996 resultados para Spectrofluorimetry, Nitrofurans, Kinetics, way, Nonlinear, Chemometrics


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This work is concerned with the numerical solution of the evolution equations of thermomechanical systems, in such a way that the scheme itself satisfies the laws of thermodynamics. Within this framework, we present a novel integration scheme for the dynamics of viscoelastic continuum bodies in isothermal conditions. This method intrinsically satisfies the laws of thermodynamics arising from the continuum, as well as the possible additional symmetries. The resulting solutions are physically accurate since they preserve the fundamental physical properties of the model. Furthermore, the method gives an excellent performance with respect to robustness and stability. Proof for these claims as well as numerical examples that illustrate the performance of the novel scheme are provided


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Las transformaciones martensíticas (MT) se definen como un cambio en la estructura del cristal para formar una fase coherente o estructuras de dominio multivariante, a partir de la fase inicial con la misma composición, debido a pequeños intercambios o movimientos atómicos cooperativos. En el siglo pasado se han descubierto MT en diferentes materiales partiendo desde los aceros hasta las aleaciones con memoria de forma, materiales cerámicos y materiales inteligentes. Todos muestran propiedades destacables como alta resistencia mecánica, memoria de forma, efectos de superelasticidad o funcionalidades ferroicas como la piezoelectricidad, electro y magneto-estricción etc. Varios modelos/teorías se han desarrollado en sinergia con el desarrollo de la física del estado sólido para entender por qué las MT generan microstructuras muy variadas y ricas que muestran propiedades muy interesantes. Entre las teorías mejor aceptadas se encuentra la Teoría Fenomenológica de la Cristalografía Martensítica (PTMC, por sus siglas en inglés) que predice el plano de hábito y las relaciones de orientación entre la austenita y la martensita. La reinterpretación de la teoría PTMC en un entorno de mecánica del continuo (CM-PTMC) explica la formación de los dominios de estructuras multivariantes, mientras que la teoría de Landau con dinámica de inercia desentraña los mecanismos físicos de los precursores y otros comportamientos dinámicos. La dinámica de red cristalina desvela la reducción de la dureza acústica de las ondas de tensión de red que da lugar a transformaciones débiles de primer orden en el desplazamiento. A pesar de las diferencias entre las teorías estáticas y dinámicas dado su origen en diversas ramas de la física (por ejemplo mecánica continua o dinámica de la red cristalina), estas teorías deben estar inherentemente conectadas entre sí y mostrar ciertos elementos en común en una perspectiva unificada de la física. No obstante las conexiones físicas y diferencias entre las teorías/modelos no se han tratado hasta la fecha, aun siendo de importancia crítica para la mejora de modelos de MT y para el desarrollo integrado de modelos de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión. Por lo tanto, esta tesis comenzó con dos objetivos claros. El primero fue encontrar las conexiones físicas y las diferencias entre los modelos de MT mediante un análisis teórico detallado y simulaciones numéricas. El segundo objetivo fue expandir el modelo de Landau para ser capaz de estudiar MT en policristales, en el caso de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión, y en presencia de dislocaciones. Comenzando con un resumen de los antecedente, en este trabajo se presentan las bases físicas de los modelos actuales de MT. Su capacidad para predecir MT se clarifica mediante el ansis teórico y las simulaciones de la evolución microstructural de MT de cúbicoatetragonal y cúbicoatrigonal en 3D. Este análisis revela que el modelo de Landau con representación irreducible de la deformación transformada es equivalente a la teoría CM-PTMC y al modelo de microelasticidad para predecir los rasgos estáticos durante la MT, pero proporciona una mejor interpretación de los comportamientos dinámicos. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones del modelo de Landau en materiales estructurales están limitadas por su complejidad. Por tanto, el primer resultado de esta tesis es el desarrollo del modelo de Landau nolineal con representación irreducible de deformaciones y de la dinámica de inercia para policristales. La simulación demuestra que el modelo propuesto es consistente fcamente con el CM-PTMC en la descripción estática, y también permite una predicción del diagrama de fases con la clásica forma ’en C’ de los modos de nucleación martensítica activados por la combinación de temperaturas de enfriamiento y las condiciones de tensión aplicada correlacionadas con la transformación de energía de Landau. Posteriomente, el modelo de Landau de MT es integrado con un modelo de transformación de difusión cuantitativa para elucidar la relajación atómica y la difusión de corto alcance de los elementos durante la MT en acero. El modelo de transformaciones de desplazamiento y difusión incluye los efectos de la relajación en borde de grano para la nucleación heterogenea y la evolución espacio-temporal de potenciales de difusión y movilidades químicas mediante el acoplamiento de herramientas de cálculo y bases de datos termo-cinéticos de tipo CALPHAD. El modelo se aplica para estudiar la evolución microstructural de aceros al carbono policristalinos procesados por enfriamiento y partición (Q&P) en 2D. La microstructura y la composición obtenida mediante la simulación se comparan con los datos experimentales disponibles. Los resultados muestran el importante papel jugado por las diferencias en movilidad de difusión entre la fase austenita y martensita en la distibución de carbono en las aceros. Finalmente, un modelo multi-campo es propuesto mediante la incorporación del modelo de dislocación en grano-grueso al modelo desarrollado de Landau para incluir las diferencias morfológicas entre aceros y aleaciones con memoria de forma con la misma ruptura de simetría. La nucleación de dislocaciones, la formación de la martensita ’butterfly’, y la redistribución del carbono después del revenido son bien representadas en las simulaciones 2D del estudio de la evolución de la microstructura en aceros representativos. Con dicha simulación demostramos que incluyendo las dislocaciones obtenemos para dichos aceros, una buena comparación frente a los datos experimentales de la morfología de los bordes de macla, la existencia de austenita retenida dentro de la martensita, etc. Por tanto, basado en un modelo integral y en el desarrollo de códigos durante esta tesis, se ha creado una herramienta de modelización multiescala y multi-campo. Dicha herramienta acopla la termodinámica y la mecánica del continuo en la macroescala con la cinética de difusión y los modelos de campo de fase/Landau en la mesoescala, y también incluye los principios de la cristalografía y de la dinámica de red cristalina en la microescala. ABSTRACT Martensitic transformation (MT), in a narrow sense, is defined as the change of the crystal structure to form a coherent phase, or multi-variant domain structures out from a parent phase with the same composition, by small shuffles or co-operative movements of atoms. Over the past century, MTs have been discovered in different materials from steels to shape memory alloys, ceramics, and smart materials. They lead to remarkable properties such as high strength, shape memory/superelasticity effects or ferroic functionalities including piezoelectricity, electro- and magneto-striction, etc. Various theories/models have been developed, in synergy with development of solid state physics, to understand why MT can generate these rich microstructures and give rise to intriguing properties. Among the well-established theories, the Phenomenological Theory of Martensitic Crystallography (PTMC) is able to predict the habit plane and the orientation relationship between austenite and martensite. The re-interpretation of the PTMC theory within a continuum mechanics framework (CM-PTMC) explains the formation of the multivariant domain structures, while the Landau theory with inertial dynamics unravels the physical origins of precursors and other dynamic behaviors. The crystal lattice dynamics unveils the acoustic softening of the lattice strain waves leading to the weak first-order displacive transformation, etc. Though differing in statics or dynamics due to their origins in different branches of physics (e.g. continuum mechanics or crystal lattice dynamics), these theories should be inherently connected with each other and show certain elements in common within a unified perspective of physics. However, the physical connections and distinctions among the theories/models have not been addressed yet, although they are critical to further improving the models of MTs and to develop integrated models for more complex displacivediffusive coupled transformations. Therefore, this thesis started with two objectives. The first one was to reveal the physical connections and distinctions among the models of MT by means of detailed theoretical analyses and numerical simulations. The second objective was to expand the Landau model to be able to study MTs in polycrystals, in the case of displacive-diffusive coupled transformations, and in the presence of the dislocations. Starting with a comprehensive review, the physical kernels of the current models of MTs are presented. Their ability to predict MTs is clarified by means of theoretical analyses and simulations of the microstructure evolution of cubic-to-tetragonal and cubic-to-trigonal MTs in 3D. This analysis reveals that the Landau model with irreducible representation of the transformed strain is equivalent to the CM-PTMC theory and microelasticity model to predict the static features during MTs but provides better interpretation of the dynamic behaviors. However, the applications of the Landau model in structural materials are limited due its the complexity. Thus, the first result of this thesis is the development of a nonlinear Landau model with irreducible representation of strains and the inertial dynamics for polycrystals. The simulation demonstrates that the updated model is physically consistent with the CM-PTMC in statics, and also permits a prediction of a classical ’C shaped’ phase diagram of martensitic nucleation modes activated by the combination of quenching temperature and applied stress conditions interplaying with Landau transformation energy. Next, the Landau model of MT is further integrated with a quantitative diffusional transformation model to elucidate atomic relaxation and short range diffusion of elements during the MT in steel. The model for displacive-diffusive transformations includes the effects of grain boundary relaxation for heterogeneous nucleation and the spatio-temporal evolution of diffusion potentials and chemical mobility by means of coupling with a CALPHAD-type thermo-kinetic calculation engine and database. The model is applied to study for the microstructure evolution of polycrystalline carbon steels processed by the Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) process in 2D. The simulated mixed microstructure and composition distribution are compared with available experimental data. The results show that the important role played by the differences in diffusion mobility between austenite and martensite to the partitioning in carbon steels. Finally, a multi-field model is proposed by incorporating the coarse-grained dislocation model to the developed Landau model to account for the morphological difference between steels and shape memory alloys with same symmetry breaking. The dislocation nucleation, the formation of the ’butterfly’ martensite, and the redistribution of carbon after tempering are well represented in the 2D simulations for the microstructure evolution of the representative steels. With the simulation, we demonstrate that the dislocations account for the experimental observation of rough twin boundaries, retained austenite within martensite, etc. in steels. Thus, based on the integrated model and the in-house codes developed in thesis, a preliminary multi-field, multiscale modeling tool is built up. The new tool couples thermodynamics and continuum mechanics at the macroscale with diffusion kinetics and phase field/Landau model at the mesoscale, and also includes the essentials of crystallography and crystal lattice dynamics at microscale.


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El uso de aritmética de punto fijo es una opción de diseño muy extendida en sistemas con fuertes restricciones de área, consumo o rendimiento. Para producir implementaciones donde los costes se minimicen sin impactar negativamente en la precisión de los resultados debemos llevar a cabo una asignación cuidadosa de anchuras de palabra. Encontrar la combinación óptima de anchuras de palabra en coma fija para un sistema dado es un problema combinatorio NP-hard al que los diseñadores dedican entre el 25 y el 50 % del ciclo de diseño. Las plataformas hardware reconfigurables, como son las FPGAs, también se benefician de las ventajas que ofrece la aritmética de coma fija, ya que éstas compensan las frecuencias de reloj más bajas y el uso más ineficiente del hardware que hacen estas plataformas respecto a los ASICs. A medida que las FPGAs se popularizan para su uso en computación científica los diseños aumentan de tamaño y complejidad hasta llegar al punto en que no pueden ser manejados eficientemente por las técnicas actuales de modelado de señal y ruido de cuantificación y de optimización de anchura de palabra. En esta Tesis Doctoral exploramos distintos aspectos del problema de la cuantificación y presentamos nuevas metodologías para cada uno de ellos: Las técnicas basadas en extensiones de intervalos han permitido obtener modelos de propagación de señal y ruido de cuantificación muy precisos en sistemas con operaciones no lineales. Nosotros llevamos esta aproximación un paso más allá introduciendo elementos de Multi-Element Generalized Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) y combinándolos con una técnica moderna basada en Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) estadístico para así modelar sistemas que contienen estructuras de control de flujo. Nuestra metodología genera los distintos caminos de ejecución automáticamente, determina las regiones del dominio de entrada que ejercitarán cada uno de ellos y extrae los momentos estadísticos del sistema a partir de dichas soluciones parciales. Utilizamos esta técnica para estimar tanto el rango dinámico como el ruido de redondeo en sistemas con las ya mencionadas estructuras de control de flujo y mostramos la precisión de nuestra aproximación, que en determinados casos de uso con operadores no lineales llega a tener tan solo una desviación del 0.04% con respecto a los valores de referencia obtenidos mediante simulación. Un inconveniente conocido de las técnicas basadas en extensiones de intervalos es la explosión combinacional de términos a medida que el tamaño de los sistemas a estudiar crece, lo cual conlleva problemas de escalabilidad. Para afrontar este problema presen tamos una técnica de inyección de ruidos agrupados que hace grupos con las señales del sistema, introduce las fuentes de ruido para cada uno de los grupos por separado y finalmente combina los resultados de cada uno de ellos. De esta forma, el número de fuentes de ruido queda controlado en cada momento y, debido a ello, la explosión combinatoria se minimiza. También presentamos un algoritmo de particionado multi-vía destinado a minimizar la desviación de los resultados a causa de la pérdida de correlación entre términos de ruido con el objetivo de mantener los resultados tan precisos como sea posible. La presente Tesis Doctoral también aborda el desarrollo de metodologías de optimización de anchura de palabra basadas en simulaciones de Monte-Cario que se ejecuten en tiempos razonables. Para ello presentamos dos nuevas técnicas que exploran la reducción del tiempo de ejecución desde distintos ángulos: En primer lugar, el método interpolativo aplica un interpolador sencillo pero preciso para estimar la sensibilidad de cada señal, y que es usado después durante la etapa de optimización. En segundo lugar, el método incremental gira en torno al hecho de que, aunque es estrictamente necesario mantener un intervalo de confianza dado para los resultados finales de nuestra búsqueda, podemos emplear niveles de confianza más relajados, lo cual deriva en un menor número de pruebas por simulación, en las etapas iniciales de la búsqueda, cuando todavía estamos lejos de las soluciones optimizadas. Mediante estas dos aproximaciones demostramos que podemos acelerar el tiempo de ejecución de los algoritmos clásicos de búsqueda voraz en factores de hasta x240 para problemas de tamaño pequeño/mediano. Finalmente, este libro presenta HOPLITE, una infraestructura de cuantificación automatizada, flexible y modular que incluye la implementación de las técnicas anteriores y se proporciona de forma pública. Su objetivo es ofrecer a desabolladores e investigadores un entorno común para prototipar y verificar nuevas metodologías de cuantificación de forma sencilla. Describimos el flujo de trabajo, justificamos las decisiones de diseño tomadas, explicamos su API pública y hacemos una demostración paso a paso de su funcionamiento. Además mostramos, a través de un ejemplo sencillo, la forma en que conectar nuevas extensiones a la herramienta con las interfaces ya existentes para poder así expandir y mejorar las capacidades de HOPLITE. ABSTRACT Using fixed-point arithmetic is one of the most common design choices for systems where area, power or throughput are heavily constrained. In order to produce implementations where the cost is minimized without negatively impacting the accuracy of the results, a careful assignment of word-lengths is required. The problem of finding the optimal combination of fixed-point word-lengths for a given system is a combinatorial NP-hard problem to which developers devote between 25 and 50% of the design-cycle time. Reconfigurable hardware platforms such as FPGAs also benefit of the advantages of fixed-point arithmetic, as it compensates for the slower clock frequencies and less efficient area utilization of the hardware platform with respect to ASICs. As FPGAs become commonly used for scientific computation, designs constantly grow larger and more complex, up to the point where they cannot be handled efficiently by current signal and quantization noise modelling and word-length optimization methodologies. In this Ph.D. Thesis we explore different aspects of the quantization problem and we present new methodologies for each of them: The techniques based on extensions of intervals have allowed to obtain accurate models of the signal and quantization noise propagation in systems with non-linear operations. We take this approach a step further by introducing elements of MultiElement Generalized Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) and combining them with an stateof- the-art Statistical Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) based methodology in order to model systems that contain control-flow structures. Our methodology produces the different execution paths automatically, determines the regions of the input domain that will exercise them, and extracts the system statistical moments from the partial results. We use this technique to estimate both the dynamic range and the round-off noise in systems with the aforementioned control-flow structures. We show the good accuracy of our approach, which in some case studies with non-linear operators shows a 0.04 % deviation respect to the simulation-based reference values. A known drawback of the techniques based on extensions of intervals is the combinatorial explosion of terms as the size of the targeted systems grows, which leads to scalability problems. To address this issue we present a clustered noise injection technique that groups the signals in the system, introduces the noise terms in each group independently and then combines the results at the end. In this way, the number of noise sources in the system at a given time is controlled and, because of this, the combinato rial explosion is minimized. We also present a multi-way partitioning algorithm aimed at minimizing the deviation of the results due to the loss of correlation between noise terms, in order to keep the results as accurate as possible. This Ph.D. Thesis also covers the development of methodologies for word-length optimization based on Monte-Carlo simulations in reasonable times. We do so by presenting two novel techniques that explore the reduction of the execution times approaching the problem in two different ways: First, the interpolative method applies a simple but precise interpolator to estimate the sensitivity of each signal, which is later used to guide the optimization effort. Second, the incremental method revolves on the fact that, although we strictly need to guarantee a certain confidence level in the simulations for the final results of the optimization process, we can do it with more relaxed levels, which in turn implies using a considerably smaller amount of samples, in the initial stages of the process, when we are still far from the optimized solution. Through these two approaches we demonstrate that the execution time of classical greedy techniques can be accelerated by factors of up to ×240 for small/medium sized problems. Finally, this book introduces HOPLITE, an automated, flexible and modular framework for quantization that includes the implementation of the previous techniques and is provided for public access. The aim is to offer a common ground for developers and researches for prototyping and verifying new techniques for system modelling and word-length optimization easily. We describe its work flow, justifying the taken design decisions, explain its public API and we do a step-by-step demonstration of its execution. We also show, through an example, the way new extensions to the flow should be connected to the existing interfaces in order to expand and improve the capabilities of HOPLITE.


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I measured the strength of interaction between a marine herbivore and its growing resource over a realistic range of absolute and relative abundances. The herbivores (hermit crabs: Pagurus spp.) have slow and/or weak functional and numerical responses to epiphytic diatoms (Isthmia nervosa), which show logistic growth in the absence of consumers. By isolating this interaction in containers in the field, I mimicked many of the physical and biological variables characteristic of the intertidal while controlling the densities of focal species. The per capita effects of consumers on the population dynamics of their resource (i.e., interaction strength) were defined by using the relationship between hermit crab density and proportional change in the resource. When this relationship is fit by a Weibull function, a single parameter distinguishes constant interaction strength from one that varies as a function of density. Constant interaction strength causes the proportion of diatoms to fall linearly or proportionally as hermit crab density increases whereas per capita effects that increase with density cause an accelerating decline. Although many mathematical models of species interactions assume linear dynamics and invariant parameters, at least near equilibrium, the per capita effects of hermit crabs on diatoms varied substantially, apparently crossing a threshold from weak to strong when consumption exceeded resource production. This threshold separates a domain of coexistence from one of local extinction of the resource. Such thresholds may help explain trophic cascades, resource compensation, and context-dependent interaction strengths, while indicating a way to predict trophic effects, despite nonlinearities, as a function of vital rates.


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The RNA cleavage reaction catalyzed by the hairpin ribozyme shows biphasic kinetics, and chase experiments show that the slow phase of the reaction results from reversible substrate binding to an inactive conformational isomer. To investigate the structural basis for the heterogeneous kinetics, we have developed an enzymatic RNA modification method that selectively traps substrate bound to the inactive conformer and allows the two forms of the ribozyme-substrate complex to be separated and analyzed by using both physical and kinetic strategies. The inactive form of the complex was trapped by the addition of T4 RNA ligase to a cleavage reaction, resulting in covalent linkage of the 5′ end of the substrate to the 3′ end of the ribozyme and in selective and quantitative ablation of the slow kinetic phase of the reaction. This result indicates that the inactive form of the ribozyme-substrate complex can adopt a conformation in which helices 2 and 3 are coaxially stacked, whereas the active form does not have access to this conformation, because of a sharp bend at the helical junction that presumably is stabilized by inter-domain tertiary contacts required for catalytic activity. These results were used to improve the activity of the hairpin ribozyme by designing new interfaces between the two domains, one containing a non-nucleotidic orthobenzene linkage and the other replacing the two-way junction with a three-way junction. Each of these modified ribozymes preferentially adopts the active conformation and displays improved catalytic efficiency.


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We introduce a model of a nonlinear double-barrier structure to describe in a simple way the effects of electron-electron scattering while remaining analytically tractable. The model is based on a generalized effective-mass equation where a nonlinear local field interaction is introduced to account for those inelastic scattering phenomena. Resonance peaks seen in the transmission coefficient spectra for the linear case appear shifted to higher energies depending on the magnitude of the nonlinear coupling. Our results are in good agreement with self-consistent solutions of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations. The calculation procedure is seen to be very fast, which makes our technique a good candidate for a rapid approximate analysis of these structures.


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Several studies have analyzed discretionary accruals to address earnings-smoothing behaviors in the banking industry. We argue that the characteristic link between accruals and earnings may be nonlinear, since both the incentives to manipulate income and the practical way to do so depend partially on the relative size of earnings. Given a sample of 15,268 US banks over the period 1996–2011, the main results in this paper suggest that, depending on the size of earnings, bank managers tend to engage in earnings-decreasing strategies when earnings are negative (“big-bath”), use earnings-increasing strategies when earnings are positive, and use provisions as a smoothing device when earnings are positive and substantial (“cookie-jar” accounting). This evidence, which cannot be explained by the earnings-smoothing hypothesis, is consistent with the compensation theory. Neglecting nonlinear patterns in the econometric modeling of these accruals may lead to misleading conclusions regarding the characteristic strategies used in earnings management.


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We propose the use of a dispersive medium with a negative nonlinear refractive-index coefficient as a way to compensate for the dispersion and the nonlinear effects resulting from pulse propagation in an optical fiber. The undoing of pulse interaction might allow for increased bit rates.


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This thesis presents the results from an investigation into the merits of analysing Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data in the context of dynamical systems theory. MEG is the study of both the methods for the measurement of minute magnetic flux variations at the scalp, resulting from neuro-electric activity in the neocortex, as well as the techniques required to process and extract useful information from these measurements. As a result of its unique mode of action - by directly measuring neuronal activity via the resulting magnetic field fluctuations - MEG possesses a number of useful qualities which could potentially make it a powerful addition to any brain researcher's arsenal. Unfortunately, MEG research has so far failed to fulfil its early promise, being hindered in its progress by a variety of factors. Conventionally, the analysis of MEG has been dominated by the search for activity in certain spectral bands - the so-called alpha, delta, beta, etc that are commonly referred to in both academic and lay publications. Other efforts have centred upon generating optimal fits of "equivalent current dipoles" that best explain the observed field distribution. Many of these approaches carry the implicit assumption that the dynamics which result in the observed time series are linear. This is despite a variety of reasons which suggest that nonlinearity might be present in MEG recordings. By using methods that allow for nonlinear dynamics, the research described in this thesis avoids these restrictive linearity assumptions. A crucial concept underpinning this project is the belief that MEG recordings are mere observations of the evolution of the true underlying state, which is unobservable and is assumed to reflect some abstract brain cognitive state. Further, we maintain that it is unreasonable to expect these processes to be adequately described in the traditional way: as a linear sum of a large number of frequency generators. One of the main objectives of this thesis will be to prove that much more effective and powerful analysis of MEG can be achieved if one were to assume the presence of both linear and nonlinear characteristics from the outset. Our position is that the combined action of a relatively small number of these generators, coupled with external and dynamic noise sources, is more than sufficient to account for the complexity observed in the MEG recordings. Another problem that has plagued MEG researchers is the extremely low signal to noise ratios that are obtained. As the magnetic flux variations resulting from actual cortical processes can be extremely minute, the measuring devices used in MEG are, necessarily, extremely sensitive. The unfortunate side-effect of this is that even commonplace phenomena such as the earth's geomagnetic field can easily swamp signals of interest. This problem is commonly addressed by averaging over a large number of recordings. However, this has a number of notable drawbacks. In particular, it is difficult to synchronise high frequency activity which might be of interest, and often these signals will be cancelled out by the averaging process. Other problems that have been encountered are high costs and low portability of state-of-the- art multichannel machines. The result of this is that the use of MEG has, hitherto, been restricted to large institutions which are able to afford the high costs associated with the procurement and maintenance of these machines. In this project, we seek to address these issues by working almost exclusively with single channel, unaveraged MEG data. We demonstrate the applicability of a variety of methods originating from the fields of signal processing, dynamical systems, information theory and neural networks, to the analysis of MEG data. It is noteworthy that while modern signal processing tools such as independent component analysis, topographic maps and latent variable modelling have enjoyed extensive success in a variety of research areas from financial time series modelling to the analysis of sun spot activity, their use in MEG analysis has thus far been extremely limited. It is hoped that this work will help to remedy this oversight.


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All-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation are expected to play a major role in future optical communications. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibre have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully exploited potential in optical signal processing. Here, we overview our recent results and advances in developing novel photonic techniques and approaches to all-optical processing based on fibre nonlinearities. Amongst other topics, we will discuss phase-preserving optical 2R regeneration, the possibility of using parabolic/flat-top pulses for optical signal processing and regeneration, and nonlinear optical pulse shaping. A method for passive nonlinear pulse shaping based on pulse pre-chirping and propagation in a normally dispersive fibre will be presented. The approach provides a simple way of generating various temporal waveforms of fundamental and practical interest. Particular emphasis will be given to the formation and characterization of pulses with a triangular intensity profile. A new technique of doubling/copying optical pulses in both the frequency and time domains using triangular-shaped pulses will be also introduced.


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We numerically demonstrate a new fiber laser architecture supporting spectral compression of negatively chirped pulses in passive normally dispersive fiber. Such a process is beneficial for improving the energy efficiency of the cavity as it prevents narrow spectral filtering from being highly dissipative. The proposed laser design provides an elegant way of generating transform-limited picosecond pulses. © 2012 IEEE.


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We propose to apply a large predispersion (having the same sign as the transmission fiber) to an optical signal before the uncompensated fiber transmission in coherent communication systems. This technique is aimed at simplifica- tion of the following digital signal processing of nonlinear impairments. We derive a model describing pulse propagation in the dispersion-dominated nonlinear fiber channel. In the limit of very strong initial predispersion, the nonlinear propagation equations for each Fourier mode become local and decoupled. This paves the way for new techniques to manage fiber nonlinearity.


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The noise properties of supercontinuum generation continue to be a subject of wide interest within both pure and applied physics. Aside from immediate applications in supercontinuum source development, detailed studies of supercontinuum noise mechanisms have attracted interdisciplinary attention because of links with extreme instabilities in other physical systems, especially the infamous and destructive oceanic rogue waves. But the instabilities inherent in supercontinuum generation can also be interpreted in terms of natural links with the general field of random processes, and this raises new possibilities for applications in areas such as random number generation. In this contribution we will describe recent work where we interpret supercontinuum intensity and phase fluctuations in this way.


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We numerically demonstrate a new fiber laser architecture supporting spectral compression of negatively chirped pulses in passive normally dispersive fiber. Such a process is beneficial for improving the energy efficiency of the cavity as it prevents narrow spectral filtering from being highly dissipative. The proposed laser design provides an elegant way of generating transform-limited picosecond pulses. © 2012 IEEE.


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We propose the use of a dispersive medium with a negative nonlinear refractive-index coefficient as a way to compensate for the dispersion and the nonlinear effects resulting from pulse propagation in an optical fiber. The undoing of pulse interaction might allow for increased bit rates.