981 resultados para Steel structure


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This paper discusses the vibration characteristics of a concrete-steel composite multi-panel floor structure; the use of these structures is becoming more common. These structures have many desirable properties but are prone to excessive and complex vibration, which is not currently well understood. Existing design codes and practice guides provide generic advice or simple techniques that cannot address the complex vibration in these types of low-frequency structures. The results of this study show the potential for an adverse dynamic response from higher and multi-modal excitation influenced by human-induced pattern loading, structural geometry, and activity frequency. Higher harmonics of the load frequency are able to excite higher modes in the composite floor structure in addition to its fundamental mode. The analytical techniques used in this paper can supplement the current limited code and practice guide provisions for mitigating the impact of human-induced vibrations in these floor structures.


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The method on concurrent multi-scale model of structural behavior (CMSM-of-SB) for the purpose of structural health monitoring including model updating and validating has been studied. The detailed process of model updating and validating is discussed in terms of reduced scale specimen of the steel box girder in longitudinal stiffening truss of a long span bridge. Firstly, some influence factors affecting the accuracy of the CMSM-of-SB including the boundary restraint regidity, the geometry and material parameters on the toe of the weld and its neighbor are analyzed using sensitivity method. Then, sensitivity-based model updating technology is adopted to update the developed CMSM-of-SB and model verification is carried out through calculating and comparing stresses on different locations under various loading from dynamic characteristic and static response. It can be concluded that the CMSM-of-SB based on the substructure method is valid.


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With many important developments over the last century, nowadays orthopedic bone plate now excels over other types of internal fixators in bone fracture fixation. The developments involve the design, material and implementation techniques of the plates. This paper aims to review the evolution in implementation technique and biomaterial of the orthopedic bone plates. Plates were initially used to fix the underlying bones firmly. Accordingly, Compression plate (CP), Dynamic compression plate (DCP), Limited contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP) and Point contact fixator (PC-Fix) were developed. Later, the implementation approach was changed to locking, and the Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS) plate was introduced as a result. Finally, a combination of both of these approaches has been used by introducing the Locking Compression Plate (LCP). Currently, precontoured LCPs are mainly used for bone fracture fixation. In parallel with structure and implementation techniques, numerous advances have occurred in biomaterials of the plates. Titanium and stainless steel alloys are now the most common biomaterials in production of orthopedic bone plates. However, regarding the biocompatibility, bioactivity and biodegradability characteristics of Mg alloys, Ta alloys, SMAs, carbon fiber composites and bioceramics, these materials are considered as potentially suitable for plates. However, due to poor mechanical properties, they have very limited applications. Therefore, further studies are required in future to solve these problems and make them feasible for heavy-duty bone plates.


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Fire safety design is important to eliminate the loss of property and lives during fire events. Gypsum plasterboard is widely used as a fire safety material in the building industry all over the world. It contains gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and most importantly free and chemically bound water in its crystal structure. The dehydration of the gypsum and the decomposition of Calcium Carbonate absorb heat, which gives the gypsum plasterboard fire resistant qualities. Currently plasterboard manufacturers use additives such as vermiculite to overcome shrinkage of gypsum core and glass fibre to bridge shrinkage cracks and enhance the integrity of board during calcination and after the loss of paper facings in fires. Past research has also attempted to reduce the thermal conductivity of plasterboards using fillers. However, no research has been undertaken to enhance the specific heat of plasterboard and the points of dehydration using chemical additives and fillers. Hence detailed experimental studies of powdered samples of plasterboard mixed with chemical additives and fillers in varying proportions were conducted. These tests showed the enhancement of specific heat of plasterboard. Numerical models were also developed to investigate the thermal performance of enhanced plasterboards under standard fire conditions. The results showed that the use of these enhanced plasterboards in steel wall systems can significantly improve their fire performance. This paper presents the details of this research and the results that can be used to enhance the fire safety of steel wall systems commonly used in buildings.


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Considerate amount of research has proposed optimization-based approaches employing various vibration parameters for structural damage diagnosis. The damage detection by these methods is in fact a result of updating the analytical structural model in line with the current physical model. The feasibility of these approaches has been proven. But most of the verification has been done on simple structures, such as beams or plates. In the application on a complex structure, like steel truss bridges, a traditional optimization process will cost massive computational resources and lengthy convergence. This study presents a multi-layer genetic algorithm (ML-GA) to overcome the problem. Unlike the tedious convergence process in a conventional damage optimization process, in each layer, the proposed algorithm divides the GA’s population into groups with a less number of damage candidates; then, the converged population in each group evolves as an initial population of the next layer, where the groups merge to larger groups. In a damage detection process featuring ML-GA, as parallel computation can be implemented, the optimization performance and computational efficiency can be enhanced. In order to assess the proposed algorithm, the modal strain energy correlation (MSEC) has been considered as the objective function. Several damage scenarios of a complex steel truss bridge’s finite element model have been employed to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of ML-GA, against a conventional GA. In both single- and multiple damage scenarios, the analytical and experimental study shows that the MSEC index has achieved excellent damage indication and efficiency using the proposed ML-GA, whereas the conventional GA only converges at a local solution.


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Finite element frame analysis programs targeted for design office application necessitate algorithms which can deliver reliable numerical convergence in a practical timeframe with comparable degrees of accuracy, and a highly desirable attribute is the use of a single element per member to reduce computational storage, as well as data preparation and the interpretation of the results. To this end, a higher-order finite element method including geometric non-linearity is addressed in the paper for the analysis of elastic frames for which a single element is used to model each member. The geometric non-linearity in the structure is handled using an updated Lagrangian formulation, which takes the effects of the large translations and rotations that occur at the joints into consideration by accumulating their nodal coordinates. Rigid body movements are eliminated from the local member load-displacement relationship for which the total secant stiffness is formulated for evaluating the large member deformations of an element. The influences of the axial force on the member stiffness and the changes in the member chord length are taken into account using a modified bowing function which is formulated in the total secant stiffness relationship, for which the coupling of the axial strain and flexural bowing is included. The accuracy and efficiency of the technique is verified by comparisons with a number of plane and spatial structures, whose structural response has been reported in independent studies.


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The traditional structural design procedure, especially for the large-scale and complex structures, is time consuming and inefficient. This is due primarily to the fact that the traditional design takes the second-order effects indirectly by virtue of design specifications for every member instead of system analysis for a whole structure. Consequently, the complicated and tedious design procedures are inevitably necessary to consider the second-order effects for the member level in design specification. They are twofold in general: 1) Flexural buckling due to P-d effect, i.e. effective length. 2) Sway effect due to P-D effect, i.e. magnification factor. In this study, a new system design concept based on the second-order elastic analysis is presented, in which the second-order effects are taken into account directly in the system analysis, and also to avoid the tedious member-by-member stability check. The plastic design on the basis of this integrated method of direct approach is ignored in this paper for simplicity and clarity, as the only emphasis is placed on the difference between the second-order elastic limit-state design and present system design approach. A practical design example, a 57m-span dome steel skylight structure, is used to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach. This skylight structure is also designed by the traditional design approach BS5950-2000 for comparison on which the emphasis of aforementioned P-d and P-D effects is placed.


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Fire incident in buildings is common, so the fire safety design of the framed structure is imperative, especially for the unprotected or partly protected bare steel frames. However, software for structural fire analysis is not widely available. As a result, the performance-based structural fire design is urged on the basis of using user-friendly and conventional nonlinear computer analysis programs so that engineers do not need to acquire new structural analysis software for structural fire analysis and design. The tool is desired to have the capacity of simulating the different fire scenarios and associated detrimental effects efficiently, which includes second-order P-D and P-d effects and material yielding. Also the nonlinear behaviour of large-scale structure becomes complicated when under fire, and thus its simulation relies on an efficient and effective numerical analysis to cope with intricate nonlinear effects due to fire. To this end, the present fire study utilizes a second order elastic/plastic analysis software NIDA to predict structural behaviour of bare steel framed structures at elevated temperatures. This fire study considers thermal expansion and material degradation due to heating. Degradation of material strength with increasing temperature is included by a set of temperature-stress-strain curves according to BS5950 Part 8 mainly, which implicitly allows for creep deformation. This finite element stiffness formulation of beam-column elements is derived from the fifth-order PEP element which facilitates the computer modeling by one member per element. The Newton-Raphson method is used in the nonlinear solution procedure in order to trace the nonlinear equilibrium path at specified elevated temperatures. Several numerical and experimental verifications of framed structures are presented and compared against solutions in literature. The proposed method permits engineers to adopt the performance-based structural fire analysis and design using typical second-order nonlinear structural analysis software.


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Finite element method (FEM) relies on an approximate function to fit into a governing equation and minimizes the residual error in the integral sense in order to generate solutions for the boundary value problems (nodal solutions). Because of this FEM does not show simultaneous capacities for accurate displacement and force solutions at node and along an element, especially when under the element loads, which is of much ubiquity. If the displacement and force solutions are strictly confined to an element’s or member’s ends (nodal response), the structural safety along an element (member) is inevitably ignored, which can definitely hinder the design of a structure for both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Although the continuous element deflection and force solutions can be transformed into the discrete nodal solutions by mesh refinement of an element (member), this setback can also hinder the effective and efficient structural assessment as well as the whole-domain accuracy for structural safety of a structure. To this end, this paper presents an effective, robust, applicable and innovative approach to generate accurate nodal and element solutions in both fields of displacement and force, in which the salient and unique features embodies its versatility in applications for the structures to account for the accurate linear and second-order elastic displacement and force solutions along an element continuously as well as at its nodes. The significance of this paper is on shifting the nodal responses (robust global system analysis) into both nodal and element responses (sophisticated element formulation).


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Thin profiled steel roof sheeting and battens are increasingly used in the construction of roofing systems of residential, commercial, industrial and farm buildings in Australia. The critical load combination of external wind suction and internal wind pressures that occur during high wind events such as thunderstorms and tropical cylcones often dislocate the roofing systems partially or even completely due to premature roof connection failures. Past wind damage investigations have shown that roof sheeting failures occured at their screw connections to battens. In most of these cases, the screw fastener head pulled through the thin roof sheeting whilst the screw fasteners also pulled out from the battens. Research studis undertaken on the roof sheeting to batten connection failures have improved this situation. However, the batten to rafter or truss connections have not been investigated adequately. Failure of these connections can cause the failure of the entire roof structure as observed during the recent high wind events. Therefore a detailed experimental study consisting of both small scale and full scale tests has been undertaken to investigate the steel roof batten pull-through failures in relation to many critical parameters such as steel batten geometry, thickness and grade, screw fastener head sizes and screw tightening. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the pull-through failure load results obtained from them. Finally it discusses the development of suitable design rules that can be used to determine the pull-through connection capacities of thin steel roof battens under wind uplift loads.


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Structural identification (St-Id) can be considered as the process of updating a finite element (FE) model of a structural system to match the measured response of the structure. This paper presents the St-Id of a laboratory-based steel through-truss cantilevered bridge with suspended span. There are a total of 600 degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the superstructure plus additional DOFs in the substructure. The St-Id of the bridge model used the modal parameters from a preliminary modal test in the objective function of a global optimisation technique using a layered genetic algorithm with patternsearch step (GAPS). Each layer of the St-Id process involved grouping of the structural parameters into a number of updating parameters and running parallel optimisations. The number of updating parameters was increased at each layer of the process. In order to accelerate the optimisation and ensure improved diversity within the population, a patternsearch step was applied to the fittest individuals at the end of each generation of the GA. The GAPS process was able to replicate the mode shapes for the first two lateral sway modes and the first vertical bending mode to a high degree of accuracy and, to a lesser degree, the mode shape of the first lateral bending mode. The mode shape and frequency of the torsional mode did not match very well. The frequencies of the first lateral bending mode, the first longitudinal mode and the first vertical mode matched very well. The frequency of the first sway mode was lower and that of the second sway mode was higher than the true values, indicating a possible problem with the FE model. Improvements to the model and the St-Id process will be presented at the upcoming conference and compared to the results presented in this paper. These improvements will include the use of multiple FE models in a multi-layered, multi-solution, GAPS St-Id approach.


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Efficient and accurate geometric and material nonlinear analysis of the structures under ultimate loads is a backbone to the success of integrated analysis and design, performance-based design approach and progressive collapse analysis. This paper presents the advanced computational technique of a higher-order element formulation with the refined plastic hinge approach which can evaluate the concrete and steel-concrete structure prone to the nonlinear material effects (i.e. gradual yielding, full plasticity, strain-hardening effect when subjected to the interaction between axial and bending actions, and load redistribution) as well as the nonlinear geometric effects (i.e. second-order P-d effect and P-D effect, its associate strength and stiffness degradation). Further, this paper also presents the cross-section analysis useful to formulate the refined plastic hinge approach.


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The computational technique of the full ranges of the second-order inelastic behaviour evaluation of steel-concrete composite structure is not always sought forgivingly, and therefore it hinders the development and application of the performance-based design approach for the composite structure. To this end, this paper addresses of the advanced computational technique of the higher-order element with the refined plastic hinges to capture the all-ranges behaviour of an entire steel-concrete composite structure. Moreover, this paper presents the efficient and economical cross-section analysis to evaluate the element section capacity of the non-uniform and arbitrary composite section subjected to the axial and bending interaction. Based on the same single algorithm, it can accurately and effectively evaluate nearly continuous interaction capacity curve from decompression to pure bending technically, which is the important capacity range but highly nonlinear. Hence, this cross-section analysis provides the simple but unique algorithm for the design approach. In summary, the present nonlinear computational technique can simulate both material and geometric nonlinearities of the composite structure in the accurate, efficient and reliable fashion, including partial shear connection and gradual yielding at pre-yield stage, plasticity and strain-hardening effect due to axial and bending interaction at post-yield stage, loading redistribution, second-order P-δ and P-Δ effect, and also the stiffness and strength deterioration. And because of its reliable and accurate behavioural evaluation, the present technique can be extended for the design of the high-strength composite structure and potentially for the fibre-reinforced concrete structure.


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The gravity based structure (GBS) with external Steel–Concrete–Steel (SCS) sandwich ice-resistant wall has been developed for the Arctic oil and gas drilling. This paper firstly reported the experimental studies on the mechanical properties of steel and concretes under Arctic low temperature. With the test data, design equations were developed to incorporate the influences of the low temperature on these mechanical properties. Two types of Arctic GBS structure with flower-conical SCS sandwich shell type and plate type of ice-resistant wall have been developed for the Arctic offshore structure. Besides the studies on the materials, two SCS sandwich prototype shells and plates were, respectively, prepared and tested under patch loading that simulated the localized ice-contact pressure. The structural behaviors of the SCS sandwich structure under patch loading were reported and discussions were made on the influences of different parameters on the structural behavior of the structure. Analytical models were developed to predict the punching shear resistances of the SCS sandwich structure through modifying the code provisions. The accuracies of the developed analytical models were checked through validations against 27 tests in the literature. Corresponding design procedures on resistances of SCS sandwich structure were recommended based on these discussions and validations.


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Commercial-grade En40B steel has been ion nitrided in the temperature range 475–550°C in a 25%N2–75%H2 gas mixture. The nature of the compound layer formed was studied by the X-ray diffraction technique and optical metallography. It was observed that the structure of the compound layer gradually transforms from a predominantly epsilon (Porson) nitride to a predominantly γ′ nitride structure with increasing treatment time. Optical metallography studies on sections orthogonal to the nitrided surface showed that, after about 5 h of treatment, the thickness of the compound layer decreases with further increase in treatment time.