989 resultados para Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae
We hypothesize that S. mutans colonization occurs more frequently in pre-term children due to their relative immaturity. In this study of 172 predentate, six-month-old infants, we found that 50% of pre-term and 60% of full-term children harbored S. mutans. The colonization was confirmed by repeat sampling. Although there were minor differences, factors associated with S. mutans infection in pre-term and full-term infants were generally similar. In both groups, increased frequency of sugar was ranked the most important factor (p < 0.001), followed by breast-feeding (p < 0.001), and habits which allowed saliva transfer from mother to infant (p < 0.01). By contrast, non-colonization of S. mutans was associated with multiple courses of antibiotics (p < 0.001). Compared with pre-term children, there were higher percentages of full-term who had night feedings and consumed sugar during sleep times. Mothers with infected infants had S. mutans levels > 5 x 10(5) CFU/mL saliva (p < 0.001), poorer oral hygiene,, more periodontal disease, and lower socio-economic status (P < 0.02) and snacked frequently (p < 0.001), compared with mothers with non-infected infants.
psaA encodes a 37-kDa pneumococcal lipoprotein which is part of an ABC Mn(II) transport complex. Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 psaA mutants have previously been shown to be significantly less virulent than wild-type D39, but the mechanism underlying the attenuation has not been resolved. In this study, we have shown that psaA and psaD mutants are highly sensitive to oxidative stress, i.e., to superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, which might explain why they are less virulent than the wild-type strain. Our investigations revealed altered expression of the key oxidative-stress response enzymes superoxide dismutase and NADH oxidase in psaA and psaD mutants, suggesting that PsaA and PsaD may play important roles in the regulation of expression of oxidative-stress response enzymes and intracellular redox homeostasis.
Conditions have been developed for genetic transformation and insertional mutagenesis in Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), the causal organism of ratoon stunting disease (RSD), one of the most damaging and intractable diseases of sugarcane internationally. Transformation frequencies ranged from 1 to 10 colony forming units (CFU)/mug of plasmid DNA using Clavibacter/Escherichia coli shuttle vectors pCG188, pDM302, and pDM306 and ranged from 50 to 500 CFU/mug using cosmid cloning vectors pLAFR3 and pLAFR5-km. The transformation/transposition frequency was 0 to 70 CFU/mug of DNA, using suicide vectors pUCD623 and pSLTP2021 containing transposable elements Tn4431 and Tn5, respectively. It was necessary to grow Lxx in media containing 0.1% glycine for electroporation and to amplify large plasmids in a dam(-)/dcm(-) E. coli strain and purify the DNA by anion exchange. To keep selection pressure at an optimum, the transformants were grown on nitrocellulose filters (0.2-mum pore size) on media containing the appropriate antibiotics. Transposon Tn4431 containing a promoterless lux operon from Vibrio fischeri and a tetracycline-resistance gene was introduced on the suicide vector pUCD623. All but 1% of the putative transposon mutants produce light, indicating transposition into functional Lxx genes. Southern blot analysis of these transformants indicates predominantly single transposon insertions at unique sites. The cosmid cloning vector pLAFR5-km was stably maintained in Lxx. The development of a transformation and transposon mutagenesis system opens the way for molecular analysis of pathogenicity determinants in Lxx.
Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) strains may express several distinct fibronectin-binding proteins (FBPs) which are considered as major streptococcal adhesins. Of the FBPs, SfbI was shown in vitro to promote internalization of the bacterium into host cells and has been implicated in persistence. In the tropical Northern Territory, where group A streptococcal infection is common, multiple genotypes of the organism were found among isolates from invasive disease cases and no dominant strains were observed. To determine whether any FBPs is associated with invasive disease propensity of S. pyogenes, we have screened streptococcal isolates from bacteraemic and necrotizing fasciitis patients and isolates from uncomplicated infections for genetic endowment of 4 FBPs. No difference was observed in the distribution of sfbII, fbp54 and sfbI between the blood isolates' and isolates from uncomplicated infection. We conclude that the presence of sfbI does not appear to promote invasive diseases, despite its association with persistence. We also show a higher proportion of group A streptococcus strains isolated from invasive disease cases possess prtFII when compared to strains isolated from non-invasive disease cases. We suggest that S. pyogenes may recruit different FBPs for different purposes.
Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from a tropical region and a subtropical region of Australia with high and low incidences of severe streptococcal diseases, respectively, were analyzed for speA, speB, and speC gene distributions and NAD-glycohydrolase expression. No direct correlation of these characteristics with a propensity to cause invasive diseases was observed.
Although vaccines have widely been regarded as the most cost-effective way to improve public health, for some organisms new technological advances in vaccine design and delivery, incurring additional developmental costs, will be essential. These organisms are typically those for which natural immunity is either slow to develop or does not develop at all. Clearly, such organisms have evolved strategies to evade immune responses and innovative approaches will be required to induce a type of immune response which is both different to that which develops naturally and is effective. This article describes some approaches to develop vaccines for two such organisms (malaria parasites and Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus)) that are associated with widespread mortality and morbidity, mostly in the poorest countries of the world. At this stage, the challenges are primarily scientific, but if these hurdles are surmounted then the challenges will become financial ones - developing much needed vaccines for people least able to afford them. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A streptococcus) interacts with host fibronectin via a number of distinct surface components. The streptococcal serum opacity factor (SOF) is a cell-surface protein of S. pyogenes which opalescence of human serum and mediates bacterial binding to fibronectin. In this study, hexahistidyl-tagged fusion proteins encompassing full-length SOF, and domains of SOF encompassing opacity factor activity and fibronectin-binding regions, were used in the characterization of the Aboriginal immune response to SOF. Anti-SOF serum IgG responses were found to be significantly higher (P
The health benefits provided by probiotic bacteria have led to their increasing use in fermented and other dairy products. However, their viability in these products is low. Encapsulation has been investigated to protect the bacteria in the product's environment and improve their survival. There are two common encapsulation techniques, namely extrusion and emulsion, to encapsulate the probiotics for their use in the fermented and other dairy products. This review evaluates the merits and limitations of these two techniques, and also discusses the supporting materials and special treatments used in encapsulation processes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trinta por cento das faringotonsilites agudas são de etiologia estreptocócica com potencial de complicações como a glomerulonefrite difusa aguda e febre reumática. Crianças de creches apresentam maior incidência destas infecções. OBJETIVO: Identificar e comparar a prevalência do Streptococcus pyogenes na orofaringe entre crianças que freqüentam creches e crianças não-institucionalizadas, em duas regiões do Brasil. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo com 200 crianças, provenientes da cidade de Porto Velho/RO e São Paulo/SP, em quatro grupos, freqüentadoras ou não de creches. Realizou-se swab de orofaringe e cultura para identificação do Streptococcus pyogenes. RESULTADOS: Prevalência de 8% e 2% entre as crianças de São Paulo que atendem a creches e do grupo controle, respectivamente, apresentando valor estatístico (p=0,02). Prevalência de 24% e 16% nos grupos de Porto Velho/RO que freqüentam creche e controle respectivamente, não caracterizando diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,18). Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos creche e controle de São Paulo/SP aos seus correspondentes de Porto Velho/RO (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo nos permitem sugerir que freqüência em creches representa um fator de risco para a colonização de orofaringe pelo Streptococcus pyogenes, fato observado em populações distintas, porém com significância estatística em apenas uma das duas amostras.
Analisa-se o comportamento epidemiológico das meningites por S. pneumoniae no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, no período 1960-1977. Os dados foram coletados diretamente do prontuário dos pacientes e a confirmação da meningite por S. pneumoniae se fez pela bacterioscopia e/ou pela cultura do líquor. No período 1960-1977 foram confirmados 1.965 casos com um coeficiente médio de 1,9 por cem mil habitantes. As crianças menores de 5 anos contribuíram com 52% dos casos dos quais 38,5% eram menores de um ano. Os coeficientes médios por cem mil habitantes, para os menores de um ano, foram 37,1 e 30,1 para 1960-1969 e 1970-1977, respectivamente. A incidência por cem mil habitantes na zona periférica do município, na primeira década (2,3) foi o dobro daquela da zona central (1,1). Os coeficientes padronizados segundo idade foram 1,6, 1,5 e 2,0 para as zonas central, intermediária e periférica, respectiva-mente. No período seguinte estes valores foram 1,4, 1,5 e 2,0. A letalidade média no período foi de 44%, inversamente proporcional ao número de leucócitos no líquor de entrada. A letalidade entre os menores de um ano foi de 60%.