984 resultados para Susana Diaz
Fil: Bosoer, Sara Amalia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Sancholuz, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Basile, María Teresa Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Ha venido surgiendo en la literatura española de las últimas décadas una serie de relatos que intentan, con mayor o menor afán revisionista, la reinterpretación de los hechos históricos recientes, en especial, los referidos a la Guerra Civil, la crisis de Posguerra y el Exilio. En este marco, la escritora asturiana Susana Pérez Alonso inscribe su última novela, Melania Jacoby (2010). La novela está articulada en base a dos ejes centrales: la historia de una mujer adelantada a su época, que cuestiona radicalmente el orden impuesto por el poder masculino, y la irrupción del conflicto minero de 1934, que dibujará desde sus márgenes un mapa de recorridos por la situación social, política y económica de la Asturias previa a la Guerra Civil. En comunión con las fuerzas naturales y a partir de su lucha junto a los mineros, Melania Jacoby intenta no sólo detener el proceso de deshumanización al que parecen estar condenados, sino que también, respondiendo al deseo ancestral de restitución de la Unidad perdida entre el Hombre y la Naturaleza, cifra en el poder del amor, la más visceral de las punciones humanas, la única vía de escape de aquéllos ante el horror inminente al que su país se precipita
According to UN provisions in the period from 2007 to 2050 world population will grow up to 9200 million people. In fact, for the first time in history, in the year 2008 world urban population became higher than rural population. The increase of urban areas and their transport infrastructures has influenced agricultural land use due to their irreversible change, especially when they remain as periurban vacant land, losing their character and identity. In the Europe of the nineties, the traditional urban-rural gradient, characterized by a neat contact between both land types, has become so complex that it has change to a gradient in which it is difficult to separate urban and rural land uses. [Antrop 2004]. A literature review has been made on methodologies used for the urban-rural gradient analysis. One of these methodologies was selected that integrates ecological characterization based on the use of spatial metrics and geographical characterization based on spatial components. Cartographical sources used were Corine Land Cover at 1: 100000 scale and the Spanish Land Use Information System at 1:25000 scale. Urban-rural gradient paradigm is an analysis methodology, coming from landscape ecology, which enables to investigate how urbanization provokes changes in ecological patterns and processes into landscape. [Hahs and McDonnell 2006].The present research adapt this methodology to study the urban-rural gradient in the outskirts of Madrid, Toledo and Guadalajara. Both scales (1:25000 and 1:100000) were simultaneously used to reach the next objectives: 1) Analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in relation to distance to the town centre and major infrastructures. 2) Analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in the fringe of protected areas. The paper presents a new approach to the urban-rural relationship which allows better planning and management of urban áreas.
The ex ante quantification of impactsis compulsory when establishing a Rural Development Program (RDP) in the European Union. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to learn how to perform it better. In order to this all of the European 2007-2013 RDPs (a total of 88) and all of their corresponding available ex ante evaluations were analyzed.Results show that less than 50% of all RDPs quantify all the impact indicators and that the most used methodology that allows the quantification of all impact indicators is Input-Output. There are two main difficulties cited for not accomplishing the impact quantification: the heterogeneity of actors and factors involved in the program impacts and the lack of needed information.These difficulties should be addressedby usingnew methods that allow approaching the complexity of the programs and by implementing a better planning that facilitatesgathering the needed information.
Guillermo Diaz Luzeredi es seudónimo de Miguel Elizalde Urdiroz