977 resultados para Strong potential models


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Cette thèse de doctorat se situe dans le contexte des préoccupations des autorités nationales et des organisations internationales relatives à l’efficacité des organisations publiques dans les pays en développement, dans le cadre des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD) et du programme Éducation pour tous (ÉPT). L’argument du manque de ressources est de plus en plus remis en cause par le constat que certaines organisations disposant de ressources moindres que d’autres de même nature, obtiennent de meilleurs résultats (Barney, 1991; Durand, 1996; Isckia, 2008). Autrement dit, la quantité de ressources n’explique pas tout; il faut considérer d’autres éléments, dont la mobilisation organisationnelle, c’est-à-dire le mouvement obtenu d’une masse critique d’employés qui adoptent des actions positives dans le sens de l’atteinte des objectifs de leur organisation. Cette mobilisation suppose un climat positif auquel contribue la présence de certains états psychologiques ressentis par les employés, notamment les perceptions de soutien et de reconnaissance de la part de l’organisation de même qu’un sentiment d’habilitation psychologique (Tremblay et Simard, 2005). Ces perceptions et ce sentiment constituent les points focaux de la recherche que nous avons menée au sein du Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de l’alphabétisation (MÉNA) du Burkina Faso. L’objectif principal de notre recherche est de décrire ces trois états psychologiques. Le soutien organisationnel perçu (SOP), l’habilitation psychologique (HP) et la reconnaissance perçue ont été explorés à partir des travaux de Eisenberger et al. (1986), de Spreitzer (1995) et de Brun et Dugas (2005) respectivement. Nous avons délibérément choisi la perspective des employés plutôt que celle des pratiques de gestion observées ou déclarées de leurs supérieurs et avons entrepris de connaître leurs perceptions. Ces dernières méritent que l’on s’en préoccupe car aucune politique, mesure ou pratique visant à instaurer un climat organisationnel mobilisant ne peut être efficace si elle n’est pas perçue comme telle par les employés. Utilisant une méthodologie mixte, nous avons recueilli auprès de cadres et de directions d’école, des données sur les trois états psychologiques retenus, à l’aide d’un questionnaire comportant 37 énoncés (65 répondants); d’entrevues individuelles visant à enrichir, compléter, expliciter ou illustrer les informations obtenues par le questionnaire (18 participants); et de deux groupes de discussion autour des résultats de l’analyse préliminaire des réponses au questionnaire (7 participants). Au total, les données ont été recueillies auprès de 73 personnes, certaines d’entre elles ayant à la fois répondu au questionnaire et participé à une entrevue individuelle. Les données ont été traitées par état psychologique à l’aide des logiciels SPSS Statistics 20 (pour les questionnaires) et QDA Miner 4.0.11 (pour les entretiens individuels). Pour chaque énoncé, chaque variable créée et chacune des caractéristiques (fonction, genre et milieu de travail), nous avons d’abord obtenu des mesures de tendances centrales; nous avons poursuivi en ajoutant un second niveau de traitement en combinant les caractéristiques, par exemple : la fonction (cadre ou direction d’école) et le genre (femme ou homme). Nous avons ensuite procédé au codage des verbatims des entretiens en vue d’en extraire des éléments qui corroborent, précisent ou nuancent les résultats de l’analyse des données obtenues par le questionnaire pour chaque état psychologique. L’exploitation des données d’entretiens visait également à identifier des éléments portant sur le thème de la mobilisation au MÉNA. Les résultats des analyses des données issues des questionnaires indiquent globalement que le soutien organisationnel est perçu de façon négative au sein du MÉNA, seule la valorisation du travail réalisé recueillant un sentiment un peu moins négatif. Les répondants se perçoivent habilités psychologiquement; des quatre composantes de l’habilitation psychologique, c’est l’autonomie qui recueille la perception la plus négative. En ce qui concerne la reconnaissance, on observe une perception positive des éléments reliés à la communication et négative lorsqu’il s’agit de l’appréciation du système d’attribution des récompenses. En complément à ces résultats obtenus de l’analyse des données issues du questionnaire, les entretiens ont permis de mettre en lumière le fait que des pratiques efficaces de gestion (par exemple la rapidité des réponses aux demandes, l’application des normes de ponctualité et d’assiduité, la réception régulière du salaire) sont considérées comme des marques de soutien organisationnel. Ces entretiens ont également permis de découvrir un fort potentiel d’implication personnelle et professionnelle des participants rencontrés qui affichaient une disposition favorable à l’augmentation de leur contribution tout en souhaitant une plus grande reconnaissance de leur potentiel. La prise en compte de la fonction, du genre et du milieu de travail a permis de raffiner les analyses. À titre d’exemple: le soutien organisationnel est perçu plus positivement en milieu urbain qu’en milieu rural; les cadres perçoivent positivement la valorisation que le ministère accorde à leur contribution; alors que les directrices d’école ont une appréciation négative de cette valorisation. Le sentiment de compétence est éprouvé de façon plus positive chez les cadres alors que le sentiment d’autonomie est plus positif chez les directions d’école. En milieu urbain, la transmission de l’information, les rencontres avec les supérieurs et les témoignages d’appréciation sont plus présents qu’en milieu rural. Dans cette recherche, qui s’est déroulée dans un contexte subsaharien, nous avons affiché un parti pris pour une approche universaliste plutôt que culturaliste. Tout en reconnaissant que les traditions et la culture font partie de l’environnement organisationnel, nous pensons qu’elles ne sont pas les principaux facteurs explicatifs des comportements des employés dans une organisation. Les propos tenus par certains des participants que nous avons rencontrés renforcent notre conviction que les pratiques de gestion généralement perçues positivement par les employés le sont également dans ce contexte.


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MAGNESIUM ALLOYS have strong potential for weight reduction in a wide range of technical applications because of their low density compared to other structural metallic materials. Therefore, an extensive growth of magnesium alloys usage in the automobile sector is expected in the coming years to enhance the fuel efficiency through mass reduction. The drawback associated with the use of commercially cheaper Mg-Al based alloys, such as AZ91, AM60 and AM50 are their inferior creep properties above 100ºC due to the presence of discontinuous Mg17A112 phases at the grain boundaries. Although rare earth-based magnesium alloys show better mechanical properties, it is not economically viable to use these alloys in auto industries. Recently, many new Mg-Al based alloy systems have been developed for high temperature applications, which do not contain the Mg17Al12 phase. It has been proved that the addition of a high percentage of zinc (which depends upon the percentage of Al) to binary Mg-Al alloys also ensures the complete removal of the Mg17Al12 phase and hence exhibits superior high temperature properties.ZA84 alloy is one such system, which has 8%Zn in it (Mg-8Zn-4Al-0.2Mn, all are in wt %) and shows superior creep resistance compared to AZ and AM series alloys. These alloys are mostly used in die casting industries. However, there are certain large and heavy components, made up of this alloy by sand castings that show lower mechanical properties because of their coarse microstructure. Moreover, further improvement in their high temperature behaviour through microstructural modification is also an essential task to make this alloy suitable for the replacement of high strength aluminium alloys used in automobile industry. Grain refinement is an effective way to improve the tensile behaviour of engineering alloys. In fact, grain refinement of Mg-Al based alloys is well documented in literature. However, there is no grain refiner commercially available in the market for Mg-Al alloys. It is also reported in the literature that the microstructure of AZ91 alloy is modified through the minor elemental additions such as Sb, Si, Sr, Ca, etc., which enhance its high temperature properties because of the formation of new stable intermetallics. The same strategy can be used with the ZA84 alloy system to improve its high temperature properties further without sacrificing the other properties. The primary objective of the present research work, “Studies on grain refinement and alloying additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-8Zn-4Al alloy” is twofold: 1. To investigate the role of individual and combined additions of Sb and Ca on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA84 alloy. 2. To synthesis a novel Mg-1wt%Al4C3 master alloy for grain refinement of ZA84 alloy and investigate its effects on mechanical properties.


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No contexto internacional é de considerar que, no que tange a uma maior interacção entre os povos, é necessário ter em conta que a propagação da língua é factor-chave. A língua faz com que os povos se entendam e construam conhecimentos, pois, no contacto de culturas, o pensar, o agir, o falar e o conviver, ao mesmo tempo que diferenciam, também servem para unir os mais distintos povos, sendo que não se deve recear essas diferenças ou diversidades culturais porque não representam uma ameaça. No que concerne à língua, a utilização de um idioma comum – o português – deve ser encarada como um elo de comunicação entre os vários países e povos lusófonos, a exemplo daquilo que se passa com o inglês e o francês nas respectivas comunidades. A língua portuguesa oferece um vasto leque de possibilidades, ou seja, possui um potencial muito forte e ligado a vários sectores, desde o económico, o social, o cultural e jurídico até ao técnico-científico. Porém, para que a língua portuguesa se venha a universalizar, acredita-se que seja necessária uma maior vontade política por parte dos governantes.


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Momentum strategies have the potential to generate extra profits in private real estate markets. Tests of a variety of frequencies of portfolio reweighting identify periods of winner and loser performance. There are strong potential gains from momentum strategies that are based on prior returns over a 6- to 12-month period. Whether these gains are attainable for real-world investors depends on transaction costs, but some momentum strategies do produce net excess returns. The findings hold even if returns are unsmoothed to reflect underlying market prices.


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In this paper sequential importance sampling is used to assess the impact of observations on a ensemble prediction for the decadal path transitions of the Kuroshio Extension (KE). This particle filtering approach gives access to the probability density of the state vector, which allows us to determine the predictive power — an entropy based measure — of the ensemble prediction. The proposed set-up makes use of an ensemble that, at each time, samples the climatological probability distribution. Then, in a post-processing step, the impact of different sets of observations is measured by the increase in predictive power of the ensemble over the climatological signal during one-year. The method is applied in an identical-twin experiment for the Kuroshio Extension using a reduced-gravity shallow water model. We investigate the impact of assimilating velocity observations from different locations during the elongated and the contracted meandering state of the KE. Optimal observations location correspond to regions with strong potential vorticity gradients. For the elongated state the optimal location is in the first meander of the KE. During the contracted state of the KE it is located south of Japan, where the Kuroshio separates from the coast.


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Hardcore, or long-term derelict and vacant brownfield sites which are often contaminated, form a significant proportion of brownfield land in many cities, not only in the UK but also in other countries. The recent economic recession has placed the economic viability of such sites in jeopardy. This paper compares the approaches for bringing back hardcore brownfield sites into use in England and Japan by focusing on ten case studies in Manchester and Osaka, using an `agency'-based frame- work. The findings are set in the context of (i) national brownfield and related policy agendas; (ii) recent trends in land and property markets in both England and Japan; and (iii) city-level comparisons of brownfields in Manchester and Osaka. The research, which was conducted during 2009 ^ 10, suggests that hardcore brownfield sites have been badly affected by the recent recession in both Manchester and Osaka. Despite this, not only is there evidence that hardcore sites have been successfully regenerated in both cities, but also that the critical success factors (CSFs) operating in bringing sites back into use share a large degree of commonality. These CSFs include the presence of strong potential markets, seeing the recession as an opportunity, long-term vision, strong branding, strong partnerships, integrated development, and getting infrastructure into place. Finally, the paper outlines the policy implications of the research.


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The progress in wearable and implanted health monitoring technologies has strong potential to alter the future of healthcare services by enabling ubiquitous monitoring of patients. A typical health monitoring system consists of a network of wearable or implanted sensors that constantly monitor physiological parameters. Collected data are relayed using existing wireless communication protocols to the base station for additional processing. This article provides researchers with information to compare the existing low-power communication technologies that can potentially support the rapid development and deployment of WBAN systems, and mainly focuses on remote monitoring of elderly or chronically ill patients in residential environments.


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Polyanionic collagen obtained from bovine pericardial tissue submitted to alkaline hydrolysis is an acellular matrix with strong potential in tissue engineering. However, increasing the carboxyl content reduces fibril formation and thermal stability compared to the native tissues. In the present work, we propose a chemical protocol based on the association of alkaline hydrolysis with 1,4-dioxane treatment to either attenuate or revert the drastic structural modifications promoted by alkaline treatments. For the characterization of the polyanionic membranes treated with 1,4-dioxane, we found that (1) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows a stronger reorientation and aggregation of collagen microfibrils; (2) histological evaluation reveals recovering of the alignment of collagen fibers and reassociation with elastic fibers; (3) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) shows an increase in thermal stability; and (4) in biocompatibility assays there is a normal attachment, morphology and proliferation associated with high survival of the mouse fibroblast cell line NIH3T3 in reconstituted membranes, which behave as native membranes. Our conclusions reinforce the ability of 1,4-dioxane to enhance the properties of negatively charged polyanionic collagen associated with its potential use as biomaterials for grafting, cationic drug- or cell-delivery systems and for the coating of cardiovascular devices.


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The aim of this study is to investigate different dimensions of religiosity and spirituality among psychiatric in-patients. The study examines differences between addictive (ICD 10: F1x) and anxious/depressive (ICD 10: F3x/F4x) patients and considers the main implications for treatment.

Differences in dimensions of religious/spiritual well-being (RSWB) between addictive (n = 389) and anxious/depressive patients (n = 200) are investigated, also by comparison to a control group (n = 1,500). Furthermore dimensions of RSWB are related to personality factors and different psychiatric parameters within the psychiatric groups.

The psychiatric groups show a lower amount of overall RSWB (p < 0.001) than the healthy controls. Furthermore, dimensions of RSWB turned out to be negatively correlated with several psychiatric symptoms.

Based on these results we emphasize religious/spiritual issues within psychiatric treatment. Moreover, there may be a strong potential of the RSWB dimensions such as “Hope” or “Forgiveness” as positive therapeutic factors in psychiatric treatment.


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In a globalised environment, visual communication designers are now required to understand their audience’s needs, values and unique methods of communication, creating a new focus on the recipient. In a cross-cultural design context, the visual communication also needs to appeal to a broad range of stakeholders and multiple recipients who hold a strong emotional investment in the message being sent. Our understanding of the complexities of designing in this environment can be informed by recent developments in the research of place branding where the focus is on the increased possibility for failure, the strong potential for criticism and the issues associated with a broad range of stakeholders.

The outcomes of this connection are explored further in a case study involving eight countries as diverse as Australia, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, Qatar, United States of America and Zimbabwe. More than 140 student and lecturer participants reviewed a student driven cross-cultural visual communication project that produced over 560 designs. The increased potential for failure and strong, emotional criticism raised questions about the role of images and symbols in cross-cultural visual communication. The impact these have on the reception of the design, challenge our views on the use of stereotypical imagery. This paper will discuss the movement towards designing visual images that are generic and lacking in cultural representation presenting the view that stereotypical imagery is important to the recipient who relies on these cultural references to effectively read the message.


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The increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) consumption has prompted research into alternative resources other than fish oil. In this study, a new approach based on focal-plane-array Fourier transform infrared (FPA-FTIR) microspectroscopy and multivariate data analysis was developed for the characterisation of some marine microorganisms. Cell and lipid compositions in lipid-rich marine yeasts collected from the Australian coast were characterised in comparison to a commercially available PUFA-producing marine fungoid protist, thraustochytrid. Multivariate classification methods provided good discriminative accuracy evidenced from (i) separation of the yeasts from thraustochytrids and distinct spectral clusters among the yeasts that conformed well to their biological identities, and (ii) correct classification of yeasts from a totally independent set using cross-validation testing. The findings further indicated additional capability of the developed FPA-FTIR methodology, when combined with partial least squares regression (PLSR) analysis, for rapid monitoring of lipid production in one of the yeasts during the growth period, which was achieved at a high accuracy compared to the results obtained from the traditional lipid analysis based on gas chromatography. The developed FTIR-based approach when coupled to programmable withdrawal devices and a cytocentrifugation module would have strong potential as a novel online monitoring technology suited for bioprocessing applications and large-scale production.


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The ability to image electrochemical processes in situ using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers exciting possibilities for understanding and optimizing materials in batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors. In these applications, however, the quality of the MRI measurement is inherently limited by the presence of conductive elements in the cell or device. To overcome related difficulties, optimal methodologies have to be employed. We show that time-efficient three dimensional (3D) imaging of liquid and solid lithium battery components can be performed by Sectoral Fast Spin Echo and Single Point Imaging with T1 Enhancement (SPRITE), respectively. The former method is based on the generalized phase encoding concept employed in clinical MRI, which we have adapted and optimized for materials science and electrochemistry applications. Hard radio frequency pulses, short echo spacing and centrically ordered sectoral phase encoding ensure accurate and time-efficient full volume imaging. Mapping of density, diffusivity and relaxation time constants in metal-containing liquid electrolytes is demonstrated. 1, 2 and 3D SPRITE approaches show strong potential for rapid high resolution (7)Li MRI of lithium electrode components.


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Organic ionic plastic crystals (OIPCs) show strong potential as solid-state electrolytes for lithium battery applications, demonstrating promising electrochemical performance and eliminating the need for a volatile and flammable liquid electrolyte. The ionic conductivity (σ) in these systems has recently been shown to depend strongly on polycrystalline morphology, which is largely determined by the sample's thermal history. [K. Romanenko et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 15638]. Tailoring this morphology could lead to conductivities sufficiently high for battery applications, so a more complete understanding of how phenomena such as solid-solid phase transitions can affect the sample morphology is of significant interest. Anisotropic relaxation of nuclear spin magnetisation provides a new MRI based approach for studies of polycrystalline materials at both a macroscopic and molecular level. In this contribution, morphology alterations induced by solid-solid phase transitions in triisobutyl(methyl)phosphonium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (P1444FSI) and diethyl(methyl)(isobutyl)phosphonium hexafluorophosphate (P1224PF6) are examined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), alongside nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, diffusion measurements and conductivity data. These observations are linked to molecular dynamics and structural behaviour crucial for the conductive properties of OIPCs. A distinct correlation is established between the conductivity at a given temperature, σ(T), and the intensity of the narrow NMR signal that is attributed to a mobile fraction, fm(T), of ions in the OIPC. To explain these findings we propose an analogy with the well-studied relationship between permeability (k) and void fraction (θ) in porous media, with k(θ) commonly quantified by a power-law dependence that can also be employed to describe σ(fm).


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Invasive species have reshaped the composition of biomes across the globe, and considerable cost is now associated with minimising their ecological, social and economic impacts. Mammalian predators are among the most damaging invaders, having caused numerous species extinctions. Here, we review evidence of interactions between invasive predators and six key threats that together have strong potential to influence both the impacts of the predators, and their management. We show that impacts of invasive predators can be classified as either functional or numerical, and that they interact with other threats through both habitat- and community-mediated pathways. Ecosystem context and invasive predator identity are central in shaping variability in these relationships and their outcomes. Greater recognition of the ecological complexities between major processes that threaten biodiversity, including changing spatial and temporal relationships among species, is required to both advance ecological theory and improve conservation actions and outcomes. We discuss how novel approaches to conservation management can be used to address interactions between threatening processes and ameliorate invasive predator impacts.


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In building, during the implementation process of major or even minor works, there is a considerable waste of plaster in the steps of coating, making it is a negative factor because of the loss of these processes constructive remains incorporated into buildings, as component, whose final dimensions are higher than those projected. Another negative factor is the disposal of waste gypsum in inappropriate places, thus contributing to the degradation of environmental quality, due to the leaching of this waste and may trigger the formation of sulfuric acid. Therefore, based on this picture, processing and reuse of waste coating, combined with the ceramics industry, which is a strong potential in the reuse of certain types of waste, promote mutual benefits. Thus the overall objective of this work is to conduct a search with scientific and technological aspects, to determine the effect of the incorporation of the residue of plaster for coating, from the building, the formulation of bodies for red ceramic. The residue of plaster coating was collected and characterized. They were also selected raw materials of two ceramic poles of the state of Rio Grande do Norte and formulations have been made with the intention of obtaining those with the best physical and mechanical properties, the residue was added the percentage of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%, in the best formulation of ceramic industry 1 and, according the properties analyses, 5%, 10% and 15% as the best results of ceramic industry 2. The samples were sintered at temperatures of 850 ºC, 950 °C and 1050 °C, the heating rate of 5 ºC / min with isotherm of two hours. They were submitted to testing technology, such as lineal shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent density and bending resistence. The residue incorporation best results in the formulations of mass in red ceramic, were observed between the temperatures of 850 ºC and 950 ºC, in those formulations that have illite clays and medium plastic in their composition, in the range of 0% to 15% residue incorporated