1000 resultados para Standardization musical


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[ENG] If we look around us, we can observe that there is someone who is the best in each field of activity. We could think that they are exceptional individuals. This Final Project aims to increase knowledge of the effects of Deliberate Practice in the domains of music and sport. This will define you a concept of Deliberate Practice and then focus on the diversity of situations in which it shows us how it is presented in real life. From a questionnaire that has been designed for this study and distributed to the music students, I have expected to obtain a result that allow me to come to the conclusion that exists a relation between the hours of practice and the expertise in the execution. This reality has been linked to the regarding situation in the sport practice, whose information has been provided by the coordinators of the different sports. Taking into account the limited number of references available, this work has focused on a qualitative analysis of the data, interpreted from my point of view and my personal experience, which has been confirmed in the results obtained. The statistics managed allow me to conclude that, although the argument is not definitive, the guide effort through deliberate practice is essential to achieve the excellence.


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Essa tese tem como objetivo primordial estudar a trajetória musical do pianista português Arthur Napoleão (1843-1925), desde a sua iniciação musical na cidade natal do Porto, até o falecimento no Rio de Janeiro em 1925. Discute-se aqui a relevância da inserção do pianista e de sua música nos meio sócios-culturais dos países da Europa e Américas, em cujas cidades se apresentou durante os primeiros quinze anos de sua carreira. Do mesmo modo, estuda-se também as circunstâncias da permanência do notável intérprete no Brasil, como imigrante radicado, desde 1868, bem como se deu a consolidação da sua nova perspectiva laboral no campo da música, como empreendedor e mediador cultural. E ainda por meio da organização de estabelecimentos comerciais voltados para a venda de pianos e partituras musicais, que se tornaram importantes espaços de sociabilidade musical na Corte, depois capital federal da República, ao longo de sua vida. As numerosas e variadas fontes aqui utilizadas são caudatárias do texto autobiográfico legado por Arthur Napoleão, de 1907. Essas "Memórias", ao mesmo tempo fonte de informação e objeto de estudo, possibilitam traçar, pelo exame vis-à-vis com a documentação restante, a trajetória artística de Arthur Napoleão, desde Portugal até o Brasil, no universo sócio-cultural em transformação, da segunda metade do século XIX ao primeiro quarto do XX.


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Esta tese possui como tema os processos de criação musical de crianças e tem como objetivo geral problematizar e compreender esses processos no contexto de uma oficina musical. Derivam-se daí questões mais específicas que consistem em saber que aspectos musicais estão envolvidos, como as crianças se relacionam e se organizam, e que sentidos as crianças atribuem a esses aspectos nos processos de criação musical. Através de uma leitura sócio-histórica, o percurso dessa pesquisa compreendeu discussões acerca da infância, da cultura e da linguagem em articulação à criação musical, que abordaram diferentes perspectivas acerca do tema. São conceitos fundamentais dessa tese o pensamento de Mikhail Bakhtin, Lev Vigotski e Walter Benjamin acerca de criação e experiência intrínsecos ao ser humano. Apresenta-se uma perspectiva crítica à infância contemporânea destacando aproximações ao universo da cultura e da música. Nesse sentido, discute-se uma concepção de música que leve em consideração os aspectos sociais articulados à produção musical, propondo-se um diálogo acerca de criação musical entre os campos da vida, da ciência e da arte. Apresentam-se como principais interlocutores dessa tese: Solange Jobim e Souza, Manoel Sarmento e Rita Pereira, sobre infância; Johan Huizinga e Gilles Brougère, sobre o lúdico; John Blacking, sobre conceito de música; e Teca de Alencar Brito, François Delalande e Lucy Green, sobre crianças, música e educação musical. O trabalho de campo teve como objetivo realizar composições numa oficina musical, sob o formato de uma banda de música popular, realizada numa escola pública federal da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com um grupo de crianças entre nove e onze anos. Para interlocução com as crianças, adotou-se como suporte teórico e metodológico a perspectiva sobre alteridade e dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin, assim como a perspectiva de uma pesquisa-intervenção e de uma pesquisa como experiência estética. Como achados da pesquisa, observa-se que os processos de criação dessas crianças na oficina são negociados entre pares, obedece a condições próprias para seu desenvolvimento e se dão entrelaçados às suas experiências musicais revelando laços da criança com aspectos da cultura. Destacam-se nesse processo também uma integração entre as atividades de criar, aprender, reproduzir e as motivações que dão conta disso e que sugerem uma singular relação com a cultura contemporânea. Ressalta-se a importância da atividade de criação musical como lugar de compartilhamento de significados e sentidos


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Long-term living resource monitoring programs are commonly conducted globally to evaluate trends and impacts of environmental change and management actions. For example, the Woods Hole bottom trawl survey has been conducted since 1963 providing critical information on the biology and distribution of finfish and shellfish in the North Atlantic (Despres-Patango et al. 1988). Similarly in the Chesapeake Bay, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Summer Blue Crab Trawl survey has been conducted continuously since 1977 providing management-relevant information on the abundance of this important commercial and recreational species. A key component of monitoring program design is standardization of methods over time to allow for a continuous, unbiased data set. However, complete standardization is not always possible where multiple vessels, captains, and crews are required to cover large geographic areas (Tyson et al. 2006). Of equal issue is technological advancement of gear which serves to increase capture efficiency or ease of use. Thus, to maintain consistency and facilitate interpretation of reported data in long-term datasets, it is imperative to understand and quantify the impacts of changes in gear and vessels on catch per unit of effort (CPUE). While vessel changes are inevitable due to ageing fleets and other factors, gear changes often reflect a decision to exploit technological advances. A prime example of this is the otter trawl, a common tool for fisheries monitoring and research worldwide. Historically, trawl nets were constructed of natural materials such as cotton and linen. However modern net construction consists of synthetic materials such as polyamide, polyester, polyethylene, and polypropylene (Nielson et. al. 1983). Over the past several decades, polyamide materials which will be referred to as nylon, has been a standard material used in otter trawl construction. These trawls are typically dipped into a latex coating for increased abrasion resistance, a process that is referred to as “green dipped.” More recently, polyethylene netting has become popular among living resource monitoring agencies. Polyethylene netting, commonly known as sapphire netting, consists of braided filaments that form a very durable material more resistant to abrasion than nylon. Additionally, sapphire netting allows for stronger knot strength during construction of the net further increasing the net’s durability and longevity. Also, sapphire absorbs less water with a specific gravity near 0.91 allowing the material to float as compared to nylon with specific gravity of 1.14 (Nielson et. al. 1983). This same property results in a light weight net which is more efficient in deployment, retrieval and fishing of the net, particularly when towing from small vessels. While there are many advantages to the sapphire netting, no comparative efficiency data is available for these two trawl net types. Traditional nylon netting has been used consistently for decades by the MDDNR to generate long term living resource data sets of great value. However, there is much interest in switching to the advanced materials. In addition, recent collaborative efforts between MDNR and NOAA’s Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (NOAA-COL) require using different vessels for trawling in support of joint projects. In order to continue collaborative programs, or change to more innovative netting materials, the influence of these changes must be demonstrated to be negligible or correction factors determined. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the influence of trawl net type, vessel type, and their interaction on capture efficiency.


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In the present study, fish cutlets were prepared from bleached and unbleached mackerel mincemeat. Fish cutlets prepared from bleached meat had scored higher values for taste, flavour and overall acceptability as compared to those from unbleached mincemeat. Fish cutlets prepared with corn flour at the rate of 15% of fish mincemeat had scored higher values for all attributes as compared to other levels. Between the bleached and unbleached mincemeat, the scores for cutlet prepared with bleached mincemeat had higher score than that for the latter. There were no cracks in cutlets prepared with 15% and above corn flour levels as compared to those with lower levels. Fish cutlets prepared from bleached and unbleached mincemeat with spice mixture at 20 and 30% of the fish mince, respectively, had higher scores for taste, flavour, texture and overall acceptability as compared to those with other levels. Organoleptic quality of cutlet prepared from bleached and unbleached mackerel mince did not show changes in the appearance, colour and texture during storage. Changes were more prominent in flavour, taste and overall acceptability. Fish cutlets prepared from bleached mincemeat were acceptable for two months and those from unbleached mincemeat were acceptable up to one month from the point of view of organoleptic and biochemical qualities.


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In the present study, an attempt was made to explore the benefits of polyphosphate for enhancement of dried prawn (Parapenaeopsis stylifera) quality commercially known as "sode" in Maharashtra coast. Dip treatment in polyphosphate solution at different concentrations (viz., 3, 5, 7 and 10%) was given to pealed and no deveined P. stylifera for different durations (viz., 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 min). Treated prawns were dried and subjected to rehydration capacity test and organoleptic evaluation. Among the different treatments, rehydration capacity was found to increase with the increased duration and concentration of treatment. Tiny prawns treated with sodium tripolyphosphate solution at the rate of 5% concentration for 5 minutes showed an increase in pH from acidic to alkaline, and had better quality with respect to rehydration capacity and textural attributes as compared to other concentrations and durations of polyphosphate treatment.


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This paper proposes a Bayesian method for polyphonic music description. The method first divides an input audio signal into a series of sections called snapshots, and then estimates parameters such as fundamental frequencies and amplitudes of the notes contained in each snapshot. The parameter estimation process is based on a frequency domain modelling and Gibbs sampling. Experimental results obtained from audio signals of test note patterns are encouraging; the accuracy is better than 80% for the estimation of fundamental frequencies in terms of semitones and instrument names when the number of simultaneous notes is two.


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Meat to water ratio used for washing was 1:3 for oil sardine and mackerel; but for pink perch and croaker, it was 1:2. Again the washing process was repeated three times for oil sardine and mackerel; but two times for pink perch and croaker. The washed meat was mixed with 2.5% NaC1 and set at +5°C and +40°C for 1, 2 and 3hrs. The gel strength and expressible water content was measured. Basing on this study, setting temperature at +40°C was selected and with respect to time 1hr for sardine and mackerel and 3hrs for pink perch and croaker was selected.