions may negatively impact the function of cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells.


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We conclude that Bet v 1 and Bos d 5 not only structurally mimic human LCN2, but also functionally by their ability to bind iron via siderophores. The apo-forms promote Th2 cells, whereas the holo-forms appear to be immunosuppressive. These results provide for the first time a functional understanding on the principle of allergenicity of major allergens from entirely independent sources, like birch and milk.


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The relative deficiency of T helper type 1 (Th1) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in early life is associated with an increased susceptibility to infections by intracellular microorganisms. This is likely to reflect a preferential polarization of immature CD4 T cells toward a Th2 rather than a Th1 pattern upon immunization with conventional vaccines. In this report, it is shown that a single immunization within the first week of life with DNA plasmids encoding viral (measles virus hemagglutinin, Sendai virus nucleoprotein) or bacterial (C fragment of tetanus toxin) vaccine antigens can induce adult-like Th1 or mixed Th1/Th2 responses indicated by production of IgG2a vaccine-specific antibodies and preferential secretion of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) compared with interleukin (IL)-5 by antigen-specific T cells, as well as significant CTL responses. However, in spite of this potent Th1-driving capacity, subsequent DNA immunization was not capable of reverting the Th2-biased responses induced after early priming with a recombinant measles canarypox vector. Thus, DNA vaccination represents a novel strategy capable of inducing Th1 or mixed Th1/Th2 and CTL responses in neonates and early life, providing it is performed prior to exposure to Th2-driving conventional vaccine antigens.


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Immunization with live attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains has proved to be one of the most effective strategies to induce protective immunity in the SIV/macaque model. To better understand the role that CD4+ T helper responses may play in mediating protection in this model, we characterized SIV-specific proliferative and cytokine responses in macaques immunized with live attenuated SIV strains. Macaques chronically infected with live attenuated SIV had strong proliferative responses to SIV proteins, with stimulation indices of up to 74. The magnitude of the proliferative response to SIV Gag varied inversely with the degree of attenuation; Gag-specific but not envelope-specific responses were lower in animals infected with more highly attenuated SIV strains. SIV-specific stimulation of lymphocytes from vaccinated macaques resulted in secretion of interferon-γ, IL-2, regulated-upon-activation, normal T cells expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, and MIP-1β but not IL-4 or IL-10. Intracellular flow cytometric analysis documented that, in macaques vaccinated with SIVmac239Δnef, up to 2% of all CD4+T cells were specific for SIV p55. The ability of live attenuated SIV to induce a strong, sustained type 1 T helper response may play a role in the success of this vaccination approach to generate protection against challenge with wild-type SIV.


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Chronic rejection, the most important cause of long-term graft failure, is thought to result from both alloantigen-dependent and -independent factors. To examine these influences, cytokine dynamics were assessed by semiquantitative competitive reverse transcriptase-PCR and by immunohistology in an established rat model of chronic rejection lf renal allografts. Isograft controls develop morphologic and immunohistologic changes that are similar to renal allograft changes, although quantitatively less intense and at a delayed speed; these are thought to occur secondary to antigen-independent events. Sequential cytokine expression was determined throughout the process. During an early reversible allograft rejection episode, both T-cell associated [interleukin (IL) 2, IL-2 receptor, IL-4, and interferon gamma] and macrophage (IL-1 alpha, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IL-6) products were up-regulated despite transient immunosuppression. RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) peaked at 2 weeks; intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) was maximally expressed at 6 weeks. Macrophage products such as monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) increased dramatically (to 10 times), presaging intense peak macrophage infiltration at 16 weeks. In contrast, in isografts, ICAM-1 peaked at 24 weeks. MCP-1 was maximally expressed at 52 weeks, commensurate with a progressive increase in infiltrating macrophages. Cytokine expression in the spleen of allograft and isograft recipients was insignificant. We conclude that chronic rejection of kidney allografts in rats is predominantly a local macrophage-dependent event with intense up-regulation of macrophage products such as MCP-1, IL-6, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. The cytokine expression in isografts emphasizes the contribution of antigen-independent events. The dynamics of RANTES expression between early and late phases of chronic rejection suggest a key role in mediating the events of the chronic process.


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Successful treatment in allergic, autoimmune, and infectious diseases often requires altering the nature of a detrimental immune response mediated by a particular CD4+ T helper (Th) cell subset. While several factors contribute to the development of CD4+ Th1 and Th2 cells, the requirements for switching an established response are not understood. Here we use infection with Leishmania major as a model to investigate those requirements. We report that treatment with interleukin 12 (IL-12), in combination with the antimony-based leishmanicidal drug Pentostam, induces healing in L. major-infected mice and that healing is associated with a switch from a Th2 to a Th1 response. The data suggest that decreasing antigen levels may be required for IL-12 to inhibit a Th2 response and enhance a Th1 response. These observations are important for treatment of nonhealing forms of human leishmaniasis and also demonstrate that in a chronic infectious disease an inappropriate Th2 response can be switched to an effective Th1 response.


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Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) is one of the most important transcription factors whose modulation triggers a cascade of signaling events, namely the expression of many cytokines, enzymes, chemokines, and adhesion molecules, some of which being potential key targets for intervention in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. The 2-styrylchromones (2-SC) designation represents a well-recognized group of natural and synthetic chromones, vinylogues of flavones (2-phenylchromones). Several 2-SC were recently tested for their anti-inflammatory potential, regarding the arachidonic acid metabolic cascade, showing some motivating results. In addition, several flavones with structural similarities to 2-SC have shown NF-kB inhibitory properties. Hence, the aim of the present work was to continue the investigation on the interference of 2-SC in inflammatory pathways. Herein we report their effects on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NF-kB activation and consequent production of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokine, using a human monocytic cell line (THP-1). From the twelve 2-SC tested, three of them were able to significantly inhibit the NF-kB activation and to reduce the production of the proinflammatory cytokines/chemokine. The compound 3',4',5-trihydroxy-2- styrylchromone stood up as the most active in both assays, being a promising candidate for an anti-inflammatory drug.