995 resultados para Surgical techniques
Complications resulting from gallstones left in the peritoneal cavity are most often reported after laparoscopic treatment of cholelitiasis. Gallstones are frequently dropped in the posterior subhepatic space, which can lead to the development of abscesses that usually require laparotomy for extraction of the stones. We present a novel technique for treating collections associated with dropped gallstones, using retroperitoneoscopy with two 10-mm ports after ultrasound localization of the abscess. We carried out this procedure in two patients and successfully extracted the gallstones without postoperative complications or recurrences. We consider this approach to be technically feasible, safe, and effective. It avoids the usual inefficacy of simple percutaneous drainage of these collections and the complications associated with the drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses by laparotomy.
BACKGROUND: Patients requiring surgical skin excision after massive weight loss are challenging and require an individualized approach. The characteristic abdominal deformity includes a draping apron of panniculus, occasionally associated with previous transverse surgical scars from open gastric bypass surgery in the upper abdomen, which compromise blood supply of the abdominal skin. METHODS: We propose four different surgical techniques for safe abdominal body contouring in the presence of such scars: (1) a limited abdominoplasty of the lower abdomen is performed, and then contouring is completed by a reversed abdominoplasty with scar positioning in the submammary folds; (2) a one-stage procedure characterized by skin resection in the upper and lower abdomen, in which blood supply of the skin island between the submammary and suprapubic incisions is ensured by periumbilical perforators; (3) a perforator-sparing abdominoplasty with selective dissection of periumbilical abdominal wall perforators to secure flap blood supply and allow complete flap undermining up to the xyphoid process; (4) for patients with extensive excess skin, a modified Fleur-de-Lys abdominoplasty performed in such a way that the old transverse scar is transformed into a vertical scar. RESULTS: The treatment of four exemplary patients is described. All techniques yielded good esthetic and functional results through preservation of abdominal blood supply. CONCLUSION: Through an individualized approach, adequate abdominal body contouring can be performed safely, even in the presence of transverse surgical scars in the upper abdomen.
There has been a high local recurrence rate in rectal cancer. Besides improvements in surgical techniques, both neoadjuvant short-course radiotherapy and long-course chemoradiation improve oncological results. Approximately 40-60% of rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation achieve some degree of pathologic response. However, there is no effective method of predicting which patients will respond to neoadjuvant treatment. Recent studies have evaluated the potential of genetic biomarkers to predict outcome in locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation. The articles produced by the PubMed search were reviewed for those specifically addressing a genetic profile's ability to predict response to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. Although tissue gene microarray profiling has led to promising data in cancer, to date, none of the identified signatures or molecular markers in locally advanced rectal cancer has been successfully validated as a diagnostic or prognostic tool applicable to routine clinical practice.
Thumb hypoplasia treatment requires considering every component of the maldevelopment. Types II and IIIA hypoplasia share common features such as first web space narrowing, hypoplasia or absence of thenar muscles and metacarpophalangeal joint instability. Many surgical techniques to correct the malformation have been described. We report our surgical strategy that includes modifications of the usual technique that we found useful in reducing morbidity while optimizing the results. A diamond-shape kite flap was used to widen the first web space. Its design allowed primary closure of the donor site using a Dufourmentel flap. The ring finger flexor digitorum superficialis was transferred for opposition transfer, and the same tendon was used to stabilize the metacarpophalangeal joint on its ulnar and/or radial side depending on a uniplanar or more global instability. An omega-shaped K-wire was placed between the first and second metacarpals to maintain a wide opening of the first web space without stressing the reconstructed ulnar collateral ligament of the MCP joint. We report a clinical series of 15 patients (18 thumbs) who had this reconstructive program.
Resection of lung metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly performed with a curative intent. This strategy was made possible in the 1990s by the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches, improved surgical techniques and better imaging modalities. However, evidence-based data showing clinical benefits of lung metastasectomy in this setting are nonexistent, and there are no prospective randomized trials to support the routine performance of these procedures for stage IV CRC. Current evidence suggests that resection of pulmonary metastases in combination with new cytotoxic agents, such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan and bevacizumab, may result in prolonged survival for many, and cure for a small minority of CRC patients who experienced tumor spread beyond the limits of the abdomen. This review focuses on the results of surgical management of CRC patients with lung metastases: we report the outcome of published series according to the presence or the absence of liver metastasis (and hepatic resection) prior to lung resection.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess whether virtual reality (VR) can discriminate between the skills of novices and intermediate-level laparoscopic surgical trainees (construct validity), and whether the simulator assessment correlates with an expert's evaluation of performance. METHODS: Three hundred and seven (307) participants of the 19th-22nd Davos International Gastrointestinal Surgery Workshops performed the clip-and-cut task on the Xitact LS 500 VR simulator (Xitact S.A., Morges, Switzerland). According to their previous experience in laparoscopic surgery, participants were assigned to the basic course (BC) or the intermediate course (IC). Objective performance parameters recorded by the simulator were compared to the standardized assessment by the course instructors during laparoscopic pelvitrainer and conventional surgery exercises. RESULTS: IC participants performed significantly better on the VR simulator than BC participants for the task completion time as well as the economy of movement of the right instrument, not the left instrument. Participants with maximum scores in the pelvitrainer cholecystectomy task performed the VR trial significantly faster, compared to those who scored less. In the conventional surgery task, a significant difference between those who scored the maximum and those who scored less was found not only for task completion time, but also for economy of movement of the right instrument. CONCLUSIONS: VR simulation provides a valid assessment of psychomotor skills and some basic aspects of spatial skills in laparoscopic surgery. Furthermore, VR allows discrimination between trainees with different levels of experience in laparoscopic surgery establishing construct validity for the Xitact LS 500 clip-and-cut task. Virtual reality may become the gold standard to assess and monitor surgical skills in laparoscopic surgery.
The treatment of the recently ruptured Achilles tendon can be conservative or surgical. The conservative treatment may be carried out using either a static cast immobilisation or using a dynamic brace and an early functional rehabilitation. The surgical technique can be either open or mini-invasive. Neglected and ancient ruptures may need to be treated surgically by a tendinoplasty. There is an ongoing discussion about how to manage the recently ruptured Achilles tendon, especially since recent descriptions of conservative-functional treatment procedures and mini-invasive surgical techniques. We present the choice of the different treatment options and the clinical reasoning to identify the best adapted treatment for the individual patient. The ideal treatment option depends on the functional demand and the medical condition of the patient.
Invasion of the laryngeal framework by thyroid carcinoma requires specific surgical techniques and carries a higher rate of complications that deserve to be highlighted. We reviewed our data from 1995 to 2012 and found six patients with laryngotracheal invasion by thyroid carcinoma. All underwent total thyroidectomy and single-stage cricotracheal resection, plus anterolateral neck dissection. Three had airway obstruction that necessitated prior endoscopic debulking. None of the patients needed a tracheotomy. There were four cases of papillary carcinoma, and two cases of undifferentiated carcinoma. One patient died of complications of the procedure (anastomotic dehiscence and tracheo-innominate artery fistula). Another died 2 months after the procedure from local recurrence and aspiration pneumonia. One case presented recurrence at 15 months, which was managed by re-excision and adjuvant radiotherapy; after 26 months of follow-up, he has no evidence of locoregional recurrence. The three other patients are alive without evidence of disease at 6, 18 and 41 months, respectively. Cricotracheal resection for subglottic invasion by thyroid carcinoma is an effective procedure, but carries significant risks of complications. This could be attributed to the devascularisation of the tracheal wall due to the simultaneous neck dissection, sacrifice of the strap muscles or of a patch of oesophageal muscle layer. We advocate a sternocleidomastoid flap to cover the anastomosis. Cricotracheal resection for subglottic invasion can be curative with good functional outcomes, even for the advanced stages of thyroid cancer. Endoscopic debulking of the airway prior to the procedure avoids tracheotomy.
Objective: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become the gold standard in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of occurrence and risk factors of iatrogenic bile duct injuries (IBDI) in the LC and study their treatment modalities. Methods: Between January 2000 and December 2011, a series of 13 patients (6 men, 7 women, mean age 66.7 years, mean BMI 27.9 kg/m2) underwent IBDI in our institution for 2'840 LC performed. These patients were identified retrospectively using a wide range of classification codes in our medical center for archiving. Their medical records were examined individually to identify a IBDI. Results: The frequency of IBDI was 0.46% (n=13). The most common indication for surgery was acute cholecystitis (69.2%). The main cause was the confusion of the common bile duct with the cystic duct in 38.5% of cases. Strasberg classification applied to our sample identified the following injuries: A (n=4), D (n=4), E1 (n=3) and E5 (n=2). They were diagnosed intraoperatively in 46.2% of cases and postoperatively in 53.8% of cases. The rate of type D lesions was significantly higher in the group with intraoperative recognition (p= 0.009), while the rate of type A lesions was significantly higher in the group with postoprative recognition (p = 0.026). Intraoperatively, 83.3% of the lesions were treated by primary suture with a biliary drainage and a hepatico-jejunal anastomosis was performed immediately in one case (16.7%). Postoperatively, 85.7% of the lesions were treated by non-surgical techniques in first- line and 4 of them have undergone biliary surgery later. The total number of therapeutic procedures for each IBDI after LC was significantly higher when the diagnosis was made postoperatively (3.4 vs. 1.5, p= 0.040). Conclusion: This study has identified a patient at risk of IBDI, this one is relatively old, overweight and has an inflammatory environment. Misidentification of biliary anatomy remains the main cause. There is a clear relationship between the timing of recognition and the type of injury involved. The primary suture with adequate drainage seems to be the method of choice for intraoperative discovery, while in case of postoperative recognition, the treatment must be adapted after a multidisciplinary consensus by combining interventional radiology, endoscopy and surgery.
Totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repair is an efficient but technically demanding procedure. As mechanisms of hernia recurrence may be related to these technical difficulties, we have modified a previously described double-mesh technique in an effort to simplify the procedure. Extraperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repairs were performed in 82 male and 17 female patients having inguinal, femoral, and recurrent bilateral hernias. A standard propylene mesh measuring 15 x 15 cm was cut into two pieces of 4 x 15 cm and 11 x 15 cm. The smaller mesh was placed over both inguinal rings without splitting. The larger mesh was then inserted over the first mesh and stapled to low-risk zones, reinforcing the large-vessel area and the nerve transition zone. The mean procedure duration was 60 minutes for unilateral and 100 minutes for bilateral hernia repair. Patients were discharged from the hospital within 48 hours. The mean postoperative follow-up was 22 months, with no recurrences, neuralgia, or bleeding complications. Over a 2-year period, this technique was found to be satisfactory without recurrences or significant complications. In our hands, this technique was easier to perform: it allows for a less than perfect positioning of the meshes and avoids most of the stapling to crucial zones.
Avec 95% de bons résultats à 10 ans, on peut considérer aujourd'hui que l'arthroplastie totale du genou est un traitement fiable des gonarthroses chez des patients âgés à demande fonctionnelle raisonnable. Les quatre complications potentielles principales après la mise en place d'une prothèse totale du genou sont le descellement aseptique, l'infection, le manque de flexion et les douleurs persistantes. En cas de problème avec une prothèse totale du genou, il faut toujours exclure la présence d'une infection avant d'envisager une autre raison. Les innovations actuelles en arthroplastie du genou doivent viser à améliorer les résultats chez les patients jeunes et actifs i.e. tant au niveau de la conception des nouveaux implants, voire des matériaux plus résistants, que des techniques chirurgicales elles-mêmes. Total knee arthroplasty: current advances and results With a 95% success rate at 10 years, total knee arthroplasty can be regarded today as a reliable way of treating knee osteoarthritis in elderly patients with reasonable functional demands. The four main potential complications after placing of a total knee prosthesis are aseptic loosening, infection, lack of flexion and persistent pain. If a problem arises with a total knee prosthesis, infection must always be ruled out before considering other causes. Current innovations in knee arthroplasty should be aimed at improving results in young and active patients, i.e. in regard to both the design of new implants, or tougher materials, and to the surgical techniques themselves.
Quality control (QuaCo) in urology is mandatory to standardize or even increase the level of care. While QuaCo is undertaken at every step in the clinical pathway, it should focus on the patient's comorbidities and on the urologist and its complication rate. Resulting from political and economical pressures, comparing QuaCo and outcomes between urologists and institutions is nowadays often performed. However, careful interpretation of these comparisons is mandatory to avoid potential discriminations. Indeed, the reader has to make sure that patients groups and surgical techniques are comparable, definitions of complications are similar, classification of complications is standardized, and finally that the methodology in collecting data is irreproachable.
INTRODUCTION: There is a trend towards surgical treatment of acute ruptured Achilles tendon. While classical open surgical procedures have been shown to restore good functional capacity, they are potentially associated with significant complications like wound infection and paresthesia. Modern mini-invasive surgical techniques significantly reduce these complications and are also associated with good functional results so that they can be considered as the surgical treatment of choice. Nevertheless, there is still a need for conservative alternative and recent studies report good results with conservative treatment in rigid casts or braces. PATIENTS/METHOD: We report the use of a dynamic ankle brace in the conservative treatment of Achilles tendon rupture in a prospective non-randomised study of 57 consecutive patients. Patients were evaluated at an average follow-up time of 5 years using the modified Leppilahti Ankle Score, and the first 30 patients additionally underwent a clinical examination and muscular testing with a Cybex isokinetic dynamometer at 6 and 12 months. RESULTS: We found good and excellent results in most cases. We observed five complete re-ruptures, almost exclusively in case of poor patient's compliance, two partial re-ruptures and one deep venous thrombosis complicated by pulmonary embolism. CONCLUSION: Although prospective comparison with other modern treatment options is still required, the functional outcome after early ankle mobilisation in a dynamic cast is good enough to ethically propose this method as an alternative to surgical treatment.
An increasing number of anterior cruciate ligament injuries are now seen in children and girls seem to be equally affected. Such neglected or untreated lesions could be the cause of early degenerative changes. Recently, many authors support the trend toward early surgical management in skeletally immature patients with complex meniscal tear or recurrent knee instability after proper rehabilitation. Improvement in pediatric knowledge and surgical techniques tend to support a tendency for more surgical treatment in children. The type of management is choosing according to history and physical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool not only for diagnosis but also for surgical treatment planning. We usually recommend anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children with knee instability or with further damages to the joint.
Ankle fractures in adults are usually managed by open reduction internal fixation. In elderly patients the surgical dilemma relates to bone quality. Osteoporosis is the enemy of internal fixation, and secure purchase of screws in osteopenic bone may be difficult to achieve. Insufficient screw purchase may lead to loss of reduction, wound breakdown, and infection. Postoperative management after osteosynthesis usually requires an extended period of restricted weight bearing. However, this is not feasible in older patients as a result of their lack of strength in the upper extremities and frequent comorbidities. Therefore, augmen- ted methods of internal fixation and specific surgical techniques have been developed using metal and bone cement. This permits this fragile population to begin early full weight bearing in a removable brace.