991 resultados para Subset Sum Problem


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Composition problem is considered for partition constrained vertex subsets of n dimensional unit cube E^n . Generating numerical characteristics of E^n subsets partitions is considered by means of the same characteristics in 1 − n dimensional unit cube, and construction of corresponding subsets is given for a special particular case. Using pairs of lower layer characteristic vectors for E^(1-n) more characteristic vectors for E^n are composed which are boundary from one side, and which take part in practical recognition of validness of a given candidate vector of partitions.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60G51, secondary 60G70, 60F17.


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Ebben a tanulmányban a szerző egy új harmóniakereső metaheurisztikát mutat be, amely a minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések halmazán a projekt nettó jelenértékét maximalizálja. Az optimális ütemezés elméletileg két egész értékű (nulla-egy típusú) programozási feladat megoldását jelenti, ahol az első lépésben meghatározzuk a minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések időtartamát, majd a második lépésben az optimális időtartamot feltételként kezelve megoldjuk a nettó jelenérték maximalizálási problémát minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések halmazán. A probléma NP-hard jellege miatt az egzakt megoldás elfogadható idő alatt csak kisméretű projektek esetében képzelhető el. A bemutatandó metaheurisztika a Csébfalvi (2007) által a minimális időtartamú erőforrás-korlátos ütemezések időtartamának meghatározására és a tevékenységek ennek megfelelő ütemezésére kifejlesztett harmóniakereső metaheurisztika továbbfejlesztése, amely az erőforrás-felhasználási konfliktusokat elsőbbségi kapcsolatok beépítésével oldja fel. Az ajánlott metaheurisztika hatékonyságának és életképességének szemléltetésére számítási eredményeket adunk a jól ismert és népszerű PSPLIB tesztkönyvtár J30 részhalmazán futtatva. Az egzakt megoldás generálásához egy korszerű MILP-szoftvert (CPLEX) alkalmaztunk. _______________ This paper presents a harmony search metaheuristic for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows. In the proposed approach, a resource-constrained project is characterized by its „best” schedule, where best means a makespan minimal resource constrained schedule for which the net present value (NPV) measure is maximal. Theoretically the optimal schedule searching process is formulated as a twophase mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem, which can be solved for small-scale projects in reasonable time. The applied metaheuristic is based on the "conflict repairing" version of the "Sounds of Silence" harmony search metaheuristic developed by Csébfalvi (2007) for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). In order to illustrate the essence and viability of the proposed harmony search metaheuristic, we present computational results for a J30 subset from the well-known and popular PSPLIB. To generate the exact solutions a state-of-the-art MILP solver (CPLEX) was used.


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The span of control is the most discussed single concept in classical and modern management theory. In specifying conditions for organizational effectiveness, the span of control has generally been regarded as a critical factor. Existing research work has focused mainly on qualitative methods to analyze this concept, for example heuristic rules based on experiences and/or intuition. This research takes a quantitative approach to this problem and formulates it as a binary integer model, which is used as a tool to study the organizational design issue. This model considers a range of requirements affecting management and supervision of a given set of jobs in a company. These decision variables include allocation of jobs to workers, considering complexity and compatibility of each job with respect to workers, and the requirement of management for planning, execution, training, and control activities in a hierarchical organization. The objective of the model is minimal operations cost, which is the sum of supervision costs at each level of the hierarchy, and the costs of workers assigned to jobs. The model is intended for application in the make-to-order industries as a design tool. It could also be applied to make-to-stock companies as an evaluation tool, to assess the optimality of their current organizational structure. Extensive experiments were conducted to validate the model, to study its behavior, and to evaluate the impact of changing parameters with practical problems. This research proposes a meta-heuristic approach to solving large-size problems, based on the concept of greedy algorithms and the Meta-RaPS algorithm. The proposed heuristic was evaluated with two measures of performance: solution quality and computational speed. The quality is assessed by comparing the obtained objective function value to the one achieved by the optimal solution. The computational efficiency is assessed by comparing the computer time used by the proposed heuristic to the time taken by a commercial software system. Test results show the proposed heuristic procedure generates good solutions in a time-efficient manner.


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n this paper we deal with the problem of obtaining the set of k-additive measures dominating a fuzzy measure. This problem extends the problem of deriving the set of probabilities dominating a fuzzy measure, an important problem appearing in Decision Making and Game Theory. The solution proposed in the paper follows the line developed by Chateauneuf and Jaffray for dominating probabilities and continued by Miranda et al. for dominating k-additive belief functions. Here, we address the general case transforming the problem into a similar one such that the involved set functions have non-negative Möbius transform; this simplifies the problem and allows a result similar to the one developed for belief functions. Although the set obtained is very large, we show that the conditions cannot be sharpened. On the other hand, we also show that it is possible to define a more restrictive subset, providing a more natural extension of the result for probabilities, such that it is possible to derive any k-additive dominating measure from it.


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This paper is concerned with the problem of stability analysis of discrete time-delay systems. New finite-sum inequalities, which encompass the ones based on Abel lemma or Wirtinger type inequality, are first proposed. The potential capability of the newly derived inequalities is then demonstrated by establishing less conservative stability conditions for some classes of linear discrete-time systems with delay. The derived stability criteria are theoretically and numerically proved to be less conservative than existing results.


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We consider the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in 3-dimensional doubly-connected domains, that is the reconstruction of a harmonic function from knowledge of the function values and normal derivative on the outer of two closed boundary surfaces. We employ the alternating iterative method, which is a regularizing procedure for the stable determination of the solution. In each iteration step, mixed boundary value problems are solved. The solution to each mixed problem is represented as a sum of two single-layer potentials giving two unknown densities (one for each of the two boundary surfaces) to determine; matching the given boundary data gives a system of boundary integral equations to be solved for the densities. For the discretisation, Weinert's method [24] is employed, which generates a Galerkin-type procedure for the numerical solution via rewriting the boundary integrals over the unit sphere and expanding the densities in terms of spherical harmonics. Numerical results are included as well.


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A new solution to the millionaire problem is designed on the base of two new techniques: zero test and batch equation. Zero test is a technique used to test whether one or more ciphertext contains a zero without revealing other information. Batch equation is a technique used to test equality of multiple integers. Combination of these two techniques produces the only known solution to the millionaire problem that is correct, private, publicly verifiable and efficient at the same time.