954 resultados para T cell therapy


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Stem cell transplantation has evolved as a promising experimental treatment approach for stroke. In this review, we address the major hurdles for successful translation from basic research into clinical applications and discuss possible strategies to overcome these issues. We summarize the results from present pre-clinical and clinical studies and focus on specific areas of current controversy and research: (i) the therapeutic time window for cell transplantation; (ii) the selection of patients likely to benefit from such a therapy; (iii) the optimal route of cell delivery to the ischemic brain; (iv) the most suitable cell types and sources; (v) the potential mechanisms of functional recovery after cell transplantation; and (vi) the development of imaging techniques to monitor cell therapy.


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Effective treatment of sensory neuropathies in peripheral neuropathies and spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most difficult problems in modern clinical practice. Cell therapy to release antinociceptive agents near the injured spinal cord is a logical next step in the development of treatment modalities. But few clinical trials, especially for chronic pain, have tested the potential of transplant of cells to treat chronic pain. Cell lines derived from the human neuronal NT2 cell line parentage, the hNT2.17 and hNT2.19 lines, which synthesize and release the neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin (5HT), respectively, have been used to evaluate the potential of cell-based release of antinociceptive agents near the lumbar dorsal (horn) spinal sensory cell centers to relieve neuropathic pain after PNS (partial nerve and diabetes-related injury) and CNS (spinal cord injury) damage in rat models. Both cell lines transplants potently and permanently reverse behavioral hypersensitivity without inducing tumors or other complications after grafting. Functioning as cellular minipumps for antinociception, human neuronal precursors, like these NT2-derived cell lines, would likely provide a useful adjuvant or replacement for current pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain.


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Cell based therapies for bone regeneration are an exciting emerging technology, but the availability of osteogenic cells is limited and an ideal cell source has not been identified. Amniotic fluid-derived stem (AFS) cells and bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were compared to determine their osteogenic differentiation capacity in both 2D and 3D environments. In 2D culture, the AFS cells produced more mineralized matrix but delayed peaks in osteogenic markers. Cells were also cultured on 3D scaffolds constructed of poly-e-caprolactone for 15 weeks. MSCs differentiated more quickly than AFS cells on 3D scaffolds, but mineralized matrix production slowed considerably after 5 weeks. In contrast, the rate of AFS cell mineralization continued to increase out to 15 weeks, at which time AFS constructs contained 5-fold more mineralized matrix than MSC constructs. Therefore, cell source should be taken into consideration when used for cell therapy, as the MSCs would be a good choice for immediate matrix production, but the AFS cells would continue robust mineralization for an extended period of time. This study demonstrates that stem cell source can dramatically influence the magnitude and rate of osteogenic differentiation in vitro.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, non-inflammatory type of arthritis, which usually affects the movable and weight bearing joints of the body. It is the most common joint disease in human beings and common in elderly people. Till date, there are no safe and effective diseases modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) to treat the millions of patients suffering from this serious and debilitating disease. However, recent studies provide strong evidence for the use of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy in curing cartilage related disorders. Due to their natural differentiation properties, MSCs can serve as vehicles for the delivery of effective, targeted treatment to damaged cartilage in OA disease. In vitro, MSCs can readily be tailored with transgenes with anti-catabolic or pro-anabolic effects to create cartilage-friendly therapeutic vehicles. On the other hand, tissue engineering constructs with scaffolds and biomaterials holds promising biological cartilage therapy. Many of these strategies have been validated in a wide range of in vitro and in vivo studies assessing treatment feasibility or efficacy. In this review, we provide an outline of the rationale and status of stem-cell-based treatments for OA cartilage, and we discuss prospects for clinical implementation and the factors crucial for maintaining the drive towards this goal.


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Background aims Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) cultivated from the corneal limbus (L-MSCs) provide a potential source of cells for corneal repair. In the present study, we investigated the immunosuppressive properties of human L-MSCs and putative rabbit L-MSCs to develop an allogeneic therapy and animal model of L-MSC transplantation. Methods MSC-like cultures were established from the limbal stroma of human and rabbit (New Zealand white) corneas using either serum-supplemented medium or a commercial serum-free MSC medium (MesenCult-XF Culture Kit; Stem Cell Technologies, Melbourne, Australia). L-MSC phenotype was examined by flow cytometry. The immunosuppressive properties of L-MSC cultures were assessed using mixed leukocyte reactions. L-MSC cultures were also tested for their ability to support colony formation by primary limbal epithelial (LE) cells. Results Human L-MSC cultures were typically CD34−, CD45− and HLA-DR− and CD73+, CD90+, CD105+ and HLA-ABC+. High levels (>80%) of CD146 expression were observed for L-MSC cultures grown in serum-supplemented medium but not cultures grown in MesenCult-XF (approximately 1%). Rabbit L-MSCs were approximately 95% positive for major histocompatibility complex class I and expressed lower levels of major histocompatibility complex class II (approximately 10%), CD45 (approximately 20%), CD105 (approximately 60%) and CD90 (<10%). Human L-MSCs and rabbit L-MSCs suppressed human T-cell proliferation by up to 75%. Conversely, L-MSCs from either species stimulated a 2-fold to 3-fold increase in LE cell colony formation. Conclusions L-MSCs display immunosuppressive qualities in addition to their established non-immunogenic profile and stimulate LE cell growth in vitro across species boundaries. These results support the potential use of allogeneic L-MSCs in the treatment of corneal disorders and suggest that the rabbit would provide a useful pre-clinical model.


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Bone, tendon, and cartilage are highly specialized musculoskeletal connective tissues that are subject to injury and degeneration. These tissues have relatively poor healing capabilities, and coupled with their variable response to established medical treatments, produce significant morbidity. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of regenerating skeletal tissues and therefore offer great promise in the treatment of connective tissue pathologies. Adult MSCs are multipotent cells that possess the properties of proliferation and differentiation into all connective tissues. Furthermore, they can be gene modified to secrete growth factors and utilized in connective tissue engineering. Potential MSC-based therapies for bone and tendon conditions are reviewed in this chapter.


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Rodent (mouse and rat) models have been crucial in developing our understanding of human neurogenesis and neural stem cell (NSC) biology. The study of neurogenesis in rodents has allowed us to begin to understand adult human neurogenesis and in particular, protocols established for isolation and in vitro propagation of rodent NSCs have successfully been applied to the expansion of human NSCs. Furthermore, rodent models have played a central role in studying NSC function in vivo and in the development of NSC transplantation strategies for cell therapy applications. Rodents and humans share many similarities in the process of neurogenesis and NSC biology however distinct species differences are important considerations for the development of more efficient human NSC therapeutic applications. Here we review the important contributions rodent studies have had to our understanding of human neurogenesis and to the development of in vitro and in vivo NSC research. Species differences will be discussed to identify key areas in need of further development for human NSC therapy applications.


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A silk protein, fibroin, was isolated from the cocoons of the domesticated silkworm (Bombyx mori) and cast into membranes to serve as freestanding templates for tissue-engineered corneal cell constructs to be used in ocular surface reconstruction. In this study, we sought to enhance the attachment and proliferation of corneal epithelial cells by increasing the permeability of the fibroin membranes and the topographic roughness of their surface. By mixing the fibroin solution with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) of molecular weight 300 Da, membranes were produced with increased permeability and with topographic patterns generated on their surface. In order to enhance their mechanical stability, some PEG-treated membranes were also crosslinked with genipin. The resulting membranes were thoroughly characterized and compared to the non-treated membranes. The PEG-treated membranes were similar in tensile strength to the non-treated ones, but their elastic modulus was higher and elongation lower, indicating enhanced rigidity. The crosslinking with genipin did not induce a significant improvement in mechanical properties. In cultures of a human-derived corneal epithelial cell line (HCE-T), the PEG treatment of the substratum did not improve the attachment of cells and it enhanced only slightly the cell proliferation in the longer term. Likewise, primary cultures of human limbal epithelial cells grew equally well on both non-treated and PEG-treated membranes, and the stratification of cultures was consistently improved in the presence of an underlying culture of irradiated 3T3 feeder cells, irrespectively of PEG-treatment. Nevertheless, the cultures grown on the PEG-treated membranes in the presence of feeder cells did display a higher nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio suggesting a more proliferative phenotype. We concluded that while the treatment with PEG had a significant effect on some structural properties of the B. mori silk fibroin (BMSF) membranes, there were minimal gains in the performance of these materials as a substratum for corneal epithelial cell growth. The reduced mechanical stability of freestanding PEG-treated membranes makes them a less viable choice than the non-treated membranes.


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The use of stem cells for tissue regeneration and repair is advancing both at the bench and bedside. Stem cells isolated from bone marrow are currently being tested for their therapeutic potential in a variety of clinical conditions including cardiovascular injury, kidney failure, cancer, and neurological and bone disorders. Despite the advantages, stem cell therapy is still limited by low survival, engraftment, and homing to damage area as well as inefficiencies in differentiating into fully functional tissues. Genetic engineering of mesenchymal stem cells is being explored as a means to circumvent some of these problems. This review presents the current understanding of the use of genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells in human disease therapy with emphasis on genetic modifications aimed to improve survival, homing, angiogenesis, and heart function after myocardial infarction. Advancements in other disease areas are also discussed.


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To obtain enough quantity of osteogenic cells is a challenge for successful cell therapy in bone defect treatment, and cell numbers were usually achieved by culturing bone marrow cells in a relatively long duration. This study reported a simple and cost effective method to enhance the number of MSCs by collecting and replating the non-adherent cell population of marrow MSCs culture. Bone marrow MSCs were isolated from 11 patients, cultured at a density of 1×105/cm2 to 1×106/cm2 in flasks. For the first three times of media change, the floating cells were centrifuged and replated in separate flasks. The total number of cells in both the primary and replating flasks were counted at day 21. Cell proliferation rate, potentials for osteogenic, chondrognenic, and adipogenic differentiation were examined in both cell types in vitro. In-vivo osteogenic potentials of the cells were also tested in mice implantation model. The results showed that MSCs derived from non-adherent cell population of marrow cell cultures have similar cell proliferation and differentiation potentials as the originally attached MSCs in vitro. When implanted with HA-TCP materials subcutaneously in SCID mice, newly formed bony tissues were found in both cell type groups with osteocalcin expression. We have obtained 36.6% (20.70%-44.97%) more MSCs in the same culture period when the non-adherent cell populations were collected. The findings confirmed that the non-adherent cell population in the bone marrow culture is a complementary source of MSCs, collecting these cells is a simple and cost-effective way to increase MSCs numbers and reduce the time required for culturing MSCs for clinical applications.


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Stem and progenitor cells have generated considerable scientific and commercial interest in recent years due to their potential for novel cell therapy for a variety of medical conditions. A highly active research area in the field of regenerative medicine is vascular biology. Blood vessel repair and angiogenesis are key processes with endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) playing a central role. Clinical trials for ischemic conditions, such as myocardial infarction and peripheral arterial disease, have suggested cell therapies to be feasible, safe, and potentially beneficial. Development of efficient methodologies to deliver EPC-based cytotherapies offers new hope for millions of patients with ischemic conditions. Evidence indicates that EPCs, depending on the subtype, mediate angiogenesis through different mechanisms. Differentiation into endothelium and complete integration into damaged vasculature was the first EPC mechanism to be proposed. However, many studies have demonstrated that vasoregulatory paracrine factor secretion by transplanted cells is also important. Many EPC subsets enhance angiogenesis and promote tissue repair by cytokine release without incorporating into the damaged vasculature. Whatever the mechanism, vascular repair and therapeutic angiogenesis using EPCs represent a realistic treatment option and also provides many commercialization opportunities. This review discusses recent advances in the EPC field whilst recounting relevant patents.


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Aims: Recent ability to derive endothelial cells (ECs) from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells holds a great therapeutic potential for personalised medicine and stem cell therapy. We aimed that better understanding of the complex molecular signals that are evoked during iPS cell differentiation towards ECs may allow specific targeting of their activities to enhance cell differentiation and promote tissue regeneration.

Methods and Results: In this study we have generated mouse iPS cells from fibroblasts using established protocol. When iPS cells were cultivated on type IV mouse collagen-coated dishes in differentiation medium, cell differentiation toward vascular lineages were observed. To study the molecular mechanisms of iPS cell differentiation, we found that miR-199b is involved in EC differentiation. A step-wise increase in expression of miR-199 was detected during EC differentiation. Notably, miR-199b targeted the Notch ligand JAG1, resulting in VEGF transcriptional activation and secretion through the transcription factor STAT3. Upon shRNA-mediated knockdown of the Notch ligand JAG1, the regulatory effect of miR-199b was ablated and there was robust induction of STAT3 and VEGF during EC differentiation. Knockdown of JAG1 also inhibited miR-199b-mediated inhibition of iPS cell differentiation towards SMCs. Using the in vitro tube formation assay and implanted Matrigel plugs, in vivo, miR-199b also regulated VEGF expression and angiogenesis.

Conclusions: This study indicates a novel role for miR-199b as a regulator of the phenotypic switch during vascular cell differentiation derived from iPS cells by regulating critical signaling angiogenic responses.


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Background and Aim: The toxic milk (tx) mouse is a non-fatal animal model for the metabolic liver disorder, Wilson's disease. The tx mouse has a mutated gene for a copper-transporting protein, causing early copper accumulation in the liver and late accumulation in other tissues. The present study investigated the efficacy of liver cell transplantation (LCT) to correct the tx mouse phenotype.

Methods: Congenic hepatocytes were isolated and intrasplenically transplanted into 3–4-month-old tx mice, which were then placed on various copper-loaded diets to examine its influence on repopulation by transplanted cells. The control animals were age-matched untransplanted tx mice. Liver repopulation was determined by comparisons of restriction fragment length polymorphism ratios (DNA and mRNA), and copper levels were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Results: Repopulation in recipient tx mice was detected in 11 of 25 animals (44%) at 4 months after LCT. Dietary copper loading (whether given before or after LCT, or both) provided no growth advantage for donor cells, with similar repopulation incidences in all copper treatment groups. Overall, liver copper levels were significantly lower in repopulated animals (538 ± 68 µg/g, n = 11) compared to non-repopulated animals (866 ± 62 µg/g, n = 14) and untreated controls (910 ± 103 µg/g, n = 6; P &lt; 0.05). This effect was also seen in the kidney and spleen. Brain copper levels remained unchanged.

Conclusion: Transplanted liver cells can proliferate and correct a non-fatal metabolic liver disease, with some restoration of hepatic copper homeostasis after 4 months leading to reduced copper levels in the liver and extrahepatic tissues, but not in the brain.


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Cell based therapeutics is one of the most rapidly advancing medical fields, bringing together a range of fields including transplantation, tissue engineering and regeneration, biomaterials and stem cell biology. However, traditional cell-based therapeutics have many limitations, one of which is their harmful effects exhibited on healthy body cells due to their lack of specificity. Nanomedicine is providing an alternative treatment strategy that is more targeted and specific to a range of diseases. Varying from polymers conjugated with drugs or tissue targeting molecules, to proteins encapsulated within a polymer shell, nanomedicine will without a doubt play a major role in designing effective cell-based therapeutics that can overcome certain classical problems. These may include from addressing the problem of non-specificity of contemporary treatments to overcoming mechanical barriers, such as crossing cell membranes. This review summarises the recent work on nano-based cell therapy as a regenerative agent and as a therapeutic for cancer and neurological diseases.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)