971 resultados para Spectral phase compensations


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The electronic structure and spectral properties of hexagonal NiS have been studied in the high temperature paramagnetic phase and low temperature anti-ferromagnetic phase. The calculations have been performed using charge self-consistent density-functional theory in local density approximation combined with dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT). The photoemission spectra (PES) and optical properties have been computed and compared with the experimental data. Our results show that the dynamical correlation effects are important to understand the spectral and optical properties of NiS. These effects have been analyzed in detail by means of the computed real and imaginary part of the self-energy.


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Phase diagram studies of succinonitrile-vanillin system show the formation of 2:1 congruent melting type compound. Crystallization velocities of pure components, succinonitrile-vanillin complex, and two eutectics have been determined at different undercoolings. On the basis of heat of fusion measurements, excess thermodynamic functions have been calculated. Microstructural studies revealed that impurities modify the morphology. FTIR spectral studies and computer simulation have shown the existence of hydrogen bonding in the eutectics and the congruent melting compound. On the basis of experimental results, the mechanism of formation of eutectics and its solidification behavior are discussed.


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This work reports a detailed temperature dependent Raman study on the mixed crystals of K-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 (KADA) from 5K to 300K in the spectral range of 60-1200cm(-1), covering tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition accompanied by paraelectric to ferroelectric transition at T-c* similar to 60K. Multiple phase transitions below transition temperature (Tc* similar to 60K) are marked by the appearance of new modes, splitting of existing ones as well as anomalies in the self-energy parameters (i.e. mode frequencies and damping coefficient) of the phonon modes. Temperature independent behaviour of damping coefficient and abrupt jump in the mode frequency of some of the internal vibrations of AsO4 tetrahedra as well as external vibrations clearly signal long range ferroelectric ordering and proton ordering below T-c*. In addition, we observed that temperature dependence of many prominent phonon modes diverges significantly from their normal anharmonic behaviour below T-c* suggesting potential coupling between pseudospins and phonons. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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The 2011 outburst of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624 followed the canonical track of state transitions along with the evolution of quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) frequencies before it began exhibiting various variability classes similar to GRS 1915+105. We use this canonical evolution of spectral and temporal properties to determine the mass of IGR J17091-3624, using three different methods: photon index (Gamma)-QPO frequency (nu) correlation, QPO frequency (nu)-time (day) evolution, and broadband spectral modeling based on two-component advective flow (TCAF). We provide a combined mass estimate for the source using a naive Bayes based joint likelihood approach. This gives a probable mass range of 11.8 M-circle dot-13.7 M-circle dot. Considering each individual estimate and taking the lowermost and uppermost bounds among all three methods, we get a mass range of 8.7 M-circle dot-15.6 M-circle dot with 90% confidence. We discuss the possible implications of our findings in the context of two-component accretion flow.


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Hippocampal pyramidal neurons express an intraneuronal map of spectral tuning mediated by hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated nonspecific-cation channels. Modeling studies have predicted a critical regulatory role for A-type potassium (KA) channels towards augmenting functional robustness of this map. To test this, we performed patch-clamp recordings from soma and dendrites of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons, and measured spectral tuning before and after blocking KA channels using two structurally distinct pharmacological agents. Consistent with computational predictions, we found that blocking KA channels resulted in a significant reduction in resonance frequency and significant increases in input resistance, impedance amplitude and action-potential firing frequency across the somato-apical trunk. Furthermore, across all measured locations, blocking KA channels enhanced temporal summation of postsynaptic potentials and critically altered the impedance phase profile, resulting in a significant reduction in total inductive phase. Finally, pair-wise correlations between intraneuronal percentage changes (after blocking KA channels) in different measurements were mostly weak, suggesting differential regulation of different physiological properties by KA channels. Our results unveil a pivotal role for fast transient channels in regulating theta-frequency spectral tuning and intrinsic phase response, and suggest that degeneracy with reference to several coexisting functional maps is mediated by cross-channel interactions across the active dendritic arbor.


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In the first part of this thesis a study of the effect of the longitudinal distribution of optical intensity and electron density on the static and dynamic behavior of semiconductor lasers is performed. A static model for above threshold operation of a single mode laser, consisting of multiple active and passive sections, is developed by calculating the longitudinal optical intensity distribution and electron density distribution in a self-consistent manner. Feedback from an index and gain Bragg grating is included, as well as feedback from discrete reflections at interfaces and facets. Longitudinal spatial holeburning is analyzed by including the dependence of the gain and the refractive index on the electron density. The mechanisms of spatial holeburning in quarter wave shifted DFB lasers are analyzed. A new laser structure with a uniform optical intensity distribution is introduced and an implementation is simulated, resulting in a large reduction of the longitudinal spatial holeburning effect.

A dynamic small-signal model is then developed by including the optical intensity and electron density distribution, as well as the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density. Expressions are derived for the intensity and frequency noise spectrum, the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, the linewidth enhancement factor, and the AM and FM modulation response. Different chirp components are identified in the FM response, and a new adiabatic chirp component is discovered. This new adiabatic chirp component is caused by the nonuniform longitudinal distributions, and is found to dominate at low frequencies. Distributed feedback lasers with partial gain coupling are analyzed, and it is shown how the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density can result in an enhancement of the differential gain with an associated enhancement in modulation bandwidth and a reduction in chirp.

In the second part, spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked two-section multiple quantum well laser coupled to an external cavity are studied. Broad-band wavelength tuning using an external grating is demonstrated for the first time in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers. A record tuning range of 26 nm is measured, with pulse widths of typically a few picosecond and time-bandwidth products of more than 10 times the transform limit. It is then demonstrated that these large time-bandwidth products are due to a strong linear upchirp, by performing pulse compression by a factor of 15 to a record pulse widths as low 320 fs.

A model for pulse propagation through a saturable medium with self-phase-modulation, due to the a-parameter, is developed for quantum well material, including the frequency dependence of the gain medium. This model is used to simulate two-section devices coupled to an external cavity. When no self-phase-modulation is present, it is found that the pulses are asymmetric with a sharper rising edge, that the pulse tails have an exponential behavior, and that the transform limit is 0.3. Inclusion of self-phase-modulation results in a linear upchirp imprinted on the pulse after each round-trip. This linear upchirp is due to a combination of self-phase-modulation in a gain section and absorption of the leading edge of the pulse in the saturable absorber.


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We investigate the spectra of a femtosecond pulse train propagating in a resonant two-level atom (TLA) medium. it is found that higher spectral components can be produced even for a 2 pi femtosecond pulse train. Furthermore, the spectral effects depend crucially on both the relative shift phi and the delay time tau between the successive pulses of the femtosecond pulse train.


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We experimentally demonstrate the generation of an extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) supercontinuum in argon with a two-color laser field consisting of an intense 7 fs pulse at 800 nm and a relatively weak 37 fs pulse at 400 nm. By controlling the relative time delay between the two laser pulses, we observe enhanced high-order harmonic generation as well as spectral broadening of the supercontinuum. A method to produce isolated attosecond pulses with variable width and intensity is proposed. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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A novel scheme to eliminate the artificial background phase jitter is proposed for measuring the carrier-envelope phase drift of tunable infrared femtosecond pulses from an OPA laser. Different from previous methods, a reference spectral interference measurement is performed, which reveals the artificial phase jitter in the measurement process, in addition to the normal f-to-2f interference measurement between the incident laser pulses and it second harmonic. By analyzing the interference fringes, the accurate CEP fluctuation of the incident pulses is obtained. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America


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An acoustic-optics programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) was first employed to actively control the linearly polarized femtosecond pump pulse frequency chirp for supercontinuum (SC) generation in a high birefringence photonic crystal fiber (PCF). By accurately controlling the second order phase distortion and polarization direction of incident pulses, the output SC spectrum can be tuned to various spectral energy distributions and bandwidths. The pump pulse energy and bandwidth are preserved in our experiment. It is found that SC with broader bandwidth can be generated with positive chirped pump pulses except when the chirp value is larger than the optimal value, and the same optimal value exists for the pump pulses polarized along the two principal axes. With optimal positive chirp, more than 78% of the pump energy can be transferred to below 750 nm. Otherwise, negative chirp will weaken the blue-shift broadening and the SC bandwidth. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We experimentally investigate the evolution of an angularly resolved spectrum of third harmonic generated by infrared femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. We show that at low pump intensity, phase matching between the fundamental and third-harmonic waves dominates the nonlinear optical effect and induces a ring structure of the third-harmonic beam, whereas at high pump intensity, the dispersion properties of air begin to affect the angular spectrum, leading to the formation of a nonlinear X wave at third harmonic.


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We investigate the carrier-wave Rabi flopping effects in an asymmetric semiparabolic semiconductor quantum well (QW) with few-cycle pulse. It is found that higher spectral components of few-cycle ultrashort pulses in the semiparabolic QW depend crucially on the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of the few-cycle ultrashort pulses: continuum and distinct peaks can be achieved by controlling the CEP. Our results demonstrate that by adjusting the CEP of few-cycle ultrashort pulses, the intersubband dynamics in the asymmetric semiparabolic QW can be controlled in an ultrashort timescale with moderate laser intensity. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Spectroscopic investigations of hydrogen-bonding and van der Waals' interactions m molecular clusters were studied by the techniques of infrared predissociation and resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopies (REMPI). Ab initio calculations were applied in conjunction for data interpretation.

The infrared predissociation spectroscopy of CN^-•(H_2O)_n (n = 2 - 6) clusters was reported in the region of 2950 - 3850 cm^(-1). The hydrogen bondings for the C-site and N-site binding, and among the water molecules were identified for n = 2 to 4. A spectral transition was observed for n = 5 and 6, implying that the anion was surface-bound onto the water aggregates in larger clusters.

The infrared predissociation spectroscopy of Br^-•(NH_3) and I^-•(NH_3)_n (n =1-3) clusters was reported in the region of 3050-3450 cm^(-1). For the Br^-•(NH_3) complex, a dominating ionic NH stretch appeared at 3175 cm^(-1), and the weaker free NH stretch appeared at 3348 cm^(-1). The observed spectrum was consistent to the structure in which there was one nearly linear hydrogen bond between Br^- and the NH_3 moiety. For the I^- •(NH_3) complex, five distinct IR absorption bands were observed in the spectrum. The spectrum was not consistent with basic frequency patterns of three geometries considered in the ab initio calculations - complex with one, two and three hydrogen bondings between I^- and the NH_3 moiety. Substantial inhomogenous broadening were displayed in the spectra for I^-•(NH_3)_n (n =2-3), suggesting the presence of multiple isomers.

The REMPI spectroscopy of the bound 4p ^2П 1/2 and ^2П 3/2 states, and the dissociative 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state in the Al•Ar complex was reported. The dissociative spectrum at Al^+ channel suggested the coupling of the 4p ^2П 1/2,3/2 states to the repulsive 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state. The spin-electronic coupling was further manifested in the dissociative Al^+ spectrum of the 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state. Using the potential energy curves obtained from ab initio calculations, a bound → continuum Franck-Condon-intensity simulation was performed and compared with the one-photon 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 profile. The agreement provided evidence for the petturbation above the Al(3d)Ar dissociation limit, and the repulsive character of the 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state.


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Using a omega-3 omega combination scenario, we investigate the absolute phase control of the spectra effects for ultrashort laser pulses propagating in a two-level medium. It is found that the higher spectral components can be controlled by the absolute phases. In particular, different absolute phase combinations can lead to the buildup or split of the even harmonics. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose a technique for dynamic full-range Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography by using sinusoidal phase-modulating interferometry, where both the full-range structural information and depth-resolved dynamic information are obtained. A novel frequency-domain filtering algorithm is proposed to reconstruct a time-dependent complex spectral interferogram from the sinusoidally phase-modulated interferogram detected with a high-rate CCD camera. By taking the amplitude and phase of the inverse Fourier transform of the complex spectral interferogram, a time-dependent full-range cross-sectional image and depth-resolved displacement are obtained. Displacement of a sinusoidally vibrating glass cover slip behind a fixed glass cover slip is measured with subwavelength sensitivity to demonstrate the depth-resolved dynamic imaging capability of our system. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.