978 resultados para Superovulation in mare


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Currently, timed ovulation induction and timed artificial insemination (TAI) can be performed in buffalo using GnRH or estradiol plus progesterone/progestin (P4)-releasing devices and prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha)). The control of the emergence of follicular waves and of ovulation at predetermined times, without the need for estrus detection, has facilitated the management and improved the efficiency of AI programs in buffalo during the breeding and nonbreeding season. Multiple ovulations, embryo transfer, ovum collection and in vitro embryo production have been shown to be feasible in buffalo, although low efficiency and limited commercial application of these techniques have been documented as well. These results could be associated with low ovarian follicular pools, high levels of follicular atresia and failures of the oocyte to enter the oviduct after superstimulation of follicular growth. This review discusses a number of key points related to the manipulation of ovarian follicular growth to improve pregnancy rates following TAI and embryo transfer of in vivo- and in vitro-derived embryos in buffalo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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La studio della distribuzione spaziale e temporale della associazioni a foraminiferi planctonici, campionati in zone con differente regime idrografico, ha permesso di comprendere che molte specie possono essere diagnostiche della presenza di diverse masse d’acqua superficiali e sottosuperficiali e di diversi regimi di nutrienti nelle acque oceaniche. Parte di questo lavoro di tesi si basa sullo studio delle associazioni a foraminiferi planctonici attualmente viventi nel Settore Pacifico dell’Oceano Meridionale (Mare di Ross e Zona del Fronte Polare) e nel Mare Mediterraneo (Mar Tirreno Meridionale). L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di comprendere i fattori (temperatura, salinità, nutrienti etc.) che determinano la distribuzione attuale delle diverse specie al fine di valutarne il valore di “indicatori” (proxies) utili alla ricostruzione degli scenari paleoclimatici e paleoceanografici succedutisi in queste aree. I risultati documentano che la distribuzione delle diverse specie, il numero di individui e le variazioni nella morfologia di alcuni taxa sono correlate alle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della colonna e alla disponibilità di nutrienti e di clorofilla. La seconda parte del lavoro di tesi ha previsto l’analisi degli isotopi stabili dell’ossigeno e del rapporto Mg/Ca in gusci di N. pachyderma (sin) prelevati da pescate di micro zooplancton (per tarare l’equazione di paleo temperatura) da un box core e da una carota provenienti dalla zona del Fronte Polare (Oceano Pacifico meridionale), al fine di ricostruire le variazioni di temperatura negli ultimi 13 ka e durante la Mid-Pleistocene Revolution. Le temperature, dedotte tramite i valori degli isotopi stabili dell’ossigeno, sono coerenti con le temperature attuali documentate in questa zona e il trend di temperatura è paragonabile a quelli riportati in letteratura anche per eventi climatici come lo Younger Dryas e il mid-Holocene Optimum. I valori del rapporto Mg/Ca misurato tramite due diverse tecniche di analisi (laser ablation e analisi in soluzione) sono risultati sempre molto più alti dei valori riportati in letteratura per la stessa specie. La laser ablation sembra carente dal punto di vista del cleaning del campione e da questo studio emerge che le due tecniche non sono comparabili e che non possono essere usate indifferentemente sullo stesso campione. Per quanto riguarda l’analisi dei campioni in soluzione è stato migliorato il protocollo di cleaning per il trattamento di campioni antartici, che ha permesso di ottenere valori veritieri e utili ai fini delle ricostruzioni di paleotemperatura. Tuttavia, rimane verosimile l’ipotesi che in ambienti particolari come questo, con salinità e temperature molto basse, l’incorporazione del Mg all’interno del guscio risenta delle condizioni particolari e che non segua quindi la relazione esponenziale con la temperatura ampiamente dimostrata ad altre latitudini.


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Per natura, i dispositivi di conversione di energia da onda (WECs) vengono collocati in aree caratterizzate da onde ad elevato potenziale e in queste condizioni i carichi che agiscono su tali dispositivi sono, sfortunatamente, molto alti e, allo stesso tempo, molto difficili da valutare a priori. Allo stato attuale, nessuna delle tecnologie proposte ha raggiunto uno stadio di sviluppo tale da consentire la produzione dei WECs a scala reale e, quindi, il lancio nel mercato principalmente perchè nessuna di esse può contare su un numero suciente di dati operativi da permettere un'analisi sistematica delle condizioni di lavoro. L'applicazione dei modelli disponibili sembra essere accurata per la maggior parte dei WECs in condizioni operative, ma non abbastanza per prevedere le forze agenti e il loro comportamento quando sono esposti all'azione di onde importanti. Sebbene vi è una generale necessità di indagine su diversi aspetti dei WECs, sembra che il punto critico sia lo sviluppo di un adeguato sistema di ormeggio il cui costo può incidere no al 200


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Analisi di depositi di mare profondo nella Formazione Marnoso-arenacea, sono stati confrontati con studi per la comprensione della stratigrafia sequenziale, la gerarchia di lobi sedimentari di mare profondo e flussi debritici.


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Uterine smooth muscle specimens were collected from euthanatized mares in estrus and diestrus. Longitudinal and circular specimens were mounted in organ baths and the signals transcribed to a Grass polygraph. After equilibration time and 2 g preload, their physiologic isometric contractility was recorded for a continuous 2.0 h. Area under the curve, frequency and time occupied by contractions were studied. Differences between cycle phases, between muscle layers, and over the recorded time periods were statistically evaluated using linear mixed-effect models. In the mare, physiologic contractility of the uterus decreased significantly over time for all variables evaluated (time as covariate on a continuous scale). For area under the curve, there was a significant effect of muscle layer (longitudinal > circular). For frequency, higher values were recorded in estrus for circular smooth muscle layer, whereas higher values were seen in longitudinal smooth muscle layers during diestrus. In longitudinal layer and in diestrus, more time was occupied by contractions than in circular layer, and in estrus. This study is describing physiologic myometrial motility in the organ bath depending on cycle phase.


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A 20-year old Swiss Warmblood mare was referred to the Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine with a history of poor performance, coughing and ataxia and hindlimb weakness which progressed to recumbency. Lung auscultation revealed pronounced wheezing, blood work showed signs of chronic inflammation and increased bone turnover and thoracic ultrasound indicated patchy pulmonary consolidation. Cerebrospinal fluid revealed only mild, unspecific changes allowing exclusion of meningoencephalomyelitis and clinically relevant bleeding. Despite medical treatment and support in a sling the mare did not improve and was euthanized. Necropsy revealed a poorly demarcated, non-encapsulated and invasively growing mass dorsally in the musculature at the level of the forth cervical vertebra (C4) infiltrating the vertebral body and the spinal canal at the level of C1–C2. Multiple nodular, firm masses were present in all lobes of the lung and appeared to be mainly located in vessels. Histologically the masses were composed of spindle cells with marked anisocytosis, anisocaryosis, a high mitotic activity and showed invasive growth. These neoplastic cells stained positive for CD31, an endothelial cell marker, which confirmed diagnosis of a hemangiosarcoma. Definite ante mortem diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma, which is rare in horses, is challenging. Besides the vertebral localization, disseminated, locally invasive and cutaneous forms of hemangiosarcoma exist and can be either acquired or congenital. Prognosis for equine hemangiosarcoma and response to treatment are usually poor and progression of clinical signs is rapid. Vertebral hemangiosarcoma is an uncommon cause of spinal ataxia in horses.


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The Poluare 1982-1983 dataset contains zooplankton data collected allong 7 transect in front of the Romanian littoral. Zooplankton sampling was undertaken at 14 stations where samples were collected using a Juday closing net in the 0-2m layer . The dataset includes samples analysed for mesozooplankton species composition and abundance. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Total biomass was estimated using a tabel with wet weight for each species an stage. Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance was counted under the microscope.


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Dataset containing macrobenthos data for samples collected during April 2008 in the North-West Black Sea (between 44°46' - 43°45' N latitude and 30° 11' - 29°35' E longitude). Macrobenthos sampling was done in 4 stations using a 0.14 m**2 Van Veen grab. Washing of the sample through two sieves - 1 mm and 0.25 mm mesh size; the material retained by the two sieves was examined at the binocular microscope; all animals were extracted, using fine tweezers and the species or group of species were identified and counted (in order to determine the density of populations); the larger organisms were measured and weighed (structure and biomass); for smaller organisms, the average wet weights inscribed in standard tables were used to calculate the biomass. Taxonomic identification was done at the GeoEcoMar by A. Teaca and T. Begun using the relevant taxonomic literature (Key-book for the identification of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov Fauna, 1968 -1972, Kiev - in Russian, V 1-4; BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971 and BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971-Benthic ecological research to Black Sea. Comparative quantitative and qualitative analyse of pontic benthic fauna. Marine Ecology, 4, 1-357 (in Romanian).


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Dataset containing meiobenthos data for samples collected during the September 2008 Sesame Cruise in the North-West Black Sea on board of the Romanian R/V Mare Nigrum. Meiobenthos samples were collected in 5 stations, using a multicorer MARK II-400. The dataset includes 5 samples analysed for meiobenthos species composition, abundance and biomass. The entire washed sample was analyzed under the binocular stereomicroscope. Meiobenthic species were identified and enumerated; some meiobenthic species were identified and enumerated only at higher taxonomic level. Taxonomic identification was done at GEOECOMAR.


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Dataset containing meiobenthos data for samples collected during the September 2008 Sesame Cruise in the North-West Black Sea on board of the Romanian R/V Mare Nigrum. Meiobenthos samples were collected in 5 stations, using a multicorer MARK II-400. The dataset includes 5 samples analysed for meiobenthos species composition, abundance and biomass. The entire washed sample was analyzed under the binocular stereomicroscope. Meiobenthic species were identified and enumerated; some meiobenthic species were identified and enumerated only at higher taxonomic level. Taxonomic identification was done at GEOECOMAR.


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The SESAME dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected during April 2008 in the North-Western part of Black Sea (between 44°46' N and 42°29'N latitude and 28°64'E and 30°59'E longitude). Mesozooplankton sampling was undertaken at 9 stations where samples were collected using a Hensen net in the 0-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200 m layer. The dataset includes 29 samples analysed for mesozooplankton species composition and abundance. The entire sample or an aliquot (1/2 to 1/4) was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Calculations of zooplankton abundance are made by the following formulae, in accordance with the Report of the third ICES/HELCOM workshop on quality assurance of Biological measurements Warnemünde, Germany, 1996. M - number of counted specimens (ind.), Vf - volume of filtrated water (m³), and K - counted part of sample. (http://www2008.io-warnemuende.de/research/helcom_zp/documents/qa_zp_part.pdf)