986 resultados para String theory, Inflation, Slow-roll, tensor modes
Cet Article Se Divise En Trois Sections: la Premiere Contient une Critique de Certains Post-Keynesiens, Notamment Americains, Concernant Leur Hypothese de la Rigidite du Markup Dans la Relation Prix-Salaires. Contrairement a Kalecki Qui Admettait Volontiers la Flexibilite du Markup Face a la Rigidite des Prix et des Salaires, on Demontre Que la Position des Post-Keynesiens Americains N'est Qu'une Variante de L'approche Monetariste. la Deuxieme Section Contient une Generalisation de L'hypothese de la Variabilite du Markup Causee Par Tous les Facteurs de Production, Notamment la Variabilite Provenant des Mouvements de Capital Reel et Financier. En Utilisant les Donnees Annuelles Pour L'ensemble des Industries Canadienne Entre 1973 et 1982, on Estime Dans la Derniere Section Que les Couts Salariaux au Canada Ne Sont Responsables Que de 16% de L'inflation au Cours de la Derniere Decennie Alors Que les Couts du Capital Reel et Financier Compte Pour 84% de la Hausse des Prix.
Travail réalisé en cotutelle avec l'université Paris-Diderot et le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique sous la direction de John Harnad et Bertrand Eynard.
Si l’approche par compétences au Canada et aux États-Unis est particulièrement valorisée pour orienter la pratique des professionnels de la santé (PDS) – et en bioéthique clinique –, les travaux permettant de mieux comprendre les fondements psychologiques, ontologiques et philosophiques de ces compétences sont peu présents dans la littérature en bioéthique. Les principaux outils actuellement disponibles se divisent généralement en quatre principales catégories : 1) les documents officiels (codes de déontologie, règlements institutionnels, etc.); 2) les principales théories éthiques (éthique de la discussion, éthique de la vertu, principisme, etc.); 3) les ouvrages de référence scientifiques; 4) les outils de prise de décision éthique. Ces documents sont des incontournables pour les bioéthiciens et les PDS, mais leur disparité, voire leur contenu parfois contradictoire, jumelée à une compréhension limitée de l’éthique, est souvent source de confusion dans les processus décisionnels et peut être la cause de comportements ne répondant pas aux standards éthiques des pratiques professionnelles. Notre recherche constitue une réflexion qui s’inscrit en amont de ces outils dont le caractère pragmatique a le désavantage de simplifier la réflexion théorique au profit de données plus concrètes. Nos travaux visent à développer les bases d’un modèle flexible et inclusif – le modèle de la déontologie réflexive (MDR) – permettant de : 1) poser les principaux repères philosophiques, sociaux et déontologiques des problématiques éthiques rencontrées en pratique; 2) saisir les principales tensions éthiques inhérentes à cette complexité; 3) mieux comprendre, dans une perspective psychologique et développementale, les exigences personnelles et professionnelles qu’impose le statut de professionnel de la santé dans le contexte actuel des soins de santé. Entreprise théorique, ce projet consiste principalement à mettre en relation dynamique un ensemble de dimensions (légale, éthique, clinique, sociale, psychologique) à l’oeuvre dans la rencontre du bioéthicien et du PDS avec la complexité des situations éthiques, en s’inspirant du concept de sensibilité éthique de la « petite éthique » de Paul Ricoeur (1990), du modèle des quatre composantes de Rest (1994) et de la théorie du soi et des modes identitaires d’Augusto Blasi (1993). Ce processus implique trois étapes successives : 1) une mise en ii perspective de la posture épistémologique particulière du bioéthicien et du PDS à la lumière de la « petite éthique » de Ricoeur; 2) une revue de la littérature interdisciplinaire sur le concept de sensibilité éthique afin d’en proposer une définition et de le mettre en perspective avec d’autres compétences éthiques; 3) le développement d’un cadre de référence en matière d’identité éthique professionnelle (professional ethics identity tendencies, PEIT), inspiré de la théorie du soi et des modes identitaires de Blasi. Ces PEIT proposent un repère normatif aux exigences liées à la construction de l'identité en contexte de pratique des PDS et suggèrent des pistes de réflexion quant à la formation et à la recherche en éthique professionnelle. Cette recherche souhaite établir des fondements théoriques pour le développement ultérieur du modèle de la déontologie réflexive (MDR).
Question: What are the key physiological and life-history trade-offs responsible for the evolution of different suites of plant traits (strategies) in different environments? Experimental methods: Common-garden experiments were performed on physiologically realistic model plants, evolved in contrasting environments, in computer simulations. This allowed the identification of the trade-offs that resulted in different suites of traits (strategies). The environments considered were: resource rich, low disturbance (competitive); resource poor, low disturbance (stressed); resource rich, high disturbance (disturbed); and stressed environments containing herbivores (grazed). Results: In disturbed environments, plants increased reproduction at the expense of ability to compete for light and nitrogen. In competitive environments, plants traded off reproductive output and leaf production for vertical growth. In stressed environments, plants traded off vertical growth and reproductive output for nitrogen acquisition, contradicting Grime's (2001) theory that slow-growing, competitively inferior strategies are selected in stressed environments. The contradiction is partly resolved by incorporating herbivores into the stressed environment, which selects for increased investment in defence, at the expense of competitive ability and reproduction. Conclusion: Our explicit modelling of trade-offs produces rigorous testable explanations of observed associations between suites of traits and environments.
We study compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, which holds the key to many astrophysical processes, including star formation and cosmic-ray propagation. To account for the variations of the magnetic field in the strongly turbulent fluid, we use wavelet decomposition of the turbulent velocity field into Alfven, slow, and fast modes, which presents an extension of the Cho & Lazarian decomposition approach based on Fourier transforms. The wavelets allow us to follow the variations of the local direction of the magnetic field and therefore improve the quality of the decomposition compared to the Fourier transforms, which are done in the mean field reference frame. For each resulting component, we calculate the spectra and two-point statistics such as longitudinal and transverse structure functions as well as higher order intermittency statistics. In addition, we perform a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of the velocity field into incompressible and compressible parts and analyze these components. We find that the turbulence intermittency is different for different components, and we show that the intermittency statistics depend on whether the phenomenon was studied in the global reference frame related to the mean magnetic field or in the frame defined by the local magnetic field. The dependencies of the measures we obtained are different for different components of the velocity; for instance, we show that while the Alfven mode intermittency changes marginally with the Mach number, the intermittency of the fast mode is substantially affected by the change.
O presente estudo procurou identificar quais são os fatores que influenciam a utilização de trading companies nos processos de exportação de empresas brasileiras, tendo como uma das principais justificativas o fato da exportação ser uma das atividades econômicas que apresentam o maior crescimento e contribuição para a economia mundial. O modelo de pesquisa investigou a influência da distância psíquica, distância física, conteúdo de commodity dos produtos exportados, complexidade do ambiente de negócios e risco associado aos países de destino das exportações brasileiras. Serviram como base para a pesquisa a teoria dos custos de transação, estudos relativos aos modos de entrada em mercados internacionais e exportações indiretas. Os testes foram conduzidos a partir de um banco de dados secundários que continha informações relativas às exportações brasileiras realizadas entre os anos de 2006 e 2009, totalizando 450.475 operações. Deste total 80,1% eram exportações diretas e 19.9% exportações indiretas. Os resultados apontam o risco país e a distância psíquica como os fatores que mais influenciam a utilização de trading companies nos processos de exportação das empresas brasileiras. Em relação ao conteúdo de commodity os testes apresentaram resultados parcialmente favoráveis. Conclui-se que quanto maior o risco país e a distância psíquica entre o Brasil e os países de destino das operações de exportação maiores as chances de utilização das trading companies.
We address the generalization of thermodynamic quantity q-deformed by q-algebra that describes a general algebra for bosons and fermions . The motivation for our study stems from an interest to strengthen our initial ideas, and a possible experimental application. On our journey, we met a generalization of the recently proposed formalism of the q-calculus, which is the application of a generalized sequence described by two parameters deformation positive real independent and q1 and q2, known for Fibonacci oscillators . We apply the wellknown problem of Landau diamagnetism immersed in a space D-dimensional, which still generates good discussions by its nature, and dependence with the number of dimensions D, enables us future extend its application to systems extra-dimensional, such as Modern Cosmology, Particle Physics and String Theory. We compare our results with some experimentally obtained performing major equity. We also use the formalism of the oscillators to Einstein and Debye solid, strengthening the interpretation of the q-deformation acting as a factor of disturbance or impurity in a given system, modifying the properties of the same. Our results show that the insertion of two parameters of disorder, allowed a wider range of adjustment , i.e., enabling change only the desired property, e.g., the thermal conductivity of a same element without the waste essence
The boundary conditions of the bosonic string theory in non-zero B-field background are equivalent to the second class constraints of a discretized version of the theory. By projecting the original canonical coordinates onto the constraint surface we derive a set of coordinates of string that are unconstrained. These coordinates represent a natural framework for the quantization of the theory.
All possible Bogoliubov operators that generate the thermal transformations in thermo field dynamics form an SU(1,1) group. We discuss this construction in the bosonic string theory. In particular, the transformation of the Fock space and string operators generated by the most general SU(1,1) unitary Bogoliubov transformation and the entropy of the corresponding thermal string are computed. Also, we construct the thermal D-brane generated by the SU(1,1) transformation in a constant Kalb-Ramond field and compute its entropy.
In this article, the multiloop amplitude prescription using the super-Poincare invariant pure spinor formalism for the superstring is reviewed. Unlike the RNS prescription, there is no sum over spin structures and surface terms coming from the boundary of moduli space can be ignored. Massless N-point multiloop amplitudes vanish for N < 4, which implies (with two mild assumptions) the perturbative finiteness of superstring theory. Also, R-4 terms receive no multiloop contributions in agreement with the Type IIB S-duality conjecture of Green and Gutperle. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier SAS on behalf of Academie des sciences.
It is proven that the pure spinor superstring in an AdS(5) x S-5 background remains conformally invariant at one loop level in the sigma model perturbation theory.
In this Letter new aspects of string theory propagating in a pp-wave time dependent background with a null singularity are explored. It is shown the appearance of a 2d entanglement entropy dynamically generated by the background. For asymptotically flat observers, the vacuum close to the singularity is unitarily inequivalent to the vacuum at tau = -infinity and it is shown that the 2d entanglement entropy diverges close to this point. As a consequence. The positive time region is inaccessible for observers in tau = -infinity. For a stationary measure, the vacuum at finite time is seen by those observers as a thermal state and the information loss is encoded as a heat bath of string states. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
By means of an identity that equates the elliptic genus partition function of a supersymmetric sigma model on the N-fold symmetric product (SX)-X-N of X ((SX)-X-N=X-N/S-N, where S-N is the symmetric group of N elements) to the partition function of a second-quantized string theory, we derive the asymptotic expansion of the partition function as well as the asymptotic for the degeneracy of spectrum in string theory. The asymptotic expansion for the state counting reproduces the logarithmic correction to the black hole entropy.
After reviewing the Green-Schwarz superstring using the approach of Siegel, the superstring is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable. Physical massless vertex operators are constructed and, for the first time, N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincare covariant manner. Quantization can be generalized to curved supergravity backgrounds and the vertex operator for fluctuations around AdS(5) x S-5 is explicitly constructed.