969 resultados para Spin-polarized electronic transport


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documentstyle[12pt,german]{article} pagestyle{empty} topmargin-1.5cm textheight24.5cm footskip-1.5cm % % begin{document} % begin{center} {Large {it Hern'{a}n Rodr'{i}guez}}\ vspace{24pt} {Large {bf Elektronische Transporteigenschaften von YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$/PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$ Dreifachschichten und "Ubergittern senkrecht zur Lagenstruktur}} end{center} vspace{24pt} noindent In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Transporteigenschaften senkrecht zu den CuO$_{2}$--Ebenen von Hochtemperatur Supraleitern an YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$/\ PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$/ YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$ Dreifachschichten und [(YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$)$_{n}$\/(PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$)$_{m}$]$_{times M}$ "Ubergittern untersucht. Um die Transporteigenschaften senkrecht zu den Grenzfl"achen in Mehrlagenstrukturen messen zu k"onnen, ist ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von planaren Bauelemente verwendet worden. Die Untersuchungen an YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$/PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$ Dreifachschichten und "Ubergittern zeigen, da"s die Substrattemperatur w"ahrend des Wachstums die elektronischen Eigenschaften entlang der $c$--Achse stark beeinflusst. Bei Senkung der Abscheidetemperatur ergibt sich eine "Anderung von normalmetallischem zu tunnelkontaktartigem Verhalten. Die bei 840$^circ$C hergestellten Vielfachschichten weisen sowohl eine konstante Hintergrundleitf"ahigkeit als auch eine "Uberschu"sleitf"ahigkeit bei niedrigen Spannungen auf. Dies deutet darauf hin, da"s es sich um einen Supraleiter--Normalleiter--Supraleiter (S--N--S) Kontakt handelt. Dagegen zeigen Vielfachschichten, die bei 760$^circ$C deponiert wurden, deutlich unterschiedliches Verhalten verglichen mit den bei 840$^circ$C pr"aparierte Proben. Die Leitf"ahigkeit nimmt mit der Spannung zu, wobei der Leitf"ahigkeithintergrund eine ``V''--Form darstellt. Dar"uber hinaus zeigen die Leitf"ahigkeitskennlinien bei niedrigen Spannungen eine starke Abh"angigkeit sowohl von der Bias Spannung als auch von der Temperatur. Bei Dreifachschichten mit 20 nm PrBa$_{2}$Cu$_{2.9}$Ga$_{0.1}$O$_{7-y}$ tritt ein Leitf"ahigkeitmaximun bei Null--Spannung auf. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen tunnelnden Quasiteilchen und magnetischen Momenten in der Barriere ruft dieses Maximun hervor. Das "Ubergitter mit ($n/m$) = (4/5) Modulation zeigt Supraleiter--Isolator--Supraleiter (S--I--S) Tunnelkontakt--Verhalten mit Strukturen, die von der Energiel"ucke des Supraleiters hervorgerufen werden. Das S--N-- bzw., S--I--Kontaktverhalten der Heterostrukturen wurden ebenfalls mit Messungen der Leitf"ahigkeit bei tiefern Temperaturen weit au"serhalb der supraleitenden Energiel"ucke best"atigt. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die M"oglichkeit hin, durch Einstellen der Substrattemperaturen bei der Deposition das Auftreten von S--N--S und S--I--S Verhalten der Kontakte zu steuern. vspace{24pt} noindent Datum: 05.07.2004\ Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Hermann Adrian %Name des Betreuers, daneben dessen Unterschrift end{document}


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In dieser Arbeit werden, nach einer Einführung in die spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie als experimentelle Methode zur Untersuchung magnetischer Nanostrukturen, Ergebnisse zur spinpolarisierten elektronischen Struktur in Abhängigkeit von der Kristallstruktur am Beispiel ultradünner Co-Schichten sowie in Abhängigkeit von der Magnetisierungsrichtung für ultradünne Fe-Schichten vorgestellt. Hochaufgelöste Messungen zeigen die ortsabhängige Spinpolarisation auf einem einzelnen Kupfer-Phthalocyanin Molekül. rnrnKobalt wurde durch pseudomorphes Wachstum auf den (110)-Oberflächen der kubisch raumzentrierten Metalle Chrom und Eisen deponiert. Im Unterschied zu früheren Berichten in der Literatur lassen sich nur zwei Lagen Co in der kubisch raumzentrierten (bcc) Ordnung stabilisieren. Die bcc-Co Schichten auf der Fe(110)-Oberfläche zeigen keine Anzeichen von epitaktischen Verzerrungen. rnDickere Schichten rekonstruieren in eine dicht gepackte Struktur (hcp/fcc). Durch die bcc Ordnung wird die Spinpolarisation von Kobalt auf P=62% erhöht (hcp-Co: P=45%). rnrnDie temperaturabhängige Spinreorientierung (SRT) ultradünner Filme Fe/Mo(110) wurde mit spinpolarisierter Spektroskopie untersucht. Eine Neuausrichtung der Magnetisierung aus der senkrechten [110]-Achse in die in der Ebene liegenden [001]-Achse wird bei T=(13,2+-0,5)K festgestellt, wobei es sich um einen diskontinuierlichen Reorientierungsübergang handelt, d.h. die freie Energie weist innerhalb eines bestimmten Temperaturbereichs gleichzeitig zwei Minima auf. Weiterhin wird in der Mono- und Doppellage Fe/Mo(110 eine Abhängigkeit der elektronischen Struktur von der Ausrichtung der magnetisch leichten Achse und von der Magnetisierung beobachtet. rnrnDie Untersuchung des spinpolarisierten Ladungstransports durch ein Kupfer-Phthalocyanin-Molekül auf der Fe/Mo(110) Oberfläche liefert einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Verständnis des Spintransports an der Grenzfläche zwischen Metall und organischem Molekül. Die HOMO-LUMO-Energielücke des freien Moleküls wird durch die Wechselwirkung mit der Metalloberfläche mit Grenzflächenzuständen gefüllt. Diese Zustände reduzieren die Spinpolarisation des durch das Molekül fließenden Tunnelstroms durch einen zusätzlichen unpolarisierten Strombeitrag um einen Faktor zwei. Spinpolarisierte hybridisierte Grenzflächenzustände mit größerem Abstand zur Fermi-Energie führen in Abhängigkeit von der Position auf dem Molekül zu weiteren Beiträgen zur effektiven Spinpolarisation. Diese Untersuchungen belegen die Möglichkeit einer effektiven Spininjektion in organische Halbleiter und damit das Potential dieser Materialien für die weitere Entwicklung von Spintronik-Bauteilen.


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The nuclear fusion cross-section is modified when the spins of the interacting nuclei are polarized. In the case of deuterium?tritium it has been theoretically predicted that the nuclear fusion cross-section could be increased by a factor d = 1.5 if all the nuclei were polarized. In inertial confinement fusion this would result in a modification of the required ignition conditions. Using numerical simulations it is found that the required hot-spot temperature and areal density can both be reduced by about 15% for a fully polarized nuclear fuel. Moreover, numerical simulations of a directly driven capsule show that the required laser power and energy to achieve a high gain scale as d-0.6 and d-0.4 respectively, while the maximum achievable energy gain scales as d0.9.


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In polarized HepG2 cells, the sphingolipids glucosylceramide and sphingomyelin (SM), transported along the reverse transcytotic pathway, are sorted in subapical compartments (SACs), and subsequently targeted to either apical or basolateral plasma membrane domains, respectively. In the present study, evidence is provided that demonstrates that these sphingolipids constitute separate membrane domains at the luminal side of the SAC membrane. Furthermore, as revealed by the use of various modulators of membrane trafficking, such as calmodulin antagonists and dibutyryl-cAMP, it is shown that the fate of these separate sphingolipid domains is regulated by different signals, including those that govern cell polarity development. Thus under conditions that stimulate apical plasma membrane biogenesis, SM is rerouted from a SAC-to-basolateral to a SAC-to-apical pathway. The latter pathway represents the final leg in the transcytotic pathway, followed by the transcytotic pIgR–dIgA protein complex. Interestingly, this pathway is clearly different from the apical recycling pathway followed by glucosylceramide, further indicating that randomization of these pathways, which are both bound for the apical membrane, does not occur. The consequence of the potential coexistence of separate sphingolipid domains within the same compartment in terms of “raft” formation and apical targeting is discussed.


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Spin-projected spin polarized Møller–Plesset and spin polarized coupled clusters calculations have been made to estimate the cyclobutadiene automerization, the ethylene torsion barriers in their ground state, and the gap between the singlet and triplet states of ethylene. The results have been obtained optimizing the geometries at MP4 and/or CCSD levels, by an extensive Gaussian basis set. A comparative analysis with more complex calculations, up to MP5 and CCSDTQP, together with others from the literature, have also been made, showing the efficacy of using spin-polarized wave functions as a reference wave function for Møller–Plesset and coupled clusters calculations, in such problems.


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The electron beam induced electronic transport in primary alkyl amine-intercalated V2O5 nanotubes is investigated where the organic amine molecules are employed as molecular conductive wires to an aminosilanized substrate surface and contacted to Au interdigitated electrode contacts. The results demonstrate that the high conductivity of the nanotubes is related to the non-resonant tunnelling through the amine molecules and a reduced polaron hopping conduction through the vanadium oxide itself. Both nanotube networks and individual nanotubes exhibit similarly high conductivities where the minority carrier transport is bias dependent and nanotube diameter invariant.


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Memristive switching serves as the basis for a new generation of electronic devices. Memristors are two-terminal devices in which the current is turned on and off by redistributing point defects, e.g., vacancies, which is difficult to control. Memristors based on alternative mechanisms have been explored, but achieving both the high On/Off ratio and the low switching energy desirable for use in electronics remains a challenge. Here we report memristive switching in a La_(0.7)Ca_(0.3)MnO_(3)/PrBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7) bilayer with an On/Off ratio greater than 103 and demonstrate that the phenomenon originates from a new type of interfacial magnetoelectricity. Using results from firstprinciples calculations, we show that an external electric-field induces subtle displacements of the interfacial Mn ions, which switches on/off an interfacial magnetic “dead” layer, resulting in memristive behavior for spin-polarized electron transport across the bilayer. The interfacial nature of the switching entails low energy cost about of a tenth of atto Joule for write/erase a “bit”. Our results indicate new opportunities for manganite/cuprate systems and other transition-metal-oxide junctions in memristive applications.


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The electronic conduction of thin-film field-effect-transistors (FETs) of sexithiophene was studied. In most cases the transfer curves deviate from standard FET theory; they are not linear, but follow a power law instead. These results are compared to conduction models of "variable-range hopping" and "multi-trap-and-release". The accompanying IV curves follow a Poole-Frenkel (exponential) dependence on the drain voltage. The results are explained assuming a huge density of traps. Below 200 K, the activation energy for conduction was found to be ca. 0.17 eV. The activation energies of the mobility follow the Meyer-Neldel rule. A sharp transition is seen in the behavior of the devices at around 200 K. The difference in behavior of a micro-FET and a submicron FET is shown. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We study graphene, which has both spin-orbit coupling (SOC), taken to be of the Kane-Mele form, and a Zeeman field induced due to proximity to a ferromagnetic material. We show that a zigzag interface of graphene having SOC with its pristine counterpart hosts robust chiral edge modes in spite of the gapless nature of the pristine graphene; such modes do not occur for armchair interfaces. Next we study the change in the local density of states (LDOS) due to the presence of an impurity in graphene with SOC and Zeeman field, and demonstrate that the Fourier transform of the LDOS close to the Dirac points can act as a measure of the strength of the spin-orbit coupling; in addition, for a specific distribution of impurity atoms, the LDOS is controlled by a destructive interference effect of graphene electrons which is a direct consequence of their Dirac nature. Finally, we study transport across junctions, which separates spin-orbit coupled graphene with Kane-Mele and Rashba terms from pristine graphene both in the presence and absence of a Zeeman field. We demonstrate that such junctions are generally spin active, namely, they can rotate the spin so that an incident electron that is spin polarized along some direction has a finite probability of being transmitted with the opposite spin. This leads to a finite, electrically controllable, spin current in such graphene junctions. We discuss possible experiments that can probe our theoretical predictions.


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We theoretically investigate the spin-dependent transport through Cd1-xMnxTe diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dots (QD's) under the influence of both the external electric field and magnetic field using the recursion method. Our results show that (1) it can get a 100% polarized electric current by using suitable structure parameters; (2) for a fixed Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD, the wider the system is, the more quickly the transmission coefficient increases; (3) for a fixed system length, the transmission peaks of the spin-up electrons move to lower Fermi energy with increasing Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD radius, while the transmission of the spin-down electrons is almost unchanged; (4) the spin-polarized effect is slightly increased for larger magnetic fields; (5) the external static electric field moves the transmission peaks to higher or lower Fermi energy depending on the direction of the applied field; and (6) the spin-polarized effect decreases as the band offset increases. Our calculated results may be useful for the application of Cd1-xMnxTe DMS QD's to the spin-dependent microelectronic and optoelectronic devices.


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We study the spin-dependent electron transport in a special magnetic-electric superlattice periodically modulated by parallel ferromagnetic metal stripes and Schottky normal-metal stripes. The results show that, the spin-polarized current can be well controllable by modulating the magnetic strength of the ferromagnetic stripes or the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. It is obvious that, to the system of the magnetic superlattice, the polarized current can be enhanced by the magnetic strength of ferromagnetic stripes. Nevertheless, it is found that, for the magnetic-electric superlattice, the polarized current can also be remarkably advanced by the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. These results may indicate a useable approach for tunable spintronic devices. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices is investigated theoretically. The longitudinal magnetoconductivity (MC) in such systems exhibits an oscillating behavior as function of an external magnetic field. In the weak magnetic-field region the giant Zeeman splitting plays a dominant role that leads to a large negative magnetoconductivity. In the strong magnetic-field region the MC exhibits deep dips with increasing magnetic field. The oscillating behavior is attributed to the interplay between the discrete Landau levels and the Fermi surface. The decrease of the MC at low magnetic field is caused by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron in the conduction band and the magnetic ions. The spin polarization increases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and the longitudinal current becomes spin polarized in strong magnetic field. The effect of spin-disorder scattering on MC is estimated numerically for low magnetic fields and found to be neglectible for our system.


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We study the effects of spin accumulation (inside reservoirs) on electronic transport with tunneling and reflections at the gates of a quantum dot. Within the stub model, the calculations focus on the current-current correlation function for the flux of electrons injected into the quantum dot. The linear response theory used allows us to obtain the noise power in the regime of thermal crossover as a function of parameters that reveal the spin polarization at the reservoirs. The calculation is performed employing diagrammatic integration within the universal groups (ensembles of Dyson) for a nonideal, nonequilibrium chaotic quantum dot. We show that changes in the spin distribution determine significant alterations in noise behavior at values of the tunneling rates close to zero, in the regime of strong reflection at the gates.


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Pt nanocontacts, like those formed in mechanically controlled break junctions, are shown to develop spontaneous local magnetic order. Our density functional calculations predict that a robust local magnetic order exists in the atoms presenting low coordination, i.e., those forming the atom-sized neck. We thus find that the electronic transport can be spin polarized, although the net value of the conductance still agrees with available experimental information. Experimental implications of the formation of this new type of nanomagnet are discussed.