728 resultados para Superduplex stainless steels
Os aços inoxidáveis duplex vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados em aplicações que demandam maior resistência à corrosão que os aços inoxidáveis tradicionais. Suas aplicações em estruturas ao ar livre, ou submersas, motivam estudos sobre seu desempenho em variadas situações, como no caso de exposição ao desgaste erosivo.O presente trabalho estuda os efeitos da erosão por impacto de partículas sólidas em superfícies de amostras de um aço inoxidável duplex UNS S32205, tanto do ponto de vista morfológico quanto do topográfico. Superfícies de amostras polidas e posteriormente submetidas a ataques erosivos com partículas de alumina em fluxo de ar, foram examinadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para verificação das formas de desgaste obtidas, e submetidas a ensaios de rugosidade, para determinação do perfil e avaliação da evolução do processo erosivo. Foi feito um exame mais detalhado de formatos de crateras, para comparação com mecanismos propostos em modelos descritos na literatura e com resultados de simulações pelo método dos elementos finitos. Nesse aspecto, o método utilizado mostrou-se tão eficaz quanto aos métodos tradicionais de estudos balísticos com uma só partícula, além de mais abrangente e econômico. As medidas de rugosidade superficial e as informações estatísticas derivadas sinalizaram a possibilidade de utilização dessa ferramenta para avaliar as condições de efetiva perda de massa, que caracterizam a erosão.
Os aços inoxidáveis correspondem a aços com diferenças de composição e microestrutura. Desta forma, o comportamento em corrosão é consequentemente diferente. Para avaliar este aspecto, aços com PREN variando de aproximadamente 11 a 35% foram analisados por curvas de polarização. A motivação principal desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de cada aço inoxidável com uso de diferentes técnicas (impedância eletroquímica e circuitos elétricos equivalentes) e também na nova técnica de mapas de impedância, da influência do PREN na corrosão em meio de 3,5% NaCl a 25C. A partir dessas curvas, os potenciais de pites e de densidade de corrente de corrosão foram obtidos. Além disto, foram empregados mapas de diagrama de impedância eletroquímica para visualizar o efeito do potencial aplicado, desde o potencial catódico até além do potencial de pite desses aços. Pôde-se observar que o módulo de impedância se reduz abruptamente quando surge o pite. Ademais, há uma alteração do ângulo característico para frequências da ordem de 1 kHz. Para dois aços inoxidáveis, UNS S30400 e UNS S31600, foram utilizados os diagramas de impedância obtidos dos mapas e estimados a evolução dos parâmetros relacionados a um circuito elétrico equivalente para potenciais aplicados.
PD6493:1991 fracture assessment have been performed for a range of large-scale fracture mechanics tests conducted at TWI in the past. These tests cover several material groups, including pressure vessel steels, pipeline steels, stainless steels and aluminium alloys, including parent material and weldments. Ninety-two wide plate and pressure vessel tests have been assessed, following Levels 1, 2 and 3 PD6493:1991 procedures. In total, over 400 assessments have been performed, examining many features of the fracture assessment procedure including toughness input, proof testing, residual stress assumptions and stress state (tension, bending and biaxial). In all cases the large scale tests have been assessed as one would actual structures: i.e., based on lower bound toughness values obtained from small scale fracture toughness specimens.
The changes of corrosion potential (E-corr) of metals immersed in seawater were investigated with electrochemical technology and epifluoresence microscopy. In natural seawater, changes of E-corr were determined by the surface corrosion state of the metal. E-corr of passive metals exposed to natural seawater shifted to noble direction for about 150 mV in one day and it didn't change in sterile seawater. The in-situ observation showed that biofilms settled on the surfaces of passive metals when E-corr moved in noble direction. The bacteria number increased on the metal surface according to exponential law and it was in the same way with the ennoblement of E-corr. The attachment of bacteria during the initial period played an important role in the ennoblement of E-corr and it is believed that the carbohydrate and protein in the biofilm are reasons for this phenomenon. The double layer capacitance (C-dl) of passive metals decreased with time when immersed in natural seawater, while remained almost unchanged in sterile seawater. The increased thickness and reduced dielectric constant of C-dl may be reasons.
The dissolution of MnS inclusions could induce pitting corrosion in stainless steels, but its dissolution mechanism is poorly understood at the atomic scale. With the help of ab initio molecular dynamics calculations, one inevitable step in the dissolution of MnS is studied by simulating the process of one Mn ion leaving the surface. The reaction mechanism is determined to contain three steps with two large barriers and a small one, leading to two slow steps in the Mn ion dissolution. Comparing to the Na ion dissolution from NaCl, the barriers of the Mn ion dissolution are much larger, which is a reflection of their different electronic structures.
O aço inoxidável é um material de alta durabilidade e resistência, utilizado nos mais diversos setores comerciais. O conhecimento das suas características e propriedades é essencial para uma escolha mais seletiva e vantajosa. Pretende‐se com este trabalho, estudar as propriedades mecânicas, a resistência ao desgaste e o comportamento, em ambientes mais agressivos de três tipos de aços inoxidáveis duplex, produzidos pela OUTOKUMPU e comercialmente conhecidos pelas designações LDX 2101, SAF 2507 e o SAF 2205. Para tal efeito foram realizados ensaios de Dureza Vickers, antes e após dobragem; ensaios de tracção em duas diferentes situações: seguindo a norma NP EN 10002‐ 1:2006 e após a realização de alguns ciclos de carga e descarga; ensaio de Impacto à temperatura ambiente e após arrefecimento criogénico; ensaio de resistência à corrosão. Também foi feito o estudo de resistência ao desgaste com base na técnica de micro‐abrasão por esfera rotativa e o estudo metalográfico. Foi também objetivo deste trabalho, relacionar o uso dos referidos aços duplex e as consequências que esse uso tem para o meio ambiente, bem como o seu comportamento quando exposto a condições extremas. Para tal, foram colocadas amostras dos referidos aços, em dois tipos de solos com condições de humidade e acidez diferentes analisando o seu estado após imersão em solo com condições controladas durante 272 dias.
Due to their numerous novel technological applications ranging from the example of exhaust catalysts in the automotive industry to the catalytic production of hydro- gen, surface reactions on transition metal substrates have become to be one of the most essential subjects within the surface science community. Although numerous applications exist, there are many details in the different processes that, after many decades of research, remain unknown. There are perhaps as many applications for the corrosion resistant materials such as stainless steels. A thorough knowledge of the details of the simplest reactions occuring on the surfaces, such as oxidation, play a key role in the design of better catalysts, or corrosion resistant materials in the future. This thesis examines the oxidation of metal surfaces from a computational point of view mostly concentrating on copper as a model material. Oxidation is studied from the initial oxidation to the oxygen precovered surface. Important parameters for the initial sticking and dissociation are obtained. The saturation layer is thoroughly studied and the calculated results arecompared with available experimental results. On the saturated surface, some open questions still remain. The present calculations demonstrate, that the saturated part of the surface is excluded from being chemically reactive towards the oxygen molecules. The results suggest, that the reason for the chemical activity of the saturated surface is due to a strain effect occuring between the saturated areas of the surface.
The report examines the factors which may be a contributing cause to the problems that are present when ferritic stainless steel are eddy current tested in a warm condition. The work is carried out at Fagersta Stainless AB in Fagersta which manufactures stainless steel wire. In the rolling mill there is an eddy current equipment for detection of surface defects on the wire. The ferritic stainless steels cause a noise when testing and this noise complicates the detection of defects.Because of this, a study was made of how the noise related to factors such as steel grade, temperature, size and velocity. By observing the signal and with the possibilities to change the equipment settings the capability to let a signal filter reduce the noise level were evaluated. Theories about the material's physical properties have also been included, mainly the magnetic properties, electrical conductivity and the material's tendency to oxidize.Results from the tests show that a number of factors do not affect the inductive test significantly and to use a filter to reduce the noise level does not seem to be a viable option. The level of noise does not relate to the presence of superficial particles in form of oxides.The ferritic stainless steels showed some difference in noise level. Which noise level there was did match well with the steels probability for a precipitation of a second phase, and precipitation of austenite may in this case contribute to noise when using an eddy current instrument.The noise is probably due to some physical material property that varies within the thread.
Mechanical and tribological properties of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steels submitted to glow discharge ion nitriding are reported. The atmosphere was 20:80 - N2:H2 with substrate temperatures ranging from 300 to 500 °C. Treatment at 300 °C produced expanded austenite (γN) in both steels. Increasing the temperature, the phases γ′-Fe4N and ε- Fe2+xN were present and the latter is the major phase for AISI 304. At 500 °C, the CrN phase was also identified in both steels. Hardnesses of about 13-14 GPa at near surface regions were obtained in both steels. Moreover, AISI 316 nitrided at 500 °C has the deepest hard layer. Tribological tests showed that wear can be reduced by up to a factor of six after the nitriding processes, even for a working temperature of 300 °C. The profiles during and after nanoscratch tests did not reveal significant differences after nitriding processes in both steels.
Mechanical and tribological properties of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steels submitted to glow discharge ion nitriding are reported. The atmosphere was 20:80 - N2:H2 with substrate temperatures ranging from 300 to 500 °C. Treatment at 300 °C produced expanded austenite (γN) in both steels. Increasing the temperature, the phases γ′-Fe4N and ε- Fe2+xN were present and the latter is the major phase for AISI 304. At 500 °C, the CrN phase was also identified in both steels. Hardnesses of about 13-14 GPa at near surface regions were obtained in both steels. Moreover, AISI 316 nitrided at 500 °C has the deepest hard layer. Tribological tests showed that wear can be reduced by up to a factor of six after the nitriding processes, even for a working temperature of 300 °C. The profiles during and after nanoscratch tests did not reveal significant differences after nitriding processes in both steels.
Metal powder sintering appears to be promising option to achieve new physical and mechanical properties combining raw material with new processing improvements. It interest over many years and continue to gain wide industrial application. Stainless steel is a widely accepted material because high corrosion resistance. However stainless steels have poor sinterability and poor wear resistance due to their low hardness. Metal matrix composite (MMC) combining soft metallic matrix reinforced with carbides or oxides has attracted considerable attention for researchers to improve density and hardness in the bulk material. This thesis focuses on processing 316L stainless steel by addition of 3% wt niobium carbide to control grain growth and improve densification and hardness. The starting powder were water atomized stainless steel manufactured for Höganäs (D 50 = 95.0 μm) and NbC produced in the UFRN and supplied by Aesar Alpha Johnson Matthey Company with medium crystallite size 16.39 nm and 80.35 nm respectively. Samples with addition up to 3% of each NbC were mixed and mechanically milled by 3 routes. The route1 (R1) milled in planetary by 2 hours. The routes 2 (R2) and 3 (R3) milled in a conventional mill by 24 and 48 hours. Each milled samples and pure sample were cold compacted uniaxially in a cylindrical steel die (Ø 5 .0 mm) at 700 MPa, carried out in a vacuum furnace, heated at 1290°C, heating rate 20°C stand by 30 and 60 minutes. The samples containing NbC present higher densities and hardness than those without reinforcement. The results show that nanosized NbC particles precipitate on grain boundary. Thus, promote densification eliminating pores, control grain growth and increase the hardness values
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O artigo teve como objetivo estudar a evolução do crescimento, distribuição e classificação dos pites em aços inoxidáveis austeníticos AISI 310S no estado como recebida e tratado termicamente, submetidos a diferentes tempos de exposição em meio salino. A aplicabilidade deste trabalho baseou-se no desenvolvimento de uma técnica para caracterização morfológica da corrosão localizada, associado com os aspectos de descrição de formas, tamanho, parâmetros específicos e populacionais. A metodologia consistiu nas seguintes etapas: preparação dos corpos de prova, testes de corrosão via névoa salina em diferentes condições, análise microestrutural, análise dos perfis dos pites, processamento digital e análise de imagens, visando caracterizar a distribuição, morfologia e o tamanho dos pites. Os resultados obtidos no processamento digital e análise de imagens dos perfis foram submetidos á análise estatística, utilizando à mediana como parâmetro de avaliação na liga como recebido e tratada. A liga como recebido, exibe a seguinte morfologia: pites hemisféricos> região de transição A> região de transição B> irregulares> cônicos. A quantidade de pites na liga tratada a cada tempo de exposição é: região de transição B> hemisféricos> região de transição A> cônicos> irregulares.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The development of electrochemical potentiokinetic methods as applied to the testing of metals and alloys is followed from its early phases up to its latest advances relating to intergranular corrosion, SCC and pitting corrosion tests of stainless steels and special alloys and to the examination of their structure and properties. In assessing the susceptibility to intergranular and pitting corrosion by potentiokinetic polarization tests, the polarization curves which apply to the bulk of the alloy grains (the matrix) must be distinguished from those pertaining to grain boundaries. Cyclic polarization measurements such as the electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) test make it possible to derive the alloy's susceptibility to intergranular, pitting and crevice corrosion from characteristic potentials and other quantities determined in the 'double loop' test. EPR is rapid and responds to the combined effects of a number of factors that influence the properties of materials. The electrochemical p otentiokinetic tests are sensitive enough to detect structural changes in heat treated materials ranging far beyond the stainless steels alone, and can be used for non-destructive testing aimed at elucidating the properties and behavior of materials. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.