931 resultados para Speech Production Measurement


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Advances in digital speech processing are now supporting application and deployment of a variety of speech technologies for human/machine communication. In fact, new businesses are rapidly forming about these technologies. But these capabilities are of little use unless society can afford them. Happily, explosive advances in microelectronics over the past two decades have assured affordable access to this sophistication as well as to the underlying computing technology. The research challenges in speech processing remain in the traditionally identified areas of recognition, synthesis, and coding. These three areas have typically been addressed individually, often with significant isolation among the efforts. But they are all facets of the same fundamental issue--how to represent and quantify the information in the speech signal. This implies deeper understanding of the physics of speech production, the constraints that the conventions of language impose, and the mechanism for information processing in the auditory system. In ongoing research, therefore, we seek more accurate models of speech generation, better computational formulations of language, and realistic perceptual guides for speech processing--along with ways to coalesce the fundamental issues of recognition, synthesis, and coding. Successful solution will yield the long-sought dictation machine, high-quality synthesis from text, and the ultimate in low bit-rate transmission of speech. It will also open the door to language-translating telephony, where the synthetic foreign translation can be in the voice of the originating talker.


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The speech characteristics, oromotor function and speech intelligibility of a group of children treated for cerebellar tumour (CT) was investigated perceptually. Assessment of these areas was performed on 11 children treated for CT with dysarthric speech as well as 21 non-neurologically impaired controls matched for age and sex to obtain a comprehensive perceptual profile of their speech and oromotor mechanism. Contributing to the perception of dysarthria were a number of deviant speech dimensions including imprecision of consonants, hoarseness and decreased pitch variation, as well as a reduction in overall speech intelligibility for both sentences and connected speech. Oromotor assessment revealed deficits in lip, tongue and laryngeal function, particularly relating to deficits in timing and coordination of movements. The most salient features of the dysarthria seen in children treated for CT were the mild nature of the speech disorder and clustering of speech deficits in the prosodic, phonatory and articulatory aspects of speech production.


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The McGurk effect, in which auditory [ba] dubbed onto [go] lip movements is perceived as da or tha, was employed in a real-time task to investigate auditory-visual speech perception in prelingual infants. Experiments 1A and 1B established the validity of real-time dubbing for producing the effect. In Experiment 2, 4(1)/(2)-month-olds were tested in a habituation-test paradigm, in which 2 an auditory-visual stimulus was presented contingent upon visual fixation of a live face. The experimental group was habituated to a McGurk stimulus (auditory [ba] visual [ga]), and the control group to matching auditory-visual [ba]. Each group was then presented with three auditory-only test trials, [ba], [da], and [deltaa] (as in then). Visual-fixation durations in test trials showed that the experimental group treated the emergent percept in the McGurk effect, [da] or [deltaa], as familiar (even though they had not heard these sounds previously) and [ba] as novel. For control group infants [da] and [deltaa] were no more familiar than [ba]. These results are consistent with infants'perception of the McGurk effect, and support the conclusion that prelinguistic infants integrate auditory and visual speech information. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Primary objective: To investigate the nature of the motor speech impairments and dysarthria that can arise subsequent to treatment for childhood mid-line cerebellar tumours (CMCT). Research design: The motor speech ability of six cases of children with CMCT was analysed using perceptual and physiological measures and compared with that of a group of non-neurologically impaired children matched for age and sex. Main outcome and results: Three of the children with CMCT were perceived to exhibit dysarthric speech, while the remaining three were judged to have normal speech. The speech disorder in three of the children with CMCT was marked by deviances in prosody, articulation and phonation. The underlying pathophysiology was linked to cerebellar damage and expressed as difficulty in co-ordinating the motor speech musculature as required for speech production. These deficits were not identified in the three non-dysarthric children with CMCT. Conclusion: Differential motor speech outcomes occur for children treated for CMCT and these are discussed within the realm of possible mechanisms responsible for these differences. The need for further investigation of the risk factors for development of motor speech impairment in children treated for CMCT is also highlighted.


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The present study examined 24 individuals with either complete or incomplete injuries to the cervical spinal cord through the use of standardized assessments of dysarthria and a perceptual rating scale. Perceptual assessment revealed predominantly prosodic and phonatory disturbances, while physical impairments were common in the respiratory and laryngeal subsystems of speech production. A reduction in intelligibility and speaking rate resulted in a diminished communicative effectiveness ratio for most participants. Individuals showed a high degree of variation, with no clear relationship between lesion type and impairments present. Further investigation is required to verify the physiological nature of the respiratory and laryngeal impairments found in the present investigation and to determine the relative contributions of these to the overall presentation of speech and voice post cervical spinal cord injury (CSI).


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This paper discusses methodological issues in the development of a multitiered, phonetic annotation system, intended to capture pronunciation variation in the speech of second language learners and to serve in construction of a data base for training ASR models to recognize major pronunciation variants in the assessment of accented English.


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This paper presents a corpus-based descriptive analysis of the most prevalent transfer effects and connected speech processes observed in a comparison of 11 Vietnamese English speakers (6 females, 5 males) and 12 Australian English speakers (6 males, 6 females) over 24 grammatical paraphrase items. The phonetic processes are segmentally labelled in terms of IPA diacritic features using the EMU speech database system with the aim of labelling departures from native-speaker pronunciation. An analysis of prosodic features was made using ToBI framework. The results show many phonetic and prosodic processes which make non-native speakers’ speech distinct from native ones. The corpusbased methodology of analysing foreign accent may have implications for the evaluation of non-native accent, accented speech recognition and computer assisted pronunciation- learning.


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Aims and Scope: No sound class requires so much basic knowledge of phonology, acoustics, aerodynamics, and speech production as obstruents (turbulent sounds) do. This book is intended to bridge a gap by introducing the reader to the world of obstruents from a multidisciplinary perspective. It starts with a review of typological processes, continues with various contributions to the phonetics-phonology interface, explains the realization of specific turbulent sounds in endangered languages, and finishes with surveys of obstruents from a sociophonetic, physical and pathological perspective.


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Tutkittu yritys on suomalainen maaleja ja lakkoja kansainvälisesti valmistava ja myyvä toimija. Yrityksessä otettiin vuonna 2010 käyttöön uudet tuotannon ja toimitusketjun tavoitteet ja suunnitelmat ja tämä tutkimus on osa tuota kokonaisvaltaista kehittämissuuntaa. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään tuotannon ja kunnossapidon tehokkuuden parantamis- ja mittaustyökalu OEE:tä ja tuotevaihtoaikojen pienentämiseen tarkoitettua SMED -työkalua. Työn teoriaosuus perustuu lähinnä akateemisiin julkaisuihin, mutta myös haastatteluihin, kirjoihin, internet sivuihin ja yhteen vuosikertomukseen. Empiriaosuudessa OEE:n käyttöönoton ongelmia ja onnistumista tutkittiin toistettavalla käyttäjäkyselyllä. OEE:n potentiaalia ja käyttöönottoa tutkittiin myös tarkastelemalla tuotanto- ja käytettävyysdataa, jota oli kerätty tuotantolinjalta. SMED:iä tutkittiin siihen perustuvan tietokoneohjelman avulla. SMED:iä tutkittiin teoreettisella tasolla, eikä sitä implementoitu vielä käytäntöön. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan OEE ja SMED sopivat hyvin esimerkkiyritykselle ja niissä on paljon potentiaalia. OEE ei ainoastaan paljasta käytettävyyshäviöiden määrää, mutta myös niiden rakenteen. OEE -tulosten avulla yritys voi suunnata rajalliset tuotannon ja kunnossapidon parantamisen resurssit oikeisiin paikkoihin. Työssä käsiteltävä tuotantolinja ei tuottanut mitään 56 % kaikesta suunnitellusta tuotantoajasta huhtikuussa 2016. Linjan pysähdyksistä ajallisesti 44 % johtui vaihto-, aloitus- tai lopetustöistä. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että käytettävyyshäviöt ovat vakava ongelma yrityksen tuotannontehokkuudessa ja vaihtotöiden vähentäminen on tärkeä kehityskohde. Vaihtoaikaa voitaisiin vähentää ~15 % yksinkertaisilla ja halvoilla SMED:illä löydetyillä muutoksilla työjärjestyksessä ja työkaluissa. Parannus olisi vielä suurempi kattavimmilla muutoksilla. SMED:in suurin potentiaali ei välttämättä ole vaihtoaikojen lyhentämisessä vaan niiden standardisoinnissa.


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Prominent views in second language acquisition suggest that the age of L2 learning is inversely correlated with native-like pronunciation (Scovel, 1988; Birdsong, 1999). The relationship has been defined in terms of the Critical Period Hypothesis, whereby various aspects of neural cognition simultaneously occur near the onset of puberty, thus inhibiting L2 phonological acquisition. The current study tests this claim of a chronological decline in pronunciation aptitude through the examination of a key trait of American English – reduced vowels, or “schwas.” Groups of monolingual, early bilingual, and late bilingual participants were directly compared across a variety of environments phonologically conditioned for vowel reduction. Results indicate that late bilinguals have greater degrees of difficulty in producing schwas, as expected. Results further suggest that the degree of differentiation between schwa is larger than previously identified and that these subtle differences may likely be a contributive factor to the perception of a foreign accent in bilingual speakers.


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Following an early claim by Nelson & McEvoy suggesting that word associations can display `spooky action at a distance behaviour', a serious investigation of the potentially quantum nature of such associations is currently underway. In this paper quantum theory is proposed as a framework suitable for modelling the mental lexicon, specifically the results obtained from both intralist and extralist word association experiments. Some initial models exploring this hypothesis are discussed, and they appear to be capable of substantial agreement with pre-existing experimental data. The paper concludes with a discussion of some experiments that will be performed in order to test these models.


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New models of human cognition inspired by quantum theory could underpin information technologies that are better aligned with howwe recall information.


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Separability is a concept that is very difficult to define, and yet much of our scientific method is implicitly based upon the assumption that systems can sensibly be reduced to a set of interacting components. This paper examines the notion of separability in the creation of bi-ambiguous compounds that is based upon the CHSH and CH inequalities. It reports results of an experiment showing that violations of the CHSH and CH inequality can occur in human conceptual combination.


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Measures and theories of information abound, but there are few formalised methods for treating the contextuality that can manifest in different information systems. Quantum theory provides one possible formalism for treating information in context. This paper introduces a quantum-like model of the human mental lexicon, and shows one set of recent experimental data suggesting that concept combinations can indeed behave non-separably. There is some reason to believe that the human mental lexicon displays entanglement.